This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(de)centralization | |
A | |
access to health care | |
Access to healthcare | |
Accountability | |
ACE | |
Add Health | |
added worker effect | |
Administrative burdens | |
administrative data | |
Ageing | |
Aging | |
agriculture | |
air pollution | |
Allowance for corporate equity | |
anchoring vignettes | |
announcement effect | |
Anti-corruption measures | |
anti-poverty | |
Assegno Unico e Universale | |
Assessment | |
Asset Prices | |
Assimilation | |
Asymmetric information | |
Autochthonous African state formation through fission | |
B | |
bargaining | |
bequest | |
Black Death | |
Brand premium | |
Breast cancer | |
C | |
campaign contributions | |
cancer | |
Capital | |
Cash transfers | |
Causal Forests | |
CGE | |
CGE-Modelling | |
chaos | |
Child Labor | |
child mobility | |
Childcare Policies | |
cigarette consumption | |
CIT | |
Climate change | |
Climate Policy | |
Collective action | |
Consolidation in the public health systems | |
constraints on the executive | |
contraception | |
Coping Mechanisms | |
Corporate taxation | |
corruption | |
Cost efficiency | |
Counterfactual analysis | |
counterfactual decomposition | |
COVID-19 | |
COVID-19 digital certificate | |
COVID-19 green pass | |
Covid-19 immunization campaign | |
COVID-19 vaccine | |
Crediti di imposta | |
crime | |
CTI | |
Cultural distance | |
Cultural Economics | |
Cultural policies | |
cultural transmission | |
Culture | |
D | |
decrees | |
delegation | |
Descrete choice experiment | |
diagnosis | |
Diff-in-disc | |
Difference in Difference | |
Difference in differences | |
difference-in-difference analysis | |
Difference-in-Differences | |
difference-in-discontinuity | |
Digital economy | |
Disability Insurance | |
disasters | |
discrete choice experiment | |
Discretionary fiscal policy | |
Dissimilarity | |
Distributional effect | |
dynamic microsimulation | |
E | |
Early railways | |
early-retirement | |
Earthquake | |
Earthquakes | |
ecology impact | |
economic crises | |
Economic Development | |
Economic history | |
Economic impact | |
Economic insecurity | |
Economic Preferences | |
Education Policy | |
Education quality | |
educational mismatch | |
effetti distributivi | |
effetto redistributivo | |
efficiency | |
efficienza | |
EITC | |
election | |
Elections | |
Electoral Rules | |
Employment | |
Energy poverty | |
entrepreneurship | |
environmental crime | |
Environmental policies | |
Environmental policy | |
EQ-5D | |
Equality of opportunit | |
Equality of opportunity | |
equity holdings | |
equità | |
Estates | |
EU funds | |
Euro-insurance bonds | |
Event study | |
Event study design | |
Evolutionary dynamics | |
exogenous determinants of welfare | |
experiment | |
Experimental economics | |
experiments | |
External commissioner | |
External Reference Pricing | |
F | |
factor-decomposition | |
Female politicians | |
Female representation | |
Fertility intentions | |
Fertility Transition | |
Field experiment | |
Financial Recovery Plan | |
Firm performance | |
Fiscal | |
fiscal capacity | |
Fiscal Decentralization | |
Fiscal discipline | |
Fiscal disparity | |
Fiscal policy | |
Fiscal pro-cyclicality | |
Fiscal rules | |
Fiscal stability | |
Fitfor55 | |
Flat tax reform | |
Flessibilità nel pensionamento | |
fundraising | |
G | |
Games and Economics | |
gender | |
Gender bias | |
gender gap | |
Gender gaps | |
Gender Stereotypes | |
gender violence | |
Gender-based violence | |
General Equilibrium Model | |
General equilibrium modelling | |
Generic Competition Paradox | |
Gini index | |
Global games | |
Government | |
Government Expenditures | |
Government spending | |
Green consumerism | |
Green Economy | |
Green monetary policies | |
GVAR | |
H | |
Health | |
Health care | |
Health Care Appropriateness | |
Health inequalities | |
health inequality | |
health outcomes | |
health policy | |
health shocks | |
Health-wealth trade-off | |
Healthcare decentralization | |
Healthcare policy | |
Healthcare Workers | |
Heterogeneity | |
hierarchical models | |
high school dropout | |
Historical Family Principles | |
HOPIT model | |
Household Heterogeneity | |
Human capital | |
hurdle model | |
I | |
Immigration | |
Impact Evaluation | |
Incentivi alla Ricerca e Sviluppo | |
income and wealth distribution | |
income distribution | |
income inequality | |
income mobility | |
incumbent re election | |
Inequality | |
Inflation | |
informal care | |
Informal Economy | |
Information disparity | |
iniquità orizzontale | |
instability | |
institutional analysis | |
institutional quality | |
Institutions | |
Instrumental Variables | |
Intelligence | |
inter-generational transfers | |
Inter-municipal cooperation | |
interest rate | |
Intergenerational educational inequality | |
intergenerational mobility | |
intergenerational transmission | |
internal migration | |
International comparisons | |
Intimate partner violence | |
Intra-household allocations | |
Investment | |
Investment incentive | |
Irpef | |
Italian municipalities | |
Italian NHS | |
Italian provinces | |
Italian regions | |
Italy | |
Italy history | |
J | |
Justifications for Violent Behaviours | |
K | |
Kindergarten Education | |
L | |
Lab-in-the-field experiment | |
labor demand | |
labor market | |
Laboratory experiment | |
Labour Economics | |
labour market | |
Labour market deregulation | |
labour supply | |
Language distance | |
Leviathan governments | |
lexicographic replies | |
life cycle | |
Local | |
Local centralization | |
local fiscal policy | |
Local Health Authorities | |
Local Health Authorities and Departments | |
local news markets | |
Local policies | |
local political budget cycle | |
local voting behaviours | |
long term care | |
long-term projections | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Macro-micro approach | |
Macroeconomic forecasts | |
Mafia infiltration | |
managerial incentives | |
matching methods | |
maternity risk | |
Media freedom | |
media slant | |
Median Voter | |
Medieval Venice | |
mental health | |
Mental Wellbeing | |
Microsimulation | |
Migration | |
Military expenditure | |
MIMIC approach | |
minimum wage | |
Misalignment of incentives | |
Missing Rich | |
Mobility | |
Monetary Policy | |
Monopolistic competition | |
Moral preferences | |
mortality | |
Mortality effects | |
Mortality rates | |
multicriteria analysis | |
Multidimensional inequality | |
multipliers | |
Municipal merger | |
municipal services | |
municipal tax distribution | |
N | |
Nation-Building | |
National Identity | |
Natural | |
natural disaster | |
Natural Disasters | |
neighborhoods | |
Network analysis | |
Nudging | |
O | |
Occupational Choice | |
OECD Regions | |
offerta di lavoro | |
Online experiment | |
Optimistic Misperception | |
order-preserving function | |
orderings | |
Organized crime | |
Organized screening programs | |
over-dispersion | |
overeducation | |
overhead aversion | |
P | |
panel data | |
parental background | |
parental smoking behaviour | |
Parents' investment | |
parent–adult child relationship | |
Pareto Disribution | |
Partisan politics | |
Patent box | |
patient mobility | |
pension reform | |
Pensioni | |
pensions | |
people's perceptions | |
Perceptions of Domestic Violence | |
pharmaceutical regulation | |
physical activity | |
Physical violence | |
Physicians’ behaviour | |
PLEASE NOTICE: this paper is eligible for the NERI SESSION | |
polarization | |
Policy | |
Policy evaluation | |
policy intervention | |
political accountability | |
political economy | |
Political extremism | |
political influence | |
Political legislation cycles | |
political payoff | |
political preferences | |
Political Responses | |
political selection | |
political transparency | |
politics | |
Population change | |
Population dynamics | |
Populism | |
Potential accessibility | |
Power structure | |
preference votes | |
Prima | |
Private firm | |
Procurement | |
Product differentiation | |
progressività | |
Promotion | |
psychological game theory | |
Public enterprise | |
public hospitals | |
Public procurement | |
Public-private partnerships | |
Q | |
quality of healthcare | |
Quantile regression | |
Quantity-Quality Tradeoff | |
questionnaire experiment | |
Quota 100 | |
Quota 102 | |
R | |
Railway regulation | |
RDD | |
Reagan | |
Real Estate markets | |
real estate tax | |
Recovery plans | |
Recycling schemes | |
redistribution | |
redistributive effect | |
Redistributive taxation | |
Regression discontinuity design | |
regulation spillovers | |
Religiosity | |
Rent appropriation | |
Rent seeking through public revenue surplus appropriation | |
rent sharing | |
reporting heterogeneity bias | |
retirement | |
Riforme pensionistiche | |
Risk aversion | |
Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey | |
S | |
School Attendance | |
SDG17 | |
seasonal-flu | |
Secession | |
Second-Generation Immigrants | |
Seconda | |
Sequential dominance | |
Shadow Economy | |
sharp regression kink design | |
single-group ITSA | |
smoking ban | |
social capital | |
social cohesion | |
social contacts | |
Social mobility | |
social protection systems | |
Spatial analysis | |
Spatial Econometrics | |
Spatial regimes | |
spending | |
Spesa pensionistica | |
spillover effects | |
Spillovers | |
state dependence | |
State formation through internal exit | |
State scope as a population maximization problem | |
stated preference | |
stay-at-home order | |
Strategic complementarity | |
Structural Equation Modeling | |
Structural estimation | |
Subsidies | |
switching endogenous regression model Uganda | |
Synthetic Difference-in-Differences | |
T | |
Tax avoidance | |
Tax competition | |
Tax credit | |
Tax evasion | |
Tax Evasion and Avoidance | |
tax gap | |
Tax havens | |
Tax morale | |
Tax Policy | |
tax progressivity | |
Tax revenues | |
Tax treatment of losses | |
Taxation | |
Taxpayers' mobility | |
tax‐benefit microsimulation modelling | |
Technocratic government | |
Term-limit | |
Terza | |
text as data | |
theoretical model | |
threshold public goods | |
Tourism | |
Tpping point | |
transfers | |
transparency | |
Trust Game | |
U | |
undereducation | |
unemployment | |
UNESCO World Heritage | |
United Kingdom | |
Unobserved heterogeneity | |
V | |
vaccination | |
Vat | |
Vertical Dierentiation | |
Violence | |
voter turnout | |
voters behavior | |
voting | |
Voting behaviour | |
Voting systems | |
Vulnerability | |
W | |
wage inequality | |
Wage share | |
waiting times | |
Wars | |
waste fee | |
waste management | |
wealth | |
Wealth Distribution | |
Wealth inequality | |
wealth mobility | |
wealth-income ratio | |
weighted attrubutes | |
White List | |
Willingness to pay | |
women’s participation in education | |
workers careers | |
World Health Survey | |
Y | |
Yardstick competition | |
young adults | |
Z | |
zero inflation |