Days: Wednesday, September 28th Thursday, September 29th Friday, September 30th
Wednesday, September 28th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:00 Session 1: Keynote D. Traytel + RV Welcome
Joint keynote with ICTAC: Dmitriy Traytel on "VeriMon: A Formally Verified Monitoring Tool"
Place: venue for ICTAC (not RV)
Note: talks in the program marked with ¶ will be given remotely! All in-person talks will also be shared on Zoom.
10:00-10:30 Session 2: Short Papers
Place: venue for RV
Note that since we'll switch rooms between the previous ICTAC keynote and this session, the session may start a few minutes later/run a few minutes longer.
10:00 | [Short] TeSSLa – An Ecosystem For Runtime Verification (abstract) PRESENTER: Hannes Kallwies |
10:15 | [Short] Real-time Visualization of Stream-based Monitoring Data (abstract) |
Thursday, September 29th
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09:00-10:30 Session 3
09:00 | [¶] A Barrier Certificate-based Simplex Architecture with Application to Microgrids (abstract) PRESENTER: Scott Stoller |
09:30 | Runtime Verification of Kotlin Coroutines (abstract) PRESENTER: Gerardo Schneider |
10:00 | [Short, ¶] A Python Library for Trace Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Klaus Havelund |
11:00-12:30 Session 4
11:00 | Randomized First-Order Monitoring With Hashing (abstract) |
11:30 | Relaxing safety for metric first-order temporal logic via dynamic free variables (abstract) |
12:00 | [¶] Optimizing Prestate Copies in Runtime Verification of Function Postconditions (abstract) PRESENTER: Clément Pascutto |
14:00-15:30 Session 5
14:00 | Transaction Monitoring of Smart Contracts (abstract) PRESENTER: Margarita Capretto |
14:30 | Tainting in Smart Contracts: Combining Static and Runtime Verification (abstract) PRESENTER: Shaun Azzopardi |
15:00 | [Short,¶] AspectSol: A Solidity Aspect-Oriented Programming Tool with Applications in Runtime Verification (abstract) PRESENTER: Ryan Falzon |
15:15 | [Tool,¶] TestSelector: Automatic Test Suite Selection for Student Projects (abstract) PRESENTER: Filipe Marques |
17:00-17:30 Session 7: Short Papers
17:00 | [Short, ¶] Decent: A Benchmark for Decentralized Enforcement (abstract) PRESENTER: Florian Gallay |
17:15 | [Short,¶] Runtime verification for FMI-based co-simulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Nikolaos Kekatos |
Friday, September 30th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
10:00-10:30 Session 9: Short Papers
10:00 | [Short,¶] Automating numerical parameters along the evolution of a nonlinear system (abstract) PRESENTER: Luca Geretti |
10:15 | [Short] Towards Specificationless Monitoring of Provenance-Emitting Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Martin Stoffers |
11:00-12:30 Session 10
11:00 | [¶] Optimal Finite-State Monitoring of Partial Traces (abstract) PRESENTER: Peeyush Kushwaha |
11:30 | Anticipatory Recurrent Monitoring with Uncertainty and Assumptions (abstract) PRESENTER: Hannes Kallwies |
12:00 | [¶] Abstract Monitors for Quantitative Specifications (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicolas Mazzocchi |
14:00-15:15 Session 11
14:00 | [¶] Automated Surgical Procedure Assistance Framework using Deep Learning and Formal Runtime Monitoring (abstract) PRESENTER: Gaurav Gupta |
14:30 | [¶] Rule-based Runtime Mitigation against Poison Attacks on Neural Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Divya Gopinath |
15:00 | [Short,¶] Lock Contention Classification for Java Intrinsic Locks (abstract) PRESENTER: Ramiro Liscano |