Days: Wednesday, September 8th Thursday, September 9th Friday, September 10th

Wednesday, September 8th

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Thursday, September 9th

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09:30-10:30 Session 5A: Position Papers Ia
The Psychology of Personalization in Digital Environments
PRESENTER: Fabian Hutmacher
Toward a Framework for Considering Echo Technologies: Faithfulness and Transparency in Reflecting User Data
09:30-10:30 Session 5B: Position Papers Ib
From PSI to SPI - Understanding interaction in research on parasocial phenomena
Emotional capabilities of conversational agents: A review
PRESENTER: Katharina Jahn
10:30-11:00 Session 6: Research Reports I
I stand by what I said! Investigating political self-effects in persistent social media
PRESENTER: German Neubaum
An Empirical Investigation of the Social Web Gendered Privacy Model
PRESENTER: Regine Frener
Social Comparison on Instagram: Assimilation as the Key to a Positive Body Image?
PRESENTER: Silvana Weber
Finding gold at the end of the rainbowflag? Claim vagueness and presence of imagery as factors for rainbowwashing
Is Hearing really Believing? The Importance of Modality, Sponsor Credibility and Message Accuracy for Perceived Message Credibility during Information Search
PRESENTER: Franziska Gaiser
Consequences of sexism in political discussions online
PRESENTER: Sabine Reich
Malleability of attitudes towards humans and agents during a grounding task
PRESENTER: Fritz Becker
Desires vs. desirability: Studying predictors of online pornography use in Germany with a combination of surveys and web tracking
PRESENTER: Johannes Breuer
To kill or not to kill - Behavioral, physiological and personality markers of moral decision-making in video games
PRESENTER: Elisabeth Holl
Moral Judgment in Video Games: Effects of Medium, Moral Intuitions and Media-Based Empathy
PRESENTER: Lara Grohmann
Keeping in touch in burdensome times: How persons’ characteristics and social needs encourage problematic social-networks use
PRESENTER: Elisa Wegmann
Different attributions of source credibility to humans, humanoid robots, and non-human-like technological devices?
PRESENTER: Marcel Finkel
Creating an anthropomorphism questionnaire – A multidimensional approach
PRESENTER: Oliver Rehren
Self-regulation strategies for media-related and media-unrelated behaviors
PRESENTER: Stephanie Antons
Can young Children’s Media Sign Literacy predict Academic Skills in Primary School?
PRESENTER: Yvonne Gerigk
System failure - How technological stressors affect cognitive, emotional and behavioral responses of women and men differently
In the Eye of the Beholder: Introducing Data Glasses in Nursing Considering Ideas from Uses and Gratifications and Self Determination Theory
Effects of haptic seat feedback on spatial presence experiences in a racing simulation
PRESENTER: Michael Brill
11:00-11:30 Session 7: Debate Club 1
Passive social media use harms mental health and well-being!
PRESENTER: Adrian Meier
11:30-12:00 Session 8: Research Reports II
Not Who, But What: Social Support as a Function of Outcomes in Human-Machine Communication
PRESENTER: Chad Edwards
A Fatal Affair? The Influence of Threat and Right-Wing Authoritarianism on Selecting Political (False) Information
Leveraging Group Identity to Counter Online Hate Speech
Chatbots in study counseling: The impact of agent type and responsiveness on acceptance and perceived performance
PRESENTER: Stefanie Ritz
(C)overt Robot-Robot-Communication and its Influence on Human Perception and Feelings of Social Exclusion
I blame you anyways! An experimental study on the perceived responsibility of a social robot’s pre-programmed behavior
A multilevel approach to investigate the adoption of the German Covid-19 contact-tracing app: separating between- from within-person effects
PRESENTER: Yannic Meier
Disclosing personal information on social networks – The role of problematic social networks use and individual’s need for privacy
PRESENTER: Sina Ostendorf
Anthropomorphize to Empathize - The interaction of Empathy and Anthropomorphism
PRESENTER: Nadine Scheller
Sexism Online – Emotional Responses to Ambivalent Sexism on Instagram (abstract)
Young children’s exposure to a pedagogical agent
Game it! Using a minigame to sensitise young people to negative content on the Internet (abstract)
PRESENTER: Merle Siepmann
Diffusion of Responsibility in Human-Robot Teams
12:00-13:00 Session 9A: Position Papers IIa
Is digital detox more than a trend? A systematic literature review
PRESENTER: Theda Radtke
How and when do mobile media demands impact well-being? Explicating the integrative model of mobile media use and need experiences (IM3UNE)
PRESENTER: Frank Schneider
12:00-13:00 Session 9B: Position Papers IIb
Morality in Social Media: A Scoping Review
PRESENTER: Dominik Neumann
An Integrative Model of Moral Processing for the Video Game Medium
PRESENTER: André Melzer
14:00-14:30 Session 10: Research Reports III
The Social in Social Distancing. Changes in Communication Media Use During the First Lockdown in Germany.
What motivates the BTS ARMY? The role of parasocial relationships and collective action theories for fan engagement
Camera on: Predictors of webcam use during group video conferencing
PRESENTER: Christine Anderl
How Visual Online Self-Presentation and Passive Exposure are Related to Body Image and Mental Health in Adolescents
From cognitive overload to digital detox: Psychological implications of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
Rules of Engagement? The Influence of Visual Formal Features on Audience Empathy in Popular Film
PRESENTER: Tess Lankhuizen
Do you know where I will go? - Gaze Cues of Humans and Robots in Social Navigation
Robot, Voice Assistant or Child? A parental evaluation on the social appropriateness of different artificial and human interaction partners.
PRESENTER: Jessica Szczuka
Hey voice assistant, can you help me through the pandemic? - A study on the use of voice assistants regarding loneliness, homeschooling and home office activities during the Covid-19 pandemic.
PRESENTER: Natalia Szymczyk
How can we use technology to understand and support traumatized refugee minors? Analyzing requirements for a low-threshold screening tool and online support portal at the basis of a comprehensive psychosocial diagnostic model
How much do you want to share in the service of health? - Perceived benefits and privacy concerns in the context of self-tracked data
PRESENTER: Judith Meinert
How Phubbing Affects Observers: A Third-Person Perspective On (Smart)phone-Induced Ostracism.
PRESENTER: Tania Nunez
Right Where we Belong - Investigating Young People's Perceptions of Social Groups in Social Media vs. Society at Large
Social Zapping: About spontaneous cancellations of private appointments and its connection with the use of social networks (abstract)
PRESENTER: Silke M. Müller
Sharing Awe: Vicarious Transcendent Experiences via Social Media
PRESENTER: Daniel Possler
Self-Disclosure in an Anonymous Online Environment, a Darkweb Social Network
16:30-17:30 Session 13: Pre-Registration Panel
Task demand and mood repair in a virtual reality video game (abstract)
PRESENTER: Nicholas Bowman
Identity Shift an Alcohol-Related Social Media Self-Effect: An Experiment
PRESENTER: Femke Geusens
Validation of the behavioral measure of physical/spatial presence in VR: BMP-VR app
PRESENTER: Eugene Kukshinov
17:30-18:00 Session 14: Research Reports IV
Of Gossip Girls and Mad Men: An empirical comparison of gender differences with gender stereotypes in TV series preferences
Influence of verbal and visual stimuli on different aspects of consumer vison, emotional response and purchase decision
PRESENTER: Hannah Löhr
Self-esteem threat and narrative engagement
PRESENTER: Nathalie Mrozek
When Idealized Selfies are Liked: How the Social Context of Selfies Impacts Appearance Satisfaction and Social Approval
PRESENTER: Jolanda Veldhuis
Can Virtual Reality Enhance Moral? – An Experimental Study on the Effects of Immersion on Empathy and Moral.
Coping with death through eudaimonic entertainment? The effect of being moved by death portrayals on death attitudes.
PRESENTER: Anneke de Graaf
Mediated Identity or Media Selection? The Causal Relationship between LGBTQ Media Engagement and Sexual Orientation Disclosure
Determinants of digital media usage by older people based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior. A qualitative and quantitative study within the research project DigiKomS.
PRESENTER: Heike Hausmann
Pride and Prejudice: A Stereotype-Content-Model Study on Young People's Perception of Social Media Subgroups
PRESENTER: Lena Hilbig
Long-term Effects of alternative news on political attitudes among susceptible recipients
PRESENTER: Lena Frischlich
My Robot Teammate: Empirical Assessment of Robotic and Human Co-Workers in Success and Failure
PRESENTER: Luisa Jansen
To err makes human - The influence of errors and speech parameters on perceived humanness of robots
PRESENTER: Marlene Queck
The role of familial environment in the development of media sign literacy in preschool children
The Silence of the Robots. How do people react to filled and unfilled silences in a human-robot dialogue?
PRESENTER: Laura Platte
Improving Collaboration in Online Learning Groups via Automated Prompting
PRESENTER: Filipa Stoyanova
Pain in the Brain: Effects of Violent Video Game Exposure on Empathy for Pain Desensitization in Adolescents Gamers – a Pre-registered ERP Study (abstract)
Friday, September 10th

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09:00-09:30 Session 15: Research Reports V
Research report: Development and Validation of the Need for Privacy Scale (NFP-S)
PRESENTER: Jana Wagner
“I agree with you, bot!” How users (dis)engage with social bots on Twitter
“Unseren täglichen Drosten gib uns heute”: Effects of science communication by virologists during the COVID-19 crisis in Germany and the role of parasocial phenomena
Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic using media: Extending the coping-fit-hypothesis to media use
Hey robot, help me grow up! Requirement analysis for a learning platform and a robotic learning assistant to help children with autism overcome behavioral and social challenges
Recommended by Google Home: The Effects of Gender Stereotypes and Conformity when Interacting with Voice Assistants
The Study of Cybersecurity Self-Efficacy: A Systematic Literature Review of Methodology
PRESENTER: Nele Borgert
Reciprocal spirals of self-presentation on- and off the net
PRESENTER: Johanna Schäwel
Late-night Media Use and Bedtime-Procrastination: How People Decide Not to Go to Sleep and Use Media Instead
Interacting in Simulated Environments – A Study on the Effects of Simulator Sickness, Simulator Adaptation, Stress, and Age
PRESENTER: Magnus Liebherr
The Power of Self-Compassion: An analysis of the effects of unhealthy social media use, FoMO, self-control and self-compassion on life satisfaction
PRESENTER: Astrid Carolus
The Influence of Application Scenarios on the Perception of Robots
An Experimental Study on the Interplay of Attitudes, Heuristic Thinking, and Transparency in Algorithmic Augmented Decision-Making in Criminal Justice
PRESENTER: Nikolai Bock
A blind spot in indoor navigation - needs and requirements of visually impaired people
PRESENTER: Nico Tauchmann
SKILLED: Interdisciplinary, Mixed Method Experiments Towards Socioempathic AI-based Dialogues
10:30-11:00 Session 17: Research Reports VI
Fluently Presented - Effectively Learnt? Effects of Fluency on Knowledge Acquisition and Judgments of Learning
How a Robot's Reaction to Abuse Influence Humans' Empathy
Creative Artificial Intelligence and User Responses to Fictional Stories
Warning: This Robot Reads Your Mind! Evaluations of Thought-Detecting and Emotion-Detecting Robots (and the Influence of Individual Differences)
PRESENTER: Andrea Grundke
“That’s Immoral!” – The Influence of Morally-Framed Arguments and Identification Processes on Information Selection in Social Media
A guilty tool? The role of norms and guilt when mothers use their smartphone for coping with stress
PRESENTER: Lara Wolfers
A Scoping Review of Morally "Grey" Characters
PRESENTER: Koji Yoshimura
All just clickbait? The effect of empathy and epistemic emotions in online news on the eudaimonic entertainment experience and political information processing.
PRESENTER: Felix Dietrich
Spot the Bot: How do users detect social bots and verify Twitter accounts?
The Affective and Cognitive Echo of Cumulative Series Reception: A Qualitative Study
The machine that knows you: A new paradigm to study human-AI relations
PRESENTER: Tessa Lottermann
Attracted to Alexa? An Empirical Study on the Effects of the Interaction Partners Ontological Class and Sexual Arousal on the Wish to Continue a Flirtatious Conversation and the Perception of the Interaction Partners’ Sexual Attractiveness
Naturetainment: Exploring the Role of Connectedness to Nature for Nature Documentary Entertainment
PRESENTER: Anna Freytag
Videoconferencing fatigue and its predictors
Watched by a droid: Social facilitation and inhibition from a robot observer
PRESENTER: Kevin Koban
11:00-12:00 Session 18A: Position Papers IIIa
Media as powerful coping tools to recover from social exclusion experiences? A systematic review on need restoration and emotion regulation through using media
Nudging towards diversity: How personalised news recommenders can facilitate (more) diverse news diets
PRESENTER: Nicolas Mattis
11:00-12:00 Session 18B: Position Papers IIIb
New media, new effects? Introducing the Technology Equivalence Approach (TEA)