This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Adaptation policies | |
Adaptive local estimation | |
Applications | |
Approximate filters | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Asset allocation | |
Asset pricing | |
Asymmetric Volatility | |
Asymptotic bias | |
Asymptotic expansion | |
Autoregressive wild bootstrap | |
B | |
BART | |
Battery minerals | |
Bayesian Econometrics | |
Bayesian estimation | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian Structural Global VAR model | |
Bayesian Structural VARs | |
Bayesian SVAR models | |
Bayesian time series | |
Bayesian VAR | |
Bayesian VARs | |
big data | |
Bootstrap | |
Business cycle | |
Business demographics | |
C | |
C12 | |
C22 | |
C44 | |
C53 | |
Carbon abatement | |
Carbon emissions | |
Carbon prices | |
Carbon taxation | |
Causality direction | |
Change-point detection | |
childhood shocks | |
China | |
Climate | |
Climate at risk | |
Climate change | |
Climate changes | |
Climate policy | |
Climate risk | |
Climate Uncertainty Shocks | |
CO2 emissions | |
Cointegrating polynomial regressions | |
Cointegration | |
Commodities | |
Commodity prices | |
Common covariates | |
Common integrated regressors | |
Condence intervals | |
Conditional efficiency | |
Conditional forecasting | |
Conditional forecasts | |
Connectedness | |
Control theory | |
Copula | |
Copulas | |
Corporate Failure Prediction | |
Corporate Governance | |
Correlation component models | |
Correlation matrix | |
Counterfactual analysis | |
CoVaR | |
COVID-19 | |
Crack spread | |
Credit | |
Credit Default Swaps | |
Credit Risk | |
Critical Minerals | |
Cross sectional dependence | |
Cross-validation | |
Crude oil markets | |
Crude oil trade | |
D | |
DCC-GARCH model | |
density forecasts | |
Dependence modeling | |
Dependency structure | |
Diebold-Yilmaz index | |
Disasters | |
Downside Risk | |
DSGE | |
Dynamic adaptive mixture models | |
Dynamic asymmetries | |
Dynamic factor models | |
E | |
Earnings | |
Effect heterogeneity | |
Efficient Market Hypothesis | |
EKC | |
Elasticity of substitution | |
Electricity demand | |
Electricity prices | |
Energy | |
energy and food | |
Energy and non-energy prices | |
Energy consumption | |
energy crisis | |
Energy distance | |
Energy Efficiency | |
Energy labels | |
Energy market | |
Energy price commodity price cycles | |
Energy Prices | |
Energy sector | |
Energy shocks | |
Energy supply shocks | |
Energy Transition | |
Energy transition metals | |
Environmental disclosure | |
Environmental Disclosure Score | |
Environmental economics | |
Environmental factors | |
Environmental impacts | |
Environmental index | |
Environmental Indicators | |
Environmental Kuznets curve | |
Environmental Management Practices | |
Environmental Pillar Score | |
ESG | |
ESG investing | |
ESG ratings | |
ESG Risk Factor | |
EU ETS | |
EU regional economic growth | |
EU-ETS | |
Euro Area | |
Europe | |
European Union | |
Event-study | |
External instruments | |
Extreme weather events | |
F | |
Factor Model | |
Failure risk | |
Farm productivity | |
Financial constraints | |
Financial cycle | |
Financial distress | |
Firm performance | |
Fiscal multipliers | |
Fixed Effects | |
Fixed-b | |
Forecasted error variance decomposition | |
Forecasting | |
Forecasts comparison | |
Forward risk premium | |
Fractional cointegration | |
Fractional Integration | |
Fully modified estimation | |
Functional data analysis | |
G | |
Gas Price | |
Gas price cap | |
GDP forecasting | |
Geopolitical risk | |
German natural gas market | |
Glacial cycles | |
Global money supply | |
Global oil market | |
Granger causality | |
Granular instrumental variables | |
Green and brown portfolios | |
Green energy | |
Green-minus-brown factors | |
Greenium | |
Group Factor Structure | |
Growth | |
H | |
HAC standard errors | |
HAR inference | |
health capital | |
heat waves | |
Heterogeneous elasticities | |
Hidden Markov models | |
High Dimensional Data | |
High-frequency identification | |
Historical Decomposition | |
Housing | |
I | |
Identification | |
Impulse response function | |
Impulse Response Functions | |
Incidental parameter bias | |
Income | |
Income Inequality | |
Independent Component Analysis | |
Index decomposition. | |
Inequality | |
Inflation | |
Inflation Expectations | |
Information criteria | |
Information frictions | |
Interactive Fixed Effects | |
Intermittency | |
International transmission | |
Interval Forecasts | |
K | |
Karhunen-Loeve expansion | |
Kurtosis | |
L | |
Labour Force | |
LASSO estimation | |
Local homogeneity | |
Local linear dummy variable estimation | |
Long Panel | |
Long-run variance | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Macro-finance interface | |
Macroeconomic and Financial Uncertainty Shocks | |
Macroeconomics | |
Market for crude oil | |
Markov-Switching VAR | |
Max-Share methodology | |
Mean square prediction error | |
Medium-run | |
Mid-term electricity price forecasting | |
MIDAS Quantile | |
Migration shocks | |
Milankovitch hypothesis | |
Mixed causal non-causal models | |
Mixed frequency data | |
Mixture representation | |
Model averaging | |
Model selection | |
Monte Carlo simulations | |
Multivariate probit | |
Multivariate time series | |
N | |
Narrative Identification | |
Narrative sign restriction | |
narrative sign restrictions | |
natural gas price | |
Natural Gas Price Shocks | |
Natural Gas Prices | |
Natural hazards | |
New Keynesian Phillips Curve | |
Non-fundamentalness | |
Non-linear time series | |
Non-linearity | |
Non-stationary time-series | |
Nonlinear models | |
Nonlinear multivariate models | |
Nonlinear VAR | |
Nonparametric frontier models | |
Nonparametric regression | |
Nonstationarity | |
Nowcasting | |
O | |
Observation-driven filter | |
Oil and gas markets | |
Oil Consumption | |
Oil news shocks | |
Oil price forecasting | |
Oil prices | |
Oil shocks | |
Oil supply expectations | |
Oil supply news shocks | |
OPEC Announcements | |
Outlier Detection | |
Outliers | |
Output gap | |
P | |
Panel Data | |
Panel VAR | |
Pass-through | |
PCA | |
Per cluster instrumental variables | |
Phillips curve | |
Phillips curves | |
Political relationships | |
Portfolio management | |
Portfolio shocks | |
Prepivoting | |
Price | |
Probabilistic energy forecasting | |
Proxies | |
Proxy-SVAR | |
Proxy-SVARs | |
Python codes | |
Q | |
Quantile Regression | |
Quantile-spillover index | |
R | |
R codes | |
Real-time forecasting | |
Refinery economics | |
Regime-switching | |
Renewable energy sources | |
Renewables | |
Resource depletion | |
Return on Assets | |
Risk analysis | |
Risk assessment | |
Robust Bayesian approach | |
Robust estimation | |
Robust estimation of frontiers | |
Russia | |
Russian oil supply cut | |
Russian-Ukrainian conflict | |
S | |
Sanctions | |
Score-driven models | |
seasonality | |
Seemingly unrelated regressions | |
Semi-structural models | |
Semiparametric panel data | |
Shocks | |
Shrinkage | |
Sign restrictions | |
Simultaneous inference | |
Singular vector autoregression model | |
Skew-t distribution | |
Smoothing | |
Spatial Spillovers | |
Spherical coordinates | |
Spillovers | |
Stata codes | |
State Space form | |
STIRPAT model | |
Storms | |
Structural breaks | |
Structural change | |
Structural Equation Modelling | |
Structural forecasting | |
Structural Non-causal VAR | |
structural scenario analysis | |
Structural Time Series | |
Structural Topic Models | |
Structural VAR | |
Structural vector autoregression | |
Structural Vector Autoregression models | |
Student-t distribution | |
Supervised Machine Learning | |
Survival analysis | |
Sustainable finance | |
Sustainable finance classifications | |
SVAR | |
SVARs with heteroskedastic shocks | |
T | |
Tail forecasting | |
Tail forecasts | |
Tail risk | |
Technological change | |
temperature anomalies | |
Temperature data | |
Temperature shocks | |
Threshold Autoregressive Moving-Average models | |
Time series | |
Time series models | |
Time variation | |
Time-Varying Beta | |
Time-Varying FAVAR | |
Time-varying spillovers | |
Tipping point | |
Traders’ Positions | |
Transition risk | |
Two way fixed effects | |
U | |
U.S. Firms | |
Uncertainty | |
Unconditional factor models | |
Unobserved component models | |
US policies for strategic resources | |
V | |
Vector Autoregression | |
Vector autoregressive models | |
vector-autoregression | |
Vineyards | |
Volatility | |
Volatility forecasting | |
Volatility regimes | |
W | |
War in Ukraine | |
Weak instruments | |
Weather | |
Y | |
Yield curve |