This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
academic discourse | |
academic language | |
action language | |
Adolescents | |
adult learners | |
Adult Literacy | |
Adult readers | |
Adults | |
Adults with Intellectual Disability | |
Affect and emotion | |
Age Groups | |
aging | |
Ahmad Tibi | |
anaphor | |
animation | |
anxiety | |
argument | |
Argument Evaluation | |
argument reading | |
argument representation | |
argument types | |
Argumentation | |
argumentative talk | |
argumentative text comprehension | |
arousal | |
Assessment | |
attention and executive function | |
attitude change | |
authoring tools | |
autism spectrum disorder | |
automated text classification | |
B | |
backfire effect | |
Background Knowledge | |
Bayesian | |
beginner readers | |
Behavioral engagement | |
belief consistency | |
belief revision | |
Bilingualism | |
Biography | |
blog | |
body posture | |
brain imaging | |
C | |
Category | |
causal inferencing | |
causal text markers | |
Centrality | |
childhood vaccines | |
Children | |
clarification | |
classroom | |
classroom interaction | |
classroom talk | |
clause order | |
Clause packaging | |
Co-development | |
Cognitive Abilities | |
cognitive processes | |
cognitive strategies in writing | |
Coh-Metrix | |
Coherence | |
Coherence monitoring | |
Coherence relations | |
Coherent mental text representation | |
Coherent/Incoherent Paradigm | |
cohesion | |
collaboration | |
collaborative group work | |
collaborative learning | |
Collaborative problem solving | |
college students | |
Comics | |
Communication | |
Complex syntax | |
Comprehensibility | |
comprehension | |
Comprehension Model | |
Comprehension of multiple texts | |
Comprehension Proficiency | |
compuational linguistic analysis | |
computational linguistics | |
computer-mediated collaboration | |
conceptual change | |
conceptual misalignment | |
confirmatory factor analysis | |
connectives | |
context model | |
controversiality | |
conversation | |
conversation analysis | |
Conversational speaking | |
Coreference | |
Corpus Analysis | |
corpus linguistics | |
corroboration | |
Credibility | |
Critical Discourse Analysis | |
Critical thinking | |
Crossed random-effects items response modelling | |
Crowdsourcing | |
cues | |
cultural differences | |
Cultural Linguistics | |
cultural transmission | |
culture | |
D | |
decision making | |
Demographics | |
dependency analysis | |
development | |
development feature | |
dialect | |
dialogic discussion | |
Dialogue | |
Digital Literacy | |
digital text | |
digitized reading | |
direct and indirect effects | |
directed forgetting | |
disability status | |
disadvantaged students | |
disciplinary literacy | |
Disclosure | |
discourse | |
discourse comprehension | |
discourse focus | |
discourse level | |
Discourse processing | |
discrepancy | |
Discussion | |
Discussion-based instruction | |
Distributed Practice | |
doctor-patient communication | |
Dunning-Kruger effect | |
E | |
Early Reading | |
Editing | |
Educational Texts | |
EEG | |
EFL reading | |
elaborated feedback | |
Elaborations | |
Elaborative Feedback | |
elaborative information processing | |
Elaborative interrogation | |
electronic word-of-mouth | |
embodied language comprehension | |
Embodiment | |
emotion | |
emotional reactions | |
emotions | |
Emotions in Text | |
empathy | |
engagement | |
epistemic beliefs | |
Epistemologies | |
ERP | |
ESL | |
essay type | |
evaluation | |
Executive Function | |
Executive functions | |
Explanation | |
Expository discourse | |
expository science text | |
expository text | |
Expository texts | |
eye movements | |
eye tracking | |
eye-tracking | |
eyetracking | |
F | |
Fact checking | |
False balance | |
feedback | |
Figurative language | |
first-mention | |
flexibility | |
fMRI | |
forensics | |
Formula Scoring | |
functional magnetic resonance imaging | |
Functional Reading | |
future challenges | |
G | |
Gaze | |
gender differences | |
Gender Roles | |
gender stereotypes | |
genre | |
genre analysis | |
Grammar and Syntax | |
Group communication analysis | |
group interaction | |
H | |
Headings | |
Highlighting | |
highlighting item format | |
Holocaust remembrance | |
Hong Kong | |
humor | |
Hypertext | |
I | |
imagery | |
Implicit causality | |
Inaccurate information | |
inconsistencies | |
Individual Difference | |
Individual differences | |
inference | |
inference from the verb | |
inference making | |
Inference Processes | |
inferences | |
Inferencing | |
instructional discourse | |
Integrating Reading and writing instructions | |
Integration | |
intelligent tutoring systems | |
Interest | |
interpretation | |
Intervention | |
interview | |
Interviewing | |
intrinsic Motivation | |
irony | |
J | |
joint problem space | |
judgment | |
K | |
knowledge monitoring | |
knowledge revision | |
knowledge-based inference | |
KReC | |
L | |
L2 Reading | |
Landscape Model | |
language and cognitive skills | |
language comprehension | |
language development | |
Language Instruction | |
Language Processing | |
language production | |
Language Variation | |
large scale assessment | |
Latent Class Analysis | |
Latent Profile Analysis | |
latent semantic analysis | |
Learning | |
learning from expository text | |
learning strategies | |
learning to read | |
Less-skilled Comprehenders | |
lexical level | |
lifestyle identities | |
linguistic aspect | |
linguistics | |
listening comprehension | |
Literacy | |
Literary narratives | |
literature | |
log data | |
low performing readers | |
luxury property advertising | |
M | |
Macropropositions | |
Mahmoud Darwish | |
Marginalia | |
Math | |
Mathnavi | |
memory | |
mental simulation | |
Meta-analysis | |
Metacognition | |
metacomprehension | |
metadiscourse | |
metaphor | |
mind wandering | |
miscommunication | |
misconceptions | |
misinformation | |
misunderstanding | |
Motivation | |
move structure | |
multi-modal neuroimaging | |
multimodal critical discourse analysis | |
Multiple Document Comprehension | |
Multiple document literacy | |
multiple text comprehension | |
Multiple Text Processing | |
multiple texts | |
mutual awareness | |
N | |
narrative | |
narrative analysis | |
Narrative comprehension | |
narrative persuasion | |
Narrative speaking | |
narrative text | |
narrative transportation | |
Narrativity | |
native English learners | |
Natural Language Processing | |
network analysis | |
neural signatures | |
neuroimaging | |
nominal metaphor | |
non-epistemic beliefs | |
O | |
Offline Processes | |
on-line reading | |
online | |
Online inferences | |
online measures | |
online processes | |
oral language | |
Overhearing | |
P | |
Paragraph reading | |
Paraphrases | |
Patriarchal Structures | |
Personal Anecdotes | |
Perspective | |
perspective-taking | |
perveived competence | |
Physiological measures | |
picture comprehension | |
Plausibility | |
plausibility judgements | |
poetry | |
police stories | |
Political Identity | |
preservice teaching | |
Primary Education | |
primary school | |
primary school children | |
Primary School Textbook | |
prior knowledge | |
proactive interference | |
procedural text | |
processing | |
pronoun resolution | |
psychosis | |
public policy | |
public understanding of science | |
Q | |
Question-answering | |
Questioning | |
R | |
Readability | |
Reader Profiles | |
Reading | |
Reading Behaviour | |
reading competence | |
Reading Comprehension | |
reading development | |
Reading habit | |
reading interventions | |
reading literacy | |
Reading medium | |
Reading motivation | |
reading patterns | |
Reading Proficiency | |
Reading profiles | |
Reading Skill Test | |
reading strategies | |
reading strategy training | |
Reading Systems Framework | |
reading time | |
reading to learn | |
recall | |
refutation | |
refutation text | |
Refutation texts | |
register | |
Relative clauses | |
Relevance | |
relevance instructions | |
repair | |
Repetition effects | |
Rereading | |
research application | |
resonance | |
Retention Interval | |
Rhetorical strategies | |
rhyme | |
Rumi | |
S | |
Sarcasm | |
scaffolding | |
Schema | |
school textbooks | |
Science learning | |
Science texts | |
scientific conflict | |
Scientific Literacy | |
scientific tentativeness | |
second language | |
second language acquisition | |
self-explanation | |
Self-explanations | |
semantic judgments | |
Semantic network | |
semantic processing | |
Semantic similarity | |
sentence recognition | |
Simple View of Reading | |
social roles | |
socialness | |
Socio-scientific issues | |
socioscientific issues | |
software tool | |
source credibility | |
source evaluation | |
source information | |
source memory | |
Sourcing | |
sourcing information | |
Spacing Effect | |
special education needs | |
Standards of Coherence | |
statistical analysis | |
story | |
story-map reading instruction | |
storytelling | |
Structure building | |
Struggling Readers | |
Students' evaluations of arguments | |
students’ writings | |
survey | |
syntactic complexity | |
Syntactic dependencies | |
T | |
Target Audience | |
Task | |
task model | |
task processing | |
teaching experience/praxis | |
technology-based reading assessment | |
temporal lobe | |
temporal order | |
Test of written-composition | |
Test Performance | |
text analysis | |
text appraisal | |
text characteristics | |
text coherence | |
text comprehensibility | |
text comprehension | |
text genre | |
Text representation | |
text simplification | |
Text structure | |
text structures | |
text understanding | |
Text-Based Explanatory Modeling | |
text-based inference | |
Texts | |
theoretical framework section | |
theory of mind | |
therapeutic relationship | |
think-aloud | |
think-alouds | |
Time Pressure | |
Topic interest | |
Topic knowledge | |
Topical knowledge | |
training | |
transfer | |
transportation | |
trust | |
trustworthiness evaluation | |
U | |
Undergraduate Students | |
Understandability | |
updating | |
V | |
valence | |
Validation | |
Validation Process | |
verbal irony | |
Videomediated Communication | |
virtual internships | |
visual attention | |
visual search | |
Visual world experiment | |
visualization | |
visuo-orthographic processing | |
Vocabulary intervention | |
W | |
Word problems | |
word-reading assessment | |
Word-to-text Integration | |
working memory | |
writing | |
writing Intervention | |
writing literacy | |
writing quality | |
Written language | |
“ | |
“Why” questions |