View: session overviewtalk overview
12:00 | Persona2vec: A representations learning framework for network with pervasively overlapping communities PRESENTER: Jisung Yoon |
12:00 | Multiobjective optimization of large-scale network structures PRESENTER: Sebastian Morel Balbi |
12:00 | Identification of Similarities and Differences Between User Actions in an Online Game: The Case of Fantasy Premier League PRESENTER: Joseph O Brien |
12:00 | Sequential Seeding in Multilayer Networks PRESENTER: Piotr Bródka |
12:00 | Random search with stochastic revisiting in complex networks PRESENTER: Youngkyoung Bae |
12:00 | Structural and Semantic Impact of Online Collective Action PRESENTER: Tomaso Erseghe |
12:00 | Addressing pecularities of the letter correspondence network of the European Reformation PRESENTER: Ramona Roller |
12:00 | Network Analysis of associations between clinical variables and psychological symptoms in Testing and Identifying Targets in Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy – UltraSound Study (TITRATE-US) dataset PRESENTER: Hsiu Yen Tung |
12:00 | Network layout using neural networks PRESENTER: Csaba Both |
12:00 | Dynamics of Janus Oscillators and Reductions on Complex Networks PRESENTER: Emre Kaya |
12:00 | Persistent homology segments time-varying brain states PRESENTER: Jacob Billings |
12:00 | Climate risk and financial stability in the network of banks and investment funds PRESENTER: Alan Roncoroni |
12:00 | Probabilistic epidemic forecasting using probability generating functions, and its robustness to data quality, error, biases and noise. PRESENTER: Mariah C. Boudreau |
12:00 | Human prophylaxis driven by risk can cause oscillations in direct contact transmitted diseases PRESENTER: Benjamin Steinegger |
12:00 | Identifying time dependence in network growth PRESENTER: Max Falkenberg |
12:00 | Examining the feasibility of using the Gaussian Graphical Model to model the relationships between neurocognitive variables in Alzheimer’s disease |
12:00 | When do ranking algorithms reinforce, replicate, or weaken inequalities in directed social networks? PRESENTER: Lisette Espín-Noboa |
12:00 | Deep AutoEncorder effectively extracts the key topologies from the Microconnectome. PRESENTER: Tatsuya Tanaka |
12:00 | Bitcoin Transaction Networks: an overview of recent results PRESENTER: Nicolò Vallarano |
12:30 | Two percolation transitions in spatial modular networks PRESENTER: Bnaya Gross |
12:45 | Probabilistic models on networks with loops PRESENTER: Alec Kirkley |
13:00 | Spectral properties of the non-backtracking matrix in networks and its physical consequences PRESENTER: Romualdo Pastor-Satorras |
13:15 | Learning (sub-)optimal percolation with network dismantling PRESENTER: Marco Grassia |
13:30 | No-exclaves percolation: Uncovering hidden impact of failures in complex systems PRESENTER: Sang-Hwan Gwak |
13:45 | Percolation and Paths in Novel Spacetime Random Geometric Graphs PRESENTER: Chester Tan |
12:30 | Synchronization dynamics on non-normal networks PRESENTER: Riccardo Muolo |
12:45 | Topological Control of Sync Patterns: Trading Symmetry for Stability PRESENTER: Yuanzhao Zhang |
13:00 | Random walks on hypergraphs PRESENTER: Timoteo Carletti |
13:15 | Dynamical processes and stability analysis in hypergraphs PRESENTER: Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda |
13:30 | Random walks on dense graphs and graphons PRESENTER: Julien Petit |
13:45 | Fragility and anomalous susceptibility of weakly interacting networks PRESENTER: Giacomo Rapisardi |
12:30 | Gender diversity in collaboration networks and the online popularity of scientists PRESENTER: Agnes Horvat |
12:45 | Beyond Fortune 500: Women in a Global Network of Directors PRESENTER: Michael Gastner |
13:00 | Comparing gender mixing preferences across networks PRESENTER: Leto Peel |
13:15 | Maintaining cultural identity: evidence from migrants on Twitter PRESENTER: Jisu Kim |
13:30 | Hunter-gatherer multilevel sociality accelerates cumulative cultural evolution PRESENTER: Federico Battiston |
13:45 | A mobile phone network analysis of the socio-economic impact of rural electrification in Senegal PRESENTER: Hadrien Salat |
12:30 | Simulating the emergence of hierarchy in faculty hiring networks PRESENTER: Dakota Murray |
12:45 | Measuring the scientific brain drain: a country perspective PRESENTER: Alessandra Urbinati |
13:00 | Locating differences in the implicit semantic networks of biomedical research PRESENTER: Brendan Chambers |
13:15 | China's research works are locally rich cited but globally underrepresented PRESENTER: Tao Jia |
13:30 | Heterogeneous Scaling of Research Institutions PRESENTER: Keith Burghardt |
13:45 | Which cited papers are more important to a manuscript? Analysis of citation patterns in open access manuscripts PRESENTER: Ali Faqeeh |
12:30 | Unstable by Design? Taming Systemic Risk in Endogenous Financial Networks PRESENTER: Stefano Battiston |
12:45 | Inferring default cascades in financial systems PRESENTER: Irena Barjašić |
13:00 | Spectral signals of topological collapse in financial networks PRESENTER: Emiliano Marchese |
13:15 | The systemic dimension of counterparty risk PRESENTER: Chiara Perillo |
13:30 | Stress testing real-world holdings networks: correlated investments and the effects of rebalancing PRESENTER: Danilo Delpini |
13:45 | Ethereum Blockchain: A Network Perspective PRESENTER: Shahar Somin |
12:30 | Explain collective discovery processes via the adjacent possible exploration PRESENTER: Gabriele Di Bona |
12:45 | The role of geography in the complex diffusion of innovations PRESENTER: Balazs Lengyel |
13:00 | A generative model for urban firm networks PRESENTER: Natalia Zdanowska ABSTRACT. The emergence of entangled urban networks is a salient feature of globalisation processes. Understanding the drivers behind the growth of such networks, and in particular urban firm networks, is crucial for the economic resilience of urban systems. We introduce in this paper a generative network model for firm networks at the urban area level, which includes several complementary processes which are the economic size of urban areas at origin and destination, industrial sector proximity between firms, the strength of links from the past as well as the geographical and socio-cultural distance. An empirical network analysis on European firm ownership data confirms a role for each factor. We then simulate network growth for synthetic systems of cities, unveiling stylized facts such as a transition from a local to a global regime or a maximal integration achieved at an intermediate interaction range. We finally calibrate the model on the European network, outperforming statistical models and showing a strong role of path-dependency. Potential applications of the model include the study of mitigation policies for exogenous shocks such as economic crisis. |
13:15 | Will it spread? Quantifying the predictability of new product diffusion in social networks PRESENTER: Radu Tanase |
13:30 | Thematic recommendations on knowledge graphs using multilayer networks PRESENTER: Mariano Beguerisse-Díaz |
13:45 | The fragility of opinion formation in a complex world PRESENTER: Matúš Medo |
17:00 | Scalable Learning of Spreading Models on Networks PRESENTER: Mateusz Wilinski |
17:15 | A framework for the construction of generative models for mesoscale structure in multilayer networks PRESENTER: Marya Bazzi |
17:30 | Spreading of localized attacks on spatial multiplex networks with a community structure PRESENTER: Dana Vaknin |
17:45 | Optimal percolation in correlated multiplex networks with overlap PRESENTER: Andrea Santoro |
18:00 | Data-driven contact structures: from homogeneous mixing to multilayer networks PRESENTER: Alberto Aleta |
17:00 | A novel framework to capture the coevolution of opinions and decisions in complex networks PRESENTER: Lorenzo Zino |
17:15 | Preferential Interaction and the Emergence of Spite: Endogenous Correlation on an Evolving Network PRESENTER: Zachary Fulker |
17:30 | Influencing the dynamics of correlated opinions in the voter model on multiplex networks PRESENTER: Edoardo Manino |
17:45 | Adapting extraction strategies in networks of bistable common-pool resources: intensity versus allocation PRESENTER: Andrew Schauf |
18:00 | Reinforcement communication learning in different social network structures PRESENTER: Marina Dubova |
17:00 | Multichannel Social Signatures and Persistent Features of Ego Networks PRESENTER: Sara Heydari |
17:15 | Improving the robustness of online social networks: A simulation approach of network interventions PRESENTER: Giona Casiraghi |
17:30 | Going beyond communication intensity for estimating tie strengths in social networks PRESENTER: Javier Ureña-Carrion |
17:45 | The twitter explorer: A framework for observing Twitter through interactive networks PRESENTER: Armin Pournaki ABSTRACT. We present an open-source interface for scientists to explore Twitter data through interactive network visualizations. Combining data collection, transformation and visualization in one easily accessible framework, the twitter explorer connects distant and close reading of Twitter data through the interactive exploration of interaction networks and semantic networks. By lowering the technological barriers of data-driven research, it aims to attract researchers from various disciplinary backgrounds and facilitates new perspectives in the thriving field of computational social science. |
18:00 | Analyzing Twitter semantic networks: two Italian case studies PRESENTER: Tommaso Radicioni |
17:00 | On the generalisability of within household contact networks and impact on epidemic spread PRESENTER: Pietro Coletti |
17:15 | Network-based signal detection to identify emerging foodborne disease outbreaks PRESENTER: Abigail Horn |
17:30 | The role of livestock movements in the spread of Rift Valley fever virus in animal and human populations in Mayotte, 2018-19 PRESENTER: Younjung Kim |
17:45 | The Effect of Uncertainty to Epidemic Behaviour in Cattle Trade A Case Study From Brazil PRESENTER: Sima Farokhnejad |
18:00 | Evaluating the impact of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis on HIV and gonorrhea on a networked population of female sex workers PRESENTER: Benjamin Steinegger |
17:00 | A climate risk assessment of sovereign bonds PRESENTER: Stefano Battiston |
17:15 | Systemic liquidity contagion in the European interbank market PRESENTER: Valentina Macchiati |
17:30 | A faster horse on a safer trail: generalized inference for the efficient reconstruction of weighted networks PRESENTER: Tiziano Squartini |
17:45 | Controlling systemic risk PRESENTER: Vinko Zlatic |
18:00 | Financial micro-blog network impact on cryptocurrency returns PRESENTER: Irena Vodenska |
17:00 | Multilayer brain networks with time-evolving nodes and analyzing network motifs in them PRESENTER: Tarmo Nurmi |
17:15 | Unbiased selection of brain network features with nullspace sampling PRESENTER: Aditya Nanda |
17:30 | Dynamic core periphery structure of information sharing networks in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus PRESENTER: Nicola Pedreschi |
17:45 | A functional connectivity generative model based on variational autoencoder PRESENTER: Dali Guo |
18:00 | Exploring the interplay between brain and mind in Alzheimer's disease PRESENTER: Barbara Benigni |
18:15 | Detectability of Macroscopic Structures in Directed Networks: a Stochastic Block Model Approach PRESENTER: Mateusz Wilinski |
18:15 | Universality in network dynamics |
18:15 | Systemic Risk Underestimation in Reconstructed Networks PRESENTER: Alexander Becker |
18:15 | Unsupervised embeddings of organizations capture latent structure of scientific mobility PRESENTER: Dakota Murray |
18:15 | Inferring higher-order co-occurrence patterns and simplicial complexes from presence/absence data PRESENTER: Patrick Desrosiers |
18:15 | The Effects of Cultural and Economic Motivations on Social Structure: A Network Agent-based Model PRESENTER: Qiankun Zhong |
18:15 | Identification of mixed dynamics in complex networks PRESENTER: Francesco Parino |
18:15 | A network perspective on macrophage phenotypes in the tumour microenvironment PRESENTER: Malvina Marku |
18:15 | Dominance Hierarchy in the Network of Hockey Fighters PRESENTER: Daniel Larremore |
18:15 | Using Facebook Colocation Maps to Measure Social Distancing and Parametrize Models of Disease Spread PRESENTER: Shankar Iyer |
18:15 | The evolution of multilinks in a research innovation multiplex network PRESENTER: Konstantinos Angelou |
18:15 | Variance and covariance of distributions on networks PRESENTER: Karel Devriendt |
18:15 | Mood Radicalization in Hyperconnected Social Networks PRESENTER: Wenjia Hu |
18:15 | Graceful navigation out of metastable states by humans in a coordination game |
18:15 | Network Time Series Analysis with an Application to COVID-19 Reproduction Numbers PRESENTER: Paolo Bertolotti |
18:15 | Colon cancer microbiome co-expression networks. PRESENTER: Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui |
18:15 | An operational definition of collective identities in digital interaction networks. Theory and application PRESENTER: Xabier E. Barandiaran |
18:15 | Ribosome disruption in Luminal A breast cancer revealed by gene co-expression networks PRESENTER: Diana García-Cortés |
18:15 | Can we design a complex quantum network? PRESENTER: Ravi Chepuri |
18:15 | Temporal Network Motifs: Models, Limitations, Evaluation PRESENTER: Penghang Liu |