This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D Printing | |
A | |
Absorptive Capacity | |
Accessibility | |
Action research | |
Adaptability | |
Adaptation | |
additive manufacturing | |
Adoptions approaches | |
Africa | |
Agency theory | |
agile | |
agri-food | |
Agriculture | |
AHP | |
Anaerobic digestion | |
Analytics | |
animal welfare | |
antecedent and enablers of innovation capabilities | |
arbitration | |
archetypes | |
Arctic area | |
Artificial intelligence | |
Artificial intelligence (AI) | |
As-a-Service | |
Assurance of supply | |
Atlas.ti | |
Attention-Based View | |
attribution | |
Automotive | |
automotive case study | |
Automotive OEM | |
automotive supply chains | |
B | |
B corporations | |
B2B | |
B2B marketing | |
Barriers | |
Behavioral factor | |
Behaviour | |
Belonging | |
Benchmarking | |
Best practices | |
Bid Data Analytics | |
Bidding process | |
Blockchain | |
Blockchain Technology | |
Blockchain-as-a-Service | |
boomerang effects | |
boundary objects | |
Boundary Spanning | |
Brazil | |
bridging roles | |
bunching | |
Bundling problem | |
business model | |
Business models | |
Buyer behavior | |
Buyer supplier relationship | |
buyer-supplier | |
buyer-supplier collaboration | |
Buyer-Supplier Relationship | |
buyer-supplier relationship dynamics | |
Buyer-supplier relationships | |
Buyers' Measurement | |
buying behavior | |
C | |
Capabilities | |
capability buffer | |
Carbon | |
Carbon emission | |
carbon neutrality | |
Carbon-neutral | |
case study | |
Category Management | |
CBP | |
Centralized purchasing | |
Certification agencies | |
Certification agency | |
certification cost | |
certification value | |
Challenges | |
Change Management | |
chaos theory | |
Chinese Manufacturers | |
Chinese manufacturing industry | |
circular business model | |
Circular economy | |
Circular economy capabilities | |
Circular procurement | |
Circular Purchasing | |
Circular Rebound Effects | |
Circular supply chain | |
Circular Supply Chains | |
Circularity | |
City Deal | |
City Region | |
Climate | |
Climate action | |
Climate Change | |
CO2 emissions | |
coercive power | |
Coffee | |
Collaboration | |
collective action | |
competence building | |
Competences | |
Competitive priority | |
complex projects | |
complexity theory | |
Compliance | |
Comply or explain | |
Concentration | |
conceptual paper | |
conference proceedings | |
conflict | |
construction | |
Construction Logistics | |
Content analysis | |
Contract logistics | |
contract management maturity | |
Contracts | |
contractual safeguards | |
cooperative response | |
coordination | |
Cost of capital | |
Cost Transaction Theory | |
Country of origin theory | |
Country ranking experiment | |
COVID-19 | |
Creativity | |
crisis management | |
critical raw materials | |
Cross-border public procurement | |
cross-case analysis | |
cross-country comparison | |
cross-functional decision making | |
cross-functional integration | |
Cross-industrial collaboration | |
CSR | |
CSR controversies | |
CSR dimensions | |
customer attractiveness | |
Customer integration | |
Customer service | |
D | |
dark side of relationships | |
Data Procurement | |
Data Quality | |
Decarbonisation | |
Decentralized purchasing | |
Decision making | |
Decision Support | |
Decoupling | |
Deep-tier suppliers | |
Defense | |
degrowth | |
Delphi study | |
design science research | |
Developing countries | |
development | |
Diary | |
Digital | |
Digital Maturity | |
Digital Performance | |
digital procurement transformation | |
digital readiness | |
Digital supply chain | |
digital supply chains | |
Digital technologies | |
Digital Transformation | |
Digitalization | |
Digitization | |
direct supplier development | |
disaster management | |
Disclosures | |
Discrete choice card experiment | |
Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) | |
Disruption | |
disruptions | |
Diversity | |
Drivers | |
Drivers and Barriers | |
due diligence | |
Dyadic buyer-supplier relationships | |
dyadic data | |
dynamic capabilities | |
Dynamic systems | |
E | |
E-auction format selection | |
E-auctions | |
E-commerce | |
e-waste management | |
Earth and rock masses | |
eco-labelling awareness | |
Ecological Sustainability | |
Ecosystem | |
ecosystems | |
Education for Sustainable Development | |
Effectiveness | |
Efficiency | |
efficient public procurement | |
Electric Sector | |
emergence | |
End-of-life management | |
Environment | |
Environmental Performance | |
ESG | |
ESG risk | |
Ethical decision-making | |
Ethical sourcing | |
Ethics | |
Ethics of duty and justice | |
Ethnography | |
Europe public procurement | |
evaluation | |
event study | |
experiment | |
Experiments | |
F | |
Fashion | |
Fashion industry | |
Finance | |
Financial Performance | |
Financial supply chain management | |
Firm's performance | |
Focus group | |
Food industry | |
Food Supply Chain Management | |
Food waste | |
Forecasting | |
Foresight | |
Fragility | |
Framework | |
framework development | |
freight transport | |
fsQCA | |
Future PSM challenges | |
G | |
Game Theory | |
Gaming platform | |
gender | |
Gender diversity | |
Gender Responsiveness | |
generative change | |
global multi-tier supply chains | |
Global sourcing | |
global supply chains | |
green customer loyalty | |
green customer trust | |
green growth | |
green marketing mix | |
green procurement | |
green procurement practices | |
Green Supply Chain Sustainability | |
greenhouse gas emission | |
grounded theory | |
H | |
hard skills | |
health sector | |
Healthcare | |
healthcare procurement | |
Higher education | |
Hospitality industry | |
hospitals | |
Human Factors | |
Hybrid organizations | |
Hybrid purchasing | |
Hybridity | |
I | |
ICT sector | |
Implementation | |
INA | |
Incentive Mechanisms | |
inclusive purchasing | |
Incomplete Contracts | |
indirect supplier development | |
Inductive | |
industrial branding | |
Industry 4.0 | |
Information Asymmetry | |
Information disclosure | |
information processing | |
information processing theory | |
infrastructure | |
Infrastructure sector | |
Innovation | |
innovation competition | |
innovation contest | |
Innovation diffusion theory | |
Innovation in education | |
Innovation performance | |
Innovative procurement. | |
Institutional actors’ classification | |
Institutional Complexity | |
institutional logic | |
Institutional Theory | |
institutions | |
Insularity | |
integration | |
Integrity | |
Intention action gap | |
Inter-organisational proximity | |
Inter-organizational | |
Interaction capabilities | |
Interdisciplinary approaches | |
Internet of Things | |
interorganizational relationship | |
interview series | |
Interviews | |
Inventory transshipment | |
Isomorphism | |
IT Sourcing | |
J | |
job advertisement design | |
job advertisements | |
K | |
Key Performance Indicators | |
knowledge spillover | |
Kraljic Matrix | |
L | |
LCA | |
Learning | |
Legal design | |
Legitimacy | |
Legitimacy theory | |
Life cycle cost | |
life cycle perspective | |
Literature Review | |
lithium-ion batteries | |
Local supply chains | |
Logistics | |
long-term care | |
longitudinal | |
Longitudinal study | |
Low carbon supply chain management | |
low-carbon operations | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Managing complexity | |
Mandatory requirements | |
manufacturing start-ups | |
Market Shaping | |
Market Stewarding | |
Master programa in purchasing | |
Maturity | |
Mechanism Design Theory | |
megagame | |
meta-analysis | |
methodological conceptualization | |
microfoundation | |
Modern slavery | |
Morphology | |
multi-level learning | |
multi-level perspective | |
Multi-National Enterprises | |
Multi-objective optimization | |
multi-tier supply chain resilience | |
multiple case study analysis | |
N | |
name-and-shame | |
Named entity recognition | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Nature-based solutions | |
NCA | |
Negotiation | |
network | |
Network governance | |
Network Theory | |
Networks | |
new ventures | |
News reporting | |
Nexus supplier | |
non-coercive power | |
Non-Financial Reporting | |
nudging | |
O | |
Omni-channel retailing | |
Online | |
opacity | |
open innovation | |
Open-Loop Supply Chains | |
Operational efficiency | |
Operations strategy | |
Organ procurement | |
Organizational Information Processing Theory | |
Organizing | |
outcome-based procurement | |
Outsourcing | |
P | |
pandemic | |
panel data | |
Paradox theory | |
partial least square modeling | |
perceived risk | |
performance | |
performance effects | |
Performance measurement | |
Performance-based Contracting | |
Performing | |
personal traits | |
Pharmaceutical Industry | |
planetary boundaries | |
Planning | |
policy | |
policy implementation | |
policy reforms | |
poly-crisis business environment | |
Portfolio Management | |
power | |
Practice-based view | |
Preferred customer status | |
Proactive contracting | |
Procurement | |
Procurement 4.0 | |
Procurement 4.0 innovations | |
Procurement strategy | |
Procurement Transformation | |
Product development | |
Professional norms | |
Professional services | |
PSM | |
PSM Strategy | |
Psychological contracts | |
Psychological Ownership | |
Public Company | |
public contracts | |
Public management | |
public procurement | |
Public procurement of Innovation | |
Public Sector | |
public tender | |
Public Value | |
Public value creation | |
Purchasing | |
Purchasing and supply chain management | |
purchasing and supply management | |
Purchasing and supply process | |
Purchasing Integration | |
purchasing leadership | |
purchasing logistics services | |
Purchasing maturity | |
Purchasing reseearch | |
Purchasing strategies | |
R | |
Raw material risk | |
Readiness | |
readiness assessment | |
relational capital | |
relational safeguards | |
relationship fading | |
reports | |
Resilience | |
responsible consumption | |
Retail | |
Return on Investment | |
Reverse Factoring | |
Reverse logistics | |
review | |
risk | |
risk management | |
risk mitigation | |
ROI | |
Roles | |
S | |
satisfaction | |
Scenario Exploration System | |
Scenario-based experiments | |
school food systems | |
scientometric analysis | |
Scope 3 | |
Scouting | |
Secondary Plastic Markets | |
Sensegiving | |
Sensemaking | |
serious game | |
Serious Games | |
service buying | |
Service procurement | |
service providers | |
Service purchasing | |
Service supply chain management | |
short supply chains | |
Signalling theory | |
Simulation | |
Small companies | |
Smart grids | |
Smart Manufacturing | |
Smart meters | |
SME | |
SMEs | |
Social audits | |
Social capital | |
social capital theory | |
Social Enterprise | |
Social Enterprises | |
Social Identity | |
Social Impact Supply Chain Management | |
Social innovation | |
Social Network Analysis | |
Social Responsibility | |
Social Sustainability | |
Social value | |
Society | |
soft skills | |
software | |
solar PV | |
Source to contract | |
Sourcing | |
sourcing process | |
Stakeholder Theory | |
stakeholders | |
startups | |
Strategic Alignment | |
Strategic networks | |
Strategic purchasing | |
Strategic Sourcing | |
Strategic thinking | |
strategy | |
Strategy Implementation | |
student-centric learning | |
Success | |
sufficiency | |
Supplier code of conduct | |
Supplier collaboration | |
Supplier dependence | |
supplier development | |
Supplier Diversity | |
Supplier evaluation | |
Supplier integration | |
supplier management | |
Supplier Relationship Management | |
Supplier resilience | |
Supplier satisfaction | |
Supplier selection | |
Supplier sustainable operations | |
suppliers | |
Supply chain | |
Supply Chain 4.0 | |
Supply Chain Act | |
Supply chain complexity | |
supply chain design | |
supply chain field | |
Supply Chain Finance | |
Supply chain financing | |
supply chain innovation | |
Supply Chain Integration | |
Supply Chain Leadership | |
Supply Chain Management | |
Supply Chain Mapping | |
Supply chain practice view | |
Supply chain resilience | |
Supply chain risk | |
Supply Chain Risk Management | |
supply chain strategies | |
Supply Chain Sustainability | |
Supply Chain Transparency | |
Supply chains | |
supply disruptions | |
supply failure | |
Supply management | |
Supply network | |
Supply network complexity | |
supply network transparence | |
supply networks | |
Supply risk | |
survey | |
Sustainability | |
sustainability performance measurement | |
sustainable | |
Sustainable Development | |
Sustainable innovation | |
Sustainable practices of the supplier | |
Sustainable procurement | |
Sustainable product design | |
sustainable public procurement | |
sustainable purchasing | |
sustainable supplier practices | |
Sustainable Supplier Relationship Management | |
Sustainable supply chain | |
Sustainable Supply Chain Finance | |
Sustainable supply chain management | |
Sustainable supply chain transparency | |
Sustainable Supply Chains | |
Sustainable supply management practices | |
Sweden | |
symbolic interactionism | |
System Dynamic Modelling | |
Systematic literature review | |
Systemic Change | |
systems theory | |
T | |
Taxonomy | |
TCO | |
Teaching | |
Technological Factors | |
technology adoption | |
TED analysis | |
Tensions | |
text mining | |
textile industry | |
the liability of newness | |
thematic mapping | |
theoretical framework | |
TOE framework | |
Top management team | |
Total Cost of Ownership | |
Traceability | |
trade credit | |
Tragedy of the Commons | |
Transaction Cost Economics | |
transactional-transformational leadership | |
Transcontinental sourcing | |
Transparency | |
Transplantation supply chains | |
Transport | |
triads | |
Trust | |
U | |
UK case study. | |
Uncertainty aversion | |
University-Companies integration | |
urban logistics | |
Urban Nature | |
V | |
Value | |
Value destruction | |
value-based procurement | |
Visibility | |
voluntary certification | |
W | |
war in Ukraine | |
WEEE | |
Women | |
Worker voice | |
Working capital management | |
workplace behavior | |
World Café | |
Wuhan-China |