This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Agda | |
Agda formalisation | |
algebra of programming | |
arithmetic coding | |
B | |
blockchain | |
Breadth-first algorithms | |
C | |
canonicity | |
Compilation | |
completeness | |
confidentiality | |
Coq | |
correctness by extraction | |
Cylindric algebras | |
D | |
delay monad | |
depth-first search | |
derivatives | |
E | |
effects | |
equational reasoning | |
F | |
finite automata | |
Fixpoints | |
folds and unfolds | |
formalisation | |
Frames | |
function extensionality | |
functional programming | |
fusion | |
G | |
Galois connections | |
graph search | |
H | |
Haskell | |
I | |
iteration | |
K | |
Kleene algebra | |
Kleene lattices | |
M | |
metatheory | |
monad | |
monads | |
N | |
non-determinism | |
nondeterminism | |
P | |
parametricity | |
probabilistic program semantics | |
program calculation | |
program derivation | |
program slicing | |
proof irrelevance | |
Q | |
Quantitative Information Flow | |
queues in functional programming | |
R | |
recursive types | |
refinement | |
Refinement calculus | |
regular algebra | |
regular algebras | |
regular expressions | |
relation algebra | |
Relational models | |
reversible computation | |
S | |
Salomaa | |
security | |
set model | |
shallow embedding | |
Smart contracts | |
SSReflect | |
standard model | |
state | |
subfactors | |
synchronous Kleene algebra | |
System F | |
T | |
type systems | |
type theory | |
U | |
univalence | |
V | |
verified implementation |