It is our privilege to welcome you to the 48th International Test Conference (ITC) sponsored by IEEE and the IEEE Philadelphia Section. ITC is the world’s premier conference dedicated to electronics test. Our volunteer committees worked very hard to provide to you an exciting event with a balance of the latest research, practical applications, and networking opportunities. This year we are returning to Fort Worth, Texas the week of October 30, 2017.
Our topics include emerging test needs for automotive and IoT, hardware security, system test, analog and mixed-signal test, yield learning, test analytics, test methodology, benchmarks, test standards, memory and 3D test, diagnosis, DFT architectures, functional and software-based test. This year we are having devoted tracks on two days. Wednesday is Security Day, with papers, special sessions and a keynote address. Thursday is Automotive Day, with a similar format, leading into the Automotive Test Workshop which immediately follows the conference.
In addition to the usual best paper award, we have selected the top papers based on reviewers’ scores to be Distinguished Papers. These outstanding papers will be identified in the program.
ITC is expanding its presence! For the first time, in 2017 there are ITC-Asia and ITC-India conferences in Taiwan and Bangalore respectively. We are pleased to include the best papers of those conferences in our program this year.
The conference is organized in a way to provide you various methods to learn and discuss topics related to electronics test. Our keynote speakers are well known industry leaders and academic researchers that provide exciting insights. The technical papers are 20 minute presentations of papers that were selected from a rigorous review process with a few minutes for questions at the end of each paper. The exhibition floor consists of solutions providers who are available for discussion and learning about their offerings. A corporate forum is held on the exhibit floor where exhibiting companies present about their products. This year we have one poster session held on the exhibition floor. Posters provide a very comfortable and informal environment to discuss details with the authors.
We recognize that networking is extremely valuable to our attendees. Multiple breaks and social events are integrated in the program to allow you to network with colleagues and other specialists. Free lunches are provided in the exhibit hall for full- and one-day ITC conference attendees.
On behalf of the 2017 International Test Conference steering committee, program committee and all the dedicated volunteers who are key to making the program complete, we welcome you to this year’s exciting technical program and exhibits.
General Chair, Li-C Wang, University of California, Santa Barbara
Program Chair, Peter Maxwell, ON Semiconductor