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08:30-17:00 Lobby

Visit the lobby when you want to meet and discuss with colleagues during the breaks. The lobby will be open all day. In the lobby you will find a number of breakoutrooms with different topics,  for example:  a) Meet the Blended Learning Team, b) Reflect on today´s presentations, c) Forms for online examination, d) Tools during distance learning, e) How do we create interactivity among the students?, f) Culture in the student groups, g) Meet a colleague and choose your own topic.

Location: Zoom Room Lobby
08:45-09:00 Session 1: Welcome to KUL2021

Vice president Anna Karlsson-Bengtsson

Location: Zoom Room 1&2
09:00-10:00 Session 2: Keynote speaker: Dr Mary Richardson, UCL Institute of Education, London

(Re)designing assessment in higher education – building confidence in new practice

Abstract           Slides            Q&A

Location: Zoom Room 1&2
10:00-10:20Coffee Break
10:20-11:20 Session 3A: Meet the Pedagogical Prize Laureates of 2020
Location: Zoom Room 3A&4A
Vikten av att vara observant för att utveckla kurser

ABSTRACT. Jag vill prata om hur man kan komplettera kursutvärderingen med andra aktiviteter för att skapa ytterligare förutsättningar för kursutveckling. I huvudsak handlar det om att bli observant, dvs att ta reda på vad i ämnet studenterna har svårt (eller är framgångsrika!) och försöka härleda detta till undervisningsaktiviteterna och betygskriterierna. Long abstract

Integrering av autentiska fysikprojekt med kommunikation
PRESENTER: Jonathan Weidow

ABSTRACT. En förstaårskurs på programmet i teknisk fysik har fått ett nytt upplägg genom att autentiska fysikprojekt har integrerats med kommunikation. Resultaten, stödda av studentundersökningar, lärares observationer och en fokusgruppintervju med studenter indikerar att kommunikationsinslaget bidrar till förbättrat lärande i fysik och förstärkt disciplinär kommunikation. Long abstract

10:20-11:20 Session 3B: Round table
Location: Zoom Room 3B
Reception of new master’s program students under Corona restrictions

ABSTRACT. The master program receptions 2020 was done in different ways at Chalmers to able to follow the corona restriction. Different methods at different master programs were tested and therefore there is a need to share this experience to develop future receptions, with or without corona restrictions. Long abstract

10:20-11:20 Session 3C: Workshop
Location: Zoom Room 3C
Quickly create your own pedagogical “cheat sheets” relevant to your own teaching situation.

ABSTRACT. Teachers will individually create and then share their own summaries of pedagogical aspects relevant to different teaching challenges. The workshop aims to empower teachers to recall and process broad, deep and clear thoughts, quickly and succinctly documenting them as useful personal tools for their own decision making as teachers. Long abstract

11:30-12:00 Session 4A: Meet the Pedagogical Prize Laureates of 2020
Location: Zoom Room 3A&4A
Transitioning to student-centred pedagogical methods supporting learning

ABSTRACT. This presentation will give, from a practitioner's perspective, a brief overview of some own pedagogical developments aimed at increasing student-teacher interactions. The design of a scaffolding strategy supplemented by the use of adequate asynchronous and synchronous techniques will be demonstrated to be the key in promoting active student learning.

11:30-12:00 Session 4B: Special about distance learning
Location: Zoom Room 4B
Tre digitala lösningar för att underlätta distansundervisning
PRESENTER: Per Bjerkeli

ABSTRACT. Vi önskar presentera tre digitala lösningar (Algodoo, CircuitLab och Slack) som vi har använt oss av för att underlätta undervisning i de situationer där en hög grad av interaktion är önskvärd. Vi välkomnar och ser fram emot en diskussion om dessa och liknande hjälpmedel. Long abstract

11:30-12:00 Session 4C: Supervisor of the year 2020
Location: Zoom Room 4C
An interview with supervisor of the year 2020

ABSTRACT. An interview with Lisa Göransson, Chalmers supervisor of the year, who received the award with the motivation: Lisa maintains a supportive attitude for her students, by listening to their ideas, providing guidance and encouraging them. She is perceptive and intervenes successfully at the right moments to avoid or resolve conflicts

12:00-13:00Lunch Break
13:00-14:00 Session 5A: Presentations 2x30 min
Location: Zoom Room 5A
Lab@home: Promoting hands-on engagement during an on-site to on-line course transition and its impact on learning

ABSTRACT. Learning objectives related to laboratory sessions were compromised during the outbreak of COVID-19. We hypothesized that hands-on engagement through an at-home lab-kit aid the digital transition of a course containing practical skills. The hypothesis was evaluated through exam results, course evaluation and time spent in front of the students. Long abstract

Experiences of Gamification in Design Education: Creating Consensus through the Quiz, the Open Puzzle and the Board Game

ABSTRACT. Based on 20 years of teaching architectural design, this presentation shows three examples of exercises designed to stimulate student collaboration, interaction, and curiosity, and establish a foundation of consensus and shared, preexisting understanding, using gamification techniques. The three examples are the quiz, the open puzzle and the board game. Long abstract   Slides

13:00-14:00 Session 5B: Work in progress 3x20 min
Location: Zoom Room 5B
A Multifunctional Distance-Learning Studio in Times of a Pandemic
PRESENTER: Philippe Tassin

ABSTRACT. We present our new distance-learning studios, equipped with high-resolution cameras, and show how to solve the video compression problem arising when livestreaming interactive educational activities to students over low and/or shared bandwidth. Our studios allows for a plethora of activities and can be used by instructors with different digital aptitude. Long abstract

The Chalmers Undergraduate Research Initiative CURIE

ABSTRACT. CURIE aims at providing research experience for 3rd year Bachelor students, as such opportunities may be beneficial in developing critical thinking and personal initiative in research. Undergraduate research can also influence future career choices and thus provide one way of tackling the ‘leaking pipeline’ of women in higher academic positions. Long abstract    Slides

PRESENTER: Hans Malmström

ABSTRACT. This presentation describes a research design the objective of which is: (i) to explore how first-year physics students employ metacognition during lab note taking and (ii) to conduct a quasi-experiment testing the hypotheses that scaffolding students’ metacognitive awareness concerning disciplinary literacy will further their understanding of physics and writing knowledge. Long abstract

13:00-14:00 Session 5C: Special about distance learning
Location: Zoom Room 5C
Better learning outcome in distance learning

ABSTRACT. Better learning outcome was achieved in distance learning in comparison with campus-based learning. In this discussion, I will share my experience in distance learning by presenting several teaching strategies that have been working very well in my course. Long abstract

Focus student - a method to stay in contact while lecturing to black boxes

ABSTRACT. I have successfully used a method I call “focus student” where I ask for a volunteer among students to keep their video on during an online lecture. Long abstract

Establishing good interaction with a large student group and distance learning
PRESENTER: Lennart Josefson

ABSTRACT. We have given the course Physics A for the Foundation year by distance for 400 students. Our two major challenges were: how can we establish better interaction with the students during a course, and how do we get students to participate in online course components, with limited teaching resources? Long abstract    Slides

14:00-14:20Coffee Break
14:20-15:20 Session 6A: Presentations 2x30 min
Location: Zoom Room 6A
On-line Master Thesis Fair in Electric Power Engineering in Zoom

ABSTRACT. Under corona restrictions it can be extra hard to find an opportunity to do a master thesis in cooperation with a company. To mitigate this, a master thesis fair was held using Zoom. The fair fulfilled its purpose but also gave insights for future fairs.      Slides

Architectural design methods used in engineering Master's thesis projects

ABSTRACT. By letting structural engineering thesis students explore questions using architectural design methods, they creatively and systematically addressed holistic questions while maintaining a technical depth. The approach may serve as a model to increase engineering students' ability to insightfully contribute to solutions for complex societal problems. Long abstract

14:20-15:20 Session 6B: Work in progress 3x20 min
Location: Zoom Room 6B
Improving learning via entrepreneurial active learning
PRESENTER: Pedro Trancoso

ABSTRACT. We present the outcome of efforts to incorporate three entrepreneurial active learning activities in STEM courses targeting to increase student motivation: (1) inclusion of external stakeholders; (2) support on managing teamwork; and (3) inclusion of student-driven audio-visual activities. Long abstract

Course design: Making philosophy of science useful and fun
PRESENTER: Oskar Rexfelt

ABSTRACT. This contribution details how a PhD-course in Philosophy of Science was designed to make the subject useful and fun, which may be relevant for educators giving similar courses or anyone trying to design a fun course. Long abstract

Prepared for the Future: Crafting Tomorrow's Software Craftsmen
PRESENTER: Boel Nelson

ABSTRACT. To meet the expectations of today's highly diverse IT workplaces, we want to educate professional, competent software craftsmen prepared for both technical and social challenges. To achieve this, we're updating the curriculum of the IT program to integrate software craftsmanship as learning sequences to connect professional and technical skills. Long abstract     Slides

14:20-15:20 Session 6C: Round table
Location: Zoom Room 6C
Tracks turns two
PRESENTER: Mikael Enelund

ABSTRACT. In February 2021 Tracks turns two. The purpose of this short presentation is to give the latest update of what is going on and a comment on where we are heading for the last year of the interim period and thereafter. Long abstract     Slides

15:20-15:40Coffee Break
15:40-16:40 Session 7A: Workshop
Location: Zoom Room 7A
If gender equality is not about quantity – then what is it about?
PRESENTER: Anna Grzelec

ABSTRACT. This workshop offers an overview of current state-of-the-art practices and research on gender equality of STEM education. We will work with participants’ ideas, concerns and specific case studies as they relate to gender equal solutions for teaching and assist participants to adapt these outcomes to their respective contexts. Long abstract

15:40-16:40 Session 7B: Work in progress 3x20 min
Location: Zoom Room 7B
Om betydelsen av könsrelaterade variationer i förkunskaper för toppbetyg i programmering

ABSTRACT. I kurser som inte förmår justera för könsrelaterade variationer i förkunskaper riskerar examinationen att befästa bilden att olika kön presterar olika bra i ämnet. Detta bidrag undersöker kursmaterialets betydelse för observerade könsskillnader i toppbetyg i en introduktionskurs i programmering. Kan ett bättre material utjämna skillnaderna? Long abstract

Överförbara kunskaper, kommunikation och ingenjörskompetens inom grundkursen i analytisk kemi
PRESENTER: Per Malmberg

ABSTRACT. Analytisk kemi är en laborationsintensiv kurs där studenterna förväntas inhämta mycket detaljkunskaper. Samtidigt ställer lärandemålen krav på överförbara kunskaper som lätt missas. De senaste terminerna har vi utvecklat kursen i syfte att ge studenterna ökad möjlighet till djupinlärning, kommunikation och ingenjörskompetens samt en ökad förståelse av kemistens yrkesroll. Long abstract    Slides

Emergency Remote Teaching during the Covid-19 crisis at Chalmers – how did it go?
PRESENTER: Christian Stöhr

ABSTRACT. This talk addresses the quick transition to online teaching that has been evaluated for LP4 2020 courses and from the teachers’ perspective. We present preliminary findings as input for teachers, deputy heads and program directors to stimulate a discussion of experiences gathered including the identification of critical areas for interventions. Long abstract

15:40-16:40 Session 7C: Presentation 1x30 min
Location: Zoom Room 7C
Application of flipped classroom combined with active learning techniques to overcome student’s resentment to engage with interest in a compulsory master course with an unfavorable required background

ABSTRACT. A pilot scale application of active learning aiming to overcome student’s resentment to engage with interest in a compulsory master course with an unfavorable required background was carried out. The applied methods involved, pre-recorded videos, enhanced discussions, quizzes as well as brief storytelling moments as a summary to the lecture. Long abstract

16:45-17:00 Session 8: Closure

Vice president Anna Karlsson-Bengtsson

Location: Zoom Room 8