Days: Thursday, September 15th Friday, September 16th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Speakers: A. Mecozzi (Prorector of the University of L'Aquila), R. Levaggi (President of the Italian Society of Public Economics - SIEP), N. Fiorino (Chair of the local organizer committee)
09:15 | Tax progressivity under strategic delegation (abstract) |
09:35 | Are physicians more risk-lovers in monetary domain? An assessment using laboratory and field data (abstract) |
09:55 | Is redistribution driven by politicians' or voters' preferences? An experimental study with French local politicians (abstract) |
10:15 | Coordinating Donations via an Intermediary: The Destructive Effect of A Sunk Overhead Cost (abstract) |
09:15 | EU Money and Mayors: Does Cohesion Policy affect local electoral outcomes? (abstract) |
09:35 | Fiscal decentralization and income (re)distribution in OECD countries’ regions (abstract) |
09:55 | Inter-municipal cooperation between rent-seeking administrators in the presence of fiscal and institutional disparities (abstract) |
10:15 | Intermunicipal cooperation in Italy: a panel analysis disaggregated by service (abstract) |
09:15 | When Women Take All: Direct Election and Female Leadership (abstract) |
09:35 | Monitoring Open List Systems: Does Panachage Backfire on Women? (abstract) |
09:55 | Issue salience and women’s performance: understanding US elections through Google Trends (abstract) |
09:15 | Breast cancer screening programs, diagnoses, targeting and mortality in Europe. (abstract) |
09:35 | Is Transparency a Free Lunch? Evidence from the Italian Local Health Authorities (abstract) |
09:55 | Visiting Parents in Times of COVID-19: the Impact of Parent-adult Child Contacts on the Psychological Health of the Elderly (abstract) |
10:25 | Health Outcomes of Educational Mismatch in Russia: Does Reporting Heterogeneity Matter? (abstract) |
09:15 | A Corporate Income Tax Microsimulation Model for Italy (abstract) |
09:35 | Gli incentivi fiscali alla Ricerca e Sviluppo in Italia (abstract) |
09:55 | Assessing the Impact of the Italian Allowance for Corporate Equity: A Machine Learning Approach (abstract) |
09:15 | Incentivi agli investimenti: un’analisi del credito di imposta nel mezzogiorno (abstract) |
09:35 | Bank lending policies and green transition (abstract) |
09:55 | Green Consumerism and Firms’ Environmental Behaviour under Monopolistic Competition: A Two-sector Model (abstract) |
09:15 | Municipal budget cycle in Italy: Evidence of mayors’ opportunistic behavior (abstract) |
09:35 | Do green parties affect local environmental outcomes in Italy? (abstract) |
09:55 | How does longer horizon in power affect policy choices? Evidence from a term limit extension in Italy (abstract) |
10:15 | Stop invasion! The electoral tipping point in anti-immigrant voting (abstract) |
09:15 | Is the Green Pass Effective in Boosting COVID-19 Vaccinations?\\ A comparison between Italy and Spain. (abstract) |
09:35 | The willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 in Italy: a discrete choice experiment (abstract) |
09:55 | The COVID-19 green certificate's effect on vaccine uptake in Italian regions (abstract) |
09:15 | A Simplified Mortality Multiplier Method: New Estimates of Wealth Concentration (abstract) |
09:35 | On Top of the Top: A Generalized Approach to the Estimation of Wealth Distributions (abstract) |
09:55 | The Italian Treasury Dynamic Microsimulation Model (T-DYMM): data, structure and baseline results (abstract) |
11:15 | Inter-municipal merger and public procurement (abstract) |
11:35 | Municipal tax distribution in waste management among household and firms: a theoretical approach (abstract) |
11:55 | Spending efficiency in Italian municipalities: a spatially constrained cluster-wise quantile regression design (abstract) |
11:15 | European Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Multipliers (abstract) |
11:35 | Fiscal Discipline meets Macroeconomic Stability: When the Eurobonds are a Good Idea (abstract) |
11:55 | Does politics matter? A comparative assessment of discretionary fiscal policies in the Euro area (abstract) |
12:15 | Monetary and fiscal policy in a nonlinear model of public debt (abstract) |
11:15 | Domestic Violence Perception and Social Norms (abstract) |
11:35 | Female innovative entrepreneurship and maternity risk (abstract) |
11:55 | Intimate partner violence and help-seeking: The role of femicide news (abstract) |
12:15 | At the roots of gender violence: the role of culture and expectations (abstract) |
11:15 | Ageing and healthcare expenditure: a macroeconomic analysis (abstract) |
11:35 | The quicker the better: CEOs’ incentives to foster timely responses in public hospitals (abstract) |
11:55 | One plus one makes less than two? Consolidation policies and mortality in the Italian NHS (abstract) |
11:15 | L’Assegno unico e la riforma dell’Irpef in Italia: un’analisi di equità e efficienza (abstract) |
11:35 | Using the Value Added Tax for Redistributive Purposes in Italy: Is it Still Worth? (abstract) |
11:55 | The redistributive effects of the Italian tax‐benefit system over the last five decades (abstract) |
12:15 | L'ineguale trattamento degli eguali: impatto delle recenti modifiche al sistema tax-benefit in Italia (abstract) |
11:15 | Social contacts, neighborhoods and individual unemployment risk (abstract) |
11:35 | Labour supply and informal care responses to health shocks within couples: evidence from the UK (abstract) |
11:55 | The distributional effects of labour market deregulation: wage share and fixed-term contracts (abstract) |
12:15 | Early retirement policies and labor market spillovers (abstract) |
11:15 | Should I stay or should I go? State formation through internal exit (abstract) |
11:35 | The Political Economy of Technocratic Governments (abstract) |
11:55 | The Political Economy of Open Borders. Theory and Evidence on the role of Electoral Rules (abstract) |
12:15 | The informational effect of candidates’ traits on voter behavior: Results from an experiment for the October 2021 municipal elections in Rome (abstract) |
11:15 | Monetary Policy, Asset Prices, and the Distribution of Wealth in the US (abstract) |
11:35 | Elite persistence in medieval Venice after the Black Death (abstract) |
11:55 | Simulating Long Run Wealth Distribution and Transmission: the role of inter-generational transfers in Italy (abstract) |
Chair: E. Galli (Università di Roma ‘Sapienza’). Speaker: M. Bordignon (Università Cattolica – Milano), Discussants: F. Balassone (Banca d'Italia), A. Scialà (Università Roma Tre)
15:15 | The impact of the L'Aquila earthquake on demographic changes (abstract) |
15:35 | Exit and voice responses to extreme weather: Evidence from floods in Italy (abstract) |
15:55 | Migration responses to earthquakes: evidence from Italy (abstract) |
16:15 | The economic impact of earthquakes: some evidence from Italian provinces (abstract) |
15:15 | Parents can influence the effect of public policy. Evidence from smoking ban in the UK (abstract) PRESENTER: Enza Simeone |
15:35 | Cultural transmission, intergenerational persistence and ecological assimilation: evidence from a local survey (abstract) PRESENTER: Enza Maltese |
15:55 | Unfair opportunities or unequal abilities? Parental background effects on Italian graduates’ early careers (abstract) PRESENTER: Giuseppe Caruso |
16:15 | The Process of Assimilation of Second-Generation Immigrants: Evidence from the UK (abstract) |
15:15 | Lord, how I want to be in that number: On the blessings of UNESCO World Heritage designation (abstract) |
15:35 | Does the European Capital of Culture initiative affect tourism and local economic development? Evidence from Matera (abstract) |
15:55 | Regional spillovers and the culture–development nexus (abstract) |
16:15 | Media Slant is Contagious (abstract) |
15:15 | A payment scheme for the ecosystem services of mountain grasslands embedded in dairy products. A stated preference investigation. (abstract) |
15:35 | The Hidden Social Costs of Climate Change: Evidence on Climate Shocks and Child Mobility in Uganda. (abstract) |
15:55 | Effetti distributivi della dinamica dei prezzi energetici e degli interventi pubblici di sostegno sulle famiglie in Italia (abstract) |
16:15 | Assessing the efficiency and fairness of the fit for 55 package towards net zero emissions under different revenues recycling schemes for Italy (abstract) |
15:15 | Integrity and gender: Some empirical evidence from Italian municipalities (abstract) |
15:35 | Family Culture and Childcare Policies (abstract) |
15:55 | Froebel's Gifts: How the Kindergarten Movement Changed the American Family (abstract) |
16:15 | Should I Care or Should I Work? The Impact of work on Informal Care (abstract) |
15:15 | Safe at last? LATE effects of a mass immunisation campaign on households' economic insecurity (abstract) |
15:35 | Patient migration for adequate cancer treatments: an analysis of the geographical mobility within the Italian National Health System (abstract) |
15:55 | Does reducing inequality in physical activity equal to reducing inequality in health? (abstract) |
15:15 | Price Competition and Generic diusion in Pharmaceutical Markets with Heterogeneous Consumers. (abstract) |
15:35 | The economics of regional railway regulation (abstract) |
15:55 | A tale of privatization and nationalization (abstract) |
16:15 | Spillovers of Price Regulations: evidence from the AMNOG Reform in Germany (abstract) |
15:15 | Shake me the money (abstract) |
15:35 | Benchmarking the performance of Italian public works contracts: Can we go beyond cost overruns and time delays? (abstract) |
15:55 | Does War Make States? Military Spending and the Italian State building, 1861-1945 (abstract) |
16:15 | Railway Development and Population Dynamics in a Simple Economy (abstract) |
15:15 | Assessing tax policies with an integrated macro-micro approach applied to Italy (abstract) |
15:35 | One step forward and three steps back: pros and cons of a flat tax reform (abstract) |
15:55 | Taxation and labour supply decisions: an evaluation of the €80 tax-rebate in Italy (abstract) |
16:15 | Modelling the UK Digital Services Tax: An extension of the CORTAX model (abstract) |
Round table (Italian). Chair: P.L. Iapadre (Università dell'Aquila)
Speakers: L. Menicucci (Capo Dipartimento Pari Opportunità), V. Grembi (Università di Roma ‘Sapienza’ and Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri), P. Profeta (Università Bocconi)
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:30 | Preferences matter! Political Responses to the COVID-19 and Population's Preferences (abstract) |
09:50 | Moral Preferences over Taboo Trade-offs in the Time of Coronavirus (abstract) |
10:10 | Economic insecurity and voting behavior: evidence from the Italian Covid-19 lockdown (abstract) |
09:30 | Air pollution, Environmental Crime and Health: an Empirical Investigation on Italian Provinces (abstract) |
09:50 | Neutralizing the Tentacles of Organised Crime. An Assessment of an Anti-Crime Measure in Fighting Mafia’s Use of Violence (abstract) |
10:10 | The advantage to be legal: investigating the effect of White List. (abstract) |
10:30 | Criminal organizations and public procurement efficiency in Italy (abstract) |
09:30 | Education Aspirations, Career Concerns and Fertility (abstract) |
09:50 | High School Dropout and the Intergenerational Transmission of Crime (abstract) |
10:10 | Optimal Education Policy: Quality vs. Quantity (abstract) |
10:30 | Unfair Educational Inequality in 99 Countries: A Theoretically Driven Machine Learning Approach (abstract) |
09:30 | The Health of Disability Insurance Enrollees: An International Comparison (abstract) |
09:50 | Institutional quality and health outcomes (abstract) |
10:10 | Patient Migration as a Tiebout Response to the Regulation of sub-national Health-care Budget Deficits (abstract) |
10:30 | Clusters of immigrants and inappropriate treatments (abstract) |
09:30 | Constraints on the executive and tax revenues in the long run (abstract) |
09:50 | Conflict, Information and Regime-Change (abstract) |
10:10 | The cycle of decrees in Italian Parliament (abstract) |
10:30 | Income Inequality and Campaign Contributions: Evidence from the Reagan Tax Cut (abstract) |
09:30 | Measuring Access and Inequality of Access to Health Care: a Policy-Oriented Decomposition (abstract) |
09:50 | Robust dissimilarity comparisons with ordinal outcomes (abstract) |
10:10 | Mobility evaluation: Theoretical definitions and people's perceptions. (abstract) |
09:30 | Measuring the Unobservable. Estimating Informal Economy by a Structural Equation Modeling approach (abstract) |
09:50 | Family affairs or Government's duty? The tax morality of a mobile society (abstract) PRESENTER: Rocco Caferra |
10:10 | Parental Investments and Intra-household Inequality in Child Human Capital: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment (abstract) |
10:40 | Tax Competition with Avoidance: the Role of Patriotism and Tax Morale (abstract) |
09:30 | A multicriteria analysis of 22 European Social protection systems (abstract) |
09:50 | Il canale di pensionamento “Quota 100”, una valutazione sui dati di monitoraggio (abstract) |
10:10 | Minimum Wage and Voting: Assessing the Political Returns to Redistribution Outside the Tax System (abstract) |
Speakers: S. Fedeli (Sapienza University of Rome); A. Petretto (University of Florence)
keynote Speaker: Lars P.Feld (University of Freiburg). Chair: R. Levaggi (University of Brescia and SIEP President). Discussant: F. Padovano (University of Roma Tre)
Round table (Italian). Chair: P.Liberati (Università Roma Tre)
Speakers: G. Arachi (UPB e Università del Salento); C. Fiorio (Università di Milano); A. Ravazzi Douvan (OCSE e LUISS -Guido Carli); G. Ricotti (Banca d'Italia)