This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abstract interpretation | |
Acceleration | |
admissible strategies | |
Algebraic language theory | |
algorithmic complexity | |
almost-sure | |
alternating finite automata | |
alternating-time temporal logic | |
amalgamation | |
ambiguity | |
amortized analysis | |
Analysis of probabilistic systems | |
Aperiodic Sets | |
Approximation | |
arithmetic circuit complexity | |
asynchronous systems | |
automata | |
automata over infinite alphabets | |
automata theory | |
automata with outputs | |
automated synthesis | |
Automatic verification | |
automaton semigroups | |
B | |
beyond worst-case synthesis | |
Bisimilarity Distances | |
bisimilarity minimization | |
bisimilarity testing | |
Bisimulation | |
Borel probability measure | |
bounded ambiguity | |
branching automata | |
branching processes | |
Büchi | |
Büchi automata | |
C | |
coalgebra | |
communicating finite-state machine | |
Complement | |
complex changes | |
complexity | |
complexity results | |
Computational Complexity | |
conditional value at risk | |
conjunctive queries | |
constant delay enumeration | |
constraint problem | |
containment | |
Containment Problem | |
Continuous time | |
Controller Synthesis | |
cost register automata | |
counting complexity | |
Coverability | |
coverability languages | |
coverability problem | |
covering problem | |
cyclic order | |
D | |
data skew | |
Data transducers | |
Data words | |
decision problem | |
decision problems | |
descriptional complexity | |
descriptive and computational complexity | |
descriptive complexity | |
determinisability | |
determinisation | |
Deterministic Parity Automaton | |
determinization methods | |
diagonal constraints | |
Differential Privacy | |
Diophantine Equations | |
distances | |
Distributed synthesis | |
doubly exponential run | |
Duality | |
dynamic algorithms | |
Dynamic binding | |
dynamic complexity | |
E | |
Eilenberg theorem | |
elementary algorithms | |
ellipsoid method | |
entropy | |
Epistemic logics | |
equivalence problem | |
Equivalence properties | |
equivalence testing | |
Existential monadic second order properties | |
expected shortfall | |
Expected stopping time | |
expected value | |
F | |
Factorisation forest | |
finite automata | |
Finite horizon | |
First order logic | |
First order logic with counting | |
first-order logic | |
fixed dimension | |
fixed-point logic | |
fixpoints | |
Formal verification | |
functionality | |
G | |
Game theory | |
games | |
games on finite graphs | |
GFG automata | |
good expressions | |
graph isomorphism problem | |
Graph planning | |
graphs | |
guarantees | |
H | |
happened-before relation | |
hardness results | |
homogeneous structures | |
I | |
Idempotent | |
Imperfect information | |
incremental view maintenance | |
index hierarchy | |
Infinite Games | |
Infinite state system | |
infinite trees | |
infinite words | |
Interactive learning environment | |
Interleaved scopes | |
K | |
Kantorovich Metric | |
Kosaraju-Sullivan algorithm | |
L | |
Labelled Markov Chains | |
language inclusion | |
Language Inclusion Problem | |
limit-sure | |
Linear algebra | |
Linear Temporal Logic | |
Linear time mu-calculus | |
linear-time Turing machines | |
locality | |
logic | |
Logical definability | |
long run | |
lower bound | |
lower bounds | |
M | |
m log n | |
markov chains | |
Markov decision process | |
Markov decision processes | |
Mazurkiewicz traces | |
Mealy automata | |
mean-payoff games | |
Memory Requirements | |
message sequence chart | |
modal logic | |
modal mu | |
model checking | |
model-checking | |
Monad | |
Monadic second order logic | |
Monads | |
MSO | |
MSO extension | |
MSO Logic | |
mu-calculus | |
multi-objective optimization | |
multi-objective reasoning | |
multiplayer games | |
multiplicity tree automata | |
N | |
Nash equilibria | |
NFA | |
NL optimization | |
NL search | |
Nominal sets | |
non-associative computations | |
normal form | |
O | |
omega automata | |
omega-regular objectives | |
on-the-fly solving | |
optimality | |
order problem | |
order theory | |
P | |
Pareto Domination | |
parity | |
parity automata | |
Parity Game | |
parity games | |
parity objectives | |
Partial exploration | |
partial order reduction | |
Partially Lossy Queues | |
partition refinement | |
Petri nets | |
Petri nets with data | |
pointlikes | |
polynomial time | |
Presburger arithmetic | |
Priced Timed Automata | |
probabilistic semantics | |
probabilistic verification | |
probability quantifier | |
programming environment | |
progress measure | |
Propositional/modal/predicate logic | |
pseudo-quasi polynomial algorithm | |
Pumping Lemma | |
Q | |
Quantifier depth | |
quantifier depth and variable width | |
quantifier elimination | |
Quantitative Games | |
quantitative objectives | |
quasipolynomial algorithm | |
query evaluation | |
R | |
Random graphs | |
Ranking Functions | |
Rational Sets | |
reachability | |
reachability algorithms | |
Reachability problem | |
Reactive Synthesis | |
Real-time systems | |
Recognizable languages | |
Recognizable Sets | |
Register Automata | |
regular languages | |
regular separability | |
regularity problem | |
Reiterman theorem | |
Relational semantics | |
resynchronization | |
Robustness | |
S | |
Safety Checking | |
satisfiability | |
scheduling | |
Security protocols | |
segala systems | |
semidefinite programming | |
semigroups | |
semilinear set | |
separability | |
separation | |
separation problem | |
series-parallel posets | |
sets with atoms | |
Shortest path | |
Simulation based reductions | |
simulation relations for timed automata | |
sp-rational languages | |
state complexity | |
stochastic games | |
Strategic logics | |
Strategies | |
strategy decomposition | |
Strategy Synthesis | |
structural properties | |
structures of bounded degree | |
sub-linear space | |
Successor predicate | |
sum-automata | |
sums-of-squares | |
Symbolic models | |
synchronized word relations | |
synthesis | |
Synthesis problem | |
T | |
tangle learning | |
Teaching logic | |
Temporal logics | |
the linear space hypothesis | |
the subgraph isomorphism problem | |
three-variable property | |
threshold constraints | |
Tikz | |
Time bounded reachability | |
timed automata | |
timed pushdown automata | |
tool support | |
Trace semantics | |
transducer | |
transducers | |
transfinite N-free posets | |
Transformation Monoid | |
Two variables logic | |
U | |
unambiguous | |
unambiguous automata | |
unbounded | |
unboundedness | |
undecidability result | |
Uniformization | |
unions of conjunctive queries | |
upper bounds | |
V | |
varieties | |
vector addition system | |
vector addition systems | |
Vector additions system with states | |
verification | |
visualisation | |
W | |
weak subgame perfect equilibria | |
weighted automata | |
weighted systems | |
Weighted timed games | |
Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm | |
well quasi orders | |
well-structured transition systems | |
Z | |
Zero-one law | |
zones |