Days: Thursday, September 12th Friday, September 13th
Thursday, September 12th
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10:00-13:00 Session MC: COST Action SHiFT-CA21166 Annual Management Committee Meeting
Location: Cardinal Stepinac Hall
13:00-14:00Coffee Break
14:00-14:30 Session OP: Opening of the SHIFT COST Zagreb 2025 Conference
Welcome speeches:
- Zoran Turza, chair of the Conference, Associate Professor, Chair of Theology, Catholic University of Croatia
- Roberto Antolović, PhD., Vice-rector for the Science, Catholic University of Croatia
- Sonja Novak, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia
Location: Cardinal Stepinac Hall
14:30-15:30 Session PS1: Plenary Session Day1
Zoran Turza (Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia)
Location: Cardinal Stepinac Hall
14:30 | Energy and Modern Crises: Problems and Solutions (abstract) PRESENTER: Julije Domac |
15:30-15:50 Session PS: Poster Presentation
15:30 | Participation in Transitions: the Role of Community Engagement and Public Participation in Processes of Change (abstract) PRESENTER: Evan Boyle |
15:40 | Artistic Pedagogy for Climate Resilience: Working at the intersection of the Arts and Education for Sustainable Development (abstract) |
15:50-17:35 Session S1A: Actionable Transformation Part A
Catarina Cadima (CITTA, University of Porto, Portugal)
Location: Cardinal Stepinac Hall
15:50 | Fostering Community Climate Action Through Sport and Leisure (abstract) ![]() |
16:05 | Context of Waste Management, Waste Indicators and Relationship of SDGs and Waste Management; Systematic Literature Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Meetha Ram |
16:20 | Beyond Car-Centred Adultism? Exploring Parental Influences on Children’S Mobility (abstract) PRESENTER: Catarina Cadima |
16:35 | Engagement for Sustainably Transforming Our Society, with a Focus on Climate Change: Review and Case Studies (abstract) PRESENTER: Evan Boyle |
16:50 | Can Digital Fashion Lead to More Sustainable Fashion? (abstract) PRESENTER: Hana Lučić |
17:05 | Youth and Waste Culture: Are They in for a Sustainable Fashion Future? (abstract) PRESENTER: Marta Čagalj |
17:20 | Discussion Actionable Transformation Part A (abstract) |
15:50-17:35 Session S1B: Methods and approaches from within the SAH domain
Sonja Novak (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia)
Location: Lecture Room B 1.1
15:50 | Contemporary German-Speaking Ecodrama - an Agonistic or Consensus Approach? (abstract) |
16:05 | Contribution of Integral Ecology to Just Transition Policy Evaluation Methodologies (abstract) ![]() |
16:20 | Legal Perspectives on Just Transition: Advocacy for Climate Resilience and Societal Change (abstract) |
16:35 | Ecological Education and Wisdom (abstract) |
16:50 | Bio-inspired Design: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Fostering Ecological Empathy (abstract) |
17:05 | Memories for a Sustainable Future: interconnecting communities with their natural heritage (abstract) PRESENTER: Joana Ralão |
17:20 | Discussion on "S1B-Methods and approaches from within the SAH domain" (abstract) |
18:00-20:00Welcome Reception
Friday, September 13th
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09:30-10:30 Session PS2: Plenary Session Day2
Zoran Turza (Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia)
Location: Cardinal Stepinac Hall
09:30 | Flipping the Science?: Biocultural Heritage and Ecological Approaches (abstract) |
10:40-11:55 Session S2A: Actionable Transformation Part B
Maria Bakatsaki (Technical University of Crete, Greece)
Location: Cardinal Stepinac Hall
10:40 | Visioning the Future: Foresight Practices as Catalysts for Actionable Transformation and Societal Change (abstract) |
10:55 | Doughnut Economics: A Tool for Collective Imagination (abstract) |
11:10 | The Role of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Circular, Sustainable and Transformative BioWEconomy (abstract) |
11:25 | Universities as Catalysts for Urban Sustainability and Climate Resilience (abstract) PRESENTER: María Viota |
11:40 | Discussion on Actionable Transformation Part B (abstract) |
10:40-11:55 Session S2B: Give a voice to marginalized groups and future generations
Aet Annist (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Location: Lecture Room B 1.1
10:40 | Preparing, responding and recovering: young people’s stories about the 2017 wildfires in Central Portugal (abstract) |
10:55 | Eyes and Voices on the Street: Marginalized Communities and the Climate Crisis (abstract) |
11:10 | Drops of the Future (abstract) |
11:25 | Climate Change and Public Health: The Critical Role of Health Professionals in Mitigating Risks and Enhancing Resilience (abstract) |
11:40 | Socioeconomic Challenges And Policy Initiatives for Roma and Egyptian Communities In Albania: A Comprehensive Review (abstract) |
11:55 | Discussion on "S2B-Give a voice to marginalized groups and future generations" (abstract) |
12:10-13:10Lunch Break
13:10-14:25 Session S3: Actionable Transformation Part C-MIXED
Larissa Jane H. Houston (Research Center for Climate Law (ClimLaw: Graz), University of Graz, Austria)
Location: Cardinal Stepinac Hall
13:10 | Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement for Climate Resilience through Social Sciences and Humanities (abstract) |
13:25 | Education on Climate Change and Planetary Health: Actionable Transformation for Healthcare Professionals in Global Context (abstract) |
13:40 | Improving Climate Resilience Through Community Lawyering (abstract) |
13:55 | Discussion on "Actionable Transformation-Part C (abstract) |
14:25-15:00Coffee Break