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08:30-09:00Coffee & Refreshments
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 102A: Automata and Logic
Location: Taub 1
FORQ-based Language Inclusion Formal Testing
PRESENTER: Kyveli Doveri

ABSTRACT. We propose a novel algorithm to decide the language inclusion between (nondeterministic) Büchi automata, a PSPACE-complete problem. Our approach, like others before, leverage a notion of quasiorder to prune the search for a counterexample by discarding candidates which are subsumed by others for the quasiorder. Discarded candidates are guaranteed to not compromise the completeness of the algorithm. The novelty of our work lies in the quasiorder used to discard candidates. We introduce FORQs (family of right quasiorders) that we obtain by adapting the notion of family of right congruences put forward by Maler and Staiger in 1993. We define a FORQ-based inclusion algorithm which we prove correct and instantiate it for a specific FORQ, called structural FORQ, induced by the Büchi automata to the right of the inclusion sign. The resulting implementation, called FORKLIFT, scales up better than the state-of-the-art on a variety of benchmarks including benchmarks from program verification and theorem proving for word combinatorics.

Sound Automation of Magic Wands

ABSTRACT. The magic wand A --* B (also called separating implication) is a separation logic connective commonly used to specify properties of partial data structures, for instance during iterative traversals. A footprint of a magic wand formula A --* B is a state that, combined with any state in which A holds, yields a state in which B holds. The key challenge of proving a magic wand (also called packaging a wand) is to find such a footprint. Existing package algorithms either have a high annotation overhead or, as we show in this paper, are unsound. We present a formal framework that precisely characterises a wide design space of possible package algorithms applicable to a large class of separation logics. We prove in Isabelle/HOL that our formal framework is sound and complete, and use it to develop a novel package algorithm that offers competitive automation and is sound. Moreover, we present a novel, restricted definition of wands and prove in Isabelle/HOL that it is possible to soundly combine fractions of such wands, which is not the case for arbitrary wands. We have implemented our techniques for the Viper language, and demonstrate that they are effective in practice.

Divide-and-Conquer Determinization of Büchi Automata based on SCC Decomposition

ABSTRACT. The determinization of a nondeterministic Büchi automaton (NBA) is a fundamental construction of automata theory, with applications to probabilistic verification and reactive synthesis. The standard determinization constructions, such as the ones based on the Safra-Piterman's approach, work on the whole NBA. In this work we propose a divide-and-conquer determinization approach. To this end, we first classify the strongly connected components (SCCs) of the given NBA as inherently weak, deterministic accepting, and nondeterministic accepting. We then present how to determinize each type of SCC independently from the others; this results in an easier handling of the determinization algorithm that takes advantage of the structure of that SCC. Once all SCCs have been determinized, we show how to compose them so to obtain the final equivalent deterministic Emerson-Lei automaton, which can be converted into a deterministic Rabin automaton without blow-up of states and transitions. We implement our algorithm in a prototype tool named ourDC and empirically evaluate ourDC with the state-of-the-art tools on a large set of benchmarks from literature. The experimental results show that our prototype ourDC outperforms Spot and OWL regarding the number of states and transitions.

From Spot 2.0 to Spot 2.10: What's New?

ABSTRACT. Spot is a C++17 library for LTL and ω-automata manipulation, with command-line utilities, and Python bindings. This paper summarizes its evolution over the past six years, since the release of Spot 2.0, which was the first version to support ω-automata with arbitrary acceptance conditions, and the last version presented at a conference. Since then, Spot has been extended with several features such as acceptance transformations, alternating automata, games, LTL synthesis, and more. We also shed some lights on the data-structure used to store automata.

Complementing Büchi Automata with Ranker

ABSTRACT. We present the tool Ranker for complementing Büchi automata (BAs). Ranker builds on our previous optimizations of rank-based BA complementation and pushes them even further using numerous heuristics to produce even smaller automata. Moreover, it contains novel optimizations of specialized constructions for complementing (i) inherently weak automata and (ii) semi-deterministic automata, all delivered in a robust tool. The optimizations significantly improve the usability of Ranker, as shown in an extensive experimental evaluation with real-world benchmarks, where Ranker produced in the majority of cases a strictly smaller complement than other state-of-the-art tools.

12:30-14:00Lunch Break

Lunches will be held in Taub lobby (CAV, CSF) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (DL, NMR, IJCAR, ITP).

13:00-14:00 Session 103: Tool Demonstrations

Tool demonstrations for:

  1. STLmc: Robust STL Model Checking of Hybrid Systems using SMT (13:00-13:30)
  2. UCLID5: Multi-Modal Formal Modeling, Verification, and Synthesis (13:30-14:00)
14:00-16:00 Session 104A: Deductive Verification and Decision Procedures
Location: Taub 1
Even Faster Conflicts and Lazier Reductions for String Solvers
PRESENTER: Andres Noetzli

ABSTRACT. In the past decade, SMT solvers have been extended to support the theory of strings and regular expressions, and have been applied successfully in a number of applications. To accommodate the expressive nature of string constraints used in practice, string solvers use a multi-layered architecture where extended operators are reduced to a set of core operators. These reductions are often costly to reason about. In this work, we propose new techniques for eagerly discovering conflicts based on equality reasoning, and lazily avoiding reductions for certain extended functions based on lightweight reasoning. We present a strategy for integrating and scheduling these techniques in a CDCL(T)- based theory solver for strings and regular expressions. We implement these techniques and the strategy in cvc5, a state-of-the-art SMT solver, and show that they lead to a significant performance improvement with respect to the state of the art.

Local Search For SMT on Linear Integer Arithmetic
PRESENTER: Shaowei Cai

ABSTRACT. Satisfiability Modulo Linear Integer Arithmetic, SMT(LIA) for short, has significant applications in many domains. In this paper, we develop the first local search algorithm for SMT(LIA) by directly operating on variables, breaking through the traditional framework. We propose a local search framework by considering the distinctions between Boolean and integer variables. Moreover, we design a novel operator  and scoring functions  tailored for LIA, and propose a two-level operation selection heuristic. Putting these together, we develop a local search SMT(LIA) solver called LS-LIA. Experiments are carried out to evaluate LS-LIA on benchmarks from SMTLIB and two benchmark sets generated from job shop scheduling and data race detection. The results show that  LS-LIA is competitive and complementary with state-of-the-art SMT solvers, and performs particularly well on those formulae with only integer variables. A simple sequential portfolio with Z3 improves the state-of-the-art on satisfiable benchmark sets of LIA and IDL benchmarks from SMT-LIB. LS-LIA also solves Job Shop Scheduling benchmarks substantially faster than traditional complete SMT solvers.

Reasoning about Data Trees using CHCs
PRESENTER: Gennaro Parlato

ABSTRACT. Reasoning about data structures requires powerful logics supporting the combination of structural and data properties. We define a new logic called MSO-D (Monadic Second Order logic with Data) as an extension of standard MSO on trees with predicates of the desired data logic. We also define a new class of *symbolic data tree automata* (SDTAs) to deal with data trees using a simple machine. MSO-D and SDTAs are both Turing-powerful, and their high expressiveness is necessary to deal with interesting data structures. We cope with undecidability by encoding SDTA executions as a CHC (Constrained Horn Clause) system, and solving the resulting system using off-the-shelf solvers. In particular, we identify a fragment of MSO-D whose satisfiability can be effectively reduced to the emptiness problem for SDTAs. This fragment is very expressive since it allows us to characterize a variety of data trees from the literature, capture extensions of temporal logics that involve data, games, etc. We implement this reduction in a prototype tool that combines an MSO decision procedure over trees (MONA) with a CHC engine (Z3), and use this tool to conduct several experiments, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach across multiple problem domains.

Verified Erasure Correction in Coq with MathComp and VST
PRESENTER: Joshua M. Cohen

ABSTRACT. Most methods of data transmission and storage are prone to errors, leading to data loss. Forward erasure correction (FEC) is a method to allow data to be recovered in the presence of errors by encoding the data with redundant parity information determined by an error-correcting code. There are dozens of classes of such codes, many based on sophisticated mathematics, making them difficult to verify using automated tools. In this paper, we present a formal, machine-checked proof of a C implementation of FEC based on Reed-Solomon coding. The C code has been actively used in network defenses for over 25 years, but the algorithm it implements was partially unpublished, and it uses certain optimizations whose correctness was unknown even to the code's authors. We use Coq's Mathematical Components library to prove the algorithm's correctness and the Verified Software Toolchain to prove that the C program correctly implements this algorithm, connecting both using a modular, well-encapsulated structure that could easily be used to verify a high-speed, hardware version of this FEC. This is the first end-to-end, formal proof of a real-world FEC implementation; we verified all previously unknown optimizations and found a latent bug in the code.

End-to-end Mechanised Proof of an eBPF Virtual Machine for Microcontrollers
PRESENTER: Shenghao Yuan

ABSTRACT. RIOT is a micro-kernel dedicated to IoT applications that adopts eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filters) to implement so-called femto-containers: as micro-controllers rarely feature hardware memory protection, the isolation of eBPF virtual machines (VM) is critical to ensure system integrity against potentially malicious programs. This paper proposes a methodology to directly derive the verified C implementation of an eBPF virtual machine from a Gallina specification within the Coq proof assistant. Leveraging the formal semantics of the CompCert C compiler, we obtain an end-to-end theorem stating that the C code of our VM inherits its safety and security properties of its Gallina specification. Our refinement methodology ensures that the isolation property of the specification holds in the verified C implementation. Preliminary experiments demonstrate satisfying performances.

Hemiola: A DSL and Verification Tools to Guide Design and Proof of Hierarchical Cache-Coherence Protocols
PRESENTER: Joonwon Choi

ABSTRACT. Cache-coherence protocols have been one of the greatest challenges in formal verification of hardware, due to their central complication of executing multiple memory-access transactions concurrently within a distributed message-passing system. In this paper, we introduce Harmony, a framework embedded in Coq that guides the user to design protocols that never experience inconsistent interleavings while handling transactions concurrently. The framework provides a DSL, where any protocol designed in the DSL always satisfies the serializability property, allowing a user to verify the protocol assuming that transactions are executed one-at-a-time. Harmony also provides a novel invariant proof method, for protocols designed in Harmony, that only requires considering execution histories without interleaved memory accesses. We used Harmony to design and prove hierarchical MSI and MESI protocols as case studies. We also demonstrated that the case-study protocols are hardware-synthesizable, by using a compilation/synthesis toolchain targeting FPGAs.

16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Session 108: Plenary
SMT-based Verification of Distributed Network Control Planes

ABSTRACT. The network control plane is a complex distributed system that runs various protocols for exchanging messages between routers and selecting paths for routing traffic. Errors in control plane configurations can lead to expensive outages or critical security breaches. The last decade has seen tremendous advances in applying formal methods to ensure their correctness.

In this talk, I will describe our logic-based approach that leverages Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers to verify a wide variety of network correctness properties including reachability, fault-tolerance, router equivalence, and load balancing. Although this approach is general and powerful, and works well for small-sized networks (with a few hundred routers), there are scalability challenges. I will then describe some recent improvements based on key abstractions and modular assume-guarantee reasoning that have enabled our SMT-based approach to successfully handle large-sized networks (with several thousands of routers), similar to those in operation in modern data centers.

This talk describes joint work with Ryan Beckett, Ratul Mahajan, Divya Raghunathan, Timothy Alberdingk Thijm, and David Walker.

17:30-18:30 Session 109: Business Meeting

17:30-17:45 - As part of the buisneess meeting we will have a 15 minutes presentation by Pavithra Prabhakar.

Title: Formal Methods and Verification Programs and International Partnerships at NSF.

The talk will provide a brief overview of the funding opportunities at the US National Science Foundation related to the area of formal methods and computer aided verification. International partnerships and opportunities for participation of the broader scientific community will be highlighted.

Location: Taub 1