This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Absolute Value Equation | |
AC-OPF | |
Airlines | |
algorithm configuration | |
algorithm selection | |
Asynchronous algorithms | |
Asynchronous approach | |
automated machine learning | |
Automatic differentiation | |
AutoML | |
avoidance of traps | |
B | |
balanced operator | |
Bayesian optimization | |
benchmarking | |
Bi-Criteria Decision Making | |
Bi-Level | |
Bi-Objective Optimization | |
Bi-Objective Shortest Path | |
Bi-Objective TSP | |
Bilevel optimization | |
Bilevel programming | |
Binary Quadratic Optimization | |
Bioeconomic models | |
Biomedicine | |
black-box optimization | |
Blackbox optimization | |
Boosted DCA | |
Border surveillance | |
Branch and Bound | |
Branch-and-Cut | |
branch-and-cut algorithm | |
Bregman distance | |
Bregman Proximal Gradient Algorithms | |
Bundle Methods | |
Bundling | |
C | |
Cancer | |
Capital distribution | |
Carbon emissions | |
Cardinality | |
Chance constraints | |
Charging station | |
Choice modelling | |
Clarke subgradient | |
Classification | |
coflow scheduling | |
Colored Petri Net | |
column generation | |
combinatorial optimization | |
Comparison principle | |
Complementarity Problems | |
Computational complexity | |
Computational Geometry | |
Conic optimization | |
conservative gradient | |
control constraints | |
Convex nondifferentiable optimization | |
convex optimization | |
Convex relaxations | |
convex stochastic optimization in Banach spaces | |
Correlative sparsity | |
crossover | |
Cryptography | |
Cutting-Planes | |
cylindrical algebraic decomposition of semi-algebraic sets | |
D | |
Data science | |
DC function | |
DC functions | |
DC Microgrids | |
DC Programming | |
DCA | |
Decarbonization | |
Decentralized Coordination | |
Decomposition | |
Degree Theory | |
dengue | |
deterministic optimal control | |
Differential Games | |
Differential inclusions | |
dimensionality reduction | |
Directed Acyclic Graphs | |
Discontinuous coverage | |
discontinuous Hamiltonians | |
Discrepancy | |
Distributed Control | |
Distributed optimization | |
Drift Analysis | |
Drug resistance | |
duality | |
dynamic algorithm selection | |
Dynamic pricing | |
dynamic programming | |
dynamic programming principle | |
Dynamical constraints | |
Dynamical system | |
E | |
Economic dispatch | |
Economics | |
Electric vehicles | |
Electrical Vehicles | |
elf-replicator model of bacteria | |
Energy | |
Energy efficiency | |
Energy management | |
Energy optimization | |
Energy savings | |
Energy system modelling | |
Entropic Regularization | |
Entropy | |
Epidemiology | |
Equilibrium Learning | |
error bound | |
error estimates | |
Evolutionary Algorithm | |
evolutionary algorithms | |
Evolutionary Dynamics | |
Evolutionary Games | |
Evolving Search Space | |
exact relaxations | |
exploratory landscape analysis | |
Exponential Families | |
F | |
fairness | |
Feasibility | |
Feature Pair Selection | |
finite adaptability | |
Finite Capacity Queues | |
finite-difference scheme | |
first-order Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations | |
Fisher information | |
Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations | |
front propagation | |
G | |
Game Learning Algorithms | |
Game theory | |
Games with correlated constaints | |
gas pipelines | |
Gene signatures | |
generalized convexity | |
generalized Nash equilibrium | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
genetic algorithms | |
Global Optimization | |
Global stability | |
gradient flow | |
Gradient Method | |
Graphical Processing Units (GPU) | |
Grey-box model | |
grid connected mini-grids | |
Grid usage pricing | |
Grover's algorithm | |
H | |
Hadamard spaces | |
Hamilton-Jacobi equations | |
Heating and cooling | |
Heterogeneous agents | |
Hierarchical decision making | |
High Performance Computing (HPC) | |
hybrid maximum principle | |
hybrid pipelines | |
Hydrogen networks | |
Hydrogen-based microgrid | |
Hyperplane arrangements | |
I | |
Ideal sparsity | |
image reconstruction | |
Implicit Function Theorem | |
industrial eco-parks | |
Infinite horizon | |
Interior point method | |
Interior point methods | |
interior points methods | |
Interior-point method | |
intersection cuts | |
Interval Analysis | |
Interval methods | |
Invariance | |
iterative algorithms | |
J | |
Julia | |
K | |
KL property | |
L | |
l0 optimization | |
l0 pseudonorm | |
L0-Pseudonorm | |
Lagrangian Relaxation | |
Large scale optimization | |
Linear Complementarity Problem | |
linear convergence | |
linear lexicographic optimization | |
Linear programming | |
Linear Relaxation | |
Local energy markets | |
Local Search | |
Lower Bound | |
Lyapunov stability | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Machine-Type Communications | |
Market | |
Master Equation | |
Matching with contracts | |
maximum cost | |
McKean-Vlasov PDE | |
mean field control | |
Mean field equilibrium | |
Mean Field Games | |
mean field limit | |
Mean field optimization | |
Mean Field Theory | |
Mean-Field | |
Mean-field Control | |
Mean-field Game | |
Mean-field games | |
Mean-field Limit | |
meta-algorithms | |
MI(N)LP | |
MILP | |
MINLPs | |
Mixed Integer Programs | |
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming | |
Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming | |
Model Predictive Control | |
Moment Hierarchy | |
Moments optimization | |
Monotonic Regression | |
Monte Carlo method | |
Moving Horizon Estimation | |
Multi-Agent Systems | |
multi-objective optimization | |
multi-parameter data | |
multi-stage optimization | |
Multimodal Optimization | |
multistage problems | |
N | |
Networks | |
Neural Architecture Search | |
Neural differential equations | |
Neural Networks | |
Newton method | |
NOMA | |
non monotone cost | |
non separable Hamiltonian | |
non-convex continuous penalties | |
Non-Linear Markov Process | |
non-monotone line search | |
Non-negative matrix factorization | |
non-smooth optimization | |
Nonconvex Optimization | |
nonconvexity | |
Nonlinear Observability | |
Nonlinear programming | |
nonlinear Schrodinger operator | |
Nonsmooth OPtimization | |
Normalized equilibrium | |
numerical method | |
O | |
o-minimal structure | |
online deep learning | |
Open-source software | |
Operation | |
operation research | |
Optimal control | |
Optimal control problems with uncertainties | |
optimal epidemic vector control | |
Optimal Power Flow | |
optimal resource allocation | |
Optimal Transport | |
Optimality conditions | |
optimisation | |
Optimization | |
OR | |
Ovarian cancer | |
P | |
p-Center problem | |
Parametric uncertainties | |
Pareto optimal | |
path-differentiability | |
Peer-to-peer market | |
Penalized splines | |
Performative Prediction | |
perturbed maximizer | |
PhotoVoltaic | |
Piecewise affine functions | |
planning | |
Poisson inverse problems | |
Polyhedral support | |
polyhedron | |
Polynomial optimization | |
Pontryagin Maximum Principle | |
Pontryagin's principle | |
Population Dynamics | |
Population model | |
Potential field descriptions | |
Power Control | |
Power Self-Consumption | |
Power Systems | |
preferential bidding system | |
Pricing | |
primal-dual algorithm | |
primal-dual algorithms | |
primal-dual scheduler | |
principal component analysis | |
Principal-Agent problem | |
Probabilistic certification | |
probabilistic constraints | |
Probability functions | |
Product-Form Distribution | |
production | |
Production Planning | |
progress | |
Projection sub-problem | |
Proportional Fairness | |
proximal algorithms | |
proximal point algorithm | |
Public policy | |
Q | |
Q-learning | |
QP | |
Quadratic inner problem | |
Quadratic Programming | |
quantum computing | |
R | |
Ranking games | |
Recourse policy | |
regionally non-permanent control | |
regularization | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
Renewable energies | |
Replicator Dynamic | |
Reservation | |
Resistance | |
restart | |
Revenue Management | |
reverse Stackelberg games | |
risk hedging | |
Risk measures | |
robust MILP formulations | |
Robust optimization | |
Routing | |
runtime analysis | |
Rényi Divergences | |
S | |
Satellite constellation design | |
scalable billing | |
Scheduling | |
Screening tests | |
scRNA-seq | |
Seasonal Storage Valuation | |
self-concordant barriers | |
Semi-algebraic geometry | |
Semidefinite programming | |
Separation sub-problem | |
Set Analysis | |
SGD | |
Signal Tracking | |
Single-cell RNA-seq | |
single-leader-multi-follower games | |
SIR model | |
Smart building | |
smart charging | |
smoothing | |
SOS constraints | |
SOS-1 approach | |
Sparse approximation | |
Sparse Optimization | |
Spatial equilibria | |
spatial interactions | |
Spectral optimization | |
Splitting | |
stability analysis | |
Stability of solutions | |
Stable Matching | |
Stackelberg game | |
state constraints | |
State-constrained Optimization | |
sterile insect technique | |
Stochastic control | |
Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming | |
stochastic gradient | |
Stochastic model | |
Stochastic Networks | |
Stochastic Optimization | |
Stochastic Pontryagin principle | |
Stochastic programming | |
stratification | |
stratified problems | |
strongly quasiconvex functions | |
Structure of Information | |
structured learning | |
sub-graph isomorphism | |
subgradient sampling | |
Subset Selection | |
Substitutability | |
Subtour Elimination Constraints | |
superiorization | |
Synchronous DataFlow | |
T | |
TBA1 | |
TBA2 | |
TBA3 | |
Teleworking | |
Term sparsity | |
time slot pricing | |
Time Varying Optimisation | |
Timed Weighted Event Graph | |
Transcriptomics | |
transportation problem | |
Traveling Salesman Problem | |
tropical geometry | |
Tumour containment | |
turnpike phenomenon | |
U | |
Uncertainties | |
Uncertainty | |
Unit Commitment Problem | |
usability | |
V | |
value function | |
Variable Splitting | |
variational algorithms | |
Variational Inference | |
Vector-borne diseases | |
vehicle routing | |
W | |
Waste recovery | |
Weighted Sum Method | |
Wolbachia |