Days: Monday, October 18th Tuesday, October 19th Wednesday, October 20th Thursday, October 21st
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Droop-Free Distributed Control of DC Microgrids with Voltage Profile Guarantees and Relaxed Current Sharing (abstract) |
16:15 | Modeling Uncertainty of Day-ahead Market Prices for Energy Storage Aggregator (abstract) |
16:30 | Potential analysis of a cloud-based energy management system for the generation of flexibilities (abstract) |
16:45 | Do households react to variable power prices – results from a Norwegian pricing experiment (abstract) |
17:00 | Transfer learning for Demand Response of a Multi-Agent Battery and Electric Water Heater System (abstract) |
17:15 | Network-Constrained Decentralised Bidding Strategy of DR Aggregators Considering Customer Behaviour (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Load-Based Classification of Academic Buildings using Matrix Profile and Supervised Learning (abstract) |
16:15 | AI-enabled Predictive Maintenance of Wind Generators (abstract) |
16:30 | On the Tightness of Convex Optimal Power Flow Model Based on Power Loss Relaxation (abstract) |
16:45 | Improving Machine Learning Diagnostic Systems with Model-Based Data Augmentation – Part A: Data Generation (abstract) |
17:00 | Improving Machine Learning Diagnostic Systems with Model-Based Data Augmentation – Part B: Application (abstract) |
17:15 | Performance Assessment of Linear Models of Hydropower Plants (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | On the Impact of Control Center Allocation on Power-Communication Network Vulnerability (abstract) |
16:15 | Fault Classification in Transmission Network with Semi-supervised Learning Method (abstract) |
16:30 | Analyzing Patterns Transference and Mitigation of Cascading Failures with Interaction Graphs (abstract) |
16:45 | Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of PD Signals in Medium Voltage Components (abstract) |
17:00 | Submodule Fault Detection in MMCs using Support Vector Classification (abstract) PRESENTER: Sidhaarth Venkatachari |
17:15 | A simplified approach to model grid-forming controlled MMCs in power system stability studies (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Bulk System Impact of DER and Loads using T&D Co-simulation and Aggregate models (abstract) |
16:15 | Influence of Harmonics on Broadband AC Grid Impedance Identification for Stability Studies (abstract) |
16:30 | DER Hosting Capacity Envelope in Unbalanced Distribution Systems (abstract) |
16:45 | Coordinated Microgrids Integration in Distribution System with Different Power Purchase Agreement Options (abstract) |
17:00 | Truncated Transient Stability Index for On-line Power System Transient Stability Assessment (abstract) |
17:15 | Microgrid Stability Enhancement by Incorporating BESS Droop Gain Tuning (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Dynamic Model of a Virtual Air Gap Variable Reactor (abstract) PRESENTER: David Sevsek |
16:15 | Multi agent deep Q-reinforcement learning for autonomous low voltage grid control (abstract) |
16:30 | Geo-referenced synthetic low-voltage distribution networks: A data-driven approach (abstract) |
16:45 | Assessing the Impact of High Penetration PV on the Power Transformer Loss of Life on a Distribution System (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiaochu Wang |
17:00 | Calculation of Transmission Line Parameters: A real Case Study (abstract) |
17:15 | A Non-Linear Auto-Regressive Exogenous Model for Feeder Power Loading Prediction in PV Rich Distribution Network (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Electric vehicles trips and charging simulator considering the user behaviour in a smart city (abstract) |
16:15 | Multi-Objective Decision-Making for Transactive Interactions in Vehicle-to-Building Systems (abstract) |
16:30 | A mean field control approach for smart charging with aggregate power demand constraints (abstract) PRESENTER: Adrien Seguret |
16:45 | An Outage Probability Model for Electric Vehicles in Low Voltage Grids (abstract) ![]() |
17:00 | A Charging Profile Modeling Approach for Battery-Electric Trucks based on Trip Chain Generation (abstract) |
17:15 | A Vehicle-to-vehicle Energy Trading Platform Using Double Auction With High Flexibility (abstract) |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Fault Detection in Inverter-Based Microgrids Utilizing a Nonlinear Observer (abstract) |
16:09 | Safe Flexibility in Active Distribution Grids: A Practical Data-Driven Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Stavros Karagiannopoulos |
16:18 | Optimal Composition of Prosumer Aggregations (abstract) |
16:27 | Energy Resource Scheduling Optimization for SmartPower Distribution Grids – Hour-Ahead Horizon (abstract) PRESENTER: Joao Soares |
16:36 | A Novel Approach of Peer to Peer Energy Sharing in DC Microgrid with Optimal Distribution Losses (abstract) |
16:45 | Modelling of Microgrid Benchmark Networks Based on the SimBench Data Set (abstract) |
16:54 | Consideration of Power Line Capacity and Impact on Voltage Band Compliance in Local Energy Markets (abstract) |
17:03 | An Optimal Power Management System Based on Load Demand and Resources Availability for PV Fed DC-Microgrid with Power-Sharing among Multiple Nanogrids (abstract) |
17:12 | Comparing Value Sharing Methods for Different Types of Energy Communities (abstract) |
17:21 | Enhancing the Self-consumption of PV-battery Systems Using a Predictive Rule-based Energy Management (abstract) |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Unsupervised Segmentation Algorithms for Infrared Cloud Images (abstract) |
16:09 | Wind Flow Estimation in Thermal Sky Images for Sun Occlusion Prediction (abstract) |
16:18 | Reconstruction of Low-Voltage Networks with Limited Observability (abstract) |
16:27 | Unsupervised Power System Event Detection and Classification Using Unlabeled PMU Data (abstract) |
16:36 | A Natural Language Interface for an Energy System Model (abstract) |
16:45 | Selection methods for Demand Response: improving comfort and balancing loads (abstract) PRESENTER: Darian Craciun |
16:54 | Sampling of Power System Graph Signals (abstract) |
17:03 | Cyber Physical Grid-Interactive Distributed Energy Resources Control for VPP Dispatch and Regulation (abstract) |
17:12 | Grid Topology Estimation in Electrical Markets via Diagonally Dominant Laplacian (abstract) |
17:45 | Building up the grid planning methodology of the future: the FlexPlan project (abstract) |
17:45 | Battery Energy Storage Systems to support the power system : demonstrations and perspectives from the H2020 OSMOSE project (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Learning to Arbitrage Congestion in Electricity Market with Virtual Bids (abstract) |
16:15 | Data-Driven, Multi-Region Distributed State Estimation for Smart Grids (abstract) |
16:30 | Non-Technical Losses Detection in Distribution Grids using LSTM Networks (abstract) ![]() |
16:45 | Processing and Filtering Digital Fault Recorder Events for Load Model Estimation (abstract) |
17:00 | Studying the impact of Carbon Tax and Emission trading system on Electricity Market (abstract) |
17:15 | Dealing with Ferroresonance in Series-Compensated Power Systems: An Operational Guideline (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | No-load linearization of the lifted multi-phase branch flow model: Equivalence and case studies (abstract) |
16:15 | Laboratory Studies in Different Battery Technologies for Application in Transportable Energy Storage Systems (abstract) |
16:30 | Experimental measurement of frequency-dependent component impedances of grid-forming inverters in islanded microgrids (abstract) |
16:45 | Three-phase OPF Based Local Flexibility Market for Mitigating Unbalanced Voltage in Distribution Systems (abstract) |
17:00 | Comparative Analysis of Integral-Based Indices for On-line Assessment of Power System Transient Stability (abstract) |
17:15 | Management of Flexible Resources for Voltage Regulation of Distribution Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | On the Economic Feasibility of Battery Swapping Model for Rapid Transport Electrification (abstract) |
16:15 | EV User Utility from Bidirectional Charging Schedules Under Mobility Uncertainties (abstract) |
16:30 | Electric vehicle user profiles for aggregated flexibility planning (abstract) |
16:45 | Impact of route and charging scheduling on the total cost of ownership for electric bus depots (abstract) |
17:00 | A simulation setup for analyzing mitigation methods for reducing the impact of extensive EV penetration in the distribution network (abstract) PRESENTER: Ugyen Chophel |
17:15 | Impact of Semi-fast Charging Stations on Unbalanced Power Distribution Systems Integrated with PV Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Waleed Alabri |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Investigating Man-in-the-Middle-based False Data Injection in a Smart Grid Laboratory Environment (abstract) PRESENTER: Ömer Sen |
16:15 | Decentralized Correlation and Mitigation of Cyberattacks on Distribution Systems (abstract) |
16:30 | Sniffing Serial-Based Substation Devices: A Complement to Security-Centric Data Collection (abstract) |
16:45 | LSTM based Denial-of-Service Resiliency for Wide-Area Control of Power Systems (abstract) |
17:00 | A behavioral model to detect data manipulation attacks of synchrophasor measurements (abstract) |
17:15 | A privacy-friendly aggregation algorithm for demand side management of residential loads (abstract) PRESENTER: Emilio J. Palacios-Garcia |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Positive Sequence Impedances of LV Sector-Shaped Cables in the Frequency Range 2 to 9 kHz (abstract) |
16:15 | Use of Battery Energy Storage with Electric Arc Furnace to Improve Frequency Stability of Weak Power System (abstract) PRESENTER: Jenni Rekola |
16:30 | Digital Twin of the Medium Voltage Grid of University City at UNAM (abstract) PRESENTER: Roberto Gardner-Ortega |
16:45 | Harmonic Mitigation as Ancillary Service Provided by Multiple Photovoltaic Inverters (abstract) |
17:00 | Inter-Area Oscillation Study of the Greek Power System Using an Automatic Toolbox (abstract) |
17:15 | Battery Storage Demonstration Projects An Overview Across Europe (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Performance of synchronizing units under reduced system strength (abstract) PRESENTER: Ananya Kuri |
16:15 | Weak-Grid Tolerant Positive- and Negative-Sequence Current Control of Voltage-Source Converters (abstract) |
16:30 | Deep learning based circuit topology estimation and fault classification in distribution systems (abstract) |
16:45 | A Voltage-Sensorless Controller for Grid Converters (abstract) |
17:00 | Harmonic Stability Analysis of Grid-Connected Converters with Power Synchronization Control (abstract) |
17:15 | Technical requirements for practical implementation of fault passage indication (abstract) PRESENTER: Amir Farughian |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | A method for assessing the impact of cyber attacks manipulating distributed energy resources on stable power system operation (abstract) |
16:09 | Reflection of Cyber and Physical Stresses in Smart Grids on their Graph Signals (abstract) |
16:18 | A Novel Approach for Incipient Fault Diagnosis in Power Transformers by Artificial Neural Networks (abstract) |
16:27 | Methanation technology integration in renewable smart grids (abstract) |
16:36 | Wide Voltage-Regulation Range Tap-changing Transformer Model for Power System Studies (abstract) |
16:45 | Towards the Identification of Maximal Coherent Cut-Sets Within Power Grids (abstract) PRESENTER: Arash Beiranvand |
16:54 | A Real-Time Congestion Control Strategy in Distribution Networks (abstract) |
17:03 | Multi-Objective Optimized Operation of Energy Storage Devices (abstract) |
17:12 | Supplementary Inertial Support in Renewable Integrated Networks: Potential of Synchronous Condenser and Energy Storage (abstract) PRESENTER: Md. Nahid Haque Shazon |
17:21 | Model Reduction for Heat Grid State Estimation (abstract) |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Angular Stability Analysis of a Multimachine System with Distributed and Large-Scale Photovoltaic Generations (abstract) PRESENTER: Orlando Delgado Fernández |
16:09 | Frequency Stability Assessment for the Future Power System of São Vicente Island (abstract) |
16:18 | Synchronization of Droop-Controlled Microgrids in Community using Consensus Control with Reinforcement Learning (abstract) |
16:27 | Irradiation-Driven Dynamic Path-Planning of Moving Airborne Solar Farms Using Reinforcement Learning (abstract) |
16:36 | On the integration of variable renewable energy into CCHP based microgrid in a low carbon neighbourhood (abstract) PRESENTER: Dejene Assefa Hagos |
16:45 | Comparison of Smart Charging and Battery Energy Storage System for a PV Prosumer with an EV (abstract) |
16:54 | Power Distribution Strategy Based on Low-Pass Filter Controller with a Variable Time Constant in Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Yang Jiao |
17:03 | An Optimal Energy Management System Using Day-ahead Prediction Algorithm (abstract) |
17:12 | Evolution of Power System CIM to Digital Twins - A Comprehensive Review and Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Balijepalli Vsk Murthy |
17:21 | Zero Sequence Impedances of LV Sector-Shaped Cables in the Frequency Range 2 to 9 kHz (abstract) |
17:45 | Lifetime extension strategies for equipment in electrical power grids (abstract) |
17:45 | Cyber-physical solutions for microgrids (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
14:00 | Electrification and digitalization pathway on land, at sea & in the air (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Comparison of Fairness based Coordinated Grid Voltage Control Methods for PV Inverters (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Aswin Ramesh Vadavathi |
16:15 | Assessment of Distributed Generation Hosting Capacity in Electric Distribution Systems by Increasing the Electric Vehicle Penetration (abstract) |
16:30 | Towards an Assessment Framework for Congestion Management Mechanisms in Distribution Networks (abstract) |
16:45 | A Decade of Time-Synchronized Measurements in Romania – Technology, Applications, and Benefits (abstract) PRESENTER: Gregary Zweigle |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Parameter Estimation of Electric Vehicles for Improved Range Prediction (abstract) |
16:15 | Adaptive Multi-Agent System and Mixed Integer Linear Programming Optimization Comparison for Grid Stability and Commitment Mismatch in Smart Grids (abstract) |
16:30 | Parameters Influencing Harmonic Stability for Single-phase Inverter in the Low Voltage Distribution Network (abstract) |
16:45 | Optimal Scheduling of Battery Swapping Stations for Electric Public Transportation (abstract) |
17:00 | Optimized Power Dispatch for Solar-Storage System and Electric Vehicles with Multiple Buildings in Bilateral Contracts (abstract) PRESENTER: Syed Muhammad Ahsan |
17:15 | Intelligent Web-platform for Enabling Microgrids and Energy Sharing (abstract) PRESENTER: Shievam Kashyap |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Interfacing third party cloud services to a virtual power plant (abstract) |
16:15 | An IT platform for the management of a Power Cloud community leveraging IoT, data ingestion, data analytics and blockchain notarization (abstract) |
16:30 | Towards a Versatile Cyber Physical Power System Testbed: Design and Operation Experience (abstract) |
16:45 | Energy Efficient Protocol Design for the WSN Integrated Supporting System of the Smart Grid (abstract) |
17:00 | A New Approach to Determine a Distribution Network Usage Fee for Distributed Generators (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Impacts of electric heat pumps and rooftop solar panels on residential electricity distribution grids (abstract) |
16:15 | The Energy-Water-Food Nexus Architecture for the Optimal Resource Allocation (abstract) |
16:30 | Machine Learning Based Hydrogen Electrolyzer Control Strategy for Solar Power Output and Battery State of Charge Regulation (abstract) |
16:45 | Operational Carbon Mitigation Potential of Flexible Multi-Energy Systems: A Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Christopher Ripp |
17:00 | Development of an Automated Grid Expansion Algorithm with Flexibility Consideration in Interlinked High Voltage Grids (abstract) |
17:15 | Enabling Sustainability-Driven Control Strategies in Multimodal Energy Systems Simulations (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | MathHeuristics for Speeding Up the Solution of the Unit Commitment Problem (abstract) |
16:15 | Impact of Self-healing Control on Reliability Evaluation in Distribution System with Microgrid (abstract) |
16:30 | Centralized/Decentralized Power Management Strategy for the Distribution Networks based on OPF and Multi-Agent Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Ahmed A.Raouf Mohamed |
16:45 | Resilience enhancement in the planning of medium-and low voltage power distribution systems with microgrid formation (abstract) |
17:00 | Bad Cell Identification of Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage System through Statistical Analysis of Electrical and Thermal Properties (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Formal Verification of Grid Frequency Controllers (abstract) |
16:15 | Data-Driven Distribution System Expansion Planning Considering High EV and PV Penetration (abstract) |
16:30 | Behind-the-meter Energy Flexibility Modelling for Aggregator Operation with a Focus on Uncertainty (abstract) |
16:45 | Prediction of the local cloud cover to optimize photovoltaic system power forecast (abstract) |
17:00 | Probabilistic Forecast Combination for Anomaly Detection in Building Heat Load Time Series (abstract) |
17:15 | Evaluation of Uncertainty and Error of LSTM-Based Day-Ahead Load Forecasting Models (abstract) |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Use of Distributed Generation to Control Reactive Power at the Transmission Distribution Interface (abstract) |
16:09 | Distribution Fault Location Using Graph Neural Network with Both Node and Link Attributes (abstract) |
16:18 | A Testbed for Advanced Distribution ManagementSystems: Assessment of Cybersecurity (abstract) |
16:27 | Equivalent Active Distribution Networks Considering Grid Forming Converters (abstract) PRESENTER: Jakob Ungerland |
16:36 | Assessment of the Impact of Load Modelling and DSM on Combined Power System Angular and Frequency Stability Using Composite Stability Index (abstract) |
16:45 | Optimal Contract Power and Battery Energy Storage System Capacity for Smart Buildings (abstract) |
16:54 | Mutual Impacts of Procuring Energy Flexibility and Equipment Degradation at the Residential Consumers Level (abstract) |
17:03 | Power Electronic Converters Simulation Model Verification for Grid Code Compliance Testing (abstract) |
17:12 | Industrial Energy Management System: Design of a Conceptual Framework using IoT and Big Data (abstract) |
17:21 | Methodology of the Renewable Energy Sources Life Cycle Environmental Assessment (abstract) |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Dynamic Performance Evaluation of Grid-Following and Grid-Forming Inverters for Frequency Support in Low Inertia Transmission Grids (abstract) |
16:09 | Autonomously Distributed Control of Electric Vehicle Chargers for Grid Services (abstract) |
16:18 | Online smart charging algorithm with asynchronous electric vehicles demand (abstract) |
16:27 | Smart Charging, Vehicle-to-Grid, and Reactive Power Support from Electric Vehicles in Distribution Grids: A Performance Comparison (abstract) |
16:36 | Flexibility in distribution systems – Modelling a thermal-electric multi-energy system in FLEDGE (abstract) |
16:45 | Grid Impedance Characterization To Provide a Robust Phase-Locked Loop Design for PV Systems (abstract) |
16:54 | Short Term Cloud Motion Forecast based on Boid's Algorithm for use in PV Output Prediction (abstract) PRESENTER: Marius Penteliuc |
17:03 | Prosumer Control Strategy for A Robust Microgrid Energy Management System (abstract) PRESENTER: Samuel Mumbere Kihembo |
17:45 | Reliability and Security in Evolving Power Grids (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
14:00 | Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence (JUMP2Excel) Project Special Session (abstract) |
14:00 | Grid Interconnection of largely dispersed minigrids (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Maximizing Capacity Credit in Generation Expansion Planning for Wind Power Generation and Compressed Air Energy Storage System (abstract) PRESENTER: Homod M. Ghazal |
16:15 | Comparison of AC Optimal Power Flow Methods in Low-Voltage Distribution Networks (abstract) |
16:30 | Comparison of random sampling and heuristic optimization-based methods for determining the flexibility potential at vertical system interconnections (abstract) |
16:45 | Appliance Classification using BiLSTM NeuralNetworks and Feature Extraction (abstract) PRESENTER: Hongjian Sun |
17:00 | Ammonia Fuel Cells for Wind Power Smoothing and Control for Smart Grid Applications (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Analytical Kalman Filter Tuning Method for Battery State of Charge Estimation: Validation for Grid Battery Energy Storages (abstract) |
16:15 | A Study of Repairable Failure Models of Aging Underground Power Distribution Cables (abstract) |
16:30 | Storage for Grid Deferral: The Case of Israel (abstract) |
16:45 | Robust Assesment of the Effectiveness of Smart Grid Technologies for Increasing PV Hosting Capacity in LV Grids (abstract) |
17:00 | Multi-Timescale Risk-Constrained Volt/VAR Control of Distribution Grids (abstract) |
17:15 | Grid Reinforcement Method for High-Voltage Distribution Grids under Consideration of Performance Indices (abstract) PRESENTER: Markus Miller |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Determining the Optimum Network Division Scheme for Multi-area Distribution System State Estimation (abstract) PRESENTER: Mohammad Gholami |
16:15 | Supervised Learning Approach for State Estimation in Distribution Systems with missing Input Data (abstract) |
16:30 | Improving Real-world Measurement-based Phase Identification in Power Distribution Feeders with a Novel Reliability Criteria Assessment (abstract) |
16:45 | Influence of the Power Factor on the Vibration Behavior of Transformers for Primary and Secondary Distribution (abstract) |
17:00 | Photovoltaic Power Disaggregation using a Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Regression Model (abstract) PRESENTER: Andres F. Moreno Jaramillo |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Identification of Price Zones in Network-Constrained Electricity Markets (abstract) |
16:15 | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Modeling Market-Oriented Grid User Behavior in Active Distribution Grids (abstract) |
16:30 | Impact of Extensive Wind Power on Future Day-ahead Prices in the Nordic Electricity Market (abstract) |
16:45 | Bidding Strategy for Generators with Constraints in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets (abstract) |
17:00 | Risk Analysis of Wind Farm Paired with Assets in Electricity and Gas Markets (abstract) |
17:15 | Flexibility Forecast at Local Energy Community Level (abstract) PRESENTER: Hosna Khajeh |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Intelligent Trolleybus Guidance System with Short-Term Grid State Forecast (abstract) |
16:15 | Chance-Constrained Frequency Containment Reserves Scheduling with Electric Water Heaters (abstract) PRESENTER: Louis Brouyaux |
16:30 | Effects of Economic Shocks on Power Systems: COVID-19 as a Case Study (abstract) |
16:45 | Towards a Universally Applicable Neural State Estimation through Transfer Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexander Berezin |
17:00 | Day-ahead Optimization of Frequency Containment Reserve for Renewable Energies and Storage (abstract) |
17:15 | Evaluation of Multiparametric Linear Programming for Economic Dispatch under Uncertainty (abstract) |
Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Direct forecast of solar irradiance for EV smart charging scheme to improve PV self-consumption at home (abstract) PRESENTER: Reza Fachrizal |
16:15 | Packetized Energy Management Controller for Residential Consumers (abstract) |
16:30 | Reinforcement Learning Based Load Balancing for Geographically Distributed Data centres (abstract) |
16:45 | Forecasting the Electrical Demand at the Port of Gävle Container Terminal (abstract) |
17:00 | Optimal Sensor Placement for Partially Known Power System Dynamic Estimation (abstract) |
17:15 | Validating Algorithms for Flexible Load Control in a Smart Grid Laboratory Environment (abstract) |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Real-time testing of out-of-step protection devices (abstract) PRESENTER: Marko Tealane |
16:09 | A Data-Enabled Predictive Control Method for Frequency Regulation of Power Systems (abstract) |
16:18 | Virtual Admittance Control for Providing Voltage Support using Converter Interfaced Generation (abstract) |
16:27 | Novel fault distance estimation method for lines connected to converter-based generation (abstract) |
16:36 | A decentralized frequency and voltage control scheme for grid-forming inverters (abstract) PRESENTER: Yemi Ojo |
16:45 | A Study of Common Information Model Representing Protection Relay Functions (abstract) PRESENTER: Takashi Dozaki |
16:54 | A fair Peer-to-Peer Electricity Market model for Residential Prosumers (abstract) |
17:03 | Consumers Minimum Rate for Participation in Demand Response Events Under Uncertainty (abstract) |
17:12 | Prosumer Centric Flexibility Market with Geometric Brownian Motion Pricing Method (abstract) |
The presenters should be available during the 90 minutes. | Please note that all indicated times are in EEST.
16:00 | Optimal Placement of Different Types of Measurements for Active Distribution Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Soheil Pouraltafi-Kheljan |
16:09 | Parameter Tuning for dynamic Digital Twin of Generation Unit in Power Grid (abstract) PRESENTER: Xinya Song |
16:18 | Pseudo-Realtime PMU Event Detection (abstract) |
16:27 | Load Identification of Distributed Energy Resources in Low Voltage Distribution Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Andres F Moreno-Jaramillo |
16:36 | Detect and Identify Topology Change in Power Distribution Systems Using Graph Signal Processing (abstract) |
16:45 | Three-phase Linear State Estimation Based on SCADA and PMU Measurements (abstract) PRESENTER: Ramtin Khalili |
16:54 | Distribution System State Estimation With Losses (abstract) |
17:03 | Incremental Learning for the Improvement of Ampacity Predictions over Time (abstract) |
17:12 | Artificial Intelligence based network strength estimation for LCC HVDC (abstract) |
17:21 | Power Oscillation Damping Using Converter-Interfaced Generators under Constrained Active and Reactive Powers (abstract) |