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Joint keynote with ICTAC: Dmitriy Traytel on "VeriMon: A Formally Verified Monitoring Tool"
Place: venue for ICTAC (not RV)
Note: talks in the program marked with ¶ will be given remotely! All in-person talks will also be shared on Zoom.
Place: venue for RV
Note that since we'll switch rooms between the previous ICTAC keynote and this session, the session may start a few minutes later/run a few minutes longer.
10:00 | [Short] TeSSLa – An Ecosystem For Runtime Verification PRESENTER: Hannes Kallwies ABSTRACT. Runtime verification is a verification technique that deals with checking correctness properties on the runs of a system. To achieve this, the field of Runtime Verification addresses a variety of sub-problems related to the monitoring of a system: These range from the appropriate design of a specification language over efficient monitor generation as hardware and software monitors to solutions for instrumenting the monitored system, preferably in a non-intrusive way. Besides that even further aspects play a role for the usability of a runtime verification toolchain, e.g. availability, sufficient documentation and the existence of a developer community. In this paper we present the TeSSLa ecosystem, a runtime verification framework built around the stream runtime verification language TeSSLa: It provides a rich toolchain of mostly freely available compilers for monitor generation on different hardware and software backends, as well as instrumentation mechanisms for various runtime verification requirements. Additionally, we highlight how the online resources and supporting tools of the community-driven project enable the productive creation of stream runtime verification solutions. |
10:15 | [Short] Real-time Visualization of Stream-based Monitoring Data ABSTRACT. Stream-based runtime monitors are used in safety-critical applications such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to compute comprehensive statistics and logical assessments of system health that provide the human operator with critical information in hand-over situations. In such applications, a visual display of the monitoring data can be much more helpful than the textual alerts provided by a more traditional user interface. This visualization requires extensive real-time data processing, which includes the synchronization of data from different streams, filtering and aggregation, and priorization and management of user attention. We present a visualization approach for the RTLola monitoring framework. Our approach is based on the principle that the necessary data processing is the responsibility of the monitor itself, rather than the responsibility of some external visualization tool. We show how the various aspects of the data transformation can be described as RTLola stream equations and linked to the visualization component through a bidirectional synchronous interface. In our experience, this approach leads to highly informative visualizations as well as to understandable and easily maintainable monitoring code. |