This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2-dimensional electron gas hot-electron bolometer | |
2D materials | |
A | |
Acoustic phonons | |
AlGaN | |
All-Dielectric | |
Amplifier | |
Amplitude modulation | |
analytical chemistry | |
Angled-Resolved | |
antenna | |
antibunching | |
Antimonides | |
application for spectroscopy | |
Asymmetric Metasurface | |
atmospheric chemistry | |
Auger scattering | |
B | |
Biosensing | |
Bose-Einstein condensation | |
Bound-States-in-the-Continuum | |
broadband emission | |
broadband tuning | |
C | |
carbon nanotube quantum dot | |
Chaos | |
chemical vapor deposition | |
computational | |
continuous wave | |
Continuous-wave operation | |
continuous-wave terahertz sources | |
correlations | |
Current Leakage | |
D | |
Dark Conductance | |
Deep Learning | |
detection | |
detectors | |
deuteration | |
DFB QCLs | |
Dielectric Function | |
Dielectric Metasurfaces | |
Dipole scattering | |
dispersion | |
Distributed feedback | |
doped semincondcutor | |
Double metal waveguide | |
Dual color emission | |
dual comb spectroscopy | |
dual-comb | |
Dual-comb spectroscopy | |
E | |
E-field | |
elastic scattering-induced carrier leakage | |
Electroluminescence | |
Electromagnetic modelling | |
Environmental monitoring | |
Epsilon near zero | |
excitons | |
F | |
Far infrared | |
frequency comb | |
frequency combs | |
frequency metrology | |
frequency modulated combs | |
frequency tuning | |
FTIR | |
G | |
GaAs/AlGaAs device | |
Gain recovery time | |
GaN/AlGaN | |
gas spectroscopy | |
Glucose monitor | |
Graphene | |
ground state | |
group velocity dispersion | |
H | |
Hall | |
harmonic mode-locking | |
Harmonic modelocking | |
Hetero-cascading | |
heterodyne detection | |
heterodyne imaging | |
heterodyne receivers | |
Heterogeneous terahertz quantum cascade laser | |
Heterostructure | |
hexagonal boron nitride | |
High Performance Computing | |
high power | |
high temperature | |
High-Quality Factor | |
high-speed detector | |
Horn | |
Hot Electron | |
hot electron bolometers | |
Hybrid injection/extraction channels | |
I | |
Ignition | |
II-VI semiconductors | |
III-V integration on silicon | |
imaging | |
Infrared | |
infrared and terahertz optics | |
infrared detector | |
Infrared scanning near-field microscopy | |
InGaSb | |
injection locking | |
InP-based | |
interband cascade laser | |
interface-roughness scattering-rate engineering | |
Intersubband | |
intersubband polaritons | |
intersubband transition | |
intersubband transitions | |
intersublevel transition | |
IR Detectors | |
L | |
Lab-on-a-chip | |
Landau quantization | |
laser dynamics | |
laser stabilization | |
Lasers | |
Light Source | |
Light-Matter Coupling | |
Liquid sensing | |
LO phonon | |
Localized modes | |
Long-wave infrared | |
loss compensation | |
Luminescence | |
LWIR | |
M | |
Magnetic field | |
maximization of the internal efficiency for quantum cascade lasers | |
maximization of the wall-plug efficiency for quantum cascade lasers | |
MBE | |
MEMS | |
Meta-materials | |
meta-surfaces | |
Metallic quantum well | |
Metamaterials | |
Metasurface | |
Metasurfaces | |
microcavity | |
Microfluidics | |
microwave | |
microwave photonics | |
mid infrared | |
Mid Infrared optoelectronics | |
mid-infrared | |
Mid-Infrared Applications | |
Mid-infrared emitters | |
Mid-infrared QCL | |
mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers | |
Mid-infrared spectroscopy | |
mid-IR | |
midwave | |
Mode Locking | |
mode-locking | |
Modeling | |
molecular gas laser | |
monolithic integration | |
Monte Carlo | |
Multimode | |
Multivariate algorithms | |
N | |
Nano-thermometry | |
nanoantenna | |
Nanophotonics | |
nanoscale carrier profiling | |
Nanoscopy | |
Near-field | |
near-field imaging | |
near-field spectroscopy | |
Near-infrared intersubband transitions | |
Negative differential conductance | |
negative refraction | |
NEGF | |
Non-equilibrium dynamics | |
Non-equilibrium Green's functions | |
Non-perturbative cavity quantum electrodynamics | |
Non-polar nitride heterostructures | |
Nonlinear | |
Nonlinear Optics | |
Nonlinearities | |
novel detection schemes | |
O | |
on-chip | |
Optical antennas | |
optical nonlinearities | |
Optical nonlinearity | |
Optical Tuning | |
optically pumped | |
Optomechanics | |
organic nonlinear molecules | |
Oscillating domain | |
P | |
parabolic quantum wells | |
Peltier cooled | |
Phase change material | |
phase change materials | |
phase locking | |
phase-locking | |
phonon | |
photo-induced intersubband transitions | |
Photocatalysis | |
Photonic crystals | |
photonic integrated circuits | |
picosecond pulse | |
Piezoelectric polarization | |
Plasmon | |
plasmon-polaritons | |
plasmonic | |
plasmonic enhancement | |
Plasmonics | |
Polariton | |
polaritons | |
polarization | |
Polarization-selective devices | |
population pulsations | |
pump and probe | |
Q | |
QC-metasurface | |
QCL | |
QCLs | |
Quantum cascade | |
quantum cascade detector | |
quantum cascade laser | |
Quantum cascade lasers | |
quantum cascade structure | |
quantum dot cascade laser | |
quantum dot laser | |
quantum fluctuations | |
quantum fluid of polaritons | |
quantum fountain | |
quantum optics | |
quantum states | |
Quantum Tunneling | |
Quantum well infrared photo-detectors | |
Quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs) | |
quantum well lasers | |
quantum-cascade laser | |
Quantum-cascade lasers | |
quasi-continuous-wave | |
QWIP | |
R | |
Realtime Spectroscopy | |
reconfigurable devices | |
RF modulation | |
Ring laser | |
room temperature | |
S | |
s-SNOM | |
saturable absorbers | |
Sb doping | |
Scattering | |
selective thermal coatings | |
self-mixing | |
self-mixing interferometry | |
Self-starting modelocking | |
semiconductor metamaterial | |
SiGe | |
SiGe Heterostructures | |
SiGe quantum wells | |
silicon based quantum cascade lasers | |
silicon photonics | |
Simulation | |
SNOM | |
Software | |
Spectrally resolved gain recovery dynamics | |
Spectrometry | |
spectroscopy | |
SPhP | |
Strain-balanced AlGaN/InGaN | |
strong coupling | |
sub-THz | |
Sub-wavelength | |
Superlattice | |
Superluminescence | |
superradiance | |
Surface emitting lasers | |
Surface Phonon Polariton | |
Surface Phonon Polaritons | |
T | |
t2sl | |
Temperature performance | |
terahertz | |
terahertz detection | |
Terahertz quantum cascade lasers | |
Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers | |
Terahertz radiation | |
Terahertz Technology | |
Terahertz time domain spectroscopy | |
Terahertz ultrafast spectroscopy | |
Terahertz wave | |
terahertz-induced photocurrent spectroscopy | |
Terahertz-pump Terahertz-probe TDS | |
thermal emitters | |
Thermal imaging | |
thermal radiative cooling | |
Thermoelectric cooling | |
thermoelectrically cooled | |
THz | |
THz cavity quantum electrodynamics | |
THz imaging | |
THz intersubband polaritons | |
THz QCL | |
THz QCLs | |
THz spectroscopy | |
THz Time Domain Spectroscopy | |
THz-QCL | |
THz-QCLs | |
time domain spectroscopy | |
time-domain spectroscopy | |
time-domain-spectroscopy | |
Topological Photonics | |
tunable modulators | |
Tunneling | |
type-II superlattice | |
U | |
Ultra-strong coupling | |
ultrafast 2D spectroscopy | |
ultrastrong | |
ultrastrong coupling | |
Ultrastrong light-matter coupling | |
unipolar barrier | |
Up-conversion | |
V | |
Vacuum | |
Vacuum Effects | |
vacuum field fluctuations | |
Very strong coupling | |
vibration sensor | |
W | |
Wannier Exciton | |
Waveguides | |
Weyl semimetals | |
Z | |
ZnO | |
ZnO nanoparticles |