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09:00 | SPEAKER: Keisuke Nakano ABSTRACT. B-terms are built from the B combinator alone defined by B f g x ≡ f (g x), which is well-known as a function composition operator. This paper investigates an interesting property of B-terms, that is, whether repetitive right applications of a B-term circulates or not. We discuss conditions for B-terms to and not to have the property through a sound and complete equational axiomatization. Specifically, we give examples of B-terms which have the property and show that there are infinitely many B-terms which does not have the property. Also, we introduce a canonical representation of B-terms that is useful to detect cycles, or equivalently, to prove the property, with an efficient algorithm. |
09:30 | ABSTRACT. We consider higher-order recursion schemes as generators of infinite trees. A sort (simple type) is called homogeneous when all arguments of higher order are taken before any arguments of lower order. We prove that every scheme can be converted into an equivalent one (i.e, generating the same tree) that is homogeneous, that is, uses only homogeneous sorts. Then, we prove the same for safe schemes: every safe scheme can be converted into an equivalent safe homogeneous scheme. Furthermore, we compare two definition of safe schemes: the original definition of Damm, and the modern one. Finally, we prove a lemma which illustrates usefulness of the homogeneity assumption. The results are known, but we prove them in a novel way: by directly manipulating considered schemes. |
10:00 | ABSTRACT. The infinitary lambda calculi pioneered by Kennaway et al. extend the basic lambda calculus by metric completion to infinite terms and reductions. Depending on the chosen metric, the resulting infinitary calculi exhibit different notions of strictness. To obtain infinitary normalisation and infinitary confluence properties for these calculi, Kennaway et al. extend β-reduction with infinitely many ‘⊥-rules’, which contract meaningless terms directly to ⊥. Three of the resulting Böhm reduction calculi have unique infinitary normal forms corresponding to Böhm-like trees. In this paper we develop a corresponding theory of infinitary lambda calculi based on ideal completion instead of metric completion. We show that each of our calculi conservatively extends the corresponding metric-based calculus. Three of our calculi are infinitary normalising and confluent; their unique infinitary normal forms are exactly the Böhm-like trees of the corresponding metric-based calculi. Our calculi dispense with the infinitely many ⊥-rules of the metric-based calculi. The fully non-strict calculus (111) consists of only β-reduction, while the other two calculi (001 and 101) require two additional rules that precisely state their strictness properties: λx.⊥ → ⊥ and ⊥ M → ⊥. |
11:00 | SPEAKER: Naoki Nishida ABSTRACT. A narrowing tree for a constructor term rewriting system and a pair of terms is a finite representation for the space of all possible innermost-narrowing derivations that start with the pair and end with non-narrowable terms. Narrowing trees have grammar representations that can be considered regular tree grammars. Innermost narrowing is a counterpart of constructor-based rewriting, and thus, narrowing trees can be used in analyzing constructor-based rewriting to normal forms. In this paper, using grammar representations, we extend narrowing trees to syntactically deterministic conditional term rewriting systems that are constructor systems. We show that narrowing trees are useful to prove two properties of a normal conditional term rewriting system: one is infeasibility of conditional critical pairs and the other is quasi-reducibility. |
11:30 | SPEAKER: Sarah Winkler ABSTRACT. We propose an abstract completion procedure for logically constrained term rewrite systems (LCTRSs). This procedure can be instantiated to both standard Knuth-Bendix completion and ordered completion for LCTRSs, and we present a succinct and uniform correctness proof. A prototype implementation illustrates the viability of the new completion procedure. |
12:00 | ABSTRACT. We consider rewriting of a regular language with a left-linear term rewriting system. We show two completeness theorems on equational tree automata completion. The first one shows that, if the set of reachable terms is regular, then completion can compute it. This was known to be true for some term rewriting system classes preserving regularity, but was still an open question in the general case. The proof is not constructive because it depends on the regularity of the set of reachable terms, which is undecidable. The second theorem states that, if there exists a regular over-approximation of the set of reachable terms then completion can compute it (or safely under-approximate it). To carry out those proofs we generalize and improve two results of completion: the Termination and the Upper-Bound theorems. Those theoretical results provide an algorithmic way to safely explore regular approximations with completion. This has been implemented in Timbuk and used to verify safety properties, automatically and efficiently, on first-order and higher-order functional programs. |
FLoC banquet at Examination Schools. Drinks and food available from 7pm (pre-booking via FLoC registration system required; guests welcome).