Days: Tuesday, November 29th Wednesday, November 30th
Tuesday, November 29th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:10 Session 1: Welcome
Foreword by Etienne Brière, scientific director of EDF Lab.
Location: Auditorium
09:10-10:00 Session 2: Plenary lecture
Location: Auditorium
09:10 | A Glance at Nonsmooth Automatic differentiation (abstract) |
10:00-10:10 Session 3: PGMO PhD Prize Ceremony
Location: Auditorium
10:00 | Presentation of the laureates by the president of Jury and representatives of SMAI-MODE and ROADEF |
10:10-10:40 Session 4: PMGO PhD Prize laureates, part 1
Location: Auditorium
10:10 | Sequential Learning in a strategical environment |
10:40-11:10Coffee Break
11:10-12:40 Session 5A: Invited session: Optimal control applied to life sciences, part I
Location: Amphi I
11:10 | Stability and optimization of the chemostat system including a linear coupling term between species (abstract) PRESENTER: Terence Bayen |
11:40 | Vector-borne Disease Outbreak Control via Instant Vector Releases (abstract) PRESENTER: Jesus Bellver Arnau |
12:10 | Optimal control of a bioeconomic model applied to the recovery of household waste (abstract) PRESENTER: Walid Djema |
11:10-12:40 Session 5B: Invited session: Mean field games, part I
Location: Auditorium
11:10 | Error estimates of a $\theta$-scheme for second order mean field games (abstract) PRESENTER: Kang Liu |
11:40 | Mean-field Control under State Constraint: Optimality Conditions and Mean-field Limit (abstract) |
12:10 | A Mean Field Game model in Economics with spatial interactions in the human capital (abstract) PRESENTER: Daria Ghilli |
11:10-12:40 Session 5C: Invited session: Polynomial optimization
Location: A1.116
11:10 | Sparse polynomial optimization: old and new (abstract) |
11:40 | On the Computational Complexity of the Moment-SOS Hierarchy for Polynomial Optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Sander Gribling |
12:10 | No Self-Concordant Barrier Interior Point Method Is Strongly Polynomial (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicolas Vandame |
11:10-12:40 Session 5D: Contributed session: Robust optimization and Applications
Location: A1.122
11:10 | Robust MILP formulations for the two-stage p-Center Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristian Duran-Mateluna |
11:40 | Robust multi-stage optimization for glass production (abstract) PRESENTER: Anton Medvedev |
12:10 | Smart Charging under Uncertainty on Arrival and Departure Dates: a Robust Optimization Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Maxime Grangereau |
11:10-12:40 Session 5E: Contributed session: Large scale optimization
Location: A1.128
11:10 | Quadratic Error Bound of the Smoothed Gap and the Restarted Averaged Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient (abstract) |
11:40 | Regularized Rényi Divergence Minimization through Bregman Proximal Gradient Algorithms (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Guilmeau |
12:10 | Asynchronous Optimization of Relatively Smooth Objectives (abstract) |
11:10-12:10 Session 5F: Contributed session: Stochastic optimization -- applications to energy and revenue management
Location: A1.133
11:10 | Newton Method for Stochastic Control Problems: Application to Decentralized Control of Energy Storage Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Maxime Grangereau |
11:40 | Pricing Bundles for Airline Revenue Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Emanuele Concas |
11:10-12:40 Session 5G: Contributed session: Global and Quadratic programming
Location: A1.134
11:10 | A Two-Phase Sequential Algorithm for Global Optimization of the Standard Quadratic Programming Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Valentina Sessa |
11:40 | Global Solution of Quadratic Programs by Interval Methods and Convex Reformulations (abstract) PRESENTER: Gilles Trombettoni |
12:10 | A Boosted DC Algorithm for Non-Differentiable DC Components with Non-Monotone Line Search (abstract) PRESENTER: João Carlos Souza |
11:10-12:40 Session 5H: Contributed session: Logistics and scheduling
Location: A1.139
11:10 | Linear lexicographic optimization and preferential bidding system (abstract) PRESENTER: Axel Parmentier |
11:40 | A Fairness Framework for Coflow Scheduling (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesco De Pellegrini |
12:10 | Colored Petri-Nets and Synchronous Dataflow Graphs to optimize a medical evacuation (abstract) PRESENTER: Pierre Cortambert |
11:10-12:40 Session 5I: Invited session: Optimization for engineering and scientific computing
Location: Amphi II
11:10 | Image Reconstruction: Superiorization versus Regularization (abstract) PRESENTER: Warren Hare |
11:40 | Simulation and optimal control of heating and cooling systems: A case study of a commercial building (abstract) PRESENTER: Phillipe Sampaio |
12:10 | Stochastic blackbox optimization for complex engineering models with dynamical constraints (abstract) |
11:10-12:40 Session 5J: Contributed session: Black-box and evolutionary optimization: Theory and applications
Location: A1.140
11:10 | New Runtime Guarantees for the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) (abstract) PRESENTER: Benjamin Doerr |
11:40 | Evolving Directed Acyclic Graphs for Automated Deep Learning: application to short-term load forecasting (abstract) PRESENTER: Julie Keisler |
12:10 | Per-Run Algorithm Selection (and Beyond) (abstract) |
12:40-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-14:50 Session 6: Plenary lecture
Location: Auditorium
14:00 | Some splitting methods from a nonsmooth optimizer's perspective (abstract) |
14:50-15:20 Session 7: PGMO PhD Prize laureates, part 2
Location: Auditorium
14:50 | Anchored solutions in robust combinatorial optimization |
15:20-15:50Coffee Break
15:50-17:20 Session 8A: Invited session: Optimal control applied to life sciences, part II
Location: Amphi I
15:50 | Peak minimization for compartmental models (abstract) PRESENTER: Emilio Molina |
16:20 | Optimal Control of Tumor Immune Systems under Parametric Uncertainties (abstract) PRESENTER: Kaouther Moussa |
16:50 | Stability analysis of controlled resource allocation in bacterial models (abstract) PRESENTER: Agustin Yabo |
15:50-17:20 Session 8B: Contributed session: On Interior Point Methods
Location: A1.116
15:50 | HiGHS: The missing link for fully open-source energy system modelling (abstract) |
16:20 | MadNLP: a structure-exploiting interior-point package for HPC (abstract) PRESENTER: François Pacaud |
16:50 | Interior point methods in optimal control problems: Convergence results and primal-dual solving algorithm (abstract) |
15:50-17:20 Session 8C: Contributed session: Spectral theory, semidefinite programming, and application to Optimal Power Flow
Location: A1.122
15:50 | Decomposition Methods for the Multi-Network Optimal Power Flow Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: John Warwicker |
16:20 | Moment relaxations for large scale AC-OPF problems (abstract) |
16:50 | Spectral constraints in nonlinear programming (abstract) PRESENTER: Antoine Oustry |
15:50-17:20 Session 8D: Invited session: Mean field games, part II
Location: Auditorium
15:50 | Mean Field Games with Incomplete Information (abstract) |
16:20 | Scaling up Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Mean Field Games and Vice-versa (abstract) |
16:50 | Mean-field Optimization regularized by Fisher Information (abstract) |
15:50-17:20 Session 8E: Invited session: first-order methods and o-minimality
Location: A1.128
15:50 | Lyapunov Stability of the Subgradient Method with Constant Step Size (abstract) PRESENTER: Lexiao Lai |
16:20 | Subgradient Sampling in Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Tam Le |
16:50 | Stochastic Subgradient Descent Escapes Active Strict Saddles on Weakly Convex Functions (abstract) PRESENTER: Sholom Schechtman |
15:50-17:20 Session 8F: Invited Session: Energy4Climate
Location: Amphi II
15:50 | Multi-parameter data for energy optimisation: the Energy4Climate building-based demonstrators (abstract) |
16:20 | Design and dimensioning of natural gas pipelines with hydrogen injection (abstract) PRESENTER: Natalia Jorquera Bravo |
16:50 | Coupled production management and energy supply planning of an industrial microgrid (abstract) PRESENTER: Zoe Fornier |
15:50-17:20 Session 8G: Contribution session: Optimization -- applications to biology
Location: A1.133
15:50 | Statistical Discovery of Transcriptomic Cancer Signatures using Multimodal Local Search (abstract) PRESENTER: Johann Dreo |
16:20 | A Framework for Identifying Resistance-related Gene Signatures in scRNA-seq data using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (abstract) PRESENTER: Mara Santarelli |
16:50 | Some Optimal Control Problems Arising From Tumour Containment (abstract) PRESENTER: Yannick Viossat |
15:50-17:20 Session 8H: Contributed session : Optimization under uncertainty and applications
Location: A1.134
15:50 | Periodical Infinite Horizon Optimization for Multistage Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Vitor Luiz P. de P. Ferreira |
16:20 | Increasing electricity reliability in peri-urban areas of Sub-Saharan Africa with joint chance constraints (abstract) PRESENTER: Tatiana Gonzalez Grandon |
16:50 | Mean field analysis of stochastic networks with reservation (abstract) PRESENTER: Hanene Mohamed |
15:50-16:50 Session 8I: Contributed session: sparse and cardinality constrained optimization
Location: A1.139
15:50 | Crossover for Cardinality Constrained Optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Simon Wietheger |
16:20 | Entropic Lower Bound of Cardinality for Sparse Optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Riadh Zorgati |
15:50-17:20 Session 8J: Contributed Session: Convexity and beyond
Location: A1.140
15:50 | Regularized smoothing for solution mappings of convex problems, with applications to two-stage stochastic programming and some hierarchical problems (abstract) |
16:20 | Relaxed-inertial proximal point algorithms for problems involving strongly quasiconvex functions (abstract) PRESENTER: Sorin-Mihai Grad |
16:50 | Progressive decoupling of linkages in a class of optimization problems with non-elicitable convexity (abstract) |
17:30-18:20 Session 9: Plenary lecture
Location: Auditorium
17:30 | Applications of Interior Point methods: from Sparse Approximations to Discrete Optimal Transport (abstract) |
19:00-21:45Cocktail - PGMO 10th Anniversary Celebration
Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of PGMO at 19h15, with interventions of Laura Fioni, Jean-Paul Chabard, Pascal Massart and Sandrine Charousset
Wednesday, November 30th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:10-10:00 Session 10: Plenary lecture
Location: Auditorium
09:10 | Dyadic Linear Programming (abstract) |
10:00-10:50 Session 11: Plenary lecture
Location: Auditorium
10:00 | Bilevel Optimization Under Uncertainty (abstract) |
10:50-11:20Coffee Break
11:20-12:50 Session 12A: Invited session: Bundle Methods: Methodology and Applications to Energy Optimization
Location: Amphi I
11:20 | Minimizing the difference of convex and weakly convex functions via bundle method (abstract) PRESENTER: Ksenia Syrtseva |
11:50 | Asynchronous Bundle Methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Matteo De Francesco |
12:20 | Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming and Lagrangian decomposition for Seasonal Storage Valuation in SMS++ (abstract) PRESENTER: Antonio Frangioni |
11:20-12:50 Session 12B: Invited session: New developments in optimal control theory, part I
Location: Auditorium
11:20 | Neural Networks for First Order HJB Equations (abstract) PRESENTER: Olivier Bokanowski |
11:50 | Hybrid optimal control including a regionally constant parameter and applications (abstract) PRESENTER: Anas Bouali |
12:20 | Viscosity solutions of first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations in locally compact Hadamard spaces (abstract) PRESENTER: Othmane Jerhaoui |
11:20-12:50 Session 12C: Invited session: Pricing problems in energy management
Location: Amphi II
11:20 | An exact method for a problem of time-slot pricing (abstract) PRESENTER: Olivier Bilenne |
11:50 | A Rank-Based Reward between a Principal and a Field of Agents: Application to Energy Savings (abstract) PRESENTER: Quentin Jacquet |
12:20 | Intelligent Pricing in Electric Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Mandar Datar |
11:20-12:50 Session 12D: Contributed session: Optimal transport and beyond
Location: A1.116
11:20 | Risk management via optimal (partial) transport (abstract) |
11:50 | A simple city equilibrium model with an application to teleworking (abstract) PRESENTER: Quentin Petit |
12:20 | Feature Projection for Optimal Transport (abstract) |
11:20-12:20 Session 12E: Contributed session: Piecewise-linear geometry and applications
Location: A1.122
11:20 | Degree Theory for the Linear Complementarity Problem and related Piecewise Linear Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Manuel Radons |
11:50 | Local minima and their basins of attractions for piecewise affine functions with polyhedral support (abstract) PRESENTER: Florin Stoican |
11:20-12:50 Session 12F: Contributed session: Black-box and evolutionary optimization: Part I
Location: A1.128
11:20 | Parameter-Dependent Performance Bounds for Evolutionary Algorithms (abstract) |
11:50 | The Satellite Constellation Design Problem via MI(N)LP Boosted with a Genetic Algorithm (abstract) PRESENTER: Luca Mencarelli |
12:20 | Two-Dimensional Drift Analysis: Optimizing Two Functions Simultaneously Can Be Hard (abstract) PRESENTER: Duri Andrea Janett |
11:20-12:50 Session 12G: Contributed session: Game theory and beyond
Location: A1.133
11:20 | One-to-Many Matching Games (abstract) PRESENTER: Felipe Garrido-Lucero |
11:50 | Evolutionary Game of Coordination for Formation Flying (abstract) |
12:20 | Generalized Nash Fairness solutions for Bi-Objective Minimization Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Minh Hieu Nguyen |
11:20-12:50 Session 12H: Contributed session: Combinatorial optimization -- polyhedral methods
Location: A1.134
11:20 | Projective Cutting Planes with multiple cuts per iteration for robust linear programming (abstract) |
11:50 | Overlapping decomposition in column generation (abstract) PRESENTER: Pierre Fouilhoux |
12:20 | On a Concept of a Generic Intersection Cut Callback (abstract) |
11:20-12:50 Session 12I: Contributed session: Optimal pricing and energy management
Location: A1.139
11:20 | A branch-and-bound method for single-leader-multi-follower games with energy management applications (abstract) PRESENTER: Didier Aussel |
11:50 | An Equilibrium Analysis of Risk-Hedging Strategies in Decentralized Electricity Markets (abstract) PRESENTER: Ilia Shilov |
12:20 | Parking duration optimization for electric vehicles in a loss queueing system (abstract) PRESENTER: Alix Dupont |
11:20-12:50 Session 12J: Invited Session: The ℓ0 pseudonorm -- Theory and Applications
Location: A1.140
11:20 | Discrete Optimization Methods for Problems with the L0-Pseudonorm (abstract) |
11:50 | Continuous nonconvex relaxations of the l0 pseudonorm (abstract) |
12:20 | Hidden Convexity in the l0 Pseudonorm (abstract) PRESENTER: Michel De Lara |
12:20-12:50 Session 13: Contributed session: Optimization of microgrids - Part I
Location: A1.122
12:20 | Optimal Voltage References for DC Microgrids using an Economic MPC Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Pol Jane Soneira |
12:50-14:10Lunch Break
14:10-15:00 Session 14: Plenary lecture
Location: Auditorium
14:10 | Recent aspects of mean field control (abstract) |
15:00-15:20Coffee Break
15:20-16:50 Session 15A: Invited session: Equilibrium problems and decomposition methods in energy
Location: Amphi II
15:20 | A Reverse Stackelberg Game Model for Grid Usage Pricing with Local Energy Markets (abstract) PRESENTER: Juan Pablo Sepulveda |
15:50 | The Unit Commitment problem with integration of Local Energy Communities (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristian Aguayo |
16:20 | Balancing Efficiency and Privacy in a Decision-Dependent Network Game (abstract) PRESENTER: Raphaël Taisant |
15:20-16:50 Session 15B: Invited session: Decarbonization and energy management
Location: A1.116
15:20 | A static game model for analyzing country carbon emissions (abstract) PRESENTER: Anthony Couthures |
15:50 | Regional decarbonization studies: a first step to assess how to share decarbonization effort at the scale of a country. The example of Centre-Val de Loire (abstract) PRESENTER: Olivier Beaude |
16:20 | Carbon offsetting: a game perspective (abstract) |
15:20-16:50 Session 15C: Invited session: Quantum Operations Research - Overview and latest advances
Location: Amphi I
15:20 | Quantum Operations Research (abstract) |
15:50 | Efficient Quantum Encodings for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: The Sub-Graph Isomorphism Case (abstract) |
16:20 | Attaque par canaux cachés quantiques (abstract) PRESENTER: Eric Bourreau |
15:20-16:50 Session 15D: Contributed session: Learning and OR
Location: A1.128
15:20 | AutoML - Benefits, Reality, Future (abstract) |
15:50 | Improving subtour constraints generation in Branch-and-Cut algorithms for TSP with Machine Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Thi Quynh Trang Vo |
16:20 | Structured learning for vehicle routing problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Léo Baty |
15:20-16:50 Session 15E: Contributed session: Optimization of microgrids - Part II
Location: A1.122
15:20 | Energy management in a hydrogen-based microgrid through constrained optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Ionela Prodan |
15:50 | Surrogate Component Approach for Self-Consumption Management (abstract) |
15:20-16:50 Session 15F: Invited session: New developments in optimal control theory, part II
Location: Auditorium
15:20 | State constraints in stochastic optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Caroline Geiersbach |
15:50 | A turnpike property for an optimal control problem with chance constraints (abstract) PRESENTER: René Henrion |
16:20 | A Maximum Principle for some Chance-Constrained Control Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Hasnaa Zidani |
15:20-16:50 Session 15G: Contributed session: Mean-field models
Location: A1.133
15:20 | A mean field model for the interactions between firms on the markets of their inputs (abstract) PRESENTER: Quentin Petit |
15:50 | A mean field control approach for smart charging (abstract) |
16:20 | NOMA-based Power Control for Machine-Type Communications: A Mean Field Game Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Amani Benamor |
15:20-16:50 Session 15H: Contributed session: Optimization and statistics
Location: A1.134
15:20 | How Principal Component Analysis can improve Bayesian Optimization at High Dimensionality (abstract) |
15:50 | Constrained Smoothing and Out-of-range Prediction by Means of a Mathematical Optimization Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Vanesa Guerrero |
16:20 | Subset Sampling for Low-Discrepancy Point Sets (abstract) PRESENTER: François Clément |
15:20-16:20 Session 15I: Contributed session: Observation problems
Location: A1.139
15:20 | Non-uniform Observability for Moving Horizon Estimation and stability with respect to additive perturbation (abstract) PRESENTER: Emilien Flayac |
15:50 | A multi-objective exposure-oriented sensor location problem for border security in 3D (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephane Malindi |
15:20-16:20 Session 15J: Contributed session: Learning and classifying
Location: A1.140
15:20 | Learning with sign-dependent combinatorial optimization layers: a multiplicative perturbation approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Louis Bouvier |
15:50 | Monotonic Ensemble Classifiers for Biomedical Applications (abstract) PRESENTER: Océane Fourquet |