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09:30 | SPEAKER: Marijn Heule ABSTRACT. Many search problems, from artificial intelligence to combinatorics, explore large search spaces to determine the presence or absence of a certain object. These problems are hard due to combinatorial explosion, and have traditionally been called infeasible. The brute-force method, which at least implicitly explores all possibilities, is a general approach to search systematically through such spaces. Brute force has long been regarded as suitable only for simple problems. This has changed in the last two decades, due to the progress in satisfiability (SAT) solving, which renders brute force into a powerful approach to deal with many problems easily and automatically. We illustrate the strength of SAT via the Boolean Pythagorean Triples problem, which has been a long-standing open problem in Ramsey Theory. Our parallel SAT solver allowed us to solve the problem on a cluster in about two days using 800 cores, demonstrating its linear time speedup on many hard problems. Due to the general interest in this mathematical problem, our result requires a formal proof. Exploiting recent progress in unsatisfiability proof checking, we produced and verified a clausal proof of the smallest counterexample, which is almost 200 terabytes in size. These techniques show great promise for attacking a variety of challenging problems arising in mathematics and computer science. |
14:00 | SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Incorporating a dynamic kick engine that is both fast and effective is pivotal to be competitive in one of the world’s biggest AI and robotics initiatives: RoboCup. Using the NAO robot as a testbed, we developed a dynamic kick engine that can generate a kick trajectory with an arbitrary direction without prior input or knowledge of the parameters of the kick. The trajectories are generated using cubic splines (two degree three polynomials with a via-point), cubic Hermite splines or sextics (one six degree polynomial). The trajectories are executed while the robot is dynamically balancing on one foot. Although a variety of kick engines have been implemented by others, there are only a few papers that demonstrate how kick engine parameters have been optimized to give an effective kick or even a kick that minimizes energy consumption and time. Parameters such as kick configuration, limits of the robot, or shape of the polynomial can be optimized. We propose an optimization framework based on the Webots simulator to optimize these parameters. Experiments on different joint interpolators for kick motions have been observed to compare results. |
14:00 | IVT: an 3D Agent-based Interactive Training System SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. We describe the multi-agent-based 3-dimensional (3D) interactive training system (IVT) for early career teachers (ECT) in high poverty schools, to practice their skills in managing disruptive students behaviors with diverse 3D virtual student avatars in 3D virtual classrooms (see Figure 1). Our aims are to address some limitations of existing training systems for teachers [1]: (1) our virtual students are autonomous agents rather than existing virtual students controlled by a human using Wizard of Oz human-computer interaction method; (2) IVT is the first training system for training educators that uses state of the art webGL graphics to enable browser-independent unlimited system accessibility (versus existing that are PC-based); (3) our 3D WebGL graphics and animations are very realistic and can be rendered seamlessly in real- time on any browser; (4) the number of virtual students populating our virtual classrooms is significantly higher than other systems (i.e. we have 15 virtual students vs. 5 students in existing systems) in order to increase the believability of the system and users sense of immersion in the virtual classrooms; (5) we built dialogue-based interactions for ECT users and student avatars; (6) we ensured high system usability and enhanced user experience (UX); and (7) we integrated high-quality childrens stereo voice recordings within the students autonomous behaviors. To develop IVT, we programed simulated autonomous students behavior derived from the content of 12 large vignettes developed by our team education experts. We adapted Hartson’s and Pyla’s [2] human-centered methodology to build IVT along three iterative parallel software design and development lifecycles: a 3D graphics lifecycle, an interaction design lifecycle, and a software engineering lifecycle including the use of a multi-agent system for modeling virtual agent behaviors [3]. |
14:00 | SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. We propose using abduction for inferring implicit rules for Smart City ontologies. We show how we can use Z3 to extract candidate abducers from partial ontologies and leverage them in an iterative process of evolving an ontology by refining relations and restrictions, and populating relations. Our starting point is a Smart City initiative of the city of Barcelona, where a substantial ontology is being developed to support processes such as city planning, social services, or improving the quality of the data concerning (for instance) legal entities, whose incompleteness may sometimes hide fraudulent behavior. In our scenario we are supporting semantic queries over heterogeneous and noisy data. The approach we develop would allow evolving ontologies in an iterative fashion as new relations and restrictions are discovered. |
14:00 | Mechanizing Category Theory by Automating Free Logic in Higher-Order Logic SPEAKER: Christoph Benzmüller ABSTRACT. Poster by D. Dormagen, I. Makarenko Project of Computational Metaphysics lecture course (by C. Benzmüller, A. Steen and M. Wisniewski) at FU Berlin in 2016. |
14:00 | Proving God's Existence by Automating Leibniz' Algebra of Concepts SPEAKER: Christoph Benzmüller ABSTRACT. Poster by M. Bentert, Y. Lewash, D. Streit, S. Stugk Project of Computational Metaphysics lecture course (by C. Benzmüller, A. Steen and M. Wisniewski) at FU Berlin in 2016. |