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09:00 | PRESENTER: Subhajit Roy ABSTRACT. Morgan and McIver's weakest pre-expectation framework is one of the most well-established methods for deductive verification of probabilistic programs. Roughly, the idea is to generalize binary state assertions to real-valued expectations, which can measure expected values of probabilistic program quantities. While loop-free programs can be analyzed by mechanically transforming expectations, verifying loops usually requires finding an invariant expectation, a difficult task. We propose a new view of invariant expectation synthesis as a \emph{regression} problem: given an input state, predict the \emph{average} value of the post-expectation. Guided by this perspective, we develop the first \emph{data-driven} invariant synthesis method for probabilistic programs. Unlike prior work on probabilistic invariant inference, our approach can learn piecewise continuous invariants without relying on template expectations, and also works when only given black-box access to the program. We also develop a data-driven approach to learn \emph{sub-invariants} from data, which can be used to upper- or lower-bound expected values. We implement our approaches and demonstrate their effectiveness on a variety of benchmarks from the probabilistic programming literature. |
09:20 | PRESENTER: Đorđe Žikelić ABSTRACT. We consider the quantitative problem of obtaining lower-bounds on the probability of termination of a given non-deterministic probabilistic program. Specifically, given a non-termination threshold p ∈ [0, 1], we aim for certificates proving that the program terminates with probability at least 1 − p. The basic idea of our approach is to find a terminating stochastic invariant, i.e. a subset SI of program states such that (i) the probability of the program ever leaving SI is no more than p, and (ii) almost-surely, the program either leaves SI or terminates. While stochastic invariants are already well-known, we provide the first proof that the idea above is not only sound, but also complete for quantitative termination analysis. We then introduce a novel sound and complete characterization of stochastic invariants that enables template-based approaches for easy synthesis of quantitative termination certificates, especially in affine or polynomial forms. Finally, by combining this idea with the existing martingale-based methods that are relatively complete for qualitative termination analysis, we obtain the first automated, sound, and relatively complete algorithm for quantitative termination analysis. Notably, our completeness guarantees for template-based quantitative termination analysis are as strong as the best-known methods for the qualitative variant. Our prototype implementation demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach on various probabilistic programs. We also demonstrate that our algorithm certifies lower bounds on termination probability for probabilistic programs that are beyond the reach of previous methods. |
09:40 | Does a Program Yield the Right Distribution? Verifying Probabilistic Programs via Generating Functions ![]() ![]() PRESENTER: Lutz Klinkenberg ABSTRACT. We study discrete probabilistic programs with potentially unbounded looping behaviors over an infinite state space. We present, to the best of our knowledge, the first decidability result for the problem of determining whether such a program generates exactly a specified distribution over its outputs (provided the program terminates almost surely). The class of distributions that can be specified in our formalism consists of standard distributions (geometric, uniform, etc.) and finite convolutions thereof. Our method relies on representing these (possibly infinite-support) distributions as probability generating functions which admit effective arithmetic operations. We have automated our techniques in a tool called PRODIGY, which supports automatic invariance checking, compositional reasoning of nested loops, and efficient queries to the output distribution, as demonstrated by experiments. |
10:00 | PRESENTER: Sebastian Junges ABSTRACT. Markov decision processes are a ubiquitous formalism for modelling systems with non-deterministic and probabilistic behavior. Verification of these models is subject to the famous state space explosion problem. We alleviate this problem by exploiting a hierarchical structure with repetitive parts. This structure not only occurs naturally in robotics, but also in probabilistic programs describing, e.g., network protocols. Such programs often repeatedly call a subroutine with similar behavior. In this paper, we focus on a local case, in which the subroutines have a limited effect on the overall system state. The key ideas to accelerate analysis of such programs are (1) to treat the behavior of the subroutine as uncertain and only remove this uncertainty by a detailed analysis if needed, and (2) to abstract similar subroutines into a parametric template, and then analyse this template. These two ideas are embedded into an abstraction-refinement loop that analyses hierarchical MDPs. A prototypical implementation shows the efficacy of the approach. |
09:00 | PRESENTER: Petar Paradžik ABSTRACT. We propose conditional observational equivalence --- a variant of observational equivalence that is more flexible since it can be made dependent on arbitrary safety trace properties. We extend an existing method for verifying observational equivalence in the multiset rewriting setting with the ability to handle conditions. Our extension can automatically verify conditional observational equivalence for a simple class of conditions that depend only on the structure of the execution. By using conditional observational equivalence, we give the first method for verifying off-line guessing resistance in the multiset rewriting setting and apply it to analyze and verify the properties of EAP-EKE, a password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocol. |
09:30 | PRESENTER: Reynaldo Gil-Pons ABSTRACT. Various modern protocols tailored to emerging wireless networks, such as body area networks, rely on the proximity and honesty of devices within the network to achieve their security goals. However, there does not exist a security framework that supports the formal analysis of such protocols, leaving the door open to unexpected flaws. In this article we introduce such a security framework, show how it can be implemented in the protocol verification tool Tamarin, and use it to find previously unknown vulnerabilities on two recent key exchange protocols. |
10:00 | A small bound on the number of sessions for security protocols PRESENTER: Stephanie Delaune ABSTRACT. Bounding the number of sessions is a long-standing problem in the context of security protocols. It is well known that even simple properties like secrecy are undecidable when an unbounded number of sessions is considered. Yet, attacks on existing protocols only require a few sessions. In this paper, we propose a sound algorithm that computes a sufficient set of scenarios that need to be considered to detect an attack. Our approach can be applied for both reachability and equivalence properties, for protocols with standard primitives that are type-compliant (unifiable messages have the same type). Moreover, when equivalence properties are considered, else branches are disallowed, and protocols are supposed to be simple (an attacker knows from which role and session a message comes from). Since this class remains undecidable, our algorithm may return an infinite set. However, our experiments show that on most basic protocols of the literature, our algorithm computes a small number of sessions (a dozen). As a consequence, tools for a bounded number of sessions like DeepSec can then be used to conclude that a protocol is secure for an unbounded number of sessions. |
09:00 | PRESENTER: Martin Homola |
09:15 | PRESENTER: Quentin Manière ABSTRACT. This extended abstract briefly summarizes our recent work on extending the study of counting queries to Horn description logics outside the DL-Lite family. Through a combination of novel techniques, adaptations of existing constructions, and new connections to closed predicates, we achieve a complete picture of the data and combined complexity of answering counting conjunctive queries (CCQs) and cardinality queries (a restricted class of CCQs) in ELHI⊥ and its various sublogics. |
09:40 | PRESENTER: Alisa Kovtunova ABSTRACT. In ontology-mediated query answering, access to incomplete data sources is mediated by a conceptual layer constituted by an ontology. To correctly compute answers to queries, it is necessary to perform complex reasoning over the constraints expressed by the ontology. In the literature there exists a multitude of techniques incorporating the ontological knowledge into queries. However, few of these approaches were designed for comprehensibility of the query answers. In this article, we try to bridge these two qualities by adapting a proof framework originally applied to axiom entailment for conjunctive query answering. We investigate the data and combined complexity of determining the existence of a proof below a given quality threshold, which can be measured in different ways. By distinguishing various parameters such as the shape of a query, we obtain an overview of the complexity of this problem for the lightweight ontology languages DL-Lite_{R} and EL. |
10:05 | PRESENTER: Yury Savateev ABSTRACT. In reverse engineering of database queries, one aims to construct a query from a set of positively and negatively labelled answers and non-answers. The query can then be used to explore the data further or as an explanation of the answers and non-answers. We consider this reverse engineering problem for queries formulated in various fragments of positive linear temporal logic LTL over data instances given by timestamped atomic concepts. We focus on the design of suitable query languages and the complexity of the separability problem: ‘does there exist a query in the given query language that separates the given answers from the non-answers?’. We deal with both plain LTL queries and those that are mediated by ontologies providing background knowledge and formulated in fragments of clausal LTL. |
09:30 | Abductive Reasoning with Sequent-Based Argumentation (Extended Abstract) PRESENTER: Ofer Arieli ABSTRACT. We show that logic-based argumentation, and in particular sequent-based frameworks, is a robust argumentative setting for abductive reasoning and explainable artificial intelligence. |
10:00 | The Effect of Preferences in Abstract Argumentation Under a Claim-Centric View PRESENTER: Michael Bernreiter ABSTRACT. In this paper, we study the effect of preferences in abstract argumentation under a claim-centric perspective. Recent work has revealed that semantical and computational properties can change when reasoning is performed on claim-level rather than on the argument-level, while under certain natural restrictions (arguments with the same claims have the same outgoing attacks) these properties are conserved. We now investigate these effects when, in addition, preferences have to be taken into account and consider four prominent reductions to handle preferences between arguments. As we shall see, these reductions give rise to different classes of claim-augmented argumentation frameworks, and behave differently in terms of semantic properties and computational complexity. This strengthens the view that the actual choice for handling preferences has to be taken with care. |
Lunches will be held in Taub lobby (CAV, CSF) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (DL, NMR, ITP).
14:00 | PRESENTER: Dimitar I. Dimitrov ABSTRACT. Existing neural network verifiers compute a proof that each input is handled correctly under a given perturbation by propagating a symbolic abstraction of reachable values at each layer. This process is repeated from scratch independently for each input (e.g., image) and perturbation (e.g., rotation), leading to an expensive overall proof effort when handling an entire dataset. In this work we introduce a new method for reducing this verification cost without losing precision based on a key insight that abstractions obtained at intermediate layers for different inputs and perturbations can overlap or contain each other. Leveraging our insight, we introduce the general concept of shared certificates, enabling proof effort reuse across multiple inputs to reduce overall verification costs. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation to demonstrate the effectiveness of shared certificates in reducing the verification cost on a range of datasets and attack specifications on image classifiers including the popular patch and geometric perturbations. |
14:20 | PRESENTER: Brandon Paulsen ABSTRACT. Linear approximations of nonlinear functions have a wide range of applications such as rigorous global optimization and, recently, verification problems involving neural networks. In the latter case, a linear approximation must be hand-crafted for the neural network's activation functions. This hand-crafting is tedious, potentially error-prone, and requires an expert to prove the soundness of the linear approximation. Such a limitation is at odds with the rapidly advancing deep learning field -- current verification tools either lack the necessary linear approximation, or perform poorly on neural networks with state-of-the-art activation functions. In this work, we consider the problem of automatically synthesizing sound linear approximations for a given neural network activation function. Our approach is example-guided: we develop a procedure to generate examples, and then we leverage machine learning techniques to learn a (static)function that outputs linear approximations. However, since the machine learning techniques we employ do not come with formal guarantees, the resulting synthesized function may produce linear approximations with violations. To remedy this,we bound the maximum violation using rigorous global optimization techniques, then adjust the synthesized linear approximation accordingly to ensure soundness. We evaluate our approach on several neural network verification tasks. Our evaluation shows that the automatically synthesized linear approximations greatly improve the accuracy (i.e., in terms of the number of verification problems solved) compared to hand-crafted linear approximations instate-of-the-art neural network verification tools. |
14:40 | PRESENTER: Long H. Pham ABSTRACT. Neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in solving many problems, including many applications in safety/security-critical systems. Researchers also discovered multiple security issues associated with neural networks. One of them is backdoor attacks, i.e., a neural network may be embedded with a backdoor such that a target output is almost always generated in the presence of a trigger. Existing defense approaches mostly focus on detecting whether a neural network is 'backdoored' based on heuristics, e.g., activation patterns. To the best of our knowledge, the only line of work which certifies the absence of backdoor is based on randomized smoothing, which is known to significantly reduce neural network performance. In this work, we propose an approach to verify whether a given neural network is free of backdoor with a certain level of success rate. Our approach integrates statistical sampling as well as abstract interpretation. The experiment results show that our approach effectively verifies the absence of backdoor or generates backdoor triggers. |
15:00 | Trainify: A CEGAR-Driven Training and Verification Framework for Verifiable Deep Reinforcement Learning ![]() ![]() ![]() PRESENTER: Jiaxu Tian ABSTRACT. DeepReinforcementLearning(DRL)has demonstrated its power in developing intelligent systems. These systems shall be formally guaranteed to be trustworthy when they are applied to safety-critical domains, which is typically achieved by formal verification performed after training. This train-then-verify process has two limits: (i) systems are difficult to verify because their state space is continuous and infinite and their AI components (i.e., neural networks) are almost inexplicable, and (ii) the ex post facto detection of bugs increases both the time- and money-wise cost of training and deployment. In this paper, we propose a novel verification-in-the-loop training framework called Trainify for developing verifiable DRL systems, driven by counterexample-guided abstraction and refinement. Specifically, Trainify trains a DRL system on a finite set of coarsely abstracted but efficiently verifiable state spaces. When verification fails, we refine the abstraction based on returned counterexamples and train again on the refined states. The process is iterated until all the properties are verified against the trained system. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training six classic control systems. Our framework can develop a more reliable DRL system with provable guarantees without sacrificing system performances such as accumulated awards and robustness compared with conventional DRL approaches. |
15:20 | PRESENTER: Marco Casadio ABSTRACT. Neural networks are very successful at detecting patterns in noisy data, and have become the technology of choice in many fields. However, their usefulness is hampered by their susceptibility to adversarial attacks. Recently, many methods for measuring and improving a network’s robustness to adversarial perturbations have been proposed, and this growing body of research has given rise to numerous explicit or implicit notions of robustness. Connections between these notions are often subtle, and a systematic comparison between them is missing in the literature. In this paper we begin addressing this gap, by setting up general principles for the empirical analysis and evaluation of a network’s robustness as a mathematical property — during the network’s training phase, its verification, and after its deployment. We then apply these principles and conduct a case study that showcases the practical benefits of our general approach. |
14:00 | PRESENTER: Liyi Li ABSTRACT. We present a formal model of Checked C, a dialect of C that aims to enforce spatial memory safety. Our model pays particular attention to the semantics of dynamically sized, potentially null-terminated arrays. We formalize this model in Coq, and prove that any spatial memory safety errors can be blamed on portions of the program labeled unchecked; this is a Checked C feature that supports incremental porting and backward compatibility. While our model’s operational semantics uses annotated (“fat”) pointers to enforce spatial safety, we show that such annotations can be safely erased. Using PLT Redex we formalize an executable version of our model and a compilation procedure to an untyped C-like language, as well as use randomized testing to validate that generated code faithfully simulates the original. Finally, we develop a custom random generator for well-typed and almost-well-typed terms in our Redex model, and use it to search for inconsistencies between our model and the Clang Checked C implementation. We find these steps to be a useful way to co-develop a language (Checked C is still in development) and a core model of it. |
14:30 | SecurePtrs: Proving Secure Compilation Using Data-Flow Back-Translation and Turn-Taking Simulation PRESENTER: Roberto Blanco ABSTRACT. Proving secure compilation of partial programs typically requires back-translating an attack against the compiled program to an attack against the source program. To prove back-translation, one can syntactically translate the target attacker to a source one---i.e., syntax-directed back-translation---or show that the interaction traces of the target attacker can also be emitted by source attackers---i.e., trace-directed back-translation. Syntax-directed back-translation is not suitable when the target attacker may use unstructured control flow that the source language cannot directly represent. Trace-directed back-translation works with such syntactic dissimilarity because only the external interactions of the target attacker have to be mimicked in the source, not its internal control flow. Revealing only external interactions is, however, inconvenient when sharing memory via unforgeable pointers, since information about shared pointers stashed in private memory is not present on the trace. This made prior proofs unnecessarily complex, since the generated attacker had to instead stash all reachable pointers. In this work, we introduce more informative *data-flow traces*, combining the best of syntax- and trace-directed back-translation in a simpler technique that handles both syntactic dissimilarity and memory sharing well, and that is proved correct in Coq. Additionally, we develop a novel *turn-taking simulation* relation and use it to prove a recomposition lemma, which is key to reusing compiler correctness in such secure compilation proofs. We are the first to mechanize such a recomposition lemma in the presence of memory sharing. We use these two innovations in a secure compilation proof for a code generation compiler pass between a source language with structured control flow and a target language with unstructured control flow, both with safe pointers and components. |
15:00 | PRESENTER: Thomas Van Strydonck ABSTRACT. Assembly-level protection mechanisms (virtual memory, trusted execution environments, virtualization) make it possible to guarantee security properties of a full system in the presence of arbitrary attacker provided code. However, they typically only support a single trust boundary: code is either trusted or untrusted, and protection cannot be nested. Capability machines provide protection mechanisms that are more fine-grained and that do support arbitrary nesting of protection. We show in this paper how this enables the formal verification of full-system security properties under multiple attacker models: different security objectives of the full system can be verified under a different choice of trust boundary (i.e. under a different attacker model). The verification approach we propose is modular, and is robust: code outside the trust boundary for a given security objective can be arbitrary, unverified attacker-provided code. It is based on the use of universal contracts for untrusted adversarial code: sound, conservative contracts which can be combined with manual verification of trusted components in a compositional program logic. Compositionality of the program logic also allows us to reuse common parts in the analyses for different attacker models. We instantiate the approach concretely by extending an existing capability machine model with support for memory-mapped I/O and we obtain full system, machine-verified security properties about external effect traces while limiting the manual verification effort to a small trusted computing base relevant for the specific property under study. |
14:00 | Hybrid Answer Set Programming: Opportunities and Challenges ABSTRACT. In the recent years, the interest in combining symbolic and sub-symbolic AI approaches has been rapidly increasing. In particular neuro-symbolic AI, in which the two approaches have been combined in a number of different ways, is in the center of attention. A natural question in this context is how answer set programs, one of the main non-monotonic rule-based formalisms in use today, may fit into this endeavor. Several authors have considered how to combine answer set programs with subsymbolic AI, specifically with (deep) neural networks, at varying levels of integration in order to facilitate semantics-enhanced applications of AI that build on subsymbolic AI such as scene classification, object tracking, or visual question answering. In this talk, we shall consider hybrid answer set programming approaches and explore opportunities and challenges for them. Notably, combining answer set programs with alternative inference approaches is not novel and has been extensively studied e.g. for logic-based ontologies. We shall also revisit lessons learnt from such work for the ongoing work on hybrid answer set programming. |
15:00 | Reasoning on Multi-Relational Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures ![]() ![]() PRESENTER: Rafael Kiesel ABSTRACT. Dealing with context dependent knowledge has led to different formalizations of the notion of context. Among them is the Contextualized Knowledge Repository (CKR) framework, which is rooted in description logics but links on the reasoning side strongly to logic programs and Answer Set Programming (ASP) in particular. The CKR framework caters for reasoning with defeasible axioms and exceptions in contexts, which was extended to knowledge inheritance across contexts in a coverage (specificity) hierarchy. However, the approach supports only this single type of contextual relation and the reasoning procedures work only for restricted hierarchies, due to non-trivial issues with model preference under exceptions. In this paper, we overcome these limitations and present a generalization of CKR hierarchies to multiple contextual relations, along with their interpretation of defeasible axioms and preference. To support reasoning, we use ASP with algebraic measures, which is a recent extension of ASP with weighted formulas over semirings that allows one to associate quantities with interpretations depending on the truth values of propositional atoms. Notably, we show that for a relevant fragment of CKR hierarchies with multiple contextual relations, query answering can be realized efficiently with the popular asprin framework. The algebraic measures approach is more powerful and enables e.g. reasoning with epistemic queries over CKRs, which opens interesting perspectives for the use of quantitative ASP extensions in other applications. The paper has been presented at the 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2021). |
14:00 | Candle: A Verified Implementation of HOL Light PRESENTER: Oskar Abrahamsson ABSTRACT. This paper presents a fully verified interactive theorem prover for higher-order logic, more specifically: a fully verified clone of HOL Light. Our verification proof of this new system results in an end-to-end correctness theorem that guarantees the soundness of the entire system down to the machine code that executes at runtime. Our theorem states that every exported fact produced by this machine-code program is valid in higher-order logic. Our implementation consists of a read-eval-print loop (REPL) that executes the CakeML compiler internally. Throughout this work, we have strived to make the REPL of the new system provide a user experience as close to HOL Light's as possible. To this end, we have, e.g., made the new system parse the same variant of OCaml syntax as HOL Light. All of the work described in this paper has been carried out in the HOL4 theorem prover. |
14:30 | PRESENTER: Arve Gengelbach ABSTRACT. Non-terminating definitions can lead to logical contradictions, for example when defining a boolean constant as its own negation. Some proof assistants thus detect and disallow non-terminating definitions. Termination is generally undecidable when constants may have different definitions at different type instances, which is called (ad-hoc) overloading. The Isabelle/HOL proof assistant supports overloading of constant definitions, but relies on an unclear foundation for this critical termination check. With this paper we aim to close this gap: we present a mechanised proof that, for restricted overloading, non-terminating definitions are of a detectable cyclic shape, and we describe a mechanised algorithm with its correctness proof. In addition we demonstrate this cyclicity checker on parts of the Isabelle/HOL basis library. Furthermore, we introduce the first-ever formally verified kernel of a proof assistant for higher-order logic with overloaded definitions. All our results are formalised in the HOL4 theorem prover. |
15:00 | Kalas: A Verified, End-to-End Compiler for a Choreographic Language PRESENTER: Alejandro Gómez-Londoño ABSTRACT. Choreographies are an abstraction for globally describing deadlock-free communicating systems. A choreography can be compiled into multiple endpoints preserving the global behavior, providing a path for concrete system implementations. Of course, the soundness of this approach hinges on the correctness of the compilation function. In this paper, we present a verified compiler for Kalas, a choreographic language. Its machine-checked end-to-end proof of correctness ensures all generated endpoints adhere to the system description, preserving the top-level communication guarantees. This work uses the verified CakeML compiler and HOL4 proof assistant, allowing for concrete executable implementations and statements of correctness at the machine code level for multiple architectures. |
15:00 | Reasoning on Multi-Relational Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures PRESENTER: Rafael Kiesel |
16:00 | PRESENTER: Mayuko Kori ABSTRACT. We present LT-PDR, a lattice-theoretic generalization of Bradley’s property directed reachability analysis (PDR) algorithm. LT- PDR identifies the essence of PDR to be an ingenious combination of verification and refutation attempts based on the Knaster–Tarski and Kleene theorems. We introduce four concrete instances of LT-PDR, de- rive their implementation from a generic Haskell implementation of LT- PDR, and experimentally evaluate them. We also present a categorical structural theory that derives these instances. |
16:20 | PRESENTER: Yucheng Ji ABSTRACT. Loop invariant generation, which automates the generation of assertions that always hold at the entry of a while loop, has many important applications in program analysis. In this work, we target an important category of while loops, namely affine while loops, that are unnested while loops with affine loop guards and variable updates. Such class of loops widely exists in many programs yet still lacks a general but efficient approach for invariant generation. We propose a novel matrix-algebra approach for automatically synthesizing affine inductive invariants in the form of an affine inequality. The main novelty of our approach is that (i) the approach is general in the sense that it theoretically addresses all the cases of affine invariant generation over an affine while loop, and (ii) it can be efficiently automated through matrix algebra (such as eigenvalue, matrix inverse) methods. The details of our approach are as follows. First, for the case where the loop guard is a tautology (i.e., `true'), we show that the eigenvalues and their eigenvectors of the matrices derived from the variable updates of the loop body encompass all meaningful affine inductive invariants. Second, for the more general case where the loop guard is a conjunction of affine inequalities, our approach completely addresses the invariant-generation problem by first establishing through matrix inverse the relationship between the invariants and a key parameter in the application of Farkas' lemma, then solving the feasible domain of the key parameter from the inductive conditions, and finally illustrating that a finite number of values suffices for the key parameter w.r.t a tightness condition for the invariants to be generated. Experimental results show that compared with previous approaches, our approach generates much more accurate affine inductive invariants over affine while loops from existing and new benchmarks, demonstrating the generality and efficiency of our approach. |
16:40 | PRESENTER: Wael-Amine Boutglay ABSTRACT. We propose a data-driven algorithm for numerical invariant synthesis and verification. The algorithm is based on the ICE-DT schema for learning decision trees from samples that include positive and negative states and additionally implications corresponding to transitions in the program. The main issue we address is the discovery of relevant attributes to be used in the learning process of numerical invariants. We define a method for solving this problem that is guided by the data sample. It is based on the construction of a separator that covers positive states without including negative ones, and that is consistent with the implications. The separator is constructed using an abstract domain representation of convex sets. The generalization mechanism of the decision tree learning from the constraints of the separator allows the inference of general invariants, yet accurate enough for proving the targeted property. We implemented our algorithm and showed its efficiency. |
17:00 | PRESENTER: Subhajit Roy ABSTRACT. Bounded Model Checking (BMC) is a popularly used strategy for program verification and it has been explored extensively over the past decade. Despite such a long history, BMC still faces scalability challenges as programs continue to grow larger and more complex. One approach that has proven to be effective in verifying large programs is called Counter Example Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR). In this work, we propose a complimentary approach to CEGAR. Our strategy works by gradually widening the underapproximation of a program, following proofs of unsatisfiability. We have implemented our ideas in a tool called LEGION. We compare the performance of LEGION against that of CORRAL, a state-of-the-art verifier from Microsoft, that utilizes the CEGAR strategy. We conduct our experiments on 727 Windows and Linux device driver benchmarks. We find that LEGION is able to solve 12% more instances than CORRAL and that LEGION exhibits a complementary behavior to that of CORRAL. Motivated by this, we also build a portfolio verifier, LEGION+, that attempts to draw the best of LEGION and CORRAL. Our portfolio, LEGION+, solves 15% more benchmarks than CORRAL with similar computational resource constraints (i.e. each verifier in the portfolio is run with a time budget that is half of the time budget of CORRAL). Moreover, it is found to be 2.9 times faster than CORRAL on benchmarks that are solved by both CORRAL and LEGION+. |
17:20 | PRESENTER: Leonardo Alt ABSTRACT. The practical importance of formally verifying smart contracts can be observed, for instance, in that Ethereum Foundation's Solidity compiler ships with a model checker. The checker, called SolCMC, has been part of the compiler since 2019 and tracks closely the development of the Solidity language. We describe SolCMC's architecture and use from the perspective of developers of both smart contracts and tools for software verification, and show how to analyze nontrivial properties of real life contracts in a fully automated manner. |
16:00 | Interpreting Epsilon of Differential Privacy in Terms of Advantage in Guessing or Approximating Sensitive Attributes ![]() PRESENTER: Peeter Laud ABSTRACT. Differential privacy is a privacy technique with provable guarantees which is typically achieved by introducing noise to statistics before releasing them. The level of privacy is characterized by a certain numeric parameter ε > 0, where smaller ε means more privacy. However, there is no common agreement on how small ε should be, and the actual likelihood of data leakage for the same ε may vary for different released statistics and different datasets. In this paper, we show how to relate ε to the increase in the probability of attacker's success in guessing something about the private data. The attacker's goal is stated as a Boolean expression over guessing particular categorical and numerical attributes, where numeric attributes can be guessed with some precision. The paper is built upon the definition of d-privacy, which is a generalization of ε-differential privacy. |
16:30 | DPL: A Language for GDPR Enforcement PRESENTER: Farzane Karami ABSTRACT. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the handling of personal data, including that personal data may be collected and stored only with the data subject’s consent, that data is used only for the explicit purposes for which it is collected, and that is deleted after the purposes are served. We propose a programming language called DPL (Data Protection Language) with constructs for enforcing these central GDPR requirements and provide the language’s runtime operational semantics. DPL is designed so that GDPR violations cannot occur: potential violations instead result in runtime errors. Moreover, DPL provides constructs to perform privacy-relevant checks, which enable programmers to avoid these errors. Finally, we formalize DPL in Maude, yielding an environment for program simulation, and verify our claims that DPL programs cannot result in privacy violations. |
17:00 | Privacy as Reachability PRESENTER: Sébastien Gondron ABSTRACT. We show that privacy can be formalized as a reachability problem. We introduce a transaction-process formalism for distributed systems that can exchange cryptographic messages (in a black-box cryptography model). Our formalism includes privacy variables chosen non-deterministically from finite domains (e.g., candidates in a voting protocol), it can work with long-term mutable states (e.g., a hash-key chain) and allows one to specify consciously released information (e.g., number of votes and the result). We discuss examples, e.g., problems of linkability, and the core of the privacy-preserving proximity tracing system DP-3T. |
16:00 | Rational defeasible subsumption in DLs with nested quantifiers: the case of ELI_⊥ PRESENTER: Igor de Camargo E Souza Câmara ABSTRACT. Defeasible description logics (DDLs) support nonmonotonic reasoning by admitting defeasible concept inclusions in the knowledge base. Early reasoning methods for subsumption did not always use defeasible information for objects in the scope of nested quantifiers and thus neglected un-defeated information. The reasoning approach employing typicality models for the DDL EL_⊥ overcomes this effect for existentially quantified objects. In this extended abstract we report on how to lift typicality model-based reasoning to the DDL ELI_⊥, which extends EL_⊥ with inverse roles. These can capture a form of universal quantification and extend expressivity of the DDL substantially. Reasoning in DDLs often employs rational closure according to the propositional KLM postulates. We can show that the proposed subsumption algorithm yields more entailments than rational propositional entailment. |
16:25 | Defeasible reasoning in RDFS PRESENTER: Giovanni Casini ABSTRACT. In the field of non-monotonic logics, the notion of Rational Closure (RC) is acknowledged as a notable approach. In recent years, RC has gained popularity in the context of Description Logics (DLs), and in this work, we show how to integrate RC within the triple language RDFS (Resource Description Framework Schema), which together with OWL 2 is a major standard semantic web ontology language. To do so, we start from ρdf, a minimal, but significant RDFS fragment that covers the essential features of RDFS, and then extend it to ρdf⊥, allowing to state that two entities are incompatible/disjoint with each other. Eventually, we propose defeasible ρdf⊥ via a typical RC construction allowing to state default class/property inclusions. The main features of our approach are: (i) the defeasible ρdf⊥ we propose here remains syntactically a triple language by extending it with new predicate symbols with specific semantics; (ii) the logic is defined in such a way that any RDFS reasoner/store may handle the new predicates as ordinary terms if it does not want to take account of the extra non-monotonic capabilities; (iii) the defeasible entailment decision procedure is built on top of the ρdf⊥ entailment decision procedure, which in turn is an extension of the one for ρdf via some additional inference rules favouring a potential implementation;(iv) the computational complexity of deciding entailment in ρdf and ρdf⊥ are the same; and (v) defeasible entailment can be decided via a polynomial number of calls to an oracle deciding ground triple entailment in ρdf⊥ and, in particular, deciding defeasible entailment can be done in polynomial time. |
16:50 | PRESENTER: Lucía Gómez Álvarez ABSTRACT. The importance of taking individual, potentially conflicting perspectives into account when dealing with knowledge has been widely recognised. Many existing ontology management approaches fully merge knowledge perspectives, which may require weakening in order to maintain consistency; others represent the distinct views in an entirely detached way. As an alternative, we propose Standpoint Logic, a simple, yet versatile generic approach to extend existing KR formalisms by the capability to express domain knowledge relative to diverse, possibly conflicting standpoints, which can be hierarchically organised, combined, and put in relation with each other. As a concrete showcase, this extended abstract introduces the standpoint-enhanced version of the very expressive description logic SROIQbs, which is tightly connected to the W3C-standardised ontology language OWL 2 DL. We report that, by virtue of a “small model property” and using some elaborate encoding tricks, it is possible to establish a polytime translation from standpoint-enhanced SROIQbs into plain SROIQbs. By virtue of this result, existing highly optimised OWL reasoners can be used off the shelf to provide practical reasoning support for ontology languages from the OWL family extended by standpoint modelling. |
16:00 | PRESENTER: Frédéric Dupuis ABSTRACT. Semilinear maps are a generalization of linear maps between vector spaces where we allow the scalar action to be twisted by a ring homomorphism such as complex conjugation. In particular, this generalization unifies the concepts of linear and conjugate-linear maps. We implement this generalization in Lean's mathlib library, along with a number of important results in functional analysis which previously were impossible to formalize properly. Specifically, we prove the Fr\'echet--Riesz representation theorem and the spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators generically over real and complex Hilbert spaces. We also show that semilinear maps have applications beyond functional analysis by formalizing the one-dimensional case of a theorem of Dieudonn\'e and Manin that classifies the isocrystals over an algebraically closed field with positive characteristic. |
16:30 | Formalising Fisher’s Inequality: Formal Linear Algebraic Techniques in Combinatorics PRESENTER: Chelsea Edmonds ABSTRACT. The formalisation of mathematics is continuing rapidly, but combinatorics remains underrepresented, with the field’s reliance on techniques from a wide range of mathematics being one challenge to formalisation efforts. This paper presents formal linear algebraic techniques for proofs on incidence structures in Isabelle/HOL, and their application to the first formalisation of Fisher’s Inequality. In addition to formalising incidence matrices and simple techniques for reasoning on linear algebraic representations, the formalisation focuses on the linear algebra bound and rank arguments. These techniques can easily be adapted for future formalisations in combinatorics, as we demonstrate through further application to proofs of variations on Fisher’s Inequality. |
17:00 | Formalization of a Stochastic Approximation Theorem PRESENTER: Koundinya Vajjha ABSTRACT. Stochastic approximation algorithms are iterative procedures which are used to approximate a target value in an environment where the target is unknown and direct observations are corrupted by noise. These algorithms are useful, for instance, for root-finding and function minimization when the target function or model is not directly known. Originally introduced in a 1951 paper by Robbins and Monro, the field of Stochastic approximation has grown enormously and has come to influence application domains from adaptive signal processing to artificial intelligence. As an example, the Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm which is ubiquitous in various subdomains of Machine Learning is based on stochastic approximation theory. In this paper, we give a formal proof (in the Coq proof assistant) of a general convergence theorem due to Aryeh Dvoretzky which implies the convergence of important classical methods such as the Robbins-Monro and the Kiefer-Wolfowitz algorithms. In the process, we build a comprehensive Coq library of measure-theoretic probability theory and stochastic processes. |
16:00 | PRESENTER: Igor de Camargo E Souza Câmara ABSTRACT. Defeasible description logics (DDLs) support nonmonotonic reasoning by admitting defeasible concept inclusions in the knowledge base. Early reasoning methods for subsumption did not always use defeasible information for objects in the scope of nested quantifiers and thus neglected un-defeated information. The reasoning approach employing typicality models for the DDL EL_⊥ overcomes this effect for existentially quantified objects. In this extended abstract we report on how to lift typicality model-based reasoning to the DDL ELI_⊥, which extends EL_⊥ with inverse roles. These can capture a form of universal quantification and extend expressivity of the DDL substantially. Reasoning in DDLs often employs rational closure according to the propositional KLM postulates. We can show that the proposed subsumption algorithm yields more entailments than rational propositional entailment. |
16:25 | Defeasible reasoning in RDFS PRESENTER: Giovanni Casini ABSTRACT. In the field of non-monotonic logics, the notion of Rational Closure (RC) is acknowledged as a notable approach. In recent years, RC has gained popularity in the context of Description Logics (DLs), and in this work, we show how to integrate RC within the triple language RDFS (Resource Description Framework Schema), which together with OWL 2 is a major standard semantic web ontology language. To do so, we start from ρdf, a minimal, but significant RDFS fragment that covers the essential features of RDFS, and then extend it to ρdf⊥, allowing to state that two entities are incompatible/disjoint with each other. Eventually, we propose defeasible ρdf⊥ via a typical RC construction allowing to state default class/property inclusions. The main features of our approach are: (i) the defeasible ρdf⊥ we propose here remains syntactically a triple language by extending it with new predicate symbols with specific semantics; (ii) the logic is defined in such a way that any RDFS reasoner/store may handle the new predicates as ordinary terms if it does not want to take account of the extra non-monotonic capabilities; (iii) the defeasible entailment decision procedure is built on top of the ρdf⊥ entailment decision procedure, which in turn is an extension of the one for ρdf via some additional inference rules favouring a potential implementation;(iv) the computational complexity of deciding entailment in ρdf and ρdf⊥ are the same; and (v) defeasible entailment can be decided via a polynomial number of calls to an oracle deciding ground triple entailment in ρdf⊥ and, in particular, deciding defeasible entailment can be done in polynomial time. |
16:50 | Modelling Multiple Perspectives by Standpoint-Enhanced Description Logics PRESENTER: Lucia Gómez Álvarez |