This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
4 | |
4D System Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram | |
A | |
Abu Dhabi | |
Acceptability | |
Accessibility | |
Accessibility analysis | |
Accident prediction models | |
Active Learning | |
active travel | |
Activity based approach | |
Activity based trip-chain model | |
Activity Duration | |
Activity participation | |
Activity space | |
activity-based demand models | |
adaptive cruise control | |
adaptive urban traffic signal control | |
Aerial Vehicles | |
AFC data | |
agent based simulation | |
agent-based modelling | |
agent-based models | |
Agent-based Simulation | |
agent-based transport simulation | |
Agent-based travel demand model | |
AHP | |
AHP evaluation | |
air quality | |
air route network | |
air transport | |
Air transport networks | |
air transportation | |
aircraft | |
aircraft utilization | |
airfield design | |
airfreight | |
airline | |
Airline market share | |
Airline Optimization | |
airline route development | |
Airlines | |
airport and airline management | |
Airport and airline operations | |
airport planning | |
Alternate Direction Method of Multipliers | |
Alternative Graph | |
analysis | |
Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) | |
Ant Colony Optimization | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artificial Neural Networks | |
Asset Management | |
attended home delivery | |
automated driving styles | |
automated mobility | |
automated mobility on-demand | |
automated vehicle | |
automated vehicle monitoring data | |
automated vehicles | |
Automatic Fare Collection | |
Autonomous shuttle bus | |
autonomous taxis | |
Autonomous Traffic | |
Autonomous vehicle system applications | |
autonomous vehicles | |
AV subnetworks | |
aviation | |
aviation demand forecast | |
avoid lateness | |
B | |
battery electric vehicles | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bee Colony Optimization | |
behavioral sciences | |
Benchmarking Analysis | |
benchmarking framework | |
Betweenness centrality | |
bicycle sharing systems (BSS) | |
bicycle-specific power | |
bicycles | |
big data | |
bike-sharing | |
Bike-sharing services | |
biofuel | |
biomass | |
biorefinery | |
Bivariate Correlation | |
blockchain | |
Bluetooth | |
Bluetooth Detection | |
bottlenecks | |
BPMN modeling | |
Braess network | |
Braess’ Paradox | |
Brazil | |
Bridges Infrastructure | |
Building Evacuation | |
built environment | |
C | |
calibration | |
Candidate routes set | |
Capacity estimation | |
Car following | |
Car-sharing | |
cargo bikes | |
Case Study | |
CAV Cybersecurity | |
CAVs | |
cell transmission model | |
cell-phone data | |
cellular network data | |
Charge Management | |
charging infrastructure | |
Chassis Systems | |
Chi-squared test | |
choice criteria | |
City logistics | |
Classification models | |
climate relevant emissions | |
Closed Loop System | |
Closeness centrality | |
Clustering | |
CO2 emissions | |
CO2 pricing | |
coastal shipping | |
cognitive maps | |
collaboration | |
Collaborative Logistics | |
Collision avoidance | |
Column generation | |
commercial performance | |
competition with existing modes | |
competitive behaviour | |
Complex network | |
computer vision | |
Concept of Operations | |
Conflict avoidance strategy | |
Congestion | |
Connected and Automated Vehicles | |
connected and autonomous vehicles | |
connected automated vehicles | |
Connected Autonomous Vehicles | |
connected mobility | |
Connected Vehicles | |
connectivity | |
continuous approximation | |
Control Allocation | |
Controllability | |
Controller locations | |
Cooperative Path-Planning | |
cost modeling | |
crash data | |
Crew Scheduling Problem | |
Critical airports | |
critical density | |
Cross-Docking | |
Customer Acquisition | |
Customer Retention | |
cyber attack | |
cybersecurity | |
cycling | |
cycling infrastructure | |
cycling navigation | |
D | |
Data analytics | |
Data Envelopment Analysis | |
Data Mining | |
Data-driven Optimization | |
DEA | |
decarbonization | |
decision-making | |
Deep Neural Networks | |
Degree centrality | |
Delay Management | |
Delays | |
demand | |
Demand estimation | |
Demand management | |
demand responsive transportation (DRT) | |
Developing country | |
Dial-a-Ride Problem | |
Digital Forenscics | |
Direct costs of transport | |
disabled people | |
discounted toll | |
Disease spreading | |
display platforms | |
disruptions | |
dock-based systems | |
driver behavior | |
driver training | |
drivers’ distraction | |
Drivers’Visual Perception | |
driving behavior | |
driving simulation | |
driving simulator | |
Drones | |
drowsiness | |
DRT | |
dynamic congestion pricing | |
Dynamic Dial-A-Ride Problem | |
Dynamic modeling | |
Dynamic toll pricing | |
dynamic traffic assignment | |
dynamic traffic model | |
E | |
e-commerce | |
E-mobility | |
e-scooter | |
E-scooters | |
economic evaluation | |
efficiency | |
Elderly | |
Electric Bus | |
electric cargo bikes | |
electric vehicle | |
electric vehicle (EV) | |
Electric Vehicle Scheduling | |
Electric Vehicles | |
Electric Vehicles Penetration | |
electrification | |
elevated personal rapid transit | |
emission assessment | |
emissions | |
Empirical Data | |
Energy consumption and emission modeling | |
energy expenditure | |
Energy-Efficiency | |
ennergy efficency optimization | |
Environmental sustainability | |
Equipment Rate | |
evaluation | |
Evolutionary Algorithm | |
Expected earliness | |
Expected tardiness | |
experimentation | |
Explainable AI (XAI) | |
express freight | |
F | |
facility location problem | |
Fail-Safe Control | |
False Data Injection | |
fast charging | |
Fatalities | |
Fatalities by mode of transport | |
fault identification | |
FCD | |
Feature Engineering | |
first mile last mile | |
Fitting | |
Fleet Assignment | |
Floating Car Data | |
Floating Vehicle Data | |
flooding | |
Florianópolis | |
flow management | |
flying sidekick traveling salesman problem | |
Forecasting Bias | |
Forensics Readiness | |
Freeways | |
freight | |
Freight transport | |
freight transport sustainability | |
freight vehicles | |
fuel consumption | |
Fundamental diagram | |
Fuzzy set theory | |
Fuzzy-logic system | |
G | |
game theory | |
Gaussian Processes | |
Generalised cost of trips | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
Genetic Algorithms | |
GIS tools | |
GPS data | |
GPS devices | |
green logistics | |
ground autonomous delivery device | |
Group Maintenance | |
H | |
Heavy Duty Vehicles | |
heterogeneous sensing data | |
Heterogeneous traffic | |
Heuristic | |
Heuristics | |
Hierarchical Methods | |
highway | |
Highway network reliability | |
Highway safety manual | |
hubbing | |
hubs | |
Human Factor | |
Human Factors | |
I | |
Image Processing | |
impact assesment | |
Impact Bias | |
Incoterms clauses | |
India | |
Individual behaviours | |
information for multiple users | |
Infrastructure deterioration | |
Inland Freight Terminal Optimization | |
Integer Linear Programming | |
Intelligent Transportation System | |
intermodal rail-sea terminals | |
Intermodal transport systems | |
Intermodality | |
International delivery | |
intersection | |
Intersection Management | |
IoV Cybersecurity | |
islands | |
Islands Genetic Algorithm | |
J | |
Jordan | |
K | |
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale | |
L | |
Land-use | |
lane change advice | |
Lane-Changing Model | |
Large Neighborhood Search | |
Large scale network | |
last mile | |
last-mile delivery | |
Lifecycle Cost Model | |
Likert scale | |
line model | |
liner network design | |
Liner shipping application | |
link travel time | |
literature overview | |
Local Detectors | |
Location-Transshipment | |
Locker | |
Locomotive Scheduling Problem | |
Logistic regression | |
Logistics | |
M | |
MaaS | |
Machine learning | |
Machine Learning models | |
macroscopic demand modelling | |
Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram | |
Macroscopic traffic models | |
mainstream traffic flow control | |
maintenance | |
Maintenance Constraints | |
Managed lane | |
maritime | |
market exit | |
Mathematical programming | |
Matheuristic | |
Matheuristics | |
MATSim | |
max pressure | |
MD-(E-)VSP | |
measurement indicators | |
Merging and Lane Changes | |
Metaheuristic | |
Metro | |
Metro scheduling | |
micro mobility | |
micromobility | |
Microsimulation | |
MIP | |
Mixed Autonomous and Human-driven Traffic | |
mixed integer linear programming | |
Mixed Integer Optimization | |
mixed traffic | |
mixed traffic conditions | |
Mixed traffic flow | |
Mixed-Integer Linear-Program (MILP) | |
MMNL | |
MNL | |
Mobile data collection | |
Mobile depots | |
Mobile Ticketing | |
Mobility | |
Mobility as a Service | |
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) | |
Mobility Patterns | |
mobility planning | |
mobility services | |
Mobility typology | |
Mobility-on-demand systems | |
modal shift | |
Mode Choice | |
Mode choice dynamics | |
Mode choice model | |
Model Predictive Control | |
modelling | |
Monte Carlo approximation | |
motivation | |
motor vehicles | |
multi objective | |
multi regression model | |
Multi-agent simulation | |
Multi-commodity network flow | |
multi-objective optimization | |
Multi-source heterogeneous data | |
multicriteria decision aid(MCDA) | |
multimodal assignment | |
Multimodal Interaction Model | |
Multimodal transport | |
Multimodality | |
multivariate time series | |
N | |
Nash flows over time | |
NB | |
Neighbour Search | |
network control and management | |
network efficiency | |
Network optimization | |
Neural Networks | |
node | |
noise | |
O | |
O-D matrices | |
OD matrix | |
OLRs | |
On-demand ride services | |
on-road monitoring | |
online model parameter estimation | |
Online Traffic Maps | |
open data | |
Open- StreetMap | |
Operations Reasearch | |
optimal allocation of demand | |
optimisation | |
Optimization | |
optimization challenges. | |
Origin-Destination estimation | |
Origin-destination matrix | |
P | |
Park and Ride | |
parking | |
Parking Behaviour | |
Parking lot choice | |
participatory | |
Particle Swarm Optimization | |
paths and route choice models | |
Pedestrian Dynamics | |
Pedestrian Flow Experiments | |
pedestrian simulation | |
Penetration Rate | |
performance | |
Performance Assessment | |
Personal Mobility Devices | |
phone networks | |
Pick up and delivery | |
Pickup and Delivery | |
pilot demonstration | |
placemaking | |
POIs | |
Policy | |
polling systems | |
port management | |
port rail shunting operations | |
Pre-booking | |
Pricing | |
pricing policies | |
probabilistic estimation | |
probe vehicle data | |
Probe vehicles | |
Profits | |
prospect theory | |
Public transport | |
Public transportation | |
Public-transport demand | |
Python programming | |
Q | |
queue estimation | |
queueing networks | |
queuing network demand capacity | |
ququeing theory | |
R | |
Rail freight | |
rail maritime terminal operations | |
Rail port operations | |
Rail traffic | |
Railway Optimization | |
Railways | |
Ramp metering | |
Random Forest | |
Random Utility Maximization models | |
range extender | |
range limitation | |
rat-running | |
reaction time | |
real time coaching | |
Real-time crash prediction | |
real-time information systems | |
Real-world experiment | |
rear-end crashes | |
redundancy | |
regulatory focus | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
Reliability | |
reliability buffers | |
reliable transportation service | |
Reshuffling | |
Revenue and Fare Modelling | |
Revenue of transport services | |
Ride Sharing | |
ride-sharing | |
Road anomaly detection | |
Road crashes | |
road crossing | |
road freight transport | |
road network design | |
Road Pricing | |
road safety | |
Road safety levels | |
road safety performances | |
robo-taxis | |
Robust Regression | |
robustness | |
Roundabouts | |
route choice decision | |
route reservations | |
Route-Guidance | |
Route-Reservations | |
routing | |
Rural roads | |
S | |
safety | |
safety estimation | |
Safety performance | |
Safety performance function | |
Scheduling | |
Scrum | |
Sea Accidents | |
Sea Safety | |
Self organising systems | |
sensing | |
sensor faults | |
Sensors | |
Set partitioning formulation | |
Shared Autonomous vehicles | |
Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs) | |
shared mobility | |
Sharing mobility | |
shift | |
Shift2Rail | |
shipping | |
shockwave damping | |
shockwave detection | |
short-term traffic forecasting | |
Short-turning | |
Shunting yards | |
Signal Control | |
signalized intersection | |
Signalized Intersection Management | |
Signalized intersections | |
SIMP | |
Simulation | |
Simulation framework | |
Simulation Metamodels | |
slope failure | |
Slot Assignment | |
Smart Parking | |
Smartphones technology | |
social context | |
Social Networks | |
Southern Europe | |
Space clustering | |
spatial analysis | |
spatiotemporal structure | |
Special events | |
speed characteristics | |
speed deviation | |
speed variation | |
state space model | |
Stated Choice Survey | |
Stated Preference | |
Stated Preference Surveys | |
station location problem | |
stations | |
statistical modelling | |
Stevens’s power law | |
Stochastic frontier | |
stochastic optimization | |
stochastic travel times | |
street functional classification | |
Structural deterioration | |
students mobility | |
Study case | |
survey | |
Sustainable mobility | |
Sustainable mobility urban | |
sweep algorithm | |
Synchromodal Logistics | |
system dynamics | |
T | |
tabu search | |
Tactical Planning | |
tail | |
Temporal networks | |
Territorial mobility pattern | |
the Freedom of Mobility Survey | |
The peak–end rule | |
Time Loss | |
time windows | |
Tollbooth operators | |
traffic analysis | |
traffic assignment | |
traffic conflicts | |
traffic congestion | |
Traffic control | |
traffic count | |
Traffic data | |
traffic emissions | |
traffic flow optimization | |
Traffic modeling | |
Traffic models | |
traffic safety indicators | |
traffic simulation | |
traffic state estimation | |
traffic-related impacts | |
Trafic Assignment | |
trafic microsimulation | |
train circulation | |
train regulation | |
Train Scheduling | |
Train Scheduling and Routing | |
Train Timetabling | |
Trajectory Optimization | |
transatlantic air traffic | |
transfer passengers | |
Transfers | |
transit assignment | |
transit hubs | |
transit line | |
Transit network design | |
transit-oriented city | |
transport demand modeling | |
transport geography | |
transport model | |
transport modelling | |
transport planning | |
Transport Simulation | |
transportation | |
transportation economics | |
transportation infrastructure | |
Transportation network | |
Transportation Systems | |
travel behavior | |
travel behaviour | |
travel mode | |
Travel survey | |
Travel Time | |
Travel time forecast | |
travel time prediction | |
travel time spent | |
Trip chaining | |
Trip Chaining Method | |
trip patterns | |
Trip Shifting | |
Trucks | |
Trust | |
TSP with drones | |
Two-echelon distribution systems | |
two-echelon electric vehicle routing problem | |
typology | |
Typology of car-sharing users | |
U | |
UAS | |
university | |
urban | |
Urban Air Mobility | |
urban and regional mobility | |
Urban Consolidation Centre | |
Urban Decorum | |
urban freight distribution | |
Urban Freight Transport | |
urban management | |
urban mobility | |
Urban mobility innovations | |
Urban Planning | |
Urban regions | |
usage behavior | |
user equilibrium | |
user perspective | |
V | |
value | |
Variable Message Signs | |
Variable Speed Limit | |
Vehicle allocation | |
Vehicle dynamics | |
Vehicle Parking Events | |
vehicle queue | |
vehicle routing | |
vehicle routing problem | |
Volunteered geographic information systems | |
W | |
walking | |
Weighted DEA | |
Willingness to cycling | |
Wireless sensor networks | |
Y | |
young adults |