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Lunch will be held in Taub lobby (CP, LICS, ICLP) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (KR, FSCD, SAT).
The FLoC Olympic Games 2022 follows the successful edition started in 2014 in conjunction with FLoC, in the spirit of the ancient Olympic Games. Every four years, as part of the Federated Logic Conference, the Games gather together all the challenging disciplines from a variety of computational logic in the form of the solver competitions.
At this Olympic Games Session, the competition organizers of the following competitions will present their competitions to the public and give away special prizes to their successful competitors: Confluence Competition, LP/CP Programming Contest, XCSP3, MiniZinc, SAT Competition, MaxSAT Evaluation, Model counting competition, Quantified Boolean Formula.
pickup at 18:00 from the Technion (Tour at Haifa, no food will be provided)