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09:00-10:00 Session 70B: FSCD Invited talk: Stéphanie Delaune
Analysing privacy-type properties in cryptographic protocols

ABSTRACT. Cryptographic protocols aim at securing communications over insecure networks such as the Internet, where dishonest users may listen to communications and interfere with them. For example, passports are no more pure paper documents. Instead, they contain a chip that stores additional information such as pictures and fingerprints of their holder. In order to ensure privacy, these chips include a mechanism, i.e. a cryptographic protocol, that does not let the passport disclose private information to external users. This is just a single example but of course privacy appears in many other contexts such as RFIDs technologies or electronic voting. Formal methods have been successfully applied to automatically analyze traditional protocols and discover flaws. Privacy-type security properties (e.g. anonymity, unlinkability, ...) are expressed relying on a notion of behavioral equivalence, and are actually more difficult to analyse. We will discuss some recent advances that have been done to analyse automatically equivalence-based security properties, and we will review some issues that remain to be solved in this field.

10:00-10:30 Session 72: Unification
Term-Graph Anti-Unification
SPEAKER: Temur Kutsia

ABSTRACT. We study anti-unification for possibly cyclic, unranked term-graphs and develop an algorithm, which computes a minimal complete set of least general generalizations for them. For bisimilar graphs the algorithm computes the join in the lattice generated by a functional bisimulation. Besides, we consider the case when the graph edges are not ordered (modeled by commutativity).

These results generalize anti-unification for ranked and unranked terms to the corresponding term-graphs, and solve also anti-unification problems for rational terms and dags. Our results open a way to widen anti-unification based code clone detection techniques from a tree representation to a graph representation of the code.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 74B: Unification
Fixed-Point Constraints for Nominal Equational Unification

ABSTRACT. We propose a new axiomatisation of the alpha-equivalence relation for nominal terms, based on a primitive notion of fixed-point constraint. We show that the standard freshness relation between atoms and terms can be derived from the more primitive notion of permutation fixed-point, and use this result to prove the correctness of the new alpha-equivalence axiomatisation. This gives rise to a new notion of nominal unification, where solutions for unification problems are pairs of a fixed-point context and a substitution. This notion of nominal unifier behaves better than the standard notion based on freshness contexts: nominal unification remains finitary in the presence of equational theories such as commutativity, whereas it becomes infinitary when unifiers are expressed using freshness contexts.

Higher-Order Equational Pattern Anti-Unification
SPEAKER: David Cerna

ABSTRACT. We consider anti-unification for simply typed lambda terms in associative, commutative, and associative-commutative theories and develop a sound and complete algorithm which takes two lambda terms and computes their generalizations in the form of higher-order patterns. The problem is finitary: the minimal complete set of generalizations contains finitely many elements. We define the notion of optimal solution and investigate special fragments of the problem for which the optimal solution can be computed in linear or polynomial time.

Nominal Unification with Atom and Context Variables

ABSTRACT. Automated deduction in higher-order program calculi, where properties of transformation rules are demanded, or confluence or other equational properties are requested, can often be done by syntactically computing overlaps (critical pairs) of reduction rules and transformation rules. Since higher-order calculi have alpha-equivalence as fundamental equivalence, the reasoning procedure must deal with it. We define ASD1-unification problems, which are higher-order equational unification problems employing variables for atoms, expressions and contexts, with additional distinct-variable constraints, and which have to be solved w.r.t. alpha-equivalence. Our proposal is to extend nominal unification to solve these unification problems. We succeeded in constructing the nominal unification algorithm NomUnifyASC. We show that NomUnifyASC is sound and complete for these problem class, and outputs a set of unifiers with constraints in nondeterministic polynomial time if the final constraints are satisfiable. We also show that solvability of the output constraints can be decided in NEXPTIME, and for a fixed number of context-variables in NP time. For terms without context-variables and atom-variables, NomUnifyASC runs in polynomial time, is unitary, and extends the classical problem by permitting distinct-variable constraints.

12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Session 76C: FSCD General Meeting

AGENDA of FSCD18 General Meeting

  1. Welcome by Steering Committee Chair, Luke Ong
  2. Report of FSCD18 PC Chair, Helene Kirchner
  3. Report of FSCD18 Conference Chair, Paula Severi
  4. Progress Report of FSCD19 - PC Chair: Herman Geuvers - Conference Chair: Jakob Rehof
  5. Election of two Steering Committee members
  6. Proposal to host FSCD20 (colocating with IJCAR2020) in Paris: Stefano Guerrini and Giulio Manzonetto
  7. AOB
  8. Handover to new SC Chair (2018-2021), Delia Kesner.
15:00-15:30 Session 77A: System presentation
ProTeM: A Proof Term Manipulator

ABSTRACT. Proof terms are a useful concept for reasoning about computations in term rewriting. Human calculation with proof terms is tedious and error-prone. We present ProTeM, a new tool that offers support for manipulating proof terms that represent multisteps in left-linear rewrite systems.

15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Session 80: Confluence
Decreasing diagrams with two labels are complete for confluence of countable systems
SPEAKER: Roy Overbeek

ABSTRACT. Like termination, confluence is a central property of rewrite systems. Unlike for termination, however, there exists no known complexity hierarchy for confluence. In this paper we investigate whether the decreasing diagrams technique can be used to obtain such a hierarchy. The decreasing diagrams technique is one of the strongest and most versatile methods for proving confluence of abstract reduction systems, it is complete for countable systems, and it has many well-known confluence criteria as corollaries.

So what makes decreasing diagrams so powerful? In contrast to other confluence techniques, decreasing diagrams employs a labelling of the steps $\to$ with labels from a well-founded order in order to conclude confluence of the underlying unlabelled relation. Hence it is natural to ask how the size of the label set influences the strength of the technique. In particular, what class of abstract reduction systems can be proven confluent using decreasing diagrams restricted to $1$~label, $2$ labels, $3$ labels, and so on?

Surprisingly, we find that two labels suffice for proving confluence for every abstract rewrite system having the cofinality property, thus in particular for every confluent, countable system. We also show that this result stands in sharp contrast to the situation for commutation of rewrite relations, where the hierarchy does not collapse.

Finally, as a background theme, we discuss the logical issue of first-order definability of the notion of confluence.

Confluence of Prefix-Constrained Rewrite Systems

ABSTRACT. Prefix-constrained rewriting is a strict extension of context-sensitive rewriting. We study the confluence of prefix-constrained rewrite systems, which are composed of rules of the form L:l -> r where L is a regular string language that defines the allowed rewritable positions. The usual notion of Knuth-Bendix's critical pair needs to be extended using regular string languages, and the convergence of all critical pairs is not enough to ensure local confluence. Thanks to an additional restriction we get local confluence, and then confluence for terminating systems, which makes the word problem decidable. Moreover we present an extended Knuth-Bendix completion procedure, to transform a non-confluent prefix-constrained rewrite system into a confluent one.

17:30-18:00 Session 82: Rewriting
Coherence of Gray categories via rewriting
SPEAKER: Simon Forest

ABSTRACT. Over the recent years, the theory of rewriting has been extended in order to provide systematic techniques to show coherence results for strict higher categories. Here, we investigate a further generalization to low-dimensional weak categories, and consider in details the first non-trivial case: presentations of tricategories. By a general result, those are equivalent to the stricter Gray categories, for which we introduce a notion of rewriting system, as well as associated tools: Tietze transformations, critical pairs, termination orders, etc. We show that a finite rewriting system admits a finite number of critical pairs and, as a variant of Newman's lemma in our context, that a convergent rewriting system is coherent, meaning that two parallel 3-cells are necessarily equal. This is illustrated on rewriting systems corresponding to various well-known structures in the context of tricategories (monoids, adjunctions, Frobenius monoids). Finally, we discuss generalizations in arbitrary dimension.