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08:30-09:00Coffee & Refreshments
09:00-10:30 Session 26D
09:00 | Teaching Logic ABSTRACT. We follow Ludwig Wittgenstein:
"How can the all-embracing logic which mirrors the world use such special catches and manipulations? Only because all these are connected into an infinitely fine network, the great mirror." (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 5.511)
Teaching logic means therefore to teach how surprisingly straightforward insights generate the most abstract structures known. In this lecture we intend to develop tools to motivate this generation for beginners. |
10:00 | Logic for computer science: starting earlier, at school ABSTRACT. While it is true that the place of logic in undergraduate computer science curricula
is either in danger or has already been lost, we suggest that solutions should look
not only at the immediate term, by way of redesigning logic teaching at the
undergraduate level, but also consider the long term. We propose that this requires
bringing in some logic at the high school level, and re-examining logic in
undergraduate mathematics curricula. |
11:00-12:30 Session 31F
11:00 | What Should Students of a Course in Logic Know at Its End?  ABSTRACT. See enclosed file |
12:00 | My Experience Teaching Logic in Undergraduate AI at NYU}  ABSTRACT. I have taught a section on logic in my introductory undergraduate and graduate courses in AI for many years. Here, I discuss what I teach; how students react; where else mathematical logic is taught at NYU; and what topics I would teach in a one- or two-semester advanced undergraduate course. |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
Lunches will be held in Taub hall and in The Grand Water Research Institute.
14:00-15:30 Session 34G
14:00 | Possible Desiderata for Logic in the CS Curriculum ABSTRACT. Mathematical (or formal) logic is extremely important in computer science (yet another example, along with number theory, of an already extant mathematical field’s having extreme applicability to the "newer" field of Computer Science).
As the Workshop participants are well aware, to incorporate logic into the CS curriculum has been very challenging; there have been sporadic efforts for decades. But, as noted in the Call for Participation, if anything, the situation has worsened over the years. Some of the following will be suggested attempts to lessen this logjam; others will be oriented toward logic content.
Caveat: virtually everything following is based on (likely incomplete) knowledge of academia in the United States. Hence, specific items may or may not have relevance in other countries. |
15:00 | Teaching Logic for Computer Science Students: Proof Assistants and Related Tools ABSTRACT. In the last decade we have focused our main logic courses on proof assistants and related tools.
We find that the modern computer science curriculum requires a focus on applications instead of just pen-and-paper proofs.
Notably, we teach the metatheory of logic using tools with formalizations in proof assistants like Isabelle such that we have both implementations and theorems about them. |
17:00-18:00 Session 39B: Joint Session with Vardi-Fest
17:00 | How to be an ethical computer scientist (Joint with Vardi Fest) ABSTRACT. Many of us got involved in computing because programming was fun. The advantages of computing seemed intuitive to us. We truly believed that computing yields tremendous societal benefits; for example, the life-saving potential of driverless cars is enormous! Recently, however, computer scientists realized that computing is not a game--it isreal--and it brings with it not only societal benefits, but alsosignificant societal costs, such as labor polarization, disinformation, and smart-phone addiction. A common reaction to this crisis is to label it as an "ethics crisis".But corporations are driven by profits, not ethics, and machines are just machines. Only people can be expected to act ethically. In this talk, the speaker will discuss how computer scientists should behave ethically. |
18:30-20:00Workshop Dinner (at the Technion, Taub Terrace Floor 2) - Paid event