Days: Friday, July 7th Saturday, July 8th Sunday, July 9th
Friday, July 7th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
11:00-12:30 Session 1: Registration
12:30-13:30Lunch Break
13:30-14:45 Session 2: Plenary 1
Location: Tuanku Bainun Auditorium
13:30 | Too demanding? VET, good jobs and the delivery dilemma ( abstract ) |
15:00-16:30 Session 3A
Location: Le May
15:00 | Stakeholder perceptions of the translation of employability policy into university strategy. ( abstract ) |
15:30 | Global Strategies and Local Forms of VET in German Multinational Companies – a Comparison across Emerging Economies ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Employers as individuals, employers as organisations: the continued influence of employer behaviours on policy success ( abstract ) |
15:00-16:30 Session 3B
Location: Hinton
15:00 | Professional biographical design competence and lifelong learning, as pedagogical challenges within global economic structural transformation ( abstract ) |
15:30 | Employability, progression and discourses of student welfare: a study of a Level 1 Skills to Succeed (S2S) course in an English Further Education (FE) College ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Post 30s and entrepreneurship: the discovery and pursuit of imagined positive careers in real life situations. ( abstract ) |
15:00-16:30 Session 3C
Location: Nash Room East
15:00 | Higher education in colleges: why isn’t there more of it? ( abstract ) |
15:30 | Seeking distinction and addressing inequalities: new times for college-based higher education in England ( abstract ) |
16:00 | The paradox of higher vocational education: The teaching assistant game, the pursuit of capital and the self ( abstract ) |
15:00-16:30 Session 3D
Location: Nash Room West
15:00 | Connections between school and work in dual model Vocational Education and Training programmes - the Danish case ( abstract ) |
15:30 | Asking different questions of national VET data: identifying a new factor contributing to apprenticeship non-completions ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Recognition of foreign qualifications and skills in the Canadian labour market – results from PIAAC ( abstract ) |
15:00-16:30 Session 3E
Location: Memorial Room
15:00 | Teacher knowledge and subject-specific pedagogy in technical and vocational education ( abstract ) |
15:30 | Improving pedagogy in vocational teaching ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Using a tablet computer as a primary learning tool in VET? Lessons learned from the Swiss banking apprenticeship ( abstract ) |
15:00-16:30 Session 3F
Location: Lecture Room B
16:30-16:45Coffee Break
16:45-18:15 Session 4A
Location: Le May
16:45 | Changing patterns of vocational knowledge in the health care sector: Findings from five European countries ( abstract ) |
17:15 | From accreditation of prior learning for empowerment to a proxy for training: the impact of the competence-based approach on apprenticeships for adults ( abstract ) |
17:45 | Comparative research on apprenticeships and global drivers in the production of academic knowledge: Challenges for non-Anglophone local fields of research ( abstract ) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4B
Location: Hinton
16:45 | Defining the pre-vocational curriculum: a case study in the design of BTEC Level 1 Introductory qualification ( abstract ) |
17:15 | A qualitative study of vocational students’ experience of blended learning and student voice ( abstract ) |
17:45 | Rekindling student engagement - a story of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning in Victoria, Australia ( abstract ) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4C
Location: Nash Room East
16:45 | The study model at the dual university in Germany and its adaptation in China ( abstract ) |
17:15 | The "Foundation Period" of the German and Swiss apprenticeship systems: a comparative view of historical factors shaping the dual system ( abstract ) |
17:45 | Policy transfer of German TVET evaluation concepts to China: the example of peer review in TVET ( abstract ) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4D
Location: Nash Room West
16:45 | Learning situations of entrepreneurial decision-making in vocational teacher education ( abstract ) |
17:15 | Embedding Knowledge Creation into Teaching in Vocational and Higher Education ( abstract ) |
17:45 | Transitions from VET to University. Institutional challenges and changes from a neo-institutional perspective ( abstract ) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4E
Location: Memorial Room
16:45 | Beyond ‘learning for earning’ ( abstract ) |
17:15 | VET cultures in a European comparison – social practices as the constitutive element and tertium comparationis ( abstract ) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4F
Location: Lecture Room B
Saturday, July 8th
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09:15-10:45 Session 5A
Location: Le May
09:15 | Value of vocational teachers´ profession as perceived by teachers ( abstract ) |
09:45 | Transitions of second-career teachers: Positioning vocational knowledge and pedagogy ( abstract ) |
10:15 | Squeezing the middle - A study of of teachers, trainers and staff working in the Further Education & Training sector in Ireland under the backdrop of the Irish financial crisis ( abstract ) |
09:15-10:45 Session 5B
Location: Hinton
09:15 | Vocational training of IT-professionals – reshaping professions for the future ( abstract ) |
09:45 | On-the-job trainers confronting the impact of changes in work ( abstract ) |
10:15 | 'Knowledge and skills' as a key phrase in vocational education policy ( abstract ) |
09:15-10:45 Session 5C
Location: Nash Room East
09:15 | The changing institutional context of VET – the emergence of a new labour-market segment ( abstract ) |
09:45 | Policy development regarding work-based learning programmes in tertiary education ( abstract ) |
10:15 | Employers’ Responses to the Introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy: Will it increase employer investments in human capital? ( abstract ) |
09:15-10:45 Session 5D
Location: Nash Room West
09:15 | More like work or more like school? Insights into learning cultures from a study of skatepark users ( abstract ) |
09:45 | Craftwork and the “hard problem” of the vocational-academic divide ( abstract ) |
10:15 | School to Work Transition in England and Wales in the 1970s: official thoughts and plans revealed. ( abstract ) |
09:15-10:45 Session 5E
Location: Memorial Room
09:15 | Vocational education and training of Romanian youth from rural areas: in between shortcomings and opportunities ( abstract ) |
09:45 | Beyond skills: A qualitative inquiry on Vocational Education and Training in Romania ( abstract ) |
09:15-10:45 Session 5F
Location: Lecture Room B
10:45-11:00Coffee Break
11:15-12:30 Session 6: Plenary 2
Location: Tuanku Bainun Auditorium
11:15 | VET and the creative epistemology of the hand ( abstract ) |
12:30-13:45Lunch Break
13:45-15:15 Session 7A
Location: Le May
13:45 | Intercultural ethics in (VET) education ( abstract ) |
14:15 | Developing a conceptual framework for understanding workplace knowledge: the case of RPL (APEL) ( abstract ) |
14:45 | Work-based learning and the Semi-Professions – A suitable case for De-academisation? ( abstract ) |
13:45-15:15 Session 7B
Location: Hinton
13:45 | ‘Assessment for the changing nature of work: case studies from Singapore’ ( abstract ) |
14:15 | Specifying the proficiency that a qualification needs to measure ( abstract ) |
14:45 | Evaluating comparability of computer and paper examinations: empirical findings and practical constraints ( abstract ) |
13:45-15:15 Session 7C
Location: Nash Room East
13:45 | Financial Literacy of Employees and Entrepreneurs. A Gap Analysis Based on the Perspective of the European Business and Finance Community ( abstract ) |
14:15 | Endless pathways – a comparison of professional education and training in Switzerland, Austria and Germany ( abstract ) |
14:45 | When training is producing or the paradoxes of being on-the-job trainer in Swiss dual VET ( abstract ) |
13:45-15:15 Session 7D
Location: Nash Room West
13:45 | From teaching assistant (TA) to teacher: analysing increasingly complex career landscapes through life course research. ( abstract ) |
14:15 | “I needed to get my confidence back”, stepping back to climb further: trajectories of adult women learners on VET programmes in the UK FE sector. ( abstract ) |
14:45 | Do a Business: Leveraging vocational education to enhance youth entrepreneurialism ( abstract ) |
13:45-15:15 Session 7E
Location: Memorial Room
13:45 | The Hidden Curriculum in Vocational Education and Training: A Socio Material Perspective on the Influence of Financial Criteria ( abstract ) |
14:15 | In the nick of time: the effect of a ‘just in time’ financial education intervention for Australian adults ( abstract ) |
14:45 | Can We Rely on Parents to Teach Financial Literacy? ( abstract ) |
13:45-15:15 Session 7F
Location: Lecture Room B
15:15-15:45Tea Break
15:45-17:15 Session 8A
Location: Le May
15:45 | Vocational Education and Training - the bio-politics of teachers’ labour ( abstract ) |
16:15 | Suffering and Symbolic Violence in Social Learning Networks ( abstract ) |
16:45 | Nostalgia in vocational teachers´ narratives as mechanism for resisting changes ( abstract ) |
15:45-17:15 Session 8B
Location: Hinton
15:45 | Perceptions surrounding BTECs: an investigation based on social media data ( abstract ) |
16:15 | Creating a skilled and productive workforce: New Zealand's industry training system ( abstract ) |
16:45 | Encouraging completion in the VET sector – why trainees ‘drop out’ and what we can do about it. ( abstract ) |
15:45-17:15 Session 8C
Location: Nash Room East
15:45 | Is completing multiple VET qualifications worthwhile? ( abstract ) |
16:15 | Analysing the six dimensions of assessment for the changing nature of work in different spaces ( abstract ) |
16:45 | Formative Assessment in Apprenticeships in Engineering ( abstract ) |
15:45-17:15 Session 8D
Location: Nash Room West
15:45 | From architectural policymaking to organic change: revisiting the abolition of the colleges of education ( abstract ) |
16:15 | Identifying leadership skills to manage the competitive environment of Australian Vocational Education Training ( abstract ) |
16:45 | The Status and Development of Polytechnics: A Historical and Comparative Analysis ( abstract ) |
15:45-17:15 Session 8E
Location: Memorial Room
15:45 | Employability and Apprentices: what can we learn? ( abstract ) |
16:15 | Employability skills: a comparative study of employers’ expectations of school-leavers in Germany and Australia ( abstract ) |
16:45 | How can we measure the linkage of actors from the education and employment system in vocational education and training? ( abstract ) |
15:45-17:15 Session 8F
Location: Lecture Room B
19:45-21:15Conference Dinner
Sunday, July 9th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:30-11:00 Session 10A
Location: Le May
09:30 | Rethinking Foreign Language Learning and Vocational Education and Training (VET) within the Context of Global Student Migration: Case Studies of Indonesian Learners of Japanese ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Vocational Training Aspirations and Opportunities for Syrian Refugee Youth in a Comparative Context ( abstract ) |
10:30 | Reconsidering the relevance of critical race theory in multicultural VET in Australia ( abstract ) |
09:30-11:00 Session 10B
Location: Hinton
09:30 | An analysis of institutional change in British Columbia’s Apprenticeship System ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Governance of vocational education and training through the example of training standards development – A European comparison of stakeholders, processes and design ( abstract ) |
10:30 | Four logics of governance – Governing vocational Education and Training ( abstract ) |
09:30-11:00 Session 10C
Location: Nash Room East
09:30 | From higher VET to higher education in VET: Progress and prospects in Ontario ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Facilitating the transition from campus to corporate? The development of work-ready engineering graduates through project-based learning. ( abstract ) |
10:30 | Degree apprenticeships: higher technical or technical higher education? ( abstract ) |
09:30-11:00 Session 10D
Location: Nash Room West
09:30 | Professional teaching qualifications: Motivational factors affecting success ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Issues concerning professional identities and mathematics in Further Education ( abstract ) |
09:30-11:00 Session 10E
Location: Memorial Room
09:30 | Legitimate Peripheral Innovation: Can apprentices be part of innovation processes? ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Skill mismatch and higher vocational education in emerging countries: The Chilean case ( abstract ) |
10:30 | Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Saudi Arabia: The Influence of Family on the Career Decision Making of Young People ( abstract ) |
09:30-11:00 Session 10F
Location: Lecture Room B
11:00-11:15Coffee Break
11:15-12:45 Session 11A
Location: Le May
11:15 | Mature students’ constructions of ‘employability’ in Higher VET ( abstract ) |
11:45 | Professional identity development in the modern workplace: The case of retail apprentices in Switzerland ( abstract ) |
12:15 | Intersecting young apprentices and principals’ social representations of Vocational Education and Training in Portugal ( abstract ) |
11:15-12:45 Session 11B
Location: Hinton
11:15 | Vocational education as a form of inclusion or social exclusion? The opinion of some institutionalized portuguese youngsters ( abstract ) |
11:45 | Aspirations, Poverty and Inequality: Listening to the Voices of South African college students ( abstract ) |
12:15 | VET in the Nordic countries: a trade-off between social inclusion and social equality? ( abstract ) |
11:15-12:45 Session 11C
Location: Nash Room East
11:15 | Increasing Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) Among Students: The Effect of Infusion Approach in Engineering Drawing Subject ( abstract ) |
11:45 | The bathtub bus - Didactic consideration for developing creativity in VET ( abstract ) |
12:15 | Creativity and the curriculum: a glass half empty? ( abstract ) |
11:15-12:45 Session 11D
Location: Nash Room West
11:15 | Young people’s training and employment opportunities in the UK: Disentangling the evidence on skills shortages in the context of Brexit ( abstract ) |
11:45 | The shifting context of Vocational Education and Training in Australia ( abstract ) |
12:15 | A skills eco-system perspective on the decline of furniture hubs in George, South Africa, and High Wycombe, Oxfordshire, UK ( abstract ) |
11:15-12:45 Session 11E
Location: Memorial Room
11:15 | Law outside the vacuum – An ethnographic study of knowledge and epistemic practice within a University Law Clinic ( abstract ) |
11:45 | Engineering accreditation in Canada: the battleground for changes to the professional knowledge base ( abstract ) |
12:15 | Knowledge, skills and moral order: a workplace turn in vocational education ( abstract ) |
11:15-12:45 Session 11F
Location: Lecture Room B
12:45-13:45Lunch Break