Days: Wednesday, September 8th Thursday, September 9th Friday, September 10th
Wednesday, September 8th
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10:00-10:30 Session OS: Opening Session
Margarida Coelho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
10:30-11:30 Session W1: Plenary Talk by Jacek Zak
Margarida Coelho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
10:30 | Intelligent/ Smart Decision Making for Transportation & Logistics (abstract) |
11:30-11:40Coffee Break
11:40-13:20 Session WA1: Urban mobility innovations
Joaquim Macedo (Universidade de Aveiro | Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Portugal)
11:40 | Tourism as a Service: Enhancing the Tourist Experience (abstract) PRESENTER: Beatriz Mendes |
12:05 | Modelling of shared mobility services - An approach in between traditional strategic models and agent-based models (abstract) PRESENTER: Santhanakrishnan Narayanan |
12:30 | An empirical study on V2X radio coverage using leaky coaxial cables in road crash barriers (abstract) PRESENTER: Hagen Ußler |
12:55 | Designing urban mobility policies in a socio-technical transition context (abstract) PRESENTER: Sérgio Pedro Duarte |
11:40-13:20 Session WA2: Rail transport systems
Anna Lina Ruscelli (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy)
11:40 | Experimental analysis of boarding and alighting behavior in urban public transport network: A case study (abstract) PRESENTER: Amr Wahaballa |
12:05 | Improving commuter train punctuality using lead indicators (abstract) PRESENTER: Ida Kristoffersson |
12:30 | Real-Time Optimization of Energy Consumption in Railway Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Federico Naldini |
12:55 | Microscopic Disruption Management: Energy Consumption and Passenger Compensation Optimisation (abstract) PRESENTER: Luis Cadarso |
11:40-13:20 Session WA3: Active travel modes and health
Behnam Bahmankhah (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
11:40 | Bike Network Design: an approach based on micro-mobility geo-referenced data (abstract) PRESENTER: Rosita De Vincentis |
12:05 | Measure the ability of cities to be biked via weighted parameters, using GIS tools. The case study of Zografou in Greece (abstract) PRESENTER: Christos Karolemeas |
12:30 | Establishing Performance Criteria for Evaluating Pedestrian Environments (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Grazia Bellizzi |
12:55 | Motivators and barriers for shared bicycle use in ‘starter’ cycling cities: Evidence from BSS user surveys in three Southern European island cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Suzanne Maas |
11:40-13:20 Session WA4: SPONSOR PTV
Paulo Fernandes (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
11:40 | Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation with PTV tools: Options and case of Porto (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristina Vilarinho |
13:20-14:30Lunch Break
14:30-16:10 Session WB1: Transportation planning and traffic engineering
Riccardo Rossi (University of Padova, Italy)
14:30 | Dealing with multicollinearity in real-time road safety analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Federico Orsini |
14:55 | Design Consistency Evaluation of Two-Lane Rural Highways in Hilly Terrains (abstract) PRESENTER: Jaydip Goyani |
15:20 | Examining Traffic Operations at Multi-Legged Intersection Operating under Heterogeneous Traffic: A case Study in India (abstract) PRESENTER: Purvang Chaudhari |
15:45 | Comparing home and parcel lockers’ delivery systems: a math-heuristic approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Alessio Salvatore |
14:30-16:10 Session WB2: The future of mobility after COVID-19 1
Margarida Coelho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
14:30 | Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the demand for urban transportation in Budapest (abstract) PRESENTER: Tamás Mátrai |
14:55 | Anxiety, fear and stress feelings of road users during daily walking in the pandemic COVID-19: Sicilian cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Papas |
15:20 | Correlating the Effect of Covid-19 Lockdown with Mobility Impacts: A Time Series Study Using Noise Sensors Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Antonio Pascale |
15:45 | Restart: A Route Planner to Encourage the Use of Public Transport Services in a Pandemic Context (abstract) PRESENTER: Raquel Fulgêncio |
14:30-16:10 Session WB3: Advanced modeling approaches in logistics
Carina Pimentel (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
14:30 | Decomposition of the vehicle routing problem with time windows on the time dimension (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Truden |
14:55 | A multi-objective network design model for road freight transportation using the eHighway system (abstract) PRESENTER: Aleksandra Colovic |
15:20 | How is freight distribution affected by travel time unreliability? (abstract) PRESENTER: Antonio Pais Antunes |
15:45 | Modelling the dynamics of on-demand urban deliveries via an agent-based model (abstract) PRESENTER: Giovanni Calabrò |
14:30-16:10 Session WB4: SS Anticipating impacts of autonomous vehicles
14:30 | Heterogeneous fleet sizing for on-demand transport in mixed automated and no-automated urban areas (abstract) PRESENTER: Qiaochu Fan |
14:55 | Realization of the penetration rate for autonomous vehicles in multi-vehicle assignment models (abstract) PRESENTER: Muhammad Tabish Bilal |
15:20 | Investigating Successor Features in the domain of Autonomous Vehicle Control (abstract) PRESENTER: Laszlo Szoke |
15:45 | Uncertainty analysis of autonomous delivery device operations (abstract) PRESENTER: Clément Lemardelé |
16:10-16:20Coffee Break
16:20-18:00 Session WC1: Vehicle routing and route planning
Dirk Mattfeld (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
16:20 | Handling OpenStreetMap georeferenced data for route planning (abstract) PRESENTER: Soraia Felicio |
16:45 | Case study of Dial-a-Ride Problems arising in Austrian rural regions (abstract) PRESENTER: Veronika Pachatz |
17:10 | Static bike repositioning problem with heterogeneous distribution characteristics in bike sharing systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Selin Hulagu |
17:35 | Relocation planning with partly autonomous vehicles in carsharing systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Vanessa Voelz |
16:20-18:00 Session WC2: Control and management of transportation systems
Roberta Di Pace (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy)
16:20 | Using Supervised Machine learning to predict the status of the road signs (abstract) PRESENTER: Roxan Saleh |
16:45 | Synchronous Framework Extended for Complex Intersections (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Radha Reddy |
17:10 | Mode shift with tradable credit scheme: a simulation study in Lyon (abstract) PRESENTER: Louis Balzer |
17:35 | Multiagent Meta-level Control for Adaptive Traffic Systems: A Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Yaroslava Shynkar |
16:20-18:00 Session WC3: Demand and choice modeling
Lídia Montero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
16:20 | Crowd-sourced web survey for household travel diaries (abstract) PRESENTER: Nidhi Kathait |
16:45 | Dynamic Modal Split Incorporating Trip Chaining: A Parsimonious Approach to Mode-Specific Demand Estimation (abstract) PRESENTER: Ariane Scheffer |
17:10 | Properties of a Markov model representing the dynamics of mode choice adaptation to radical supply changes (abstract) |
17:35 | Demand model estimation from smartphone data. An application to assert new urbanistic development scenarios (abstract) PRESENTER: Lidia Montero |
Thursday, September 9th
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10:30-11:30 Session T1: Plenary Talk by Susana Sargento
Margarida Coelho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
10:30 | Aveiro as a living lab for intelligent mobility and Transportation (abstract) |
11:30-11:40Coffee Break
11:40-13:20 Session TA1: Autonomous vehicle systems applications
Dirk Mattfeld (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
11:40 | A Reinforcement Learning Approach For Efficient, Safe and Comfortable Driving (abstract) PRESENTER: Dinesh Cyril Selvaraj |
12:05 | Deep Reinforcement Learning based approach for Traffic Signal Control (abstract) PRESENTER: Bálint Kővári |
12:30 | Explaining expected non-shared and shared use of driverless cars in Edinburgh (abstract) PRESENTER: Sayed Faruque |
12:55 | A Novel Image and Audio-based Artificial Intelligence Service for Security Applications in Autonomous Vehicles (abstract) PRESENTER: Dimitris Tsiktsiris |
11:40-13:20 Session TA2: Public transport planning and operation 1
António Lobo (Faculty of Engineering University of Porto, Portugal)
11:40 | Monitoring and controlling real-time bus services: a reinforcement learning procedure for eliminating bus bunching (abstract) PRESENTER: Alessio Valentini |
12:05 | Modeling of Travel Behavior in Budapest: Leisure Travelers (abstract) PRESENTER: Ali Mahdi |
12:30 | Comprehending Users Perception towards Integrated Multimodal Public Transport System (abstract) PRESENTER: Nandan Dawda |
12:55 | Urban factors influencing the vehicle speed of public transport (abstract) PRESENTER: António Lobo |
11:40-13:20 Session TA3: Survey applications
Vincenza Torrisi (University ofCatania, Italy)
11:40 | Cyclist’s waiting time estimation at intersections, a case study with GPS traces from Bologna (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristian Poliziani |
12:05 | Describing the use of informal ridesharing in Scotland (abstract) PRESENTER: Salvatore Gabriele Pilone |
12:30 | Factors influencing the implementation and deployment of e-vehicles in small cities: a preliminary two-dimensional statistical study on user acceptance (abstract) PRESENTER: Vincenza Torrisi |
11:40-13:20 Session TA4: Sensors and automatic data collection methods
Jorge Bandeira (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
11:40 | Potential of vision-enhanced floating car data for urban traffic estimation (abstract) PRESENTER: Dmitry Pavlyuk |
12:05 | Detection of vehicle-based operations from geolocation data (abstract) PRESENTER: Joel Ribeiro |
12:30 | Vehicular Crowd-Sensing on Complex Urban Road Networks: A Case Study in the City of Porto (abstract) PRESENTER: Luigi Libero Lucio Starace |
12:55 | Effect of Non-urban Two Lane Highway Geometry on Car and Bus Drivers – A Physiological Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Jisha Akkara |
13:20-14:30Lunch Break
14:30-16:10 Session TB1: Big data and machine learning in transportation
Dmitry Pavlyuk (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia)
14:30 | A comparative study of machine learning, deep neural networks and random utility maximization models for travel mode choice modelling (abstract) PRESENTER: José Ángel Martín-Baos |
14:55 | Benchmarking machine learning algorithms by inferring transportation modes from unlabeled GPS data (abstract) PRESENTER: Hekmat Dabbas |
15:20 | Comparing two hybrid neural network models to predict real-world bus travel time (abstract) PRESENTER: Lin Xie |
15:45 | Investigating Potential Electric Micro Mobility Demand in the city of Rome, Italy (abstract) PRESENTER: Marisdea Castiglione |
14:30-16:10 Session TB2: Airport and air transport operations
Antonio Antunes (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
14:30 | Dynamic and static analysis of Airport capacity (abstract) PRESENTER: Chiara Gargano |
14:55 | A grid-based spatial model for airline service design in multi-airport systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Mattia Cattaneo |
15:20 | A Data-drive Approach for Robust Cockpit Crew Training Scheduling (abstract) PRESENTER: Bruno Santos |
14:30-16:10 Session TB3: Smart cities and smart mobility
Jorge Bandeira (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
14:30 | Providing dynamic route advice for urban goods vehicles: the learning process enhanced by the emerging technologies (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesco Russo |
14:55 | Assessing Long-Term Impacts of Automation on Freight Transport and Logistics Networks: Large-Scale LRP Integrated in Microscopic Transport Simulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Elija Deineko |
15:20 | Understanding Tourists’ wayfinding during evacuation based on a Virtual Reality approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Jan Dirk Schmoecker |
15:45 | Driving behaviour impacts in a mixed road traffic environment (abstract) PRESENTER: Eloisa Macedo |
14:30-16:10 Session TB4: SS Toward new railway management systems
Anna Lina Ruscelli (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy)
14:30 | Dynamic Decomposition of the Real-Time Railway Traffic Management Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Matteo Petris |
14:55 | A Mixed-integer Linear Program for Real-time Train Platforming Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Ricardo Garcia-Rodenas |
15:20 | On a Real-World Railway Crew Scheduling Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarah Frisch |
15:45 | Communication platform concept for virtual testing of novel applications for railway traffic management systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Anna Lina Ruscelli |
16:10-16:20Coffee Break
16:20-18:00 Session TC1: Energy consumption and emission modeling 1
Ana Miranda (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
16:20 | Biplots of kinematic variables and pollutant emissions for an intercity corridor (abstract) PRESENTER: Elisabete Ferreira |
16:45 | On the characterization of eco-friendly paths for regional networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Sergio Batista |
17:10 | Could drag coefficient institute platoons as the future of sustainable highway transportation? VSP sensibility analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Micael Rebelo |
17:35 | Comparison of different approaches for estimating tailpipe emissions in passenger cars (abstract) PRESENTER: Paulo Fernandes |
16:20-18:00 Session TC2: Decision support analysis and operations research
Joaquim Macedo (Universidade de Aveiro | Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Portugal)
16:20 | The competitive factors of Container terminals in Med area: an experimental analysis using APC and DEA (abstract) PRESENTER: Gianfranco Fancello |
16:45 | Bi-level programming for modeling inventory sharing in decentralized supply chains (abstract) PRESENTER: Fatima Ezzahra Achamrah |
17:10 | Lean/ Agile Management of the Copy Paper Supply Chain through the Optimization of the Fleet Composition Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Ali Alazzawi |
17:35 | A heuristic for two-echelon urban distribution systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Bruno Oliveira |
16:20-18:00 Session TC3: Transportation planning and travel behaviour
Behnam Bahmankhah (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
16:20 | Cost-effectiveness analysis of Origin-Destination matrices estimation using Floating Car Data. Experimental results from two real cases (abstract) PRESENTER: Riccardo Ceccato |
16:45 | Exploring jobs-housing spatial relations from vehicle trajectory data: A case study of the Paris Region (abstract) PRESENTER: Danyang Sun |
17:10 | Joint-Activities Generation among Household Members using a Latent Class Model (abstract) PRESENTER: Farhan Shakeel |
17:35 | How precision teaching can shape drivers’ lateral control over time (abstract) PRESENTER: Giulia De Cet |
16:20-18:00 Session TC4: Dynamic network modeling
Jean-Patrick Lebacque (UGE COSYS GRETTIA, France)
16:20 | A within day dynamic network loading framework for large scale applications (abstract) PRESENTER: Roberta Di Pace |
16:45 | A very large-scale traffic network modeling based on the integration of the Bi-dimensional and the GSOM Traffic Flow models (abstract) PRESENTER: Leila Heni |
17:10 | Clustering Urban Transport Network Junctions Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Aleksey Boyko |
17:35 | A Macroscopic Model for Very Large Multimodal Networks Combining the GSOM and the Bidimensional Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Jean-Patrick Lebacque |
Friday, September 10th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
10:00-11:40 Session FA1: Public transport planning and operation 2
Bhouri Neila (IFSTTAR, France)
10:00 | Evaluating the suitability of urban road networks to facilitate autonomous buses (abstract) PRESENTER: Stefanos Tsigdinos |
10:25 | Exploring relevant factors behind a MaaS scheme (abstract) PRESENTER: Eloisa Macedo |
10:50 | Cruise passenger-oriented evaluation system for the public transport of hinterland destinations (abstract) PRESENTER: Jingjing Yu |
11:15 | Operational planning of integrated urban freight logistics combining passenger and freight through mathematical programming (abstract) PRESENTER: Bruno Machado |
10:00-11:40 Session FA2: Shared mobility
Behnam Bahmankhah (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
10:00 | Enhancing Expressiveness of Models for Static Route-Free Estimation of Time of Arrival in Urban Environments (abstract) PRESENTER: Sören Schleibaum |
10:25 | Methodological Distribution of Virtual Stops for Ridepooling (abstract) PRESENTER: Dennis Harmann |
10:50 | An Intermodal Dispatcher for the Assignment of Public Transport and Ride Pooling Services (abstract) PRESENTER: Ester Lorente |
11:15 | Understanding micro-mobility usage patterns: a preliminary comparison between dockless bike sharing and e-scooters in the city of Turin (Italy) (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrea Chicco |
10:00-11:40 Session FA3: Impact assessments and ex-post evaluation
Joaquim Macedo (Universidade de Aveiro | Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Portugal)
10:00 | Screening walkability violations through self-reported claims by smartphone detection: The case of Lisbon, Portugal (abstract) PRESENTER: Gabriel Valença |
10:25 | A Study on User Acceptable Road Pricing Policy for Toll Roads: A case of Eethakota, India (abstract) PRESENTER: Murli Naga |
10:50 | Assessing Equity in Car-sharing Systems: the case of Munich, Germany (abstract) PRESENTER: Giulio Giorgione |
11:15 | Mapping of individual transportation traffic-related externalities in an intercity corridor (abstract) PRESENTER: Carlos Sampaio |
11:40-11:50Coffee Break
11:50-13:30 Session FB1: Energy consumption and emission modeling 2
Eloisa Macedo (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
11:50 | Micro driving behavior in different roundabout layouts: Pollutant emissions, vehicular jerk and traffic conflicts analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Behnam Bahmankhah |
12:15 | Experimental evaluation of gear shift and internal-combustion engine variables on fuel consumption, noise and pollutant emissions (abstract) PRESENTER: Eloisa Macedo |
12:40 | Exhaust and non-exhaust emissions from today’s and future road transport: A simulation-based quantification for Berlin (abstract) PRESENTER: Kai Martins-Turner |
13:05 | LPG vehicles’ adoption in Portugal: lessons for new AFVs diffusion (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Paula Valente de Jesus |
11:50-13:30 Session FB2: Simulation and optimization of transportation systems
Paulo Fernandes (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
11:50 | An agent-based model for modal shift in public transport (abstract) PRESENTER: Juste Raimbault |
12:15 | Uncertainty and Variability Analysis of Agent-Based Transport Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Torben Lelke |
12:40 | Analytical and simulation-based estimation of public transport demand (abstract) PRESENTER: Victoria María Orlando |
13:05 | The Influence of Spent Time at Park-and-Ride Facility on the Travel Behavior of Workers and Shoppers (abstract) PRESENTER: Jamil Hamadneh |
11:50-13:30 Session FB3: The future of mobility after COVID-19 2
Margarida Coelho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
11:50 | First comparison between e-Powered Personal Mobility Vehicle’s and bike’s dynamics (abstract) PRESENTER: Roberto Ventura |
12:15 | The use of alternative fuels to mitigate climate change impacts in the transportation sector in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (abstract) PRESENTER: Tatiana Bruce da Silva |
12:40 | Demographic Factors Affecting the Rate of Outdoor Exercise Trips During the COVID-19 Lockdown (abstract) PRESENTER: Torran Semple |
13:05 | How to support the economic recovery of aviation after COVID-19? (abstract) PRESENTER: Janina Scheelhaase |
13:30-14:30Lunch Break
14:30-15:30 Session F1: Plenary Talk by Asad Khattak
Margarida Coelho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
14:30 | A bumpy road to driverless cars: Challenges and opportunities (abstract) |
15:30-15:40Coffee Break
15:40-17:20 Session FC1: Safety and security
António Lobo (Faculty of Engineering University of Porto, Portugal)
15:40 | Modeling the Effect of Motorized Two-Wheelers and Autorickshaws on Crossing Conflicts at Urban Unsignalized T-Intersections in India using Surrogate Safety Measures (abstract) PRESENTER: Aninda Bijoy Paul |
16:05 | Application of Empirical & Simulated Vehicle Trajectories in Risk Assessment at Signalized Intersection (abstract) PRESENTER: Ritvik Chauhan |
16:30 | A Meta-analysis of the methodologies practiced worldwide for the identification of road accident black spots (abstract) PRESENTER: Shawon Aziz |
16:55 | Road Accident Analysis with Data Mining Approach: evidence from Rome (abstract) PRESENTER: Antonio Polimeni |
15:40-17:20 Session FC2: Transport Operations and Performance
Paulo Fernandes (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
15:40 | A three-dimensional flow-based model to design shared autonomous vehicle system’s fleet size, charging facilities, and vehicle operations (abstract) PRESENTER: Gonçalo Santos |
15:55 | A Tactical Integrated Connection Planning and Passenger Allocation Model for Low-Cost Carriers (abstract) PRESENTER: Sebastian Birolini |
16:10 | Changes in car use resulting from a TOD-type project: longitudinal macro-analysis of the case of Metro do Porto (Portugal) (abstract) PRESENTER: Anna Ibraeva |
16:25 | Performance evaluation of an ant colony optimization for the train route selection problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Bianca Pascariu |
16:40 | Solving Large-size Smart Waste Collection Problems with Workload Constraints through a Hybrid Metaheuristic (abstract) PRESENTER: Diana Jorge |
16:55 | Assessment of changing existing drainages to smart drainages by its effects' evaluation on traffic parameters in critical rainy conditions: A fuzzy-Delphi criterion prioritization. (abstract) PRESENTER: Reza Mehdizadeh Anvigh |
15:40-17:20 Session FC3: SS Smart cities and Mobility as a Service
15:40 | Definition of mobility packages by using city specific parameters and user groups: a case study (abstract) PRESENTER: Domokos Esztergár-Kiss |
16:05 | Transport Authorities and Innovation: Understanding Barriers for MaaS Implementation in the Global South (abstract) PRESENTER: Marc Hasselwander |
16:30 | Analysis of MaaS membership attributes: an agent-based approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Carolina Cisterna |
16:55 | Multidimensional Indicator of MaaS platforms performance (abstract) PRESENTER: Jorge Bandeira |