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08:30-12:00 Session 7A: Track: Entrepreneurship, Innovation management, and business technology (S1)
Location: Ad Portas 417
Business Adaptation Toward the Development of Sustainable Districts: Mexican Sustainable Districts in Times of Urgent Change
PRESENTER: Tatiana Elizondo

ABSTRACT. To challenge the economic, social and environmental problems that the world is currently facing, the generation and development of sustainable cities suggest a viable solution. Sustainable cities are defined as a city that incorporates the principles of a circular economy in all its functions (Ellen Macarthur Foundation, 2012). Although there are no linear steps into transforming a regular city into a circular city, some cities have begun to work on sustainable districts which compass several urbanizations within a determined polygon. These sustainable districts represent meso-macro cross-sector partnerships between all sectors of society. Hence, multiple elements need alignment such as the identification and exploitation of new and improved capabilities of the different stakeholders that engage in the development of this type of entities. Through three case studies of sustainable districts in a Mexican city, this paper aims to identify whether private organizations are making changes in their way of operating, what type of modifications are they making and if they are taking the lead to develop more districts in aims of achieving a sustainable city. Our analysis identifies five organizational capabilities for the generation of sustainable districts: entrepreneurship, systematic leadership, fair and inclusive governance, alliances and collaboration, and green innovation.

Internationalization of Colombian Startups New Research Insights
PRESENTER: Juan Sebastian

ABSTRACT. The objective of this paper is to improve the material about the Colombian entrepreneurial landscape. Primary data was collected and analyzed through an online perception survey to better understand the dynamics of internationalization. This study offers a holistic insight into the internationalization of Colombian startups by comparing their behavior and patterns with the internationalization of Colombian Multilatinas. Furthermore, it shows how Colombian startups could follow the path of Chilean Born Globals by presenting their most decisive factors of success and how Colombian startups are standing compared to them. Results are compared with previous research on Colombian Multilatinas and show that the development level of the target market is the second important aspect to factors which play equally to multinational. In contrast to MNE´s, cultural proximity seems to have a higher impact on internationalization decisions of entrepreneurs.

The Role of Communication in Open Innovation Processes: a Case Study in Automotive Industry

ABSTRACT. The success of open innovation -OI- implies managing the collaborative relationship with different stakeholders. In a mature and conservative industry such as automotive, the challenge of expanding the portfolio of stakeholders is recent and at the same time, a key factor to face the turbulent ecosystem in which it moves. So, our proposal is to understand the role that communication could play, helping to manage the relationship with different actors involved in the open innovation process.

The Challenge Experience: an Open Innovation Practice from the University of La Sabana, Colombia

ABSTRACT. Open innovation practices have become a topic of high interest as a way to improve the firms' competitiveness and value creation through interactions with the environment. However, there are few studies on student-oriented business open innovation practices, such as hackathons and competitions. Thus, the paper aims to provide a depth understanding of a particular way of open innovation practice between universities and business denominated "Challenge Experience" by the University of La Sabana, which groups formats such as student hackathons, competitions, and contests. This study applied the case study method and included the analysis of informal interviews of thirteen (13) professors and administrative staff who have had a leadership role in these kinds of practices. Finally, this research unveils the benefits and opportunities of these practices, nurtures the concept of "Challenge Experience" as emerging open innovation practice in the framework of university-business collaboration, and it proposes a line of future research with high potential.

Emprendimiento, Innovación y Bienestar: La Perspectiva de Ajuste Al Mercado
PRESENTER: Manuel Sosa

ABSTRACT. El emprendimiento y la innovación se han estudiado principalmente como agentes económicos, pero limitadamente como agentes del bienestar psicológico. La limitada evidencia empírica muestra que esta relación es significativa pero ambivalente, por lo que proponemos analizar sus efectos diferenciando tipos los mercados (según sus configuraciones institucionales) para esclarecer las razones de esta ambivalencia. Nuestro estudio utilizó una muestra de 41 mercados emergentes y 32 mercados desarrollados en el periodo 2008-2018, abarcando 734 casos provenientes de bases de datos especializadas. Nuestros resultados muestran que los efectos de ambos agentes no son lineales, sino que predominan en cierto mercado: La innovación predomina en mercados desarrollados; y el emprendimiento en mercados emergentes. Sin embargo, algunos componentes de ambos agentes muestran efectos contraintuitivos, los cuales discutimos desde la visión institucional.

08:30-12:00 Session 7B: Track: Organizational behavior and human resource management (S3)
Location: Ad Portas 418
La Cultura Organizacional Enfocada En El Modelo Denison y Su Relación Con El Desempeño Organizacional: Un Estudio Empírico En Ecuador

ABSTRACT. El modelo Denison (1990), establece que las culturas corporativas se asocian con el desempeño organizacional. Denison y Mishra (1995), basaron esta relación considerando medidas de efectividad organizacional y sugirieron que las empresas deberían desarrollar algunas características culturales para así lograr resultados de desempeño. Sin embargo, los hallazgos sobre estas relaciones causales no son del todo concluyentes, más aun, cuando el modelo basa su investigación en las actitudes de los empleados. Por lo expuesto, en este estudio ampliamos un marco de referencia al determinar que el modelo Denison (1990) no es generalizable para explicar el desempeño de las organizaciones. Mediante un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales (MES) a una muestra de pequeñas empresas de servicios en Quito – Ecuador, encontramos apoyo empírico en que la cultura organizacional, no causa efecto sustantivo en el desempeño organizacional. Estos resultados son atribuibles a que la estructura de las empresas de servicios, está limitada a un crecimiento financiero en el corto plazo. Además, la realidad política, económica y social no ha permitido enfocar estrategias que motiven a fomentar su cultura organizacional.

Comparando Os Impactos Da Percepção Do Chamado Ocupacional Na Vida Pessoal, Profissional E Na Saúde Dos Funcionários Públicos
PRESENTER: Bruno Felix

ABSTRACT. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar como diferentes percepções acerca do chamado ocupacional podem impactar a vida pessoal, profissional e a saúde psicológica dos funcionários públicos, no contexto socioeconômico brasileiro. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos: os que (1) percebem o chamado ocupacional e o atendem, os que (2) o percebem, mas não conseguem atender e os que (3) não possuem nenhum chamado ocupacional. O questionário foi aplicado numa amostra de 274 participantes. Os dados foram rodados com ANOVA e depois foi realizado um teste Duncan para evidenciar quais grupos se diferenciavam. Parte dos resultados foram consistentes com a literatura existente sobre o chamado ocupacional e com a teoria da autodeterminação. Entretanto, diferentemente dos estudos realizados em outros contextos, os resultados apontaram não existirem diferenças significativas entre os grupos que possuem um chamado não atendido e os que não possuem nenhum chamado. A contribuição deste artigo estar em explorar um contexto distinto dos presentes na literatura até o momento.

The Influence of Digital Skills on Performance: the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment

ABSTRACT. Digital skills are changing configuration of jobs and workplace worldwide. The objective of this paper is to analyze the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between digital skills and performance. The influence of digital skills on job performance have been discussed on existent literature, but potentials mediators have been studied scarcely. Consequently, due to the technological changes and the growing presence of digital and social media on organizations, this paper aims to fill this gap from an innovative perspective. A cross-sectional sample of 357 employees was used. We achieved a confirmatory factor analysis and a structural equation model for determining the influence of digital skills on performance mediated by psychological empowerment. Results indicated that psychological empowerment partially mediate the relationship between digital skills and employees’ performance. These findings imply that digital and social media support performance and enhance a digital culture and workers’ participation and empowerment.

Um Estudo Sobre a Motivação Para Contribuir Voluntariamente Na Wikipédia E No Ambiente Corporativo
PRESENTER: Lina Eiko Nakata

ABSTRACT. O estudo deste artigo refere-se à análise para compreensão da motivação humana em contribuir com criação e/ou revisão de informação e conteúdo no site Wikipédia. O objetivo deste trabalho é, então, identificar as motivações dos contribuidores voluntários da ferramenta Wikipédia, com foco na teoria funcionalista, e como esse fenômeno pode ser aplicado no ambiente organizacional. Existem algumas funções: ajuste, ego-defensiva, expressão de valor, de conhecimento, social e aprimoramento. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório, por meio de pesquisa qualitativa. Para o levantamento dos dados, foram realizadas três entrevistas com indivíduos que são ou foram contribuidores voluntários na Wikipédia, utilizando-se de roteiro semiestruturado. Quanto aos resultados, foi possível identificar que os contribuidores da Wikipédia se motivam por diversos fatores, mas que pode-se relacionar suas motivações com os fatores da teoria funcionalista, principalmente com as funções social e de conhecimento. A função que mais apareceu na fala dos entrevistados foi a função social, visto que todos mencionaram que ajudar os demais através de conhecimento era o motivo principal para contribuirem voluntariamente na Wikipédia. A função conhecimento também ficou evidente, visto que todos mencionaram sua preocupação com a qualidade do conteúdo.

Masculinidades Hegemônicas Nos Cargos de Liderança
PRESENTER: Lina Eiko Nakata

ABSTRACT. As empresas estão cada vez mais preocupadas em ter ambientes diversos para conseguir fazer diferente. Segundo Hansen (2002), a teoria de Administração é baseada nos pressupostos que os trabalhadores são brancos, homens e do setor da indústria e este conceito tão específico limita a pluralidade comportamental e de gênero. Esta pesquisa visa mapear características de modelos de masculinidades hegemônicas atuantes no mercado de trabalho, por meio da concepção de jovens líderes de baixa e média gestão. Os líderes pesquisados são importantes influenciadores na cultura organizacional onde trabalham. Por meio de um estudo exploratório com a abordagem qualitativa e utilizando um questionário semiestruturado, buscou-se fazer o mapeamento tanto do líder quanto do contexto à sua volta. Nas entrevistas, os pesquisados relataram seus comportamentos e dos colaboradores no dia a dia da empresa. O resultado da pesquisa mostra que não há fortes características de masculinidades hegemônicas nos entrevistados, apesar de reconhecerem a sua existência no ambiente de trabalho contra as mulheres e potencializada contra o público LGBT. Esta discriminação é fortalecida quando validada pelos executivos da alta gestão, ao mesmo tempo que é aceita com naturalidade pelas novas gerações de líderes, o que demonstra uma melhora na aceitação da diversidade.

Combining Internal Human Resources for Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Colombia

ABSTRACT. Innovation often involves combining heterogeneous resources within the firm.
This paper takes a closer look at the way firms combine human resources from different
departments and analyzes whether there is a complementarity relationship between
R&D personnel and personnel from other departments of the firm. The empirical
evidence is drawn from firm-level data obtained from a series of innovation
surveys conducted in Colombia by DANE. Specifically, we test for the existence of
complementarities between the involvement of R&D personnel and employees of
any other department of the firm in innovation activities. As performance variables,
we consider both the extensive and the intensive margins of innovation. In particular,
we use the propensity to innovate, as well as the number of new innovative products
that the firm introduces, the proportion of sales coming from products new to the
firm, and sales from new products as a percentage of current innovation expenditures.
We allow for the possibility of different threshold effects in the classification
of firms. We fail to find evidence of the existence of a complementarity relationship,
and we find some evidence that suggests substitutability in the case of product innovations.
We discuss a number of potential explanations for the results as well as
extensions of the current analysis.

Environmentally Responsible Behaviors in Latin America

ABSTRACT. Employees’ involvement in environmentally responsible behaviors is pre-step for greening the business environment. Environmental sustainable behavior refers to employees’ engagement in voluntary and unrewarded environmental initiatives that are not defined as the mandatory duties in their job descriptions(Daily, Bishop, & Govindarajulu, 2009; Paillé & Boiral, 2013). In this research, we are looking to know, how working in a team may effect on employees’ sustainability-oriented behavior. With using survey-based data from employees working in 80 functional team in Peru, this research will investigate the role of within-team diversities (gender diversity, education diversity, experience (tenure) diversity, and cognitive diversity), within-team conflict (relationship conflict and task conflict), and within-team competition (hyper-competition and development competition) on employees’ engagement in environmentally responsible behaviors at the work.

A Intenção Do Absenteísmo Na Percepção Dos Docentes de Instituições de Ensino Públicas E Privadas

ABSTRACT. Este estudo identificou as diferenças entre os fatores que influenciam a intenção do absenteísmo docente em instituições de ensino públicas e privadas. Para isso utilizou-se construtos adaptados e validados sobre as dimensões psicossociais (engajamento no trabalho, estresse/esgotamento no trabalho, motivação acadêmica e satisfação da carreira) e as dimensões ambientais (conforto térmico, qualidade do ar, iluminação, qualidade acústica, layout da sala de aula, mobiliário, limpeza e manutenção, satisfação geral) na intenção do absenteísmo. Foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva, com corte transversal, via questionário eletrônico. A amostra final foi constituída por 463 respondentes. Foram estimados os resultados por meio da Regressão Linear Múltipla, com o método Tobit, que indicou a validade do estudo. Nos resultados encontrados, os docentes da rede privada atrelaram sua intenção de ausentar-se do trabalho mais a fatores ambientais, enquanto que nas instituições de ensino pública os fatores psicossociais foram priorizados.

08:30-12:00 Session 7C: Track: Strategic management (S2)
Location: Ad Portas 419
Operations Research in Humanitarian Logistics: a Bibliometric Analysis

ABSTRACT. Natural disasters are unexpected events leading to considerable economic, social and environmental impacts. In the last decade, the number of natural disasters, as well as their devastating effects, have notably increased. Humanitarian logistics has emerged as an interesting field of study to provide faster and better relief operations after the occurrence of a disaster. In that sense, operations research is one of the recommended tools to support decision making in humanitarian logistics operations. This work presents a bibliometric analysis on the related works in humanitarian logistics and operations research that has been published from 2010 until now in Scopus indexed journals. Our preliminary results suggest that the used keywords are continuously evolving. Regarding the most influent countries, China and the USA are the leading ones. The most cited article has received 345 citations, while the average number of citations received per article is 11.4.

Assessment of Operational Practices in Warehousing Systems Through an Iterated Hybrid OWA

ABSTRACT. This paper aims to present a quantitative method based on a Hybrid Ordered Weighted Aggregation Operator to measure warehousing operational practices on a world-class scale. The method integrates the mathematical concepts of arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means in order to generate an aggregated performance measure. The Hybrid Operator OWA method can evaluate the current state of the operational practices and prioritize areas of improvement for increase the overall performance of the storage operations system. A case study from the textile industry in Colombia is employed for validating the proposed method and results are provided.

Adquisición Versus Greenfield En Colombia: Revisando El Efecto de La Distancia Cultural y La Experiencia Vicaria

ABSTRACT. Utilizando una muestra de 355 empresas extranjeras que entraron a Colombia en un período de diez años, esta investigación concluye que la distancia cultural medida sobre cuatro dimensiones del modelo de Hofstede afecta positivamente la probabilidad de entrada por adquisición, desvirtuando el efecto negativo sugerido en algunos estudios generalizados. No obstante, se sustenta que la experiencia vicaria afecta negativamente esta relación, mostrando congruencia con algunos estudios anteriores sobre el papel de la experiencia de las empresas y nueva evidencia empírica que sustenta algunas sospechas que han estado en duda. Se sustenta que, en presencia de la experiencia vicaria el efecto de la distancia cultural sobre la probabilidad de adquisición es menor y afecta positivamente la probabilidad de entrada con el modo greenfield, siempre y cuando la distancia cultural se considere sobre las dimensiones distancia de poder, aversión a la incertidumbre, individualismo y orientación al largo plazo, pero tiene un efecto contrario cuando se considera la dimensión masculinidad. Teniendo en cuenta estos hallazgos se concluye sobre la importancia de considerar la experiencia vicaria como una variable diferente a la experiencia general de las empresas, y la limitación del índice integrado de Kogut y Singh para los estudios cross-culturales en management.

A Influência Dos Stakeholders Nas Decisões Estratégicas de Uma Empresa Dependente de Recursos Naturais Em Um Cenário de Escassez

ABSTRACT. O extremo norte do Espírito Santo tem sofrido com um cenário ambiental distinto que promoveu alterações nas relações de poder entre algumas organizações e os seus stakeholders. Assim, este estudo qualitativo interpretativo discute as relações de dependência entre uma empresa prestadora de serviços de gestão florestal e os seus stakeholders, dada a crise hídrica. As teorias base deste estudo foram: teoria da dependência dos recursos, teoria da dependência dos recursos naturais, teoria dos stakeholders e visão baseada na atenção. Ao final, é elaborado um modelo teórico para entender como os stakeholders (ambiente natural, governo, clientes e sociedade) podem influenciar as decisões estratégicas de uma empresa em um contexto de dependência de um recurso considerado essencial. Os resultados mostram que a relação entre o comportamento do ambiente natural e o comportamento da organização não é linear. Pelo contrário, é mediada pelo comportamento de outros stakeholders – governo, sociedade e clientes e moderada pela mudança do foco da atenção dos seus gestores.

Análisis y rediseño participativo en una planta productiva: aproximación desde sistemas suaves

ABSTRACT. El estudio abordó la problemática de la gestión en la toma de decisiones en los niveles operativos en una planta productiva. Se empleó el enfoque de Sistemas Suaves articulado con la teoría de las partes interesadas y con los criterios de gestión prioritarios para las empresas manufactureras. La aproximación metodológica permitió involucrar a los diferentes niveles jerárquicos de la estructura organizacional, desde la gerencia hasta los operarios, haciendo participativo el proceso de análisis y búsqueda de mejoras a la situación problemática, del mismo modo favoreció la generación de confianza entre los participantes en el proceso. Como resultado del análisis, el rediseño incluyó la creación participativa de un plan de acción para facilitar mejoras en la toma de decisiones de los niveles operativos de la planta. Se concluye que el proceso participativo tiene, a través del diálogo y la capacitación constante de los empleados y de dar autonomía en la toma de decisiones a los niveles operativos, un efecto en la construcción de confianza de los participantes, lo cual inciden en la eficiencia de sus resultados permitiendo explorar una aproximación estratégica donde se construye desde los niveles operativos de la jerarquía organizacional para articular con las directrices de la gerencia.

As Expectativas Dos Turistas E as Percepções Dos Prestadores de Serviços Turísticos

ABSTRACT. Esse estudo se propôs a verificar a formação das expectativas dos turistas a respeito de um destino turístico e identificar se existe gap de conhecimento entre as reais expectativas dos turistas e a percepção dos prestadores de serviços de turismo sobre estas expectativas. Foi proposto um modelo teórico contemplando cinco construtos: expectativa do turista, imagem do destino, mídias sociais, comunicação boca-a-boca e experiências passadas. A partir daí, realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa por meio de dois questionários: com turistas (373 respostas obtidas) e com prestadores de serviços turísticos (460 respostas obtidas). Por meio da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, a análise dos dados apontou que tanto as mídias sociais quanto a imagem do destino influenciam as expectativas dos visitantes e que essa imagem é formada pela comunicação boca-a-boca e pelas experiências anteriores que os turistas vivenciaram. Os resultados indicaram também que dois pontos estão sendo possivelmente negligenciados pelos atores locais: a influência das mídias sociais na imagem do destino e a relação da imagem do destino nas expectativas, apontando para a necessidade de os prestadores conhecerem mais a fundo seus consumidores no intuito de alocar recursos em questões de fato relevantes, ao invés de se basearem em possíveis suposições.

Jumpstarting Industrial Development: the Case of Estaleiro Atlantico Sul
PRESENTER: Frank Dubois

ABSTRACT. Estaleiro Atlantico Sul (EAS) is a shipyard in the province of Pernambuco in northeast Brazil. Its history and evolution provides valuable lessons for economic development in emerging market countries. This paper is the result of a long-term study that was initiated in 2010 which has resulted in four research projects that focus on different topics associated with the development of EAS and its transition from green-field startup to a mature and efficient shipyard. In addition to archival reports, our research is informed by interviews with key decision makers, including the current CEO, managers and workers associated with the project. EAS is notable for its illustration of the complexities of industrial cluster development and the challenges that emerging market policy makers face in dispersing economic resources to less developed regions. We discuss the development and growth of EAS within the context of its conceptualization through state sponsored capitalism, initiatives to encourage development of technological capabilities by suppliers, human resource development, and introduction of lean production concepts under crisis conditions.

El rol de la cultura familiar en la trascendencia generacional de las empresas familiares

ABSTRACT. Esta investigación exploratoria busca identificar el rol de la cultura familiar en la trascendencia generacional de las empresas familiares en el Chocó, cimentado en la sub-escala cultural propuesta en el F-PEC (Family Power, Experience and Culture) (Astrachan, Klein, & Smyrnios, 2002); también se persigue encontrar el rol de los mecanismos de gobierno familiar (FGM) en el fortalecimiento de la cultura. A través de una entrevista semiestructurada aplicada a miembros de varias empresas familiares del departamento de Chocó se evidenció que la falta de influencia cultural de las familias chocoanas en el negocio limita su posibilidad de preparación para la sucesión; y que no es posible determinar el rol de los FGM en el fortalecimiento de la cultura familiar porque los desconocen.

Reeleição de Prefeitos E Gestão Da Alimentação Escolar: Uma Avaliação de Municípios Brasileiros

ABSTRACT. Esta pesquisa analisa o comportamento de eleitores brasileiros durante o ciclo de 2012 – 2016, para verificar se eles são capazes de responsabilizar prefeitos pelo seu desempenho na gestão da política de alimentação escolar. A pesquisa fundamentou-se em estudos sobre accountability e seus desdobramentos para mitigar conflitos de interesse entre agente e principal numa relação política. As avaliações do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) foram construídas a partir dos relatórios de auditoria da CGU. O estudo evidenciou que eleitores brasileiros tendem a punir prefeitos quando os resultados entregues na alimentação escolar são baixos, sugerindo o funcionamento da accountability para combater os problemas de agência relacionados. Ademais, foi possível verificar que os cidadãos têm dificuldades em identificar a prática de atos corruptos no PNAE. Todavia, eleitores são capazes de punir prefeitos ao tomarem conhecimento da ação delituosa, reforçando a importância da redução da assimetria de informação no combate aos desvios que ocorrem na delegação de autoridade.

Expats Perceptions of Integrative_distributive Negotiation strategies_A Latent Class Analysis in Latin America
PRESENTER: Ramiro Casó

ABSTRACT. This study examines the validity of negotiation theories developed in the United States within a Latin American context. The study examines the relevancy of two negotiation strategies: distributive and integrative. Questionnaire data were used for identifying different prototypes of negotiators reported by 104 foreign residents doing business in Costa Rica. Latent class analysis was used for the data analysis. The results show a pattern of negotiation similar to the one prevalent in US negotiation theory. Cultural values and emotions are also found to be significant.

09:00-11:00 Session 8: Symposium: Women Entrepreneurs’ in Latin America. Presenting empowering approaches for their success

This symposium offers a brief overview of the frameworks to better understand the reasons for female under-representation in high-growth and opportunity-driven ventures.

Location: Ad Portas 420
Women’s (micro)entrepreneurship and microfinance: A specific role to play?

ABSTRACT. Entrepreneurship is reckoned as a driving force for society and economic change. Beyond it, women’s entrepreneurship has an additional value since it helps to overcome other social and economic limitations. Microfinance schemes, initially designed and developed in Bangladesh, have been successful to promote women-led micro or small-scale entrepreneurial projects worldwide since they allow to surpass some of the classical limitations of credit markets. Consequently, microfinancing institutions are providing the basis for a more equal position of women into the society and the economic system. Then, both for official schemes (as the ones that UN or government agencies sponsor) as for grass-roots organizations and NGOs, microfinance emerges as a powerful tool to promote women’s entrepreneurial plans where other conventional schemes and policies cannot arrive. Many examples and analysis have shown that cultural and societal characteristics affect the likelihood of success of these mechanisms as well as the projects they finance. The aim of this presentation will be to discuss the role that some of these cultural and social characteristics may play in successfully promoting micro-entrepreneurial projects led by women in rural Peru.

Women’s Empowerment through “gender-sensitive” startups tools: From necessity-driven to opportunity-driven entrepreneurship in Chile

ABSTRACT. New tools (e.g., elevator pitch, design thinking, lean startup, business model canvas) have been found to be very useful helping founders to develop and grow their -usually- high-growth ventures or startups. These tools have been originally designed for opportunity-based ventures. We tested whether a Pitch training could be applicable and adaptable to a profile of women at social risk, whose entrepreneurship were launched in traditional sectors and driven by necessity. This article reports the analysis of a focus group with 8 women entrepreneurs in Santiago de Chile who participated in an Elevator Pitch training program during 2017. This course was adapted with a gendered approach and held by a Government agency that offers formation to women. The sample fit the average profile of a Chilean woman business owner according to the national GEM report. Our analysis showed that an entrepreneurship training program may facilitate empowerment for women through “gender-sensitive” startups tools, and the results are shown as a process. The output of this process describes how women change their business model and create a demand-based product. The “gendered pitch training” put into question the traditional gender roles, myths are destroyed. The old beliefs are redefined in front of their interlocutors, but this time with "more confidence", with "the precise word", with a clear "value proposition", which improves their perceptions of self-confidence and self-esteem, which at the same time positions themselves "as equals", thus redefining their social identity. Our results suggest that empowered women have the potential to transform a necessity into an opportunity-driven entrepreneurship. And a special training program can help them achieve this goal.

Do companies in Chile have potential to innovate? Differences by gender

ABSTRACT. Studies have showed that in Chile innovation is financed mostly by public funding, and only a small proportion by the companies’ sales. This is why the government and the CORFO agency has developed initiatives to encourage innovation within organizations. Based on the data from the Longitudinal Business Survey, this article presents the characteristics and actions that companies are carrying out in order to innovate, mainly focusing on Research and Development participating in CORFO projects, segregating companies led by men (83.18%) and women (16.82%) between the years 2007 and 2014 in Chile. Results show a positive relationship between the age of the firm and innovative potential. Moreover, big companies are mainly led by men. However, women are increasing the lead of big companies (616%) compared to men (120%). Although the majority of the workers are men, it is interesting that the results show that companies led by women tend to increase female participation, even in manager, professional or technical positions where female participation is greater than male participation. This may be due to the relationships of trust that are generated between the same sex. Another precedent to emphasize is that only a low percentage of companies led by women carry out actions towards innovation, but these have been increasing, ranging from 3.7% in 2007 to 16% in 2014.

The state-of-the art of women entrepreneurs in STEM in Chile

ABSTRACT. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are notably important for innovation and technological development, which in turn are cross-national drivers of social and economic growth. Researcher and policy-makers have been putting a lot of attention in analyzing and promoting high-growth STEM-based ventures. STEM fields are highly gender segregated, particularly in top management positions, as for instance visible in the low number of women entrepreneurs in STEM. This lack of women’s participation in innovation-driven business ownership highlights existing gender biases and systemic disadvantages in social structures. The present article combines research about women’s entrepreneurship and research about gender aspects in STEM. We take up a three-fold perspective discussing institutional, organizational, and individual factors influencing women’s entrepreneurship in STEM in Chile, in order to widen the established focus of research. We conclude with selected implications and suggestions for future research.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
12:30-14:00Lunch Break