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08:30-09:00Coffee & Refreshments
09:00-10:30 Session 120H: Invited talk #1
Location: Ullmann 311
Local Search for Bit-Precise Reasoning and Beyond

ABSTRACT. Reasoning about quantifier-free bit-vector constraints in Satisfiability ModuloTheories (SMT) has been an ongoing challenge for many years, especially for large bit-widths.  Current state-of-the-art for bit-precise reasoning is a technique called bit-blasting, where bit-vector constraints are eagerly translated into propositional logic (SAT).  Bit-blasting is very efficient in practice but does not generally scale well for large bit-widths due to fact that the translation is in general exponential in the size of the input formula, which potentially (and in practice) overwhelms the underlying SAT solver.  For these instances, we need alternative approaches for bit-precise reasoning that do not rely on translations to the SAT level.  In this talk, I will present such an alternative approach, a propagation-based local search procedure, which relies on propagating target values from top-level constraints towards the inputs while utilizing so-called invertibility conditions.  Invertibility conditions precisely characterize when bit-vector constraints are invertible, a core concept of our approach.  Our procedure is, as expected for local search, incomplete in the sense that it can only determine satisfiability but was shown to be effective on hard satisfiable instances, in particular in combination with bit-blasting in a sequential portfolio setting.  I will talk about the strengths and potential weaknesses of this approach, and how to address these weaknesses.  I will further give some insight into how we identified invertibility conditions for bit-vector operators via utilizing syntax-guided synthesis techniques.  I will also present more applications of invertibility conditions, even outside of local search bit-vector reasoning.  First, we have embedded invertibility conditions into quantifier instantiations in a counterexample-guided procedure for quantified bit-vectors.  Second, we have provided invertibility conditions for a majority of operators in the theory of floating-point arithmetic, which will allow us to lift our local search procedure to quantifier-free floating-point reasoning in the future.

Trail saving in SMT
PRESENTER: Milan Banković

ABSTRACT. In this paper we discuss and evaluate the method of trail saving on backjumps in CDCL(T)-based SMT solvers. The method was originally proposed for CDCL-based SAT solvers at the SAT conference in 2020, showing a positive impact on solving SAT instances. Since a SAT solver tends to follow a similar path down the search tree after a backjump, saving the retracted portion of the trail enables speeding up the inference after the backjump by copying the saved inferred literals to the assertion trail, instead of re-propagating them by the unit-propagation mechanism. A similar behaviour may be expected when SMT solvers are concerned, but since the process of theory propagation within SMT solvers is usually even more expensive, the trail saving technique may potentially have even more significant impact in case of SMT instances. Although the experimental evaluation given in this paper shows some potential of the approach, the obtained results are generally mixed, and depend greatly on the chosen benchmark family, even within the same theory. Further analysis might be needed in order to better understand the behaviour of the method and its effects on the entire solving process.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 125M: Arithmetics and higher-order reasoning
Location: Ullmann 311
Bit-Precise Reasoning via Int-Blasting

ABSTRACT. The state of the art for bit-precise reasoning in the context of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is a SAT-based technique called bit-blasting where the input formula is first simplified and then translated to an equisatisfiable propositional formula. The main limitation of this technique is scalability, especially in the presence of large bit-widths and arithmetic operators. We introduce an alternative technique, which we call int-blasting, based on a translation to an extension of integer arith- metic rather than propositional logic. We present several translations, discuss their differences, and evaluate them on benchmarks that arise from the verification of rewrite rule candidates for bit-vector solving, as well as benchmarks from SMT-LIB. We also provide preliminary results on 35 benchmarks that arise from smart contract verification. The eval- uation shows that this technique is particularly useful for benchmarks with large bit-widths and can solve benchmarks that the state of the art cannot.

An SMT Approach for Solving Polynomials over Finite Fields
PRESENTER: Thomas Hader

ABSTRACT. In this extended abstract we present our work on solving non-linear polynomial systems over finite fields. Given a formula over (in-)equality constraints of polynomials over finite fields, we developed an automated search procedure that checks satisfiability of the polynomial system, that is checking the existence of an assignment of the polynomial variables to values from the finite field such that the constraints are satisfied. We have designed a Model Constructing Satisfiability (MCSat) style search procedure with two different approaches for explanation functions. We have implemented our procedure and compared its performance to state-of-the-art approaches.

On Satisfiability of Polynomial Equations over Large Prime Fields
PRESENTER: Lucas Vella

ABSTRACT. The importance of zkSNARKs is ever increasing in the cryptocurrency and smart contracts ecosystem. Due to the significant threat of financial loss a bug represents in such applications, there is also a surge of interest in the formal verification of zkSNARK programs. These programs are ultimately encoded as a system of polynomial equations over large finite prime fields, and to prove statements about such a program is to prove statements about its system of equations. In this ongoing work we investigate algebraic techniques with the goal of writing a mixed algebraic-SMT decision procedure to compute satisfiability of a new theory of polynomials over large prime fields. Ideally the new theory and decision procedure could be implemented in existing SMT solvers as well as a standalone tool, in order to perform verification tasks over real world applications of zkSNARKs.

Goose: A Meta Solver for Deep Neural Network Verification
PRESENTER: Joseph Scott

ABSTRACT. The verification of deep neural networks is a recent algorithmic challenge that has attracted significant interest, resulting in a wide array of complete and incomplete solvers that draw on diverse techniques. As is typical in hard search and optimization problems, no one solver is expected to be the fastest on all inputs. While this insight has been leveraged to boost Boolean Satisfiability (SAT), for instance, by combining or tuning solvers, it is yet to lead to a leap in the neural network verification domain.

Towards this goal, we present Goose, a meta-solver for deep neural network verification. Goose's architecture supports a wide variety of complete and incomplete decision procedures and leverages three key meta-solving techniques to improve efficiency: algorithm selection, probabilistic satisfiability inference, and time interval deepening. Using Goose we observe an 47.3% improvement in PAR-2 score across more than 800 benchmarks and 14 solvers from VNN-COMP '21.

12:30-14:00Lunch Break

Lunches will be held in Taub hall and in The Grand Water Research Institute.

14:00-15:30 Session 127M: Tools
Location: Ullmann 311
NORMA: a tool for the analysis of Relay-based Railway Interlocking Systems
PRESENTER: Anna Becchi

ABSTRACT. We present Norma, a tool for the modeling and analysis of Relay-based Railway Interlocking Systems (RRIS). Norma is the result of a research project funded by the Italian Railway Network, to support the reverse engineering and migration to computer-based technology of legacy RRIS. The frontend fully supports the graphical modeling of Italian RRIS, with a palette of over two hundred basic components, stubs to abstract RRIS subcircuits, and requirements in terms of formal properties. The internal component based representation is translated into highly optimized Timed nuXmv models, and supports various syntactic and semantic checks based on formal verification, simulation and test case generation. Norma is experimentally evaluated, demonstrating the practical support for the modelers, and the effectiveness of the underlying optimizations.

Note: this paper was accepted at TACAS22.

cvc5: A Versatile and Industrial-Strength SMT Solver
PRESENTER: Andres Noetzli

ABSTRACT. cvc5 is the latest SMT solver in the cooperating validity checker series and builds on the successful code base of CVC4. This paper serves as a comprehensive system description of cvc5's architectural design and highlights the major features and components introduced since CVC4 1.8. We evaluate cvc5's performance on all benchmarks in SMT-LIB and provide a comparison against CVC4 and Z3.

The VMT-LIB Language and Tools

ABSTRACT. We present VMT-LIB, a language for the representation of verification problems of invariant and linear-time temporal properties on infinite-state symbolic transition systems. VMT-LIB is developed with the goal of facilitating the interoperability and exchange of benchmark problems among different verification tools. The VMT-LIB language is an extension of the standard SMT-LIB language for SMT solvers, from which it inherits the clean semantics and the many available resources. In this paper we describe the syntax and semantics of VMT-LIB, and present a set of open-source tools to work with the language.

Murxla: A Modular and Highly Extensible API Fuzzer for SMT Solvers
PRESENTER: Mathias Preiner

ABSTRACT. SMT solvers are highly complex pieces of software with per- formance, robustness, and correctness as key requirements. Complement- ing traditional testing techniques for these solvers with randomized stress testing has been shown to be quite effective. Recent work has showcased the value of input fuzzing for finding issues, but this approach typically does not comprehensively test a solver’s API. Previous work on model- based API fuzzing was tailored to a single solver and a small subset of SMT-LIB. We present Murxla, a comprehensive, modular, and highly extensible model-based API fuzzer for SMT solvers. Murxla randomly generates valid sequences of solver API calls based on a customizable API model, with full support for the semantics and features of SMT-LIB. It is solver-agnostic but extensible to allow for solver-specific testing and supports option fuzzing, cross-checking with other solvers, translation to SMT-LIBv2, and SMT-LIBv2 input fuzzing. Our evaluation confirms its efficacy in finding issues in multiple state-of-the-art SMT solvers.

Note: This paper is accepted at CAV 2022.

15:30-16:00Coffee Break
18:00-19:30Workshop Dinner (at the Technion, Taub Terrace Floor 2) - Paid event