Olena Pavlyk
Affiliation: Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
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Program for Thursday, May 13th

1.First name and Surname

Olena Pavlyk

2.Date of birth (Y/M/D)




4.Contact information

+38(096) 34-63-422

5.Position/Field of scientific specialization

Ph.D, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education;

Development of speech of primary students of NUS by means of modern educational technologies, linguodidactic preparation of future primary school teachers in the conditions of reforming primary education

6.Place of work (name/address/phone/fax.)

Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical University, Department of primary school,  Head of the Department of Primary Education

Tel: +3 (056) 470-13-34

        +38(050) 961-66-70

Fax: +3 (056) 470-13-68


Ukraine, 03143, Kryvyi Rih, 54 Gagarina aven.,

7.Work experience

24 years


  • Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of training teacher by elementary school. specialty: Primary education and music education, 1992-1997;
  • Сourses of learning language in improving Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing academically from Trinity Western University Langley, British Columbia, Canada at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University. 04-22 July, 2016. Certificate from 22 July 2016.
  • Advanced training courses "Information and communication technologies in distance-distance (combined) training" (term of study: 29.03.2017 - 24.05.2017, 108 hours) (IP certificate No. 40787802 / 18-17 from 31.05.2017)
  • International Science and Pedagogical Internship Courses of learning language in improving Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing academically from Trinity Western University Langley, British Columbia, Canada at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University. 10-28 July, 2017. Certificate from 28 July 2017.
  • Swiss-Ukrainian project "Development of Civic Competences in Ukraine - DOCCU" at the course "Formation of Civic Competences in Future Primary School Teachers", certificate of master trainer № 22052018-51 dated May 22, 2018.
  • "School of English + Internship for Educators" (West Finland College in Guittenin (Finland) in collaboration with the Institute for International Academic and Scientific Cooperation (IIASC) Certificate of Science Internship in the EU10 - 108 .2018; Certificate   19102018/37 on B2 level of English proficiency from 10/19/2018.)
  • Training for educational experts in assessing the professional competences of primary school teachers during their certification (January 15-16, 2019, Kyiv)
  • Training "Developing Civic Competence of New Ukrainian School Students: The First Cycle of Primary School" (February 21-22, 2019, Kyiv)
  • Training "Workshop on Critical Thinking" prof. I.Homenko (May 20-22, 2019, Kryvyi Rih) Certificate
  • Online Course for Elementary School Teachers (MES of Ukraine, EdEra). Certificate (60 hours, 2 credits). Date of issue: 09.06.2019
  • Training courses for pedagogical staff in accordance with the concept of the New Ukrainian School (MES of Ukraine, Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education). Period: 03/06/2019 - 08/06/2019 Certificate # 1568 (90 hours, 3 credits). Date of issue: 08.06.2019
  • Training course for teachers of higher education institutions "Pedagogy of elementary school: Finnish experience" in accordance with the NUS concept with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine within the framework of the Ukrainian-Finnish project "Learning Together". Volume: 3 ECTS credits. the duration of the trainings is September 23, 2019 - September 26, 2019, Kyiv. Certificate dated 26.09.19, registration number 3.
  • "Teaching Skills Training" at the KSPU within the framework of the project "Strengthening Teaching and Learning at Ukrainian Universities", organized by the public organization Higher Education and the Saxon Center for Teaching and Training in Higher Education in Leipzig, Germany. Volume: 5 ECTS credits (108 hours), period: 29/10/2019 - 01/11/2019
  • Public organization "EdCamp Ukraine", April 13-17, 2020, Professional development program for teaching staff Anti-crisis national online-EdCamp 2020 school now and in the "world after" form - full, view - conference in EdCamp format, in areas: innovativeness, lifelong learning, the use of information, communication and digital technologies in the educational process, 28_years (0.93 ECTS credit), CERTIFICATE No. oEU 2020 / _2334 dated 17.04.2020r
  • Embassy of Sweden in Kiev, Representative Office of the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine, PA "EdCamp of Ukraine", PA "GIAC" KRONA ", October 17-24, 2020, Training program" Create non-discriminatory educational content ", certificate.
  • Agency for Innovation and Professional Development "Edu Travel Agency", Minsk, November 20-26, 2020, International online seminar "Models of inclusive education in foreign countries" on the SKLAD online platform, certificate.
  • Agency for Innovation and Professional Development "Edu Travel Agency", Minsk, March, 11 – 25, 2021, International online internship "Primary school of the 21st century. Foreign practices» on the SKLAD online platform, certificate.
  • "Development of the system of ensuring academic integrity in an educational institution" in remote form (22.03.2021 - 26.03.2021, Sumy State University, 1 ECTS credit (30 hours).

9.Research experience

A comparative analysis of the system of professional training of future primary school teachers is carried out. The leading directions of modernization of higher pedagogical education in the conditions of NUSh are determined. Perspective types of work of teachers of higher pedagogical educational institutions are being developed in order to increase the professional training of the future elementary school teacher. The components of linguo-didactic competence of the future elementary school teacher are distinguished.

Participation in the implementation of the Ukraine-Finnish project «Learning Together», Finland’s Support to the Ukrainian School Reform (86501357/UHA2017-003305) (contract FCG / 4 p 10.02.2020 по 31.12.2020).

Participation in the examination of the assessment of the professional competencies of certification participants (order of the State Service for the Quality of Education of Ukraine dated 01.04.2019, No. 01-11).

Participation in the work of the working group on the development of a training program for experts to study the practical experience of participants in the certification of teachers (order of the State Service for the Quality of Education in Ukraine dated 06/12/2020 No. 01-11 / 6-a).

Participation in the examination of educational programs of general secondary education in 2020 (order of the State Service for the Quality of Education in Ukraine dated 01.07.2020 No. 01-11 / 26).

Performing the functions of scientific supervisor of the scientific topic of the Department of Primary Education "Formation of key and subject competencies by means of modern educational technologies."

10.Scientific publications

  1. Pavlyk Ol., Bilokonna N., Lysevych O. Modernization of the professional training of a future teacher of a modern primary school. Modernization of the professional training of a future teacher of a modern primary school. Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», 2020. P. 252-272.
  2. Pavlyk O.A., Bilokonna N.I., Lysevych O.V. Professional training of a specialist in primary education in the new realities. Ukrainian pedagogical journal. 2020.№4.
  3. Pavlyk O.A., Lysohor L.P., Kharlamova T.B. Scientific and methodological assessment of the quality of a modern textbook as an indicator of the professional competence of an NUS teacher. Psychological and pedagogical problems of the modern school. 2020.№2 (4).
  4. Pavlyk OA, Lysohor LP. Strategies for training a teacher of a new formation. Problems of Pedagogical Education: European and National Dimension: Materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference (October 12-15, 2020) / Under. Ed. V.Z.Antonyuk, Lutsk FOP Ivanyuk V.P., 2020.P.161-164.Pavlyk O.A. Formation of media competence of younger students by means of BYOD technology [methodical manual] / О.А.Павлик, В.В.Куцуруба. - Кривий Ріг: ДВНЗ КДПУ, 2019. - 104 с. (4,7 д.а).
  5. Pavlyk O.A. Formation of communicative competence of students of 2nd grade by means of BYOD technology in lessons of literature [methodical manual] / О.А.Павлик, О.А.Сорока. - Кривий Ріг: ДВНЗ КДПУ, 2019. - 89 с. (4 д.а.) .
  6. Pavlyk O.A. Formation of media competence of junior students by means of web-quests [methodical manual] / О.А.Павлик, Є.О.Ємельянцева. - Кривий Ріг: ДВНЗ КДПУ, 2019. - 103 с. (4,7 д.а.).
  7. Pavlyk O.A. Continuity in the formation of linguistic personality of a child of preschool and primary school age [methodological manual] / О.А.Павлик, Н.С.Пиріжок. - Кривий Ріг: ДВНЗ КДПУ, 2019. - 52 с. (2.36 д.а.).
  8. Pavlyk O.A. Modernization of modern elementary school teacher training in terms of competency education // Формування ключових і предметних компетентностей засобами сучасних освітніх технологій: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 90-річчю Криворізького державного педагогічного університету та 60-річчю психолого-педагогічного факультету (спеціальності Початкова освіта) [Кривий Ріг, 21 листопада 2019 р.]/ Міністерство освіти і науки України, Криворізький державний педагогічний університет. – Кривий Ріг: КДПУ. – 409 с. – C.30-33.
  9. Pavlyk O.A. Modern realities and perspective directions of the educational reform "New Ukrainian School" // Інклюзивна освіта як індивідуальна траєкторія особистісного зростання дитини з особливими освітніми  потребами  :  збірник  матеріалів  ІІІ  Всеукраїнської  науково-практичної  конференції  з міжнародною участю (м. Вінниця, ВДПУ імені Михайла Коцюбинського, 28 листопада – 01 грудня 2019 р.) / редкол.:  О. П. Демченко,  О. В. Шикиринська, А. В. Хіля,  Т. Д. Сіваш, М.В. Горбачова  ;  за  заг.  ред. О. П. Демченко. Вінниця, 2019. Вип. 2.
  10. Pavlyk O.A. All Ukrainian language lessons. Grade 11. 2nd semester New Program (All Lessons Series) / Є.П. Голобородько, К.Ю. Голобородько, С.В. Мунтян, І.А. Бондаренко [навч.-метод. посібник]. - Х. : Вид. група «Основа», 2019. - 220 с. (14 у.д.а.)
  11. Pavlyk O.A. Linguodidactic preparation of future primary school teachers for the development of pupils' speech in the context of educational reform // Актуальні проблеми педагогічної освіти: європейський і національний вимір: Матеріали ІV Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю (28-29 травня 52019 року) / за заг. ред.  А.В.Лякішевої. – Луцьк: ПП Іванюк В.П., 2019.- С.198-200.
  12. Pavlyk O.A. We are professionally growing in constant collaboration // Початкова школа. – 2019. – №7. – С.2.
  13. Pavlyk O.A. Mobile technologies as a means of speech development for younger students //Нові концепції викладання у світлі інноваційних досягнень європейської дидактики вищої школи. / Матеріали міжнародної науково-методичної конференції 30-31 жовтня 2017р. – К.: КПУ ім.. М.П.Драгоманова, 2017.
  14. Pavlyk O.A. Modern language and literary reading lessons in elementary school: Guidelines / І.А. Кравцова, Н.І. Білоконна, О.А. Павлик, –Кривий Ріг: КПІ, 2017. – 64с.
  15. Pavlyk O.A. Modern Technologies for Studying the Languages and Literature Sector in Primary Classes: Guidelines /Н.І. Білоконна, О.А. Павлик. - Кривий Ріг: КПІ, 2016. – 54с.
  16. Pavlyk O.A. Formation of creative personality of the future elementary school teacher in the context of university education //Початкова школа. - 2015. -№10. – С.29-31.