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09:00 | Transport procurement and climate impact: State of the art and future research directions PRESENTER: Kajsa Hulthén ABSTRACT. The paper focuses on the role of transport buyers in reducing the climate impact of their purchased freight transport. The aim is to present the state of the art and to suggest directions for further research. The paper is based on a review of recent literature focusing on how buyers and suppliers of transport services address the issue, and a longitudinal survey among Swedish buyers of transport services conducted every second year since 2012. We conclude that freight transport services are interdependent and embedded in many different ways and that efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have to consider their heterogeneity. |
09:22 | A Roadmap to Net-Zero GHG Emissions PRESENTER: Lisa Ellram ABSTRACT. Organizations worldwide are being called on to provide guidance and address their own emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) and those of their supply chain partners (Scope 3) (Green House Gas Protocol, 2022). To understand purchasing involvement in these sustainable initiatives, data was gathered using both in-depth case study research and focus groups. The overarching goal was to develop an initial road map to net carbon zero by engaging our supply chain and our purchasing organization with the supply base. This research has practical, societal, and theoretical contributions. Presenters: Lisa Ellram and Wendy Tate |
09:44 | Sustainable procurement practices and environmental performance: An exploratory study of Sustainable Supplier Relationship Management in a Finnish manufacturing firm PRESENTER: Elizabeth Edgal ABSTRACT. Research on how to achieve sustainability through supplier relationship management is still in its infancy. Therefore, by building on the IMP interaction approach and literature on sustainable procurement, this working paper aims to add understanding on how supplier relationship management and sustainable procurement practices can promote envirunmental sustainability. The empirical study is an embedded case study of collaborative efforts among international manufacturing company and its suppliers to promote sustainability. The findings are expected to contribute to the body of knowledge on sustainable procurement practices. For practitioners, the current study aims to provide practical guidance in the implementation of sustainable procurement. |
09:00 | Too little too late? How can and must the supply chains of German manufacturers be made more transparent in order to meet general and legal sustainability requirements? PRESENTER: Carsten Reuter ABSTRACT. Stakeholders’ demand for sustainable and transparent supply chains, as well as the introduction of the German Supply Chain Act pose a considerable challenge for German manufacturing companies. They are now held responsible for socially sustainable supplier practices and lifecycles of their offerings. After voluntary commitment failed to materialise to the required extent, supply chain transparency, supply chain risk management and due diligence obligations have become a statutory obligation at the beginning of 2023. Yet, there is still a considerable need for research on how companies are to operationalize and to meet these legal obligations. |
09:22 | The impact of digital traceability and sustainability-oriented innovation on sustainability performance: Empirical evidence in food chain PRESENTER: Haiyan Lu ABSTRACT. This study has found that both of digital traceability and sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) have significant influences on sustainability performance. In details, product innovation shows a strongest influence on economic performance; process innovation has the strongest influence on environmental performance; organization innovation shows a stronger influence on social performance. Furthermore, SCL moderates the impact of digital traceability on product innovation – digital traceability is related to product innovation when SCL is low, and more positively related to product innovation when SCL is high. SCL is partially moderated the relationship between digital traceability and process innovation. DT is insignificantly related to process innovation when SCL is low, and more positively related to process innovation when SCL is high. The contributions of this study can be addressed in threefold. First, built on from the current literature, this study has established the link between digital traceability and organization innovation, dressing on the interconnectivity among organization structure and functions. Second, in the research of innovation and SOI, it is unclear in terms of distinguishing the influence of each type of innovation on particular ‘3 pillars’ of sustainability. This study is the first study to build the relationship based on statistical evidence and develop the insights of this field. Finally, this finding of this study can support food sustainability practice in terms of where and how to invest on sustainability innovation and how to improve economic, environmental and social performance. |
09:44 | Will non-financial reporting requirements drive radical transformation in supply chain management? PRESENTER: Rima Elsayed ABSTRACT. Large corporates face an increasing non-financial reporting burden in response to investor, customer and legislative pressures. Meaningful action however, requires substantial investment by firms in supply chain mapping, monitoring and management processes. Evidence to date, is that such supply chain transparency policy ideals are not being realised. Typically, firms engage in largely symbolic reporting as financial objectives compromise sustainability objectives. The French PACTE Law, 2019, however enshrines a governance regime that protects these paradoxical objectives. This conceptual paper considers how the PACTE Law could affect supply chain management such that supply-chain transparency ideals could finally be achieved. |
10:06 | [OL] Digital Transformation leading to Transparency and Traceability of food supply chains PRESENTER: Asterios Stroumpoulis ABSTRACT. This paper examines the role of Digital Transformation on the Transparency and Sustainability of Food Supply Chains. An important long-lasting problem is the large amount of food products that are lost or wasted inside the supply chains. An additional problem is the lack of transparency in all processes of the food supply chains. Digital Transformation of the food supply chains may facilitate sustainability practices, as they support supply chain processes, lead to paperless procedures, and enable traceability. The aim of this research is to clarify the combination of Digital Transformation and Food Supply Chain and examine how transparency and traceability lead to the increase of sustainable performance. |
09:00 | Artificial intelligence in public procurement: Perceived challenges, applications and value creation in early phases of AI adoption ![]() PRESENTER: Katarina Arbin ABSTRACT. This paper aims to contribute to knowledge on implementation challenges of AI in public procurement processes and how AI can contribute to public procurement value creation. Research on AI implementation processes and value creation in public procurement is used for the analytical framework. Empirical data consists of semi-structured interviews with 18 persons working with procurement within 10 Swedish authorities. Findings show an overall low level of AI maturity, perceived values of AI are dominated by ideas on improved operative capabilities, certain process effectiveness potentials, and a potential of AI for improved monitoring of sustainability. |
09:22 | Digital purchasing practices and trust in a turbulent environment PRESENTER: Wilbert Baerwaldt ABSTRACT. The last years of turbulence on the market caused by the pandemic and geo-political tensions have led to supply disruptions for many companies. The purpose of this study was to investigate how digital purchasing practices and trust are impacted in the supply chain due to increased turbulence in the environment. This was carried out through an interview study with buyers and sellers in supply chain networks. Findings conclude that impact of environmental turbulence is significant. Contextual factors prohibit the implementation and effective use of digital systems. Organizational alignment is critical to meet future increased turbulence in the environment. |
09:44 | Implementing AI in Source to Contract operations - how procurement managers in a global organization make sense of AI opportunities and inhibitors PRESENTER: Hadia Nadeem ABSTRACT. The purpose of the study is to develop knowledge on AI implementation processes in procurement operations with a focus on the critical first stages: planning and evaluation, start, and early implementation. Based on interviews with procurement and supply chain managers in a global organization the study analyses how managers make sense of the opportunities and challenges of adopting in source-to-contract operations. AI. Empirical data analysis identified three themes, central in AI implementation: RFP and RFP evaluation, contract handling, and IT integration. The potential value generated and the implementation challenges of AI in procurement operations are also discussed. |
10:06 | ABSTRACT. For the last few years the purchasing function has embarked on its Purchasing Digital Transformation (PDT), today with process digitization and tomorrow with Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, what leads CPOs to redefine their organizations. Do they have to continue to invest in maturity development or only in the PDT? This paper provides a framework to companies allowing them to measure the ROI (Return on Investment) of three main options: PDT with workforce reduction at iso-maturity, PDT at iso-workforce with maturity improvement, and PDT with new skills acquisition. The options are analyzed, and the findings compared and discussed. |
09:00 | Identifying and navigating the innovation complexities across supply networks using attractors: A multi-level perspective PRESENTER: Iryna Malacina ABSTRACT. The recent trend toward globalization has created more complex supply networks. While the negative impact of complexity on a firm’s operational and financial performances is established, innovation management is a case where complexity may be a requirement rather than a constraint. Building on complexity-chaos theory, we perform an inductive multi-level study of a single supply network consisting of 35 organizations. We identify complexities associated with the innovation process that unfolds within firms, in buyer-supplier dyads, across multi-party networks. We also describe the types of attractors that firms can adopt to harness these complexities for improving the success of their innovation initiatives. |
09:22 | Building relational capital in service ecosystems for innovation: Evidence from the tourism sector PRESENTER: Katia Picaud-Bello ABSTRACT. The paper investigates the development of relational capital in service ecosystems for innovation. Building on the service ecosystem framework, the aim of this paper is to identify and examine the elements of social capital across three levels: micro, meso and macro. It used an in-depth case study focusing on the tourism digital platform National Travel Operator (NTO) became Visitoman.Com innovation project developed by a service ecosystem of collaborative B2B relationships in the Mena region, the Sultanate of Oman destination. We report on research involving semi-structured interviews with a national travel organization in Oman in the field of destination marketing, its key partners and government decision-makers. Initial findings are presented focus on the development of the tourism digital platform Visitoman.Com from a service ecosystem perspective. |
09:44 | ABSTRACT. Procurement has spent the best part of last decade transforming in the eyes of the companies’ board into a more strategic function that aligns with the broader strategic roadmap for organizations the world over. Maturity, particularly in procurement, is key goal that underlines procurement transformation for many organizations and for banks this is no different. Considering that scenario, a Brazilian bank looked across the globe at leading procurement functions in order to truly understand what the company wants its procurement to be. Visiting international companies and assessing its existing infrastructure, the bank stablished its procurement transformation journey in a unique way. |
10:06 | [OL] Competences for sustainability and innovation in purchasing and supply management: The employers’ perspective PRESENTER: Volker Koch ABSTRACT. This research aims to investigate the competencies needed by purchasing and supply management (PSM) professionals with a focus on sustainability and innovation in Europe on the employer’s side of view. The study investigates which competencies are deemed to be most important and whether these have changed over time by examining job advertisements and comparing them to prior findings. The results show that required competencies have changed more towards technical skills, strategic business skills and sustainability competencies. The outcome also provides companies an orientation when it comes to optimizing the skillset of their PSM departments toward sustainability and innovation. |
09:00 | The payoff of public procurement reforms on the efficiency of procurement processes PRESENTER: Marly Tatiana Celis Galvez ABSTRACT. We study the effects of four major reforms of the discretionary thresholds in public procurement in the Czech Republic.These reforms decreased and increased the discretionary thresholds.Related literature has focused mostly on studying the effects of substantial increases of a threshold, but there is no evidence of effects of multiple mostly smaller changes in different discretionary thresholds.Our research question is therefore to find what the effects are of multiple public procurement threshold changes on the efficiency of the procurement process.Exploiting the Czech Republic institutional settings and a large data-set with procurement contracts, we employ a quasi-experimental methodology to estimate the changes in the Intention to Treat of the reforms on procurement outcomes, such as the number of bidders, time efficiency, and cost efficiency. We conclude that the threshold changes have little effect; hence our results suggest that if there are already thresholds to limit full discretion, then it does not seem to matter much how high the thresholds exactly are. Conducting a 'trial and error' revision path for these thresholds will mainly cost a lot in bunching inefficiencies without creating significant gains, as the outcomes that we measured did not change a lot. An important side-result is that we find that buyers' preferences for a simplified procedure may lead to an intentional underestimation of the estimated value of the contract, in order to remain under the threshold under which it is allowed to do a simplified procedure |
09:22 | Circular soil and rock masses – a public-private relational mess PRESENTER: Anna Fredriksson ABSTRACT. Sweden is at EU bottom of circular soil and rock masses. The purpose of this study is to capture the relationship between the overall system and subsystems of circular soil and rock masses to identify barriers to establishing efficient circular soil and rock material flows. The main hinders are lateness of action, legislation, and lack of information sharing. This together creates a relational mess between the subsystems, leading to a lack of understanding of how to act. The relations must be clarified before public procurement will have its intended impact to increase circularity and decrease transport emissions. |
09:44 | Responses to economic challenges in public procurement PRESENTER: Gyöngyi Vörösmarty ABSTRACT. In public procurement, efficiency is linked to competition. However, recent years procurers faced several kinds of supply problems. Securing supply to ensure stable operations has required flexibility and openness. The aim of this paper is to compare practices in the period before Covid and the period after the lockdowns. The situation of supply constraints forces stakeholders to change their procurement practices and there might be a difference in understandings of efficiency. By exploring the stakeholders perceptions towards conflicts this paper analyses the changes in attitudes of contracting authorities and tenderers. |
10:06 | From ad-hoc to structured contract management – a longitudinal case study in public procurement PRESENTER: Marius Langseth ABSTRACT. A critical part of public procurement is contract management. According to survey findings, government organizations in Norway do not prioritize work on contract management. This study tracked six public entities over two years, with four of the six participating in a government program to improve contract management. The findings indicate that the maturity levels of all four participants who participated in the improvement program have increased. According to the findings, the participants moved from an ad hoc strategy to structured contract management, allowing the contract management to be centered and directed toward sustainability. This also applies to one of the organizations that did not participate in the program. Based on the findings, the authors develop four propositions for improving contract management in public procurement. |
09:00 | [CP] Supply Chain Finance Program from a cross disciplinary approach : An applied study to the European Automotive Industry PRESENTER: Julia Guinchard-Nascimento ABSTRACT. Although there is a rich literature documenting the positive relationship between supply chain and financial performance, only few contributions explore the financial flows associated to the adoption of Supply Chain Finance (SCF) practices. The purpose of this paper is to show how (SCF) programs through on major practice called reverse factoring improve cash generation and working capital management. By developing an econometric model to estimate the effect of adopting SCF methods on companies’ cost of capital (CC), we explore the following question: how the suppliers lead time payments extension using reverse factoring allow the company to improve its cost of capital? To test our model, a sample including most firms in the Eurozone’s automotive sector will be observed over eleven years’ period, five years before and five years after the adoption of reverse factoring solution. |
09:30 | Broadening the purposive scope of supply chain financing: Insights from a focus group of anchor corporations ABSTRACT. The purpose of supply chain financing is evolving from a tool for cost-efficient management of working capital towards an instrument for purpose-driven supply chain management. Sustainable and resilient considerations are increasingly being incorporated into financing arrangements, while digitalization offers opportunities to engage small and medium-sized suppliers in the upstream supply chain. Our research, conducted through multiple focus groups, reveals how large buying companies can leverage purposive usage. While supply chain financing is increasingly becoming a holistic instrument for addressing specific purposes relating to direct suppliers, expanding the impact of supply chain finance to upstream suppliers remains a challenge. |
09:52 | Sustainable Supply Chain Finance: stakeholders’ pressures and potential impacts on SC sustainability PRESENTER: Elisa Medina ABSTRACT. As Sustainable Supply Chain Finance (SSCF) relevance increases for both practitioners and academics, the criticism on the reasons why these solutions are adopted and on whether they generate positive impacts on sustainability increases too. As stakeholders’ pressures on sustainability keep increasing, it is relevant to investigate possible external pressures on SSCF. Moreover, there is the need to understand the expected benefits that these solutions can provide in terms of SC sustainability for the different players involved. This paper investigates these issues, leveraging the Stakeholder Theory, and developing a two-step methodology based on a preliminary focus group and multiple exploratory case studies. These have as unit of analysis the SSCF solution and include in the sample buyer, suppliers, and financial/technology providers related to the same SSCF solution. Results show the main pressures that directly or indirectly drive the adoption of SSCF and depict SSCF expected impacts in terms of SC sustainability. |
09:00 | [CP] Supplier dependence and innovation performance: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing industry PRESENTER: Ying Yang ABSTRACT. In this study, we investigate whether a supplier’s dependence on its customers improve or hinder the supplier’s innovation performance and what factors affect this relation. To address this, we carry out secondary data analysis based on different databases of 121 listed firms in China from 2008 to 2020. Building on the resource-based view (RBV) and resource dependence theory (RDT), we find that supplier dependence and its innovation performance have an inverted U-shaped relationship. In addition, this research identified three moderating factors, which are operational efficiency (OE), digital transformation (DT) and CSR performance. Building on RBV and RDT, we significantly enrich supplier dependence and innovation relationship by introducing three operations and supply chain management (OSCM) factors as moderators and provided some implications for both scholars and practitioners in OSCM realms. |
09:30 | A contractor perspective on inter-organizational collaboration in programs PRESENTER: Hans Voordijk ABSTRACT. Working in programs, a novel approach in construction, aims to achieve benefits of bundling projects with common a goal or mission. However, literature on inter-organizational relations in programs is rare, especially regarding the perspective of contractors. This research shows that within programs contractors develop towards a collaboration state without competition. Furthermore, contractors tend to develop long term relationships with the supply chain, either by formalized agreements or by informal incentives. This explorative research may benefit contractors when participating in programs, while public clients, and consultancy firms may take advantage of the findings in drawing up programs in the future. |
09:52 | The dynamic nature of trust in the purchasing and supply processes ABSTRACT. This paper focuses on recognizing the situation where trust turn into distrust during the supply process and its aim is to define circumstances, where trust turn distrust. The scope of the paper is the long-term relationship, where trust is examined from the behavior and cognitive aspect point of view. The method utilized and empirical examination lean on the design science approach and case study. The findings of the study showed, although a neutral actor took part in development activities in which a solution to the problems was sought, it was not possible to restore the lost trust. |
11:00 | Evolution in Teaching Supply Chain Management: Impact of Sustainability PRESENTER: Laura Menzies ABSTRACT. In this education-focused paper we will be analysing the literature on teaching supply chain management (SCM) and mapping it against the UNESCO Key Competencies for Sustainability. We will then present a reflection on thoughtfully amending the content of a traditional undergraduate SCM module to a sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) module whilst considering students development of the above competencies. The reflection will cover the introduction of carbon literacy training, systems thinking, and SC integration as well as the use of co-created knowledge and real-world examples. Delivering this content meant the lecturer adopted a facilitator role to support co-creation of knowledge, recognising that students experience of sustainable consumption can provide interesting and relevant insights. Content and delivery in one additional postgraduate SSCM module is also presented to provide a comparison, highlighting similarities between two independent lecturers approaches. This paper sets the groundwork for a wider project examining the evolution of SCM education as we work towards a sustainable future. We are keen to recruit academics delivering SCM content to this study to understand their views and experiences. |
11:22 | Developing interdisciplinary higher education to support sustainable and systemic change in the Arctic area PRESENTER: Marika Tuomela-Pyykkönen ABSTRACT. The aim was to find out whether there exists demand for supply chain professionals and related higher education in the Arctic area. The findings indicate the labour shortage exists also in the supply chain perspective, and this shortage is due to the heavy investment projects in the Arctic and sparse population density. Furthermore, the current political situation in Europe stresses the importance of vertical Nordic collaboration in respect to critical supply chains, and increasing the demand for competent supply chain professionals in the Arctic. The studied private and public organisations expressed strong interest in educational collaboration in the Arctic area. |
11:44 | [OL] Proposal to identify organizational problems for research in purchasing. PRESENTER: Bruna Mendes ABSTRACT. Development of purchasing research has shown important advances in recent decades in the international community. Nevertheless, there are obstacles limiting the impact in Brazil, such as: (i) working conditions environment; (ii) low interaction among other researchers and organization´s demands as well; (iii) lack of commitment and training. This study carried out a qualitative and interpretative, through semi-structured interviews with 3 (three) master’s students, with background in purchasing as well. Their personal experiences were the focus and the object of the study. The results indicated the presence of researchers in the corporate environment, contributed to the identification of relevant topics and provide a way around obstacles. |
11:00 | [CP] Barriers and success factors for performance-based contracting: Tackling the black box of PBC implementation PRESENTER: Cornelia Ebadi ABSTRACT. Performance Based Contracting (PBC) promises a win-win for suppliers and buyers in exchange relationships. It allows buyers to focus on their competencies and shift responsibility for system sustainment to suppliers, who are expected to deliver services more efficiently and effectively, and who benefit from higher profit margins and flexibility. Yet, to reap the benefits, PBC needs to be implemented successfully. Previous literature on PBC implementation remains project-specific and largely undertheorized, thus providing little guidance. Therefore, this paper aims to uncover barriers and success factors for PBC implementation, drawing on the strategic management literature and 18 expert interviews with PBC specialists. The findings indicate that the understanding of implementation success is multi-layered and internal organizational factors (process-oriented structure, centralized logistics setup, lacking willingness for change) combined with uncertainty regarding legal requirements are main barriers despite strategic intentions to implement PBC. This calls for future research on strategy-structure-fit for PBC implementation. |
11:30 | Exploring the Status Quo of Software Supply Chains PRESENTER: Maximilian Holzner ABSTRACT. Still, the questions why and how a supply chain for software, which is part of the end product, should be managed are not sufficiently answered. The characteristics of software and its supply chain seem to be different, so that typical supply chain management recommendations might not fit to the phenomenon. As such, the aim of this research is to explore the phenomenon of a software supply chain (SSC). Semi-structured interviews with software procurement managers are used to open the topic. The focus is to assess the awareness for SSC in practice, as well as SSC structures and challenges. Findings show that SSC is a construct of high complexity and practice has heterogenous understanding. This points to the identification of ambivalent observations: Low awareness perception is matched with the existence of a SSC perception; lack of knowledge-perception is matched with SSC (security risk) challenges, and SSC “simplicity” perception is matched with lack of in-depth analysis and risk challenges. Overall, the study identifies a number of ambiguities, worth of further investigation. |
11:52 | Incentivising high-quality data acquisition: Contrasting different incentive-based data purchasing approaches PRESENTER: Dominik Oehlschläger ABSTRACT. Access to high-quality data is a competitive necessity in today’s business landscape. As data sources are often outside the boundaries of the focal organisation, data has to be externally acquired. However, research often presumes data availability and neglects the actual data acquisition procedure. Arguably, contributions touching upon data obtainment mostly examine the phenomenon from a technical perspective, for instance by analysing data gathering in the context of the internet of things. As the value of data depends on its quality, data buyers have to ensure its impeccability. It is reasoned that data quality depends on the type of incentive given to the data supplier. The goal of this research is to identify incentivisation mechanisms for data acquisition and link these mechanisms to the obtained data’s quality level. Empirical insights have been gathered through a multistage world café with experts from the fields of purchasing and data analytics. Experts agreed on thirteen attributes of data quality and assessed the possibility for each attribute’s affectability by an incentive mechanism. Furthermore, seven incentive mechanisms were compiled. The findings propose that timely incentives that encourage recurring interactions between involved parties are preferable to one-time purchases, performance-based incentives are favoured compared to fixed incentives, and financial incentives seem to be prioritised over non-financial incentives, given that financial ones are in concert with either potential for recurring interactions or performance-based components. Hence, this study supplies decision-makers, whose data analytics rely on external data, with a framework to contrast different incentive mechanisms to acquire high-quality data. Altogether, this work contributes to the general and primal discussion how data could be assessed and ultimately purchased and vended. This was a novel approach to accumulate expert insights about a contemporary phenomenon that has so far received little attention by the scientific community despite its notable relevance (data as the new oil). |
11:00 | Towards a research methodology for studying cross-functional integration in PSM – Demonstrating the case of integrating open source management PRESENTER: Florian N. Paffrath ABSTRACT. Cross-functional integration is one of the highly discussed topics in PSM research and has been stated to be critical to the functional performance. As the literature on this topic uses different theoretical constructs and mechanisms to investigate cross-functional integration in PSM, we are providing a conceptual grounding of research in this direction. Therefore, we present analytical dimensions of mechanisms used in the past and present meta-requirements for future research attempts. Also, we demonstrate these meta-requirements by describing their usage to tackle the new problem-solution space of open source management. We propose this research field as a new business model with a high potential for PSM integration. |
11:22 | Scouting for Innovation: Bridging Roles of Scouting Services Providers PRESENTER: Thomas Johnsen ABSTRACT. In this paper, we investigate the specific role of the service providers who can facilitate the scouting of innovations for purchasing. Purchasing is increasingly leveraging on such service providers, who are specialized in scouting innovations for buying companies to connect these with innovative startups or technology suppliers. The paper employs balanced theory and structural hole theory to explore the outcome of different triadic configurations. At the time of this writing, the data collection is still ongoing, but we can already report on two interesting findings: we explored two triadic relationships with two different types of bridging roles played by the scouting service providers. The first case suggests that the service provider has only a connector role between the client and the innovative partner. The second case again highlights this bridging role, but it shows the complementary role of providing support and consultation to both parties. |
11:44 | Organisational innovation and sustainability: the critical role of procurement PRESENTER: John Israilidis ABSTRACT. The paper explores how procurement can innovate to meet emerging socio-economic and environmental challenges. Innovation is looked at from the theoretical lens of absorptive capacity. We see procurement as gatekeepers operating at the interface between internal and external knowledge. Our review highlights the challenges currently being faced in supporting ambidextrous practices and turns to other closely related disciplines like marketing to distil lessons and propose strategies for better acquisition, assimilation, and application of knowledge. Early results call for a strategic knowledge brokering role that directly absorbs knowledge from products, suppliers, and partnerships for the purpose of enacting positive systemic change. |
11:00 | [OL] Procurement Strategy Development with Consideration of CSR: A SME context PRESENTER: Xing Lu ABSTRACT. CSR has received limited attention when defining competitive priorities for procurement strategy development. Thus, the paper aims to answer the question: Considering the growing relevance of CSR, how can SMEs achieve strategic fit of the procurement strategy? Design science research is applied in this working paper. We propose an extended competitive priority concept and offer a two-step solution procedure to develop a consistent procurement strategy, including determining the relevant dimensions of each competitive priority and weighting the competitive priorities using AHP. Lastly, we apply this solution in a small plant engineering company to develop the procurement strategy. |
11:22 | [OL] How procurement strategy as an instrument for good drove change management in an immature procurement environment: the case of ABS University ![]() ABSTRACT. This paper presents the case of a 75-year-old private west coast USA institution which has grown over the last 2 decades in both scale and reputation to an over $500 million revenue enterprise. Expenditures are in the region of 45% of revenues and include construction, equipment, MRO, IT/AV and services. Until recently most purchasing was carried out tactically, by user departments and functions, but the introduction of centralized procurement has led to moves for greater strategic centralization. External review and senior faculty research led to the adoption by the university president of a procurement development program to increase the transparency and impact of procurement function, deliver organizational strategies related to core mission and achieve bottom line cost savings and value improvement. However, perceptions of the role of procurement were very archaic – senior administration saw large contract sourcing and negotiation as outside the purview of procurement, associating budget authority with purchase authority and across campus major challenges were faced due to poor compliance with procurement policies. This case example of a local university has presented some of the toughest challenge in terms of senior leadership compliance, yet the impact of strategic alignment, plus some very strong exchanges deconstructing the problems of contracting absent procurement engagement were the two critical levers to drive change. |
11:00 | Readiness Assessment of Supply Chain Finance Adoption PRESENTER: Yasmine Elhenawy ABSTRACT. Despite all the hype about digital supply chain finance services, real-life adoption still faces significant complications. In order to overcome these complications, firms need to understand the main antecedents and requirements to be ready for SCF adoption. The purpose of this paper is to identify and prioritize the readiness factors for SCF adoption. The objective of this paper is threefold: (1) identify the main requirements and antecedence relevant to SCF implementation (2) determine the contribution weights of these factors to the overall readiness (3) develop an effective readiness improvement plan by prioritizing those factors with the most significance on the overall readiness. Experts from both industry and academia are consulted to assess the relevance and significance of the factors. Then, the analytic hierarchy process methodology is conducted to prioritize and rank these readiness factors. |
11:22 | On the Sustainability and Transparency of Supplier Payments: How Name-and-Shame Shortens Payment Periods in the Supply Chain PRESENTER: Btissam Moncef ABSTRACT. In many supply chains, suppliers suffer from longer payment periods due to increased risks of bankruptcy, job cuts and reduced innovation. Policy makers are concerned by long payment periods because supplier problems may lead to higher unemployment, increased welfare payments, lower innovation in the country and lower collection of taxes. This article studies whether policy makers can influence one key payment term, payment periods, using the name-and-shame policy. Our panel data analysis suggests that name-and-shame can incite firms to reduce payment periods. This study contributes to the debate about the sustainability and transparency of payment practices and the tools that policy makers can employ to reduce payment periods. |
11:44 | [OL] The contribution of Digital Transformation to the increase of Financial Performance of Supply Chain Management: A conceptual framework PRESENTER: Polyxeni G. Tsitsiri ABSTRACT. Digital Transformation, Supply Chain Management, and Financial Performance are the main study areas of this paper. Nowadays, due to the increase of Information Technologies and their ease of adoption, some companies are trying to accomplish the digital transformation of their supply chains in order to be better aligned with their partners, increase their financial results, and establish their position inside their task environment. This research aims to clarify how Digital Transformation integrates inside Supply Chain Management and examine how it could lead to increased financial performance. |
11:00 | Cash is king? Trade-offs and overlaps between working capital and resilience in supply chains PRESENTER: Christiaan de Goeij ABSTRACT. Covid-19 and geopolitical tensions in Ukraine show that there are several working capital disruptions impacting supply chains, which are to a large degree neglected in supply chain resilience literature. Resilience and working capital strategies are both investigated in supply chain literature, however they are not looked at in conjunction. Based on focus group research with 17 participants representing 14 different companies, we study tradeoffs and overlaps between resilience and working capital strategies in supply chains. We identify three key themes at the intersection between both: 1) inter-departmental inventory and payments management, 2) inter-company collaborative working capital management and 3) financial process improvement. |
11:22 | Automotive supply chains and the war in Ukraine PRESENTER: Marek Vins ABSTRACT. The war in Ukraine has unleashed new challenges for the automotive supply chains. Our ongoing research aims to identify both the war’s impact on the companies operating in the automotive supply chains and the actions taken in order to address this new turbulence. Findings show that some of the new challenges include distress of employees, decrease of sales, closing of plants, substantial increase of energy prices, shortage of input materials, and disruptions in transportation. Also, company actions to deal with this warfare crisis include support to employees, relocation of production plants, updating of contracts and taking significant energy saving measures. |
11:44 | The development of Industry 4.0 technologies in the context of supply chain supply chain risk management: an outlook into the year 2035 ABSTRACT. The consequences of supply chain disruption are manifold, while the application of Industry 4.0 technologies demonstrates high potential for improvement. Despite this knowledge, many companies have neglected these topics. Therefore, conducting a two- round Delphi study, the aim of this paper is to analyze the development of Industry 4.0- driven supply chain risk management (SCRM) till 2035. Based on the OIPT, a holistic framework is developed comprising twelve projections on how Industry 4.0 technologies influence SCRM organizational factors and the SCRM system as well as the fit between organizational information processing requirements and information processing needs. |