This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
# | |
#biodata | |
#co-creativity | |
#EEG | |
#inclusion | |
#telematics | |
#transdisciplinarity | |
3 | |
3D audio | |
3D music | |
3D panorama | |
3d sound | |
A | |
accessibility | |
accessible sonification | |
acousmatic | |
Acousmatic music | |
acoustic | |
acoustic ecology | |
Acoustic immersion | |
acoustic impedance | |
acoustic resonance | |
acoustmatic | |
ACUZ-Lite | |
adaptive music auralisation | |
Adjustable soundpost | |
aerophones | |
affective computing | |
African Music | |
Algorithmic Composition | |
algorithmic music | |
Algorithmic Pattern | |
Ambisonic | |
ambisonics | |
ambisonics spatialization | |
Analogue modular synthesis | |
Analysis of Variance | |
Analysis Software | |
animation | |
Art installation | |
artist collaboration | |
artistic and technological methodologies | |
Arts technology | |
assistive technology for music pedagogy | |
attack wave | |
Audience engagement | |
Audio | |
audio augmented reality | |
audio effect | |
audio features | |
Audio programming | |
audio representation learning | |
audio set | |
Audio Spatialisation | |
Audio Synthesis | |
audio to midi | |
audio-to-score synchronization | |
audio-visual | |
Audiotactile | |
audiovisual | |
Audiovisual trajectories | |
auditory phonetics | |
Augmented listening | |
Augmented music content | |
Augmented Reality | |
autoencoder | |
automatic accompaniment system | |
automatic assessment of tone quality | |
Automatic Music Generation | |
automatic music performance assessment | |
automatic music transcription | |
Automatic score generation | |
AutoVC | |
B | |
bass trombone | |
bicycle and electronics | |
biharmonic operator | |
Body motion | |
Boundary detection | |
Bowed string | |
bowed string instruments | |
Bowed strings | |
Brass instrument | |
brazilian music | |
breadth | |
C | |
centrality | |
cents | |
Chaos | |
chaotic synthesis | |
Choral performance | |
choro | |
citation | |
classical singing | |
Clustering | |
Cochlear Implant | |
Cochlear Implant Music | |
collaboration | |
Collaborative Instruments | |
Collision Threshold Pressure | |
color association with music | |
color psychology | |
community | |
Comparison | |
compiler | |
complexity | |
Composing like Gesualdo | |
composition | |
computational musicology | |
Computer aided composition | |
computer music | |
Computer Music Analysis | |
Computer music languages | |
concatenative synthesis | |
conditional branching | |
conditional random fields | |
Conditioned Deep Neural Network | |
constrained interfaces | |
contrastive learning | |
coupled oscillators | |
crest factor | |
cultural associations | |
D | |
Daddy Lumba | |
Daisy Seed | |
dance sonification | |
data-driven | |
data-driven music interfaces | |
DDPM | |
Dead Language | |
deep hanging out | |
Deep Learning | |
Delay | |
demodulated phase | |
Design Process | |
design requirements for Parkinson patients | |
Diffusion model | |
digital image correlation | |
Digital Lutherie | |
Digital Musical Instrument Design | |
Digital Musical Instruments | |
digital synthesis | |
disentanglement | |
Distributed DSP | |
dj | |
dmi | |
DNA | |
DSP | |
DTW | |
Dub Delay | |
Dynamic | |
dynamical systems | |
dynamics | |
Dízi | |
E | |
ECG | |
eeg | |
efficient numerical schemes | |
EGG | |
elastic properties | |
Electro Smith | |
Electroacosutic Music | |
Electroacoustic music | |
electronics | |
Embedded systems | |
embodiment | |
emotion | |
emotion communication | |
Energy awareness | |
energy consumption | |
entrainment | |
Entropy | |
expansion | |
Experimental Sound Performance | |
expression detection | |
expressive music playing | |
eye tracking | |
F | |
F0 estimation | |
Faust | |
FDTD methods | |
feature extraction | |
feedback | |
feedback technology | |
Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings | |
Field recording | |
FiLM Conditioning | |
filterbank | |
finite difference method | |
finite difference schemes synthesis | |
finite element | |
fixed media | |
Flute | |
folk dance | |
folk music | |
Formants | |
FPGA | |
free-reed instrument | |
French language | |
friction modelling | |
Friction models | |
fundamental frequency | |
G | |
Gaussian mixture modeling | |
gaze interaction | |
Generative Adversarial Networks | |
Generative model | |
Generative Models | |
generative music | |
generative sound synthesis | |
genres | |
gesture interaction | |
Ghana | |
glitch | |
global warming | |
Granular Synthesis | |
graph | |
Guettler diagram | |
H | |
harpsichord | |
hearing impairments | |
helical spring vibrations | |
Highlife | |
hit song prediction | |
HRTF | |
I | |
idiophones | |
IEEE 1599 | |
iko sonible | |
immersive audio | |
Implication-Realization Model | |
IMU | |
installation | |
installation art | |
Instrument-Making | |
intelligibility | |
interactive art | |
Interactive Aural Analysis | |
Interactive installation | |
Interactive music | |
Interactive score editor | |
interactive sound | |
inverse method | |
J | |
Jitter | |
K | |
kantele | |
Kirchhoff thin plate equation | |
L | |
latent regressor loss | |
lattice Boltzmann method | |
LDA | |
legato | |
legato articulation | |
Light art | |
Linear A | |
Linux | |
lip contacting | |
Live Coding | |
live elecronics | |
live electronic music | |
live electronics | |
Live performance | |
longitudinal | |
loudness variation | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
machine listening | |
Max | |
measurement and analysis toolbox | |
meditation | |
Melodic Contour Identification | |
Melodic expectation | |
Melody segmentation | |
Menopause | |
Microcontroller | |
Micromotion | |
microphone calibration | |
Microtonal | |
MIDI 2.0 | |
MIDI monitoring | |
MIDI Velocity Estimation | |
modal analysis | |
modal formulation | |
modal synthesis | |
mode grouping | |
Modes | |
modular | |
Montage | |
motion capture | |
mouthpiece | |
MuBu for Max | |
multi-agent based systems | |
multi-channel | |
Multi-projections | |
multichannel | |
multichannel system array | |
multimedia | |
Multimedia performance | |
multimodality | |
Multisensory | |
museum installation | |
music | |
music analysis | |
music and dance performance | |
music composition | |
music in VR | |
music information processing | |
music information retrieval | |
music performance | |
Music production | |
music source association | |
music symbolic scores | |
music technology design | |
Music Theory | |
music visualization | |
musical acoustics | |
Musical AI | |
musical attention control training | |
musical fingering | |
musical instrument design | |
musical systems | |
musicology | |
N | |
Networked Audio | |
neural network | |
neural networks | |
non-invasive measurement | |
non-iterative schemes | |
nonlinear dissipation | |
nonlinear plate dynamics | |
note segmentation | |
Note-level Loudness Estimation | |
Numerical Analysis | |
numerical methods | |
numerical modelling | |
numerical simulation | |
O | |
object-based music auralisation | |
On stage acoustics | |
Online Database | |
onset detection | |
open-source MATLAB implementation | |
orchid music | |
ordinal classification | |
organology | |
P | |
participatory performance | |
participatory planning | |
PCA | |
Perception | |
perception-based auralisation | |
percussion | |
performance | |
performance parameter | |
Phonation Threshold Pressure | |
photovoltaic system | |
Physical interfaces | |
physical modeling | |
physical modelling | |
piano performance | |
Piano Performance Visualization | |
Piano-roll | |
Pianoforte modeling | |
pitch contour segmentation | |
plate reverb | |
playing gestures | |
Playing test | |
plucked instruments | |
plucked string | |
plucking point estimation | |
polska | |
Polyphonic Accompaniment Generation | |
popularity prediction | |
post-acousmatic | |
programming language | |
psychoacoustics | |
public space | |
Pulse Spreading Harmonic Complex | |
Q | |
quadriplegia | |
qualitative inquiry | |
R | |
radio transmission | |
real-time | |
real-time and interactive system | |
real-time DSP | |
real-time simulation | |
reciprocity | |
Recurrence | |
reed | |
Reed Instrument | |
Reed woodwind instrument | |
reflection | |
Reinforcement learning | |
Research Methods | |
Respiration | |
retail | |
Rhythm | |
Rhythmic interaction | |
robotics | |
RTcmix | |
S | |
saxophone | |
Scales | |
Schelleng diagram | |
Score auto-completion | |
score following | |
Segmentation | |
self organizing music | |
Self-built Instrument | |
self-supervised learning | |
Semantic Differential Method | |
serious games for neurologic music therapy | |
servicescape | |
Sheng (mouth-organ) | |
Signal Acquisition | |
Signal Processing | |
SIMD intrinsics | |
singer education | |
singer identity embedding network | |
Singing | |
singing voice acoustics | |
singing voice conversion | |
Singing voice profiling | |
single reed | |
single-reed instrument | |
site-specific | |
Software | |
software musical interface | |
sonic agents | |
sonic interaction | |
Sonic interaction design | |
sonification | |
Sound art | |
sound collections | |
sound design | |
Sound Effects | |
sound installation | |
Sound of material | |
sound radiation | |
sound recording field measurement | |
sound scene analysis | |
Sound Sculpture | |
sound spatialisation | |
Sound Synthesis | |
sound visualization | |
Soundpost position adjustment | |
soundscape | |
soundscape composition | |
source-filter interaction | |
Spatial Audio | |
spatial music | |
Spatialisation | |
SpecSinGAN | |
spectral analysis | |
spectral cresting | |
spectral recomposition | |
spectral VRP | |
spectrum balance | |
spectrum slope | |
speech analysis | |
Speech enhancement | |
Speech processing | |
Speech-Language pathology | |
spring reverberation tanks | |
static music auralisation | |
stradivari | |
strobe tuner | |
surround sound | |
survey | |
synchronization | |
synchronous data flow | |
T | |
Tangible Interfaces | |
Tapping interface | |
teaching and pedagogy | |
technology enhanced music learning | |
tempo | |
temporality | |
text-to-speech | |
timbre conversion | |
timbre identification | |
time perception | |
titian | |
Togetherness | |
traditional instrument | |
traditional music and dance | |
training | |
transversal bending | |
trombone valve | |
trumpet performance | |
U | |
updateable | |
V | |
valued-voice profiling | |
Vertical music | |
Vibration | |
vibrato | |
Vibrotactile enhancement | |
Video art | |
violin | |
Violin perception | |
Violin plates vibration | |
Virtual acoustics | |
Virtual choir | |
virtual reality | |
virtual-analog | |
visions | |
Visual Programming | |
visualization | |
Vocal synthesis | |
vocal tract | |
Vocoder | |
Vocoding | |
Voice | |
Voice mapping | |
vowel clarity | |
VTMI | |
W | |
war | |
Wave Field Synthesis | |
web app | |
Web audio | |
web audio API | |
Web Audio Sonification Toolkit | |
Web MIDI API | |
Web programming | |
WebAudio API | |
webaudioxml | |
Whisper | |
Whisper-To-Speech | |
X | |
XR | |
XR art | |
Y | |
young voices | |
Z | |
zither |