Days: Wednesday, November 23rd Thursday, November 24th Friday, November 25th
Wednesday, November 23rd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
10:00-10:30 Session 2: Opening
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
10:30-11:30 Session 3: Plenary
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
10:30 | Discourses of Exclusion & (Non-)Belonging: On Politicisation and Mediatisation of the Refugee Crisis in Europe ( abstract ) |
11:30-12:00Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Session 4A: Panel: Delimiting the object of study in discourse and interaction analysis (Convenor: Anna-Malin Karlsson)
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
12:00 | Kvalitativ kodning av innehåll och form i samtal, texter och bilder – erfarenheter av arbete med programmet Atlas.ti ( abstract ) |
12:35 | The discursive power of the digital calender – a nexus analysis ( abstract ) |
12:00-13:00 Session 4B: Gesture
Location: PA110 (Athene 2)
12:00 | Hand-overs and returns: Object transfers and the progressivity of social interaction ( abstract ) |
12:30 | ‘Holding-away gesture’ as a resource for halting a co-participant’s turn ( abstract ) |
12:00-13:00 Session 4C: Classroom interaction
Location: PA314
12:00 | On the use of examples in classroom conversations ( abstract ) |
12:30 | Creating opportunities for cognitively demanding interaction in multilingual classrooms ( abstract ) |
12:00-13:00 Session 4D: Q/A sequences
Location: PA318
12:00 | The Finnish particle "no" in responses to questions displaying understanding of the goal of the question ( abstract ) |
12:30 | “What are you taking away with you?”: processing progress in radio counselling ( abstract ) |
12:00-13:00 Session 4E: Publication workshop
Location: PA314
12:00 | On getting published in international journals ( abstract ) |
14:00-15:30 Session 5A: Panel: Delimiting the object of study in discourse and interaction analysis (Convenor: Anna-Malin Karlsson)
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
14:00 | Spoken and written discourse of a hospital ward - the study design and its challenges ( abstract ) |
14:25 | Pairing related types of action in speech and writing: Two perspectives on meetings and memos as parts of a complex organizational process ( abstract ) |
14:50 | Missing links and tacit cues: Analyzing practices of recontextualization between text and talk in organizational decision making ( abstract ) |
14:00-15:30 Session 5B: Question design
Location: PA110 (Athene 2)
14:00 | Fill-in-the-blank questions in interaction ( abstract ) |
14:30 | A “specifying” wh-question asks for more than specification ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Multi-unit questions in Estonian everyday interaction ( abstract ) |
14:00-15:30 Session 5C: Rhetoric
Location: PA311
14:00 | Metaphors in interaction in Linn Ullmann’s The cold song ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Voices and topoi in the Norwegian Workers’ Dictionary (1932–1936) ( abstract ) |
15:00 | A method of finding the doxa ( abstract ) |
14:00-15:30 Session 5D: Health care interaction
Location: PA314
14:00 | Nexus analysis and interaction in healthcare educational practices ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Selling and caring in consultations for ‘over-the-counter’ medicines: Exploring tension in the pharmacist–client interaction as the dynamics of frames of communication ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Expertise and experience in medical traffic risk assessments ( abstract ) |
14:00-15:30 Session 5E: Panel: Interaction in educational settings (Convenor: Karianne Skovholt)
Location: PA318
14:00 | The emotionality of blaming: Escalated moral character work and negative affect in conflict talk among children and teachers ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Doing versus assessing interactional competence: Contrasting L2 test interaction and teachers’ collaborative grading of a paired speaking test ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Some interactional consequences of classroom smartphone use ( abstract ) |
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 Session 6: Plenary
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
16:00 | Diversity and universality of interactional practices: some issues ( abstract ) |
Thursday, November 24th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:00 Session 7: Plenary
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
09:00 | Languaging, literacies and the negotiation of identies among multilingual children and adolescents ( abstract ) |
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 8A: Panel: Refugees: Conflictual Discourses (Convenor: Elisabeth Eide)
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
10:30 | Migration researchers and mass media ( abstract ) |
11:00 | We are not building bridges anymore ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Constructing ‘migrants’ and ‘refugees’ in populist right-wing discourses in Norway ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Welcoming discourses: Facebook-page «Refugees Welcome» ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:30 Session 8B: Panel: Exploring the micro/macro divide: Discursive and interactional perspectives (Convenor: Birte Asmuß)
Location: PA110 (Athene 2)
10:30 | Building manager—subordinate relationship through emotion management in performance appraisal interviews ( abstract ) |
11:00 | ‘Knowledge talk’ in performance appraisal interviews: Situated management of organizational learning ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Local interactional practices and wider organizational practices: The case of discussing written texts in performance appraisal interviews ( abstract ) |
12:00 | The fuzzy nature of the micro-macro divide ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:30 Session 8C: Text production
Location: PA311
10:30 | Plain language, clear texts and multimodality ( abstract ) |
11:00 | The Wheel of Writing : the linguistic and text linguistic sources of the writing construct ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Tablet mediated expository text productionin 4th grade classroom ( abstract ) |
12:00 | To serve and to protect: How state owned alcohol and gambling organizations cope with the conflict between profit making and public health in annual reports ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:30 Session 8D: Multimodal interaction
Location: PA314
10:30 | Waiting for the client: Multimodal analysis of waiting in service encounters ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Other-initiated construction of blind people’s social space. How people orient towards a blind man walking and navigating in public space ( abstract ) |
11:30 | The multimodal accomplishment of activity suspensions and resumptions in interaction ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Telling the Other’s Side. Formulating Others’ Understanding in Driver Training ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:30 Session 8E: Panel: Interaction in educational settings (Convenor: Karianne Skovholt)
Location: PA318
10:30 | Feedback practices in a teacher-student supervision conference ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Non-understanding the instructions: The teacher’s accountability ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Epistemic ecologies and grammar correction in computer-assisted collaborative writing in the English as a foreign language classroom ( abstract ) |
13:30-15:00 Session 9A: Kindergarten education
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
13:30 | What kind of texts are read in kindergarten? - A presentation of textual experiences in Early Childhood Education ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Mathematizing in preschool children's everyday block play interaction ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Doing Numbers in Kindergarten and in 1st Grade ( abstract ) |
13:30-15:00 Session 9B: Panel: Exploring the micro/macro divide: Discursive and interactional perspectives (Convenor: Birte Asmuß)
Location: PA110 (Athene 2)
13:30 | Investigating how macro-level social roles are accomplished through micro-level social interaction ( abstract ) |
14:00 | When the manager joins for lunch: Identity negotiations in organizational lunchroom meetings ( abstract ) |
14:30 | "I have to go to the nursery." The moral ordering of work time ( abstract ) |
13:30-15:00 Session 9C: Ethnic relations
Location: PA311
13:30 | Discursive constructions of migrants by political elites in Serbian and Croatian on-line media sources ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Constituting race, whiteness and nationality in higher education ( abstract ) |
14:30 | "She didn't know I'm black, you see". Body signs and professional identity ( abstract ) |
13:30-15:00 Session 9D: Journalism
Location: PA314
13:30 | Power profiles ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Genre and tenor negotiation in reader-journalist dialogues online ( abstract ) |
13:30-15:00 Session 9E: Identity
Location: PA318
13:30 | Going back: Constructions of authenticity through autobiographical narratives ( abstract ) |
14:00 | On social anxiety and World of Warcraft ( abstract ) |
15:00-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Session 10A: Classroom interaction
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
15:30 | Who gets the last word? - Sharing professional and cultural perspectives in medical Swedish ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Capturing interactional competence for lecturers in English-medium Higher Education ( abstract ) |
16:30 | The role of non-verbal communication in Italian as SL and FL classrooms: a multimodal analysis on teacher/students interaction ( abstract ) |
15:30-17:00 Session 10B: Panel: Exploring the micro/macro divide: Discursive and interactional perspectives (Convenor: Birte Asmuß)
Location: PA110 (Athene 2)
15:30 | ‘And we do, as you know, often speak of global responsibility’: Studying the accomplishment of category bound predicates of global citizens ( abstract ) |
16:00 | "I want to get back there, but it's too soon": Displays of long-term sickness beneficiaries' 'wants' to return to work ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Resonating verbal and bodily-visual practices in the staff break room: building colleague support and solidarity at the workplace ( abstract ) |
15:30-17:00 Session 10C: Multilingual interaction
Location: PA311
15:30 | Young entrepreneurship, language ideologies, practical challenges and the interplay of Norwegian and English: ”og så gikk vi og narrow litt down i kategorier” ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On language, literacy and learning: narratives from multilingual homes ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Parents’ translingual practice with toddlers in domestic settings ( abstract ) |
15:30-17:00 Session 10D: Communication media
Location: PA314
15:30 | Transmediating Narration in Crime Trials ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Betwixt, behind and beyond the third-party video ‘camera’: Analysing what people say and do with, in and around digital video cameras ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Selfie as a Global Discourse ( abstract ) |
15:30-17:00 Session 10E: Language policy
Location: PA318
15:30 | Grammatical variation in Afrikaans – marking social and ethnic difference? ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Minority language standardisation as social action ( abstract ) |
Friday, November 25th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:00 Session 11: Plenary
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
09:00 | Genres of climate change narratives ( abstract ) |
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Session 12A: Panel: Nexus-analytic mentality, conversation-analytic method (Convenors: Martinviita, Rauniomaa and Riekki)
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
10:30 | Nurses interacting with patients and mobile work phones: Combining Conversation Analysis and Nexus Analysis to explore hospital practices. ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Methodological perspectives in studying multiple timescales and change ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Combining conversation analysis (CA) and nexus analysis (NA) to analyse sociomaterial and affective practices ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:00 Session 12B: Classroom interaction
Location: PA110 (Athene 2)
10:30 | Taking time-out from classroom participation ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Mobility in the classroom: initiating focused interaction with a walking teacher ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Teasing by mobile phone at school ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:00 Session 12C: Environmental discourse
Location: PA311
10:30 | Northern nature in conflict: Online rhetoric of nature in the case of Enontekiö national park in Finland ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Lived Democracy in the Classroom: Young rhetors on oil exploitation in Lofoten ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Discourses of Contest and collaboration in the Arctic ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:00 Session 12D: Organizational discourse
Location: PA314
10:30 | Transparent and mediated – key concepts in current organizational discourse? ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Professionals in the making. An interactional approach to socialisation processes ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Interaction, multiactivity and liminality in organizational training ( abstract ) |
10:30-12:00 Session 12E: Interviewing
Location: PA318
10:30 | Adversarial questioning in election campaign interviews ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Opening up the opening: exploring framings of qualitative research interviews ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Framing as a resource in eliciting details in police interviews of adult witnesses ( abstract ) |
13:00-14:00 Session 13A: Panel: Nexus-analytic mentality, conversation-analytic method (Convenors: Martinviita, Rauniomaa and Riekki)
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
13:00 | Finding a workable path: conversation analysis and nexus analysis in the study of human activity in natural settings ( abstract ) |
13:30 | Exploring common ground: conversation analysis and nexus analysis in the study of organized foraging activity ( abstract ) |
13:00-14:00 Session 13B: Learning in professions
Location: PA110 (Athene 2)
13:00 | Creating space for students’ concern. Students’ and teachers’ embodied feedback practices ( abstract ) |
13:30 | Migrant cleaners in Finland: Linkages between career plans and language learning ( abstract ) |
13:00-14:00 Session 13C: Workplace interaction
Location: PA314
13:00 | From two-person to multi-person interaction in shared workspaces ( abstract ) |
13:30 | The timing of turn taking in multilingual encounters when interlocutors do not speak a shared language ( abstract ) |
13:00-14:00 Session 13D: Online language learning
Location: PA318
13:00 | Using CA to study L2 learning in-and-through video chats: Methodological considerations ( abstract ) |
13:30 | Children as resourceful users of an online environment for learning English ( abstract ) |
14:15-15:15 Session 14: Plenary
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)
14:15 | Cultural Probes in Second Language Learning in the Wild ( abstract ) |
15:15-15:30 Session 15: Closing
Location: PA113 (Athene 1)