Paper Submission

We seek submissions reporting on theory, application, case studies, experiments and work-in-progress using Vampire and other theorem provers in various applications. Submissions can be in any form, ranging from work in progress to completed work. For example, the users can submit:

  • extended abstracts or full papers;
  • theoretical papers;
  • experimental papers and case studies
  • or in general any papers that can benefit tool developers and users.

Papers can be of any length, ranging from 1-page abstracts to full papers up to 20 pages in length. The papers should use the EasyChair LaTeX, Microsoft Word, or ODT templates, which can be found at http://www.easychair.org/publications/epic-templates.

Submissions should be made using EasyChair, via the link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vampire18.

The workshop post-proceedings will be published in the EasyChair EPiC series.