Days: Wednesday, July 17th Thursday, July 18th Friday, July 19th

Wednesday, July 17th

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13:30-14:00 Session 2: Opening Ceremony
  • Welcome from the Conference Chairs
  • Awards and Recognitions

Link to Zoom Video

14:00-16:00 Session 3: A Theoretical and Applied Legacy of Comprehension Research: Walter Kintsch’s contributions to Discourse Processing
Introduction to the Special Session in Honor of Walter Kintsch (abstract)
The Contributions of Walter Kintsch: Cascading Cognitive Science (abstract)
Text Comprehension and the Brain: How Walter Kintsch’s Ideas Influence the Neuroscience of Language (abstract)
Inference Making and Learning from Text via Embodied Situation Models: Extending Kintsch’s Legacy (abstract)
Legacy of Integrating Cognitive and Computational Theory (abstract)
Using the Construction-Integration Model as a Framework for Designing Learning Technologies (abstract)
Audience Discussion of the Special Session in Honor of Walter Kintsch (abstract)
17:15-18:45 Session 5: Poster Session I
Location: Kasbeer Hall
Towards vs. away: Simulating directions in text comprehension (abstract)
PRESENTER: Emily Buchner
Connectives as processing instructions across languages: A replication of Blumenthal-Dramé (2021) (abstract)
PRESENTER: Marian Marchal
The Influence of Task-Related Standards of Coherence on Inferential Processing During Reading (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sarah Carlson
The Commonalities Between Déjà Vu, Involuntary Autobiographical Memories, and Unexpected Thoughts: Investigating Involuntary Thoughts Across the Lifespan (abstract)
Mind-Wandering During First- and Second-Language Reading (abstract)
PRESENTER: Marina Klimovich
Get back on your text: The costs of a mind that wanders early on while reading and listening (abstract)
PRESENTER: Isabelle Tapiero
Investigating the Role of Prior Knowledge in Comprehending Intratextual and Intertextual Relationships when Reading Multiple Texts (abstract)
PRESENTER: Burcu Demir
Exploring Dimensions of Knowledge and Relations to Reading Skill and Course Grades (abstract)
Does single text summarization promote integration across multiple texts? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Carlie Cope
Influence of contextual factors on university students’ task model and relationships between search strategies and search outcome with a search engine (abstract)
PRESENTER: Mylene Sanchiz
Identifying Patterns of Epistemic Behavior in an Online Inquiry Task (abstract)
PRESENTER: Jasmine Kim
Evaluating for source trustworthiness when reading PSYCINFO search results to complete an academic task in an undergraduate psychology course (abstract)
Exploring a discipline-specific approach to teaching introductory psychology (abstract)
PRESENTER: M. Anne Britt
I can read, but when do iSTART building knowledge? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Micah Watanabe
Reading by Sight or Sound: Examining Undergraduates’ Expository Text Comprehension Between Text Modalities (abstract)
PRESENTER: Ali Fulsher
Do Children Process and Perceive Paper and Digital Texts Differently? An Investigation of the Shallowing Hypothesis with Elementary-School Children (abstract)
Written, audio or video feedback: Examining the role of instructor audiovisual presence on students’ feedback perceptions, review, and performance (abstract)
PRESENTER: Ignacio Mañez
Cultural Learning of Metacognition: Evidence from Blind Individuals (abstract)
Learners' metacognitive sensitivity to the benefits of retrieval practice and multimedia (abstract)
Effects of interrupting tasks on text comprehension: does self-regulation matter? (abstract)
Adult literacy students’ utility value of improving their writing skills (abstract)
PRESENTER: Daphne Greenberg
Changes to the AP African American Studies Curriculum: A Natural Language Processing Investigation (abstract)
PRESENTER: Joseph Burey
Supporting Informed Voting Through Simplifying Information about Complex Ballot Measures (abstract)
PRESENTER: Kathryn McCarthy
Analyzing Source-Based Writing Proficiency: A Holistic Approach Using NLP Algorithms (abstract)
PRESENTER: Xingchen Xu
19:30-22:00 Fireworks Cruise

Ticketed event. Arrive at Wendella departure dock, 400 S. Michigan, by 7:30pm.

Thursday, July 18th

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08:00-08:30Coffee and Breakfast Items (Beane Hall, 13th floor)
08:30-09:30 Session 6A: Validation and Use of Inaccurate Information
Supportively beneficial or convincingly problematic? Effects of supporting contexts on the use of (in)accurate information (abstract)
Reading Medium and Epistemic Emotions in the Continued Influence Effect of Misinformation (abstract)
Only Time Will Tell: Duration-based Consequences of Single Exposures to Inaccurate Information (abstract)
PRESENTER: Josie Holohan
The role of prior beliefs in the validation of true and false claims on socio-scientific issues (abstract)
PRESENTER: Tobias Richter
08:30-09:30 Session 6B: Multilingual Dimensions
Culture is Not Destiny, for Reading: Highlighting Variable Routes to Literacy within Writing Systems (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lindsay Harris
A Hard Nut to Crack?: Examining Idiom Processing in Across U.S.-Based and International College Students (abstract)
PRESENTER: Eleanor Fang Yan
Exploring the Tapestry of Multilingual Thought: Visual and Verbal Dimensions of Reading (abstract)
PRESENTER: Püren Öncel
Multilingual text comprehension (abstract)
09:45-10:45 Session 7A: Conspiracies, Refutations, and Monitoring
Reducing People’s Reliance on Inaccurate Social Media Posts with Refutation-Based Responses (abstract)
PRESENTER: Claire Mason
Exploring the Effects of Off-task Thought during Reading of Refutation Texts (abstract)
When in Doubt, Read it Again: Effects of (Metacognitive) Reading Behavior on the Comprehension of Expository Texts (abstract)
PRESENTER: Catharina Tibken
Reading conspiracy claims and other epistemically suspicious statements: Evidence from eye tracking (abstract)
PRESENTER: Johanna Kaakinen
09:45-10:45 Session 7B: Reading and Individual Differences
Recognizing more words while reading a novel: An experiment among upper elementary school children (abstract)
PRESENTER: Zuowei Wang
Motivation Unveiled: Understanding Thresholds in College Students' Literacy Assessment Performance (abstract)
Gaining a Deeper Understanding of the Deep Cloze Reading Comprehension Test: Examining Potential Contributors and Consequences (abstract)
The Trait-Like Nature of Bridging and Instrument Inference Processes in Younger and Older Adults: An Individual Differences Study (abstract)
11:00-11:45 Session 8A: Devices and Formats
Should You Really Chat While Reading? Effects of On-Device Multitasking and Disfluency on Integrated Understanding (abstract)
The Impact of Presentation and Prior Knowledge on the Place-on-a-Page Effect (abstract)
PRESENTER: R. Lane Adams
Digital vs. Print Reading: Highlighting and Readers’ Working Memory Promote Learners’ Epistemic Emotions and Comprehension Differently (abstract)
PRESENTER: Angelica Ronconi
11:00-11:45 Session 8B: Automated Discourse Analysis
Beyond Readability: Using Multidimensional Linguistic Analyses to Compare Simplified Versions of Texts to their Originals (abstract)
PRESENTER: Amanda Jensen
Comparing Human- and AI-coded Think Aloud Protocols and Analyses: Faster and Better? (abstract)
Predicting Headline Sharing with Linguistic Features Using Machine Learning (abstract)
12:00-14:00 Session 9: Special Lunchtime Event

In this lunchtime session, students and collaborators of Walter Kintsch will share a mix of personal reflections and thoughts about Walter’s influence on the field of discourse processing. The speakers who will gather in Chicago represent the breadth of Walter’s interests and influence on research and the academic community including Morton Gernsbacher, Isabel Tapiero, Bob Rehder, Charles Fletcher, Susan Goldman, Charles Weaver, Art Graesser, and Eileen Kintsch, with a bonus remote contribution from Teun van Dijk.

Link to Zoom Video


Regents Lobby, 16th floor (abstract)
Reflections on the Life and Work of Walter Kintsch (abstract)
PRESENTER: Michael Wolfe
14:00-14:45 Session 10A: Cohesion and Complexity
From Text Cohesion to Code Cohesion: Preliminary Research (abstract)
PRESENTER: Rina Harsch
To Be Complex or Not to Be Complex? Exploring the Influence of Text Complexity on Middle Schoolers' Comprehension of Science Texts (abstract)
PRESENTER: Amanda Dahl
Multitasking During Reading: Comparisons Between Younger and Older Adults (abstract)
PRESENTER: Wienke Wannagat
14:00-14:45 Session 10B: Argumentation and Persuasion
Elaboration of Beliefs Does not Influence Belief Change or Awareness of it (abstract)
PRESENTER: Michael Wolfe
Promoting Chinese Adolescents’ Argumentative Thinking: Different Effects of Collaborative Reasoning and Direct Instruction (abstract)
Can Brief Narratives Change Readers’ Minds About Consequential Choices? Maybe Not (abstract)
15:00-16:00 Session 11A: Multiple Document Comprehension
Different Paths to Quality: How Prompts Affect Readers’ Constructed Responses (abstract)
Improving multiple-text comprehension in secondary school: An integrated intervention for Sourcing and Intertextual Integration (abstract)
PRESENTER: Christian Tarchi
Assisting primary school students in writing arguments from multiple sources (abstract)
PRESENTER: Raquel Cerdan
Predictors of Multiple Document Comprehension Among Third-Grade Students with Reading Difficulties (abstract)
15:00-16:00 Session 11B: Discourse Markers and Relations
Can gestures speak louder than words? Signaling discourse relations in multi-modal communication (abstract)
PRESENTER: Merel Scholman
What processing instructions do connectives provide? Modeling the facilitative effect of the connective (abstract)
PRESENTER: Marian Marchal
Deep Pragmatic Reasoning Guides Perspective Computations in Discourse (abstract)
PRESENTER: Tiana V. Simovic
Does the use of non-orthographic gender-fair forms impair the readability of texts? Insights from an eye-tracking study (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lisa Zacharski
17:15-18:45 Session 13: Poster Session II
Location: Kasbeer Hall
Testing the Generalizability of Source Expertise and Vested Interest Influences on Retraction Believability (abstract)
Source Credibility is Considered Primarily in the Validation of Somewhat Implausible Sentences (abstract)
PRESENTER: Andreas Wertgen
Conspiracy Theory Belief: The Role of Metaphors and Individual Differences (abstract)
Can instructions help people to remember accurate and disregard inaccurate information they’ve just read? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Mandy Withall
How do “AI-generated” labels influence the truthiness of textual information? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Tanner Grubbs
The Influence of Source Familiarity on Judgments of Misconception Accuracy (abstract)
PRESENTER: Varun Athilat
The role of source expertise and its textual frequency in memory for explanations (abstract)
PRESENTER: Rina Harsch
The Contributions of Intellectual Humility to Metamemory for Sources of Multiple Conflicting Claims on the Internet (abstract)
PRESENTER: Taylor Clark
Feelings about Fossils: Reflections of Affect and Scientific Literacy in Elementary Students’ Written Responses (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sarah Siemers
The role of caregivers’ verbal and non-verbal input during book reading in 2-year-old Spanish-English bilinguals’ vocabulary skills (abstract)
Developmental and Regional Differences in Scaffolded Science Learning (abstract)
The Effects of Seductive Details on Emotions and Recall for Scientific Misconceptions (abstract)
PRESENTER: Mike Mensink
Irrelevant Information in Geometric Word Problem (abstract)
Can group discussion in Collab-ITS promote students’ learning of science and math practices? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Jessica Owens
Does Group Size Matter for Classroom Discourse? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lena Hildenbrand
Encouraging Students to Select Effective Learning Strategies (abstract)
PRESENTER: Kaya Easley
Analogies in Geology Textbooks may Create Illusions of Understanding (abstract)
The effect of generalizations on reading and listening comprehension (abstract)
Discourse marker predictions in reading are not lexical (abstract)
PRESENTER: Merel Scholman
Exploring Differences in Bridging Inferences Across Media Through Eye-Tracking Using Eye-Tracking (abstract)
PRESENTER: Virginia Troemel
“Frog, don’t do that!”: An exploration of the impact of media on comprehension and participation in narrative experiences (abstract)
The Influence of Narrative Modality on the Coherence of Mental Models (abstract)
Are literariness and identification related to the processing and aesthetic experience of short fiction? (abstract)
PRESENTER: William Levine
Inferring Character Emotions During Text Comprehension: A Negativity Bias in Both Cerebral Hemispheres (abstract)
Friday, July 19th

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08:00-08:30Coffee and Breakfast Items (Regents Lobby, 16th floor)
09:30-10:30 Session 15A: Sourcing and Evaluation
Why are some scientists considered to be credible? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Victoria Johnson
Navigating the Digital Seas: The Crucial Role of Social Cognition in Source-Based Critical Evaluation (abstract)
Using Automated Scoring Methods to Predict Students’ Critique Generation When Learning From Multiple Texts (abstract)
PRESENTER: Alexandra List
Effectiveness of a Peer-based Tutoring Intervention to Promote Freshmen Evaluation of Information Sources (abstract)
PRESENTER: Martina Capurro
09:30-10:30 Session 15B: Interpretation of Meaning
The Impact of Textual Valence: Insights from Reward Devaluation Theory (abstract)
Misunderstanding stance in tweets (abstract)
PRESENTER: Rebecca Dolgin
Representing and Remembering Text Paraphrases: A Phantom Recollection Analysis (abstract)
PRESENTER: Murray Singer
The Click of Comprehension (abstract)
PRESENTER: Taylor Miller
10:45-12:00 Session 16A: Comprehension
Does Combining Self-Explanation and Retrieval Practice(s) Improve Delayed Comprehension Test Performance? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Scott Hinze
Impact of motivation on 6th graders' reading comprehension: the mediating role of the task model (abstract)
PRESENTER: Delphine Oger
Improving Comprehension with Training on Question Types (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lena Hildenbrand
Understanding the metacognitive effects of viewing versus generating drawings (abstract)
PRESENTER: Allison Jaeger
Evaluating iSTART’s Effectiveness in Enhancing Reading Comprehension and Knowledge Acquisition (abstract)
PRESENTER: Megan Imundo
10:45-12:00 Session 16B: Narratives and Characters
The usefulness of a multilevel procedure of discourse analysis in determining the characteristics of discourse production in healthy aging and their relation to attention and inhibitory control (abstract)
The Role of Analogy in Taking a Character’s Perspective (abstract)
PRESENTER: Peter Dixon
Person-Resilient Outcomes: When Bad Guys Deserve Good Fortune (abstract)
PRESENTER: Richard Gerrig
The Role of Emotional Valence and Arousal in Perceived Memory Recall of Serialized Television Narratives (abstract)
Swearing in the Spotlight: A Social Network Approach to Examine Patterns in Movie Characters’ Taboo Language Use (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lauren Flynn
20:00-23:59 Session 17: Remote Posters (Note: date and time is only a placeholder. Links/emails are provided for asynchronous viewing/commenting.)
Conception of Task Instructions: The Role of Reading Goals on Multiple-Text Reading (abstract)
PRESENTER: Bailing Lyu
The Effect of Pre-Reading Task Instructions on Reading Comprehension: A Systematic Review (abstract)
PRESENTER: Bailing Lyu
Lexical Sophistication, Reading Strategies, and Reading Comprehension (abstract)
PRESENTER: Daniel Feller
Coming or going? Exploring deictic perspective shift (abstract)
The role of source evaluation in promoting source memory, critical thinking and reading comprehension (abstract)
PRESENTER: Habiba Bouali
Fans of SARA: Exploring reading skill profiles of at-risk college students (abstract)
PRESENTER: John Sabatini
The relation of foundational skills to comprehension in adolescent readers (abstract)
PRESENTER: John Hollander
Introducing a Measure of Fictionality Knowledge (abstract)
Causal Connectivity and Note-taking in the Comprehension of Spoken and Written Discourse about HIV Health Education by Chilean College Students (abstract)
PRESENTER: Jazmín Cevasco
The role of tasks in the comprehension of multiple texts: a scoping review (abstract)
What can the text of international trade agreements tell us about fluctuations in the global trade regime? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Stephen Skalicky
How pictures influence the automatic validation process and the awareness of inconsistencies (abstract)
PRESENTER: Pauline Frick
Preparing for the post-truth era: Does teacher-led training on epistemic strategies increase 7th & 8th graders’ resilience against online misinformation? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Philipp Marten
Assessing comprehension of satirical discourse through one-word descriptions: Can less be more? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Stephen Skalicky
Cognitive and dialogic analyses of discourse development and intersubjectivity (abstract)
Assessing College Students’ Argument Evaluation Skills (abstract)