This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Academic-Practitioner Divide | |
accountability | |
Accountability Pressure | |
accounting and accountability | |
Adaptation | |
Administrative burden | |
Advocacy coalition framework | |
Affiliation Network Structure | |
Affordable Care Act | |
agency culture | |
Agency Policymaking | |
Agency Time Investments | |
Agent-based modeling | |
Air pollution control | |
Ambiguity | |
American Hospitals | |
American Indian | |
ancestral institutions | |
Applied Science | |
Argumentation | |
arts and culture nonprofits | |
asdf | |
asdfsdf | |
Attitudes | |
Australian public service | |
automation | |
Autonomy | |
Availability of training and services | |
B | |
behavioral economics | |
behavioral public administration | |
Behavioral Science | |
Behavioural Public Administration | |
Beyond the Boundary of Public Management | |
Biases and Discrimination | |
big data | |
Bills adopted | |
Bills introduced | |
blame attribution | |
board governance | |
bottom-up | |
Boundary-Spanning | |
Brazil | |
Brazilian public administration | |
Budget | |
budgeting | |
Bureaucracy | |
Bureaucracy Role Expectations | |
Bureaucratic Capacity | |
Bureaucratic discretion | |
bureaucratic discrimination | |
bureaucratic impartiality | |
Bureaucratic Politics | |
Bureaucratic Reputation | |
Bureaucratic Reputation Theory | |
Bureaucratic responsiveness | |
Bureaucratic Whistleblowing / Whistleblowing Intention | |
bureaucrats | |
burnout | |
business | |
C | |
Capacity | |
carbon reduction project | |
careers | |
causality | |
Causes and dynamics of institutional crisis | |
Central government departments | |
change management | |
Charity Care | |
chief innovation officer | |
Child and youth care | |
Children's social care | |
China | |
Citizen | |
citizen attitude | |
citizen engagement | |
citizen participation | |
Citizen Perception | |
citizen satisfaction | |
Citizen-State Interaction | |
citizens' willingness to coproduce | |
City Managers | |
City Service Delivery | |
civic engagement | |
Civilian Oversight | |
civilian review boards | |
Client Accountability | |
Client Behavior | |
Climate Change | |
climate change adaptation | |
co-delivery | |
Co-production | |
Cognition | |
Cognitive styles | |
Collaborating | |
Collaboration | |
Collaboration forms | |
collaboration network | |
Collaborations | |
collaborative governance | |
collaborative governance regimes | |
collaborative innovation | |
collaborative networks | |
collaborative process | |
Collaborative public management | |
collaborative technology | |
collaborative water governance | |
commercial revenue | |
Communication process | |
community foundations | |
Community Governance | |
Community leadership | |
community of practice | |
community partnerships | |
community sustainability | |
Community-government relations | |
Comparative PA | |
Comparative public administration | |
compensation | |
Competence | |
Complex dynamics | |
Complexity | |
Conference Management System | |
conflict management | |
conflict management strategy | |
Confucian values | |
Conjoin Experiment | |
Conjoint Analysis | |
conservation | |
conservation policy | |
constitutive bureaucracy | |
Context | |
contextual ambiguity | |
Contract Design | |
Contract Management | |
Contracting | |
Contracting Out | |
Contracting-out | |
contracts | |
Cooperation | |
coping | |
coproduction | |
corruption | |
cost-effectiveness | |
council-manager | |
Credibility | |
Crisis | |
crisis leadership | |
crisis management | |
cross sector | |
cross-sector collaboration | |
Cross-sector Collaborative Governance | |
Cross-Sector Comparison | |
Cross-Sectoral Partnerships | |
Crowdsourcing | |
CSOs | |
Cutback management | |
D | |
dark sides | |
Data Gaming | |
Data Science | |
debt management | |
Decentralized child welfare system | |
Decentralized Decision-Making | |
decision making | |
Decision-Making | |
decoupling | |
Deliberative discussion | |
Deliberative processes | |
demand heterogeneity | |
Democratic-Constitutional Values | |
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) | |
Deservingness | |
Design Thinking | |
determinants of public policy | |
Developing Country | |
Devolution | |
Diffusion | |
Digital divide | |
Digitalization | |
disabled | |
Disaster and Crisis Management | |
disasters | |
Disconnected citizens | |
Discrete choice experiment | |
discretion | |
Discrimination | |
Dishonesty | |
Distributed leadership | |
Distributive justice | |
Distrust | |
diversity | |
Diversity and Inclusion | |
Diversity Climate | |
Diversity Management | |
diversity officer | |
drought | |
Dynamic perspective | |
Dysfunctional Managerial Behavior | |
E | |
e-government | |
Early Adopters | |
economic development | |
economy | |
education | |
Education Finance | |
education policy | |
Education reform | |
effects | |
elderly | |
Electricity Access | |
emergency management | |
Emergency management network | |
emotional labor | |
Empathy | |
Employee Engagement | |
Employee Performance | |
Employee Quality | |
Employee Work Attitudes | |
employment services | |
end-of-life-care | |
English Public Hospitals | |
Entrepreneurial behavior | |
entrepreneurial orientation | |
entrepreneurship | |
Environmental | |
Environmental Change | |
Environmental Collaboration | |
Environmental Dynamism | |
environmental governance | |
Environmental Justice | |
Environmental Management | |
Environmental policy | |
Environmental Regulation | |
Environmental uncertainty | |
Epistomology | |
Equity | |
estimation | |
Ethical leadership | |
ethics | |
ethnography | |
EU Accession | |
Europe | |
Evaluation | |
event history analysis | |
evidence-based management | |
evidence-based policy | |
evidence-based practice | |
evidence-based research | |
Executive Authority | |
Executive public management | |
executive vacancy | |
expectancy disconfirmation theory | |
Experiment | |
Experimental Design | |
Experimental Designs | |
Experimental methods | |
Experimental research | |
Experimental Survey Design | |
Experiments | |
Expertise | |
Extended foster care | |
external engagement | |
External management | |
Extreme Events | |
Eye-tracking | |
F | |
fasdfasd | |
fasdfasdf | |
Federal Contracting Decisions | |
federal funding | |
federal government | |
federalism | |
federally qualified health care centers | |
felt publicness | |
female bureaucrat | |
field experiment | |
Field-representative survey | |
Finance | |
financial condition | |
Financial index | |
financial management | |
financial resources | |
fiscal distress | |
Fiscal Federalism in Brazil | |
Fiscal Governance | |
fiscal health of nonprofits | |
Fiscal Management | |
Fiscal Performance | |
fixed-effect analysis | |
FOIA | |
form of government | |
Formal and informal institution | |
Formal institutions | |
four-day school weeks | |
FQHC | |
framing | |
front-line workers | |
frontlines | |
functional breadth | |
Functional collective action | |
funding | |
fundraising | |
G | |
gender | |
Gender Differences | |
gender diversity | |
Gender representation | |
gender wage gap | |
Generational Differences | |
Globalization | |
goal | |
Goal-directed organizational networks | |
Goals | |
governance | |
governance network framework | |
Government | |
government advertising | |
government audit | |
Government contracting | |
government failure | |
Government Outsourcing | |
government-nonprofit collaboration | |
Grant-making | |
Great Recession | |
grounded analysis | |
Group Citizenship Behavior | |
Group Conflict | |
Group Dynamics | |
H | |
Health | |
Health care | |
Health economics | |
healthcare | |
heterogeneous duration models | |
High performance work organizations | |
Higher Education | |
History in Policy | |
hollow state | |
Homeless services | |
homophily | |
Hospital Ownership Type | |
human resource capacity | |
Human Resource Management | |
Human Resources | |
Human-centered design | |
hydro-ecological friendly city | |
I | |
ICT | |
idenity | |
Identity | |
Immigration | |
implementation | |
incentives | |
inclusion | |
Inclusion and Exclusion | |
Inclusive Leadership | |
India | |
Inequality | |
Information Disclosure | |
Information Processing | |
Infrastructure | |
Infrastructure decision-making | |
Infrastructure Financing | |
Innovation | |
Innovative Federalist Institutional Arrangements | |
inspectorates | |
inspectors general | |
Institutional antecedents | |
Institutional Change | |
institutional racism | |
institutional theory | |
institutionalized power | |
Institutions | |
integrative public administration | |
Inter-Organizational Collaboration | |
Inter-organizational network | |
Inter-system collaboration | |
interactive research | |
Interagency Collaboration | |
Interbranch Relations | |
intergovernmental collaboration | |
Intergovernmental Governance | |
Intergovernmental Relations | |
internal controls | |
Internal management | |
international aid | |
International development | |
International Nongovernmental Organizations | |
International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs) | |
Interoganizational Relationships | |
Interorganizational Coordination | |
Intersectionality | |
Intervention from upper authority | |
interview | |
Islamophobia | |
isomorphism | |
J | |
Job Characteristics | |
Job Choice | |
Job Demands | |
Job involvement | |
Job motivation | |
Job satisfaction | |
joint sense-making | |
K | |
K-12 education nonprofit | |
L | |
Labor Mobility | |
laboratory leadership experiment | |
Law Enforcement | |
Leader distance | |
leader tenure | |
leader turnover | |
Leadership | |
leadership ossification | |
Learning | |
Legitimacy | |
Local governance | |
local government | |
Local governments | |
local health department | |
Longitudinal Dynamics | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Management | |
Management consultants | |
Management ideas | |
Manager Development | |
Managerial Coaching | |
managerial motives | |
managerial networks | |
Managerial positions | |
managerial practices in networks | |
managerial values | |
Marginalized Groups | |
Marine Protected Areas | |
Measurement | |
mediation | |
Medicaid | |
Medicaid expansion | |
Mental models | |
mentoring | |
meritocracy | |
meta-analysis | |
Metaregressions | |
methodological review | |
methodology | |
metropolitan governance | |
Mid-level managers | |
migration | |
military | |
Mincer Wage Equation | |
Minimum Charity Care Provision Law | |
Minnowbrook | |
minority disadvantages | |
Mission | |
Mixed Methods | |
Mixed-methods | |
Modeling | |
monitoring | |
motivated reasoning | |
motivation | |
Multi-stakeholder perspective | |
Multi-systemic therapy | |
Multilevel uncertainty | |
Municipal Finance | |
Municipal Public Consortia | |
Munificence | |
N | |
NAO | |
Narratives | |
Native American | |
natural resource management | |
Network analysis | |
network domain | |
Network effectiveness | |
network evolution | |
Network Formation | |
Network governance | |
Network Institutionalization | |
Network legitimacy | |
Network management | |
network research agenda | |
Network saturation | |
Network stability | |
Network Structure | |
Network Theory | |
Networks | |
New Public Governance | |
New Public Management | |
New Theory & Comparative Constructs to PSM | |
No Child Behind Left Act (NCLB) | |
Non-profit hospitals | |
nonprofit | |
Nonprofit Accountability | |
Nonprofit Board Interlock | |
Nonprofit density | |
nonprofit financial management | |
Nonprofit Management | |
nonprofit management theory | |
nonprofit mission | |
nonprofit organizations | |
nonprofitness | |
Nonprofits | |
normative expectation | |
Nudging | |
O | |
occupational culture | |
OER | |
oil and gas | |
open data | |
open government | |
Optimal Turnover Rates in Public Organizations | |
Organisation Theory | |
organization creation and dissolution | |
Organization culture | |
Organization Design | |
Organization mission | |
organization theory | |
Organizational Behavior | |
organizational capacity | |
Organizational change | |
Organizational citizenship behavior | |
Organizational commitment | |
organizational control | |
organizational creation and dissolution | |
organizational culture | |
Organizational ecology theory | |
Organizational equity performance | |
organizational failure | |
Organizational Fairness | |
Organizational form | |
Organizational identification | |
organizational justice | |
organizational learning | |
Organizational Learning and Adaptation | |
Organizational Management | |
organizational networks | |
Organizational outcome | |
organizational performance | |
Organizational Process | |
organizational strategy | |
organizational structure | |
Organizational uncertainty | |
Organizations | |
outcome dependence | |
outcome favorability | |
Outcomes | |
Outcomes-based contracting | |
overhead spending | |
oversight | |
P | |
Panel Data | |
panel study | |
Participant observation | |
participation | |
participatory surveillance | |
Patient-centered care | |
Pay Disparity | |
Pay Equity | |
Pay for Success | |
Payment for performance | |
Peer co-production | |
perceived legitimacy | |
Perceived Organizational Support | |
Perceived performance versus actual performance | |
Performance | |
performance dimensions | |
Performance evaluation | |
performance feedback | |
performance gaps | |
performance information | |
performance information use | |
Performance Management | |
performance measurement | |
Performance Pressures | |
Performance rankings | |
performance reporting | |
performance systems | |
personality | |
Personality traits | |
philanthropic failure | |
Philanthropy | |
Physicians | |
planning | |
PMRC | |
police | |
police legitimacy | |
Police-community relations | |
Policing | |
policy | |
policy adoption | |
Policy Diffusion | |
Policy effects | |
policy feedback | |
policy implementation | |
Policy Innovation | |
policy innovation and diffusion | |
Policy Mandates | |
Policy Tools | |
Policymaking transparency | |
political attitudes | |
Political control of the bureaucracy | |
Political participation | |
Political power | |
Political values | |
Politicization | |
Politico-administrative relations | |
politics administration dichotomy | |
Polycentric Governance | |
Portfolio organisation | |
Practitioner attitudes | |
Predictors of network performance | |
prison | |
private foundations | |
Privatization | |
probation | |
procedural justice | |
Procedural Tasks | |
Procurement | |
Professionalism | |
Program Design | |
program implementation | |
Program Performance | |
Prosocial Impact | |
Prosocial Motivation | |
PSM | |
psychological contract | |
Psychological costs | |
Psychology of Whistleblowers / Behavioral Public Administration | |
Psychosocial Safety Climate | |
public administration | |
Public administration field | |
Public and nonprofit relations | |
Public and private school teaching | |
public branding | |
public budgeting | |
public crisis | |
Public Deliberations | |
Public Discourse | |
public finance | |
public financial management | |
Public goods | |
public health | |
public hearing | |
public leadership | |
public leadership behaviour | |
public management | |
Public management Innovation | |
public managers | |
Public Meetings | |
Public Mission Valence | |
Public networks | |
Public Officials | |
Public Participation | |
public perception | |
Public perceptions of government | |
Public performance | |
Public Private Partnerships | |
Public procurement | |
Public Safety | |
public sector | |
public sector innovation | |
Public Sector Labor Market | |
Public Sector Reforms | |
public service | |
Public service delivery | |
Public Service Motivation | |
Public Service Motivation (PSM) | |
public service perfomance | |
public service provision | |
public service satisfaction | |
public service values | |
public services | |
Public Utility | |
public value | |
Public value creation | |
public values | |
Public-Private differences | |
public-private distinctions | |
Public-Private Partnership | |
public-private partnerships | |
publicness | |
Q | |
qualitative | |
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) | |
Qualitative Methods | |
Qualitative process evaluation | |
Qualitative research design | |
qualitative study | |
Quality of Electric Supply | |
Quality of government | |
quality of public services | |
quantitative | |
quantitative analysis | |
quantitative methodology | |
Quasi-Experimental Analysis | |
R | |
Race | |
race discrimination | |
Racial and ethnic diversity | |
racial diversity | |
Racial/ethnic serving nonprofits | |
Random utility theory | |
randomized controlled trial | |
RCT | |
Red Tape | |
reform | |
refs | |
Regional Competition | |
regional organizations | |
Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) | |
regulation | |
Regulation and Governance | |
regulatory enforcement | |
Regulatory Focus Theory | |
Regulatory implementation | |
Regulatory networks | |
Relatedness | |
Relative managerial networking | |
Reliability of Electric Supply | |
Representation | |
Representative Bureaucracy | |
representative governance | |
Reputation | |
Reputation Management | |
Research concepts and methods | |
Research Design | |
Research Methodologies | |
research methods | |
Resilience | |
resource allocation | |
resource dependence | |
resource dependency | |
resource dependency theory | |
Responsiveness | |
Retention | |
Revenue capacity | |
revenue diversification | |
Right to Information | |
Risk Aversion | |
role | |
Role Conflict | |
rule burden | |
Rulemaking | |
rural volunteering | |
S | |
sanctions | |
Satisfaction with democracy | |
school choice | |
school districts | |
School Safety | |
search behavior | |
sector boundary | |
Sector Choice | |
Sector differences | |
sector stereotype | |
Sector Theory | |
Self-Determination Theory | |
Semi-autonomous agencies | |
Semi-structured interviews | |
Service delivery | |
service quality | |
Sexual assault | |
sexual harassment | |
sexual misconduct | |
Shared perceptions | |
Sharia | |
Simulation | |
single-payer healthcare | |
size | |
smart city | |
social capital | |
social class | |
Social constructions | |
social contagion | |
Social Enterprise | |
Social enterprise and Entrepreneurship | |
Social Enterprises | |
Social Equity | |
Social exchange theory | |
Social Impact | |
Social Impact Bonds | |
Social Media | |
Social network analysis | |
Social Policy | |
Social program evaluation | |
social programs | |
Social Security Disability | |
social welfare | |
Socializing process | |
Sources of distrust | |
Span of Control | |
special districts | |
Spectrum Sharing | |
Stakeholder | |
Stakeholder Engagement | |
Stakeholder forgivingness | |
Stakeholder Involvement | |
stakeholder support | |
Stakeholder trust breach | |
Stakeholders | |
state and local government | |
state government | |
State Monitoring and Intervention | |
State-owned enterprises | |
Status | |
strategic action | |
Strategic Line of Sight | |
strategic management | |
Strategic Planning | |
strategies | |
Strategy | |
Street level Bureaucracy | |
Street-Level Behaviour | |
street-level bureaucracy | |
Street-level Bureaucrats | |
Structural choice | |
Structural Equation Modeling | |
structure of government fiscal expenditure | |
Substance use disorder treatment | |
Succession Planning | |
supervisory boards | |
survey experiment | |
survey methods | |
survey-experiment | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainable public purchasing | |
Systematic literature review | |
T | |
Target Fixation | |
task conflict | |
tax incentive | |
tax policy | |
Teacher Empowerment | |
Team-relations | |
Teams | |
Teamwork | |
technology | |
Technology Change | |
text analysis | |
Text analytics | |
the environment | |
Theory of Preventive Stress Management | |
tool development | |
top-down | |
Toxic Release Inventory | |
Training transfer | |
transformational and transactional leadership | |
Transformational leadership | |
Transnational Networks | |
Transparency | |
Tribal | |
Tribal governance | |
trust | |
Trust and citizen satisfaction | |
Trust in government | |
Turbulence | |
turnover | |
Turnover-Performance Dynamics | |
Two discrete choice experiment | |
typology | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
unethical behaviour | |
unintended policy consequences | |
Urban sustainability | |
US Federal employees | |
User satisfaction | |
V | |
Value of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards | |
Values | |
veterans' preference | |
Viability of policy sectors/ public organizations | |
vignette study | |
Voluntary Failure | |
Volunteer retention | |
volunteering | |
W | |
water | |
Water Governance | |
water governance policy | |
wefwfs | |
Welfare benefits | |
Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (WPEA) | |
whistleblowing | |
wicked problems | |
willingness to participate | |
work effort | |
Work motivation | |
Work motivation in public and private sectors | |
Work-adjustment theory | |
work-life balance | |
Work-life benefits | |
Workplace Bullying | |
Workplace Incivility | |
Worthiness |