Days: Wednesday, September 16th Thursday, September 17th Friday, September 18th
Wednesday, September 16th
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09:30-10:30 Session W1: Plenary Talk by Hani Mahmassani, Northwestern University Transportation Center
Location: Adonis
09:30 | If Cars Could Fly: Dynamic Operation of Urban Air Mobility Networks and 4D System Fundamental Diagrams (SFD) (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session WA1: Freight Transport
Location: Adonis
11:00 | Accessibility analysis for Urban Freight Transport with Electric Vehicles (abstract) |
11:20 | Modeling demand for deliveries by cargo bicycles in the Old Town of Krakow (abstract) |
11:40 | On the spatial feasibility of crowdshipping services in university communities (abstract) |
12:00 | Modelling the urban freight flows for impact assessment of the urban consolidation centres by using the origin-destination matrices (abstract) |
12:20 | A meta-analysis of autonomous vehicles services simulations (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session WA2: Logistics Optimisation 1
Location: Poseidon
11:00 | The multi-commodity network flow problem with soft transit time constraints (abstract) |
11:20 | Hybrid Metaheuristic Approach to Solve the Problem of Containers Reshuffling in an Inland Terminal (abstract) |
11:40 | The Synchronized Location-Transshipment Problem (abstract) |
12:00 | Potentialities of Ground Autonomous Delivery Devices and Drones for Urban Last-Mile Logistics (abstract) |
12:20 | An exact approach for a new truck and drone delivery problem (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session WA3: Decision Support and Simulation Systems
Location: Ermis
11:00 | An integrated model system tool to evaluate the impact of urban mobility policies on air pollution: Barcelona case study (abstract) |
11:20 | Development of an information system for cycling navigation (abstract) |
11:40 | Reducing Elevated Gravitational-Force Events through visual feedback: a simulator study (abstract) |
12:00 | Flows Over Time as Continuous Limits of Packet-Based Network Simulations (abstract) |
12:20 | A decision support system for policy design and sustainability assessment of mobility systems in emerging cities (abstract) |
14:10-15:50 Session WB1: Rail Transport Systems 1
Location: Adonis
14:10 | Minimising the travel time on congested urban rail lines with a dynamic bi-modeling of trains and users (abstract) |
14:30 | Integration of BPMN Modeling and Multi-actor AHP-aided Evaluation to Improve Port Rail Operations (abstract) |
14:50 | A Matheuristic for Solving the Locomotive Scheduling Problem with Maintenance Constraints for the Rail Cargo Austria (abstract) |
15:10 | An advanced methodology for microscopic train timetabling: Application of state-of-the-art techniques to a Swiss case study (abstract) |
15:30 | A multi-dimensional assessment framework of transit hubs (abstract) |
14:10-15:50 Session WB2: Big Data and Machine Learning
Location: Poseidon
14:10 | Spatiotemporal cross-validation of urban traffic forecasting models (abstract) |
14:30 | Pattern Recognition in Road Bridges’ Deterioration Mechanism: an Artificial Intelligence Approach for Analysing the US National Bridge Inventory (abstract) |
14:50 | Modeling Car Following with Feed-Forward and Long-Short Term Memory Neural Networks (abstract) |
15:10 | Do Vehicles Sense, Detect and Locate Speed Bumps? (abstract) |
15:30 | Travel mode classification of intercity trips using cellular network data (abstract) |
14:10-15:50 Session WB3: Logistics Optimisation 2
Location: Ermis
14:10 | Combining Simulation and Optimisation to Design Reliable Transportation Services with Autonomous Fleets (abstract) |
14:30 | Solving a Biorefinery Location Problem Case in Spain: Uncertainty in Strategic Decisions (abstract) |
14:50 | A Metaheuristic Solution Approach to Solving the Multi-DepotVehicle Scheduling Problem for Electric Buses ConsideringTimetable Modifications (abstract) |
15:10 | A green logistics solution for last-mile deliveries considering e-vans and e-cargo bikes (abstract) |
16:20-18:00 Session WC1: Rail Transport Systems 2
Location: Adonis
16:20 | Metro Scheduling for Special Events (abstract) |
16:40 | Railway freight node capacity evaluation: a timetable-saturation approach and its application to the Novara freight terminal (abstract) |
17:00 | Optimization challenges and literature overview in the intermodal rail-sea terminal (abstract) |
17:20 | Discerning Primary and Secondary Delays in Railway Networks using Explainable AI (abstract) |
17:40 | A data analytics approach for departure delays from shunting yards (abstract) |
16:20-18:00 Session WC2: Traffic Estimation and Prediction
Location: Poseidon
16:20 | Evaluation of Stationary, Link-based and Floating Vehicle Data for Estimating Travel Times on Freeways (abstract) |
16:40 | Estimation of Penetration Rates of Floating Car Data at Signalized Intersections (abstract) |
17:00 | A simulation-based evaluation of travel time prediction algorithms on freeways using floating car data (abstract) |
17:20 | Bluetooth Traffic Data for Urban Travel Time Forecast (abstract) |
17:40 | Probabilistic Traffic State Estimation using spacing measurements (abstract) |
16:20-18:00 Session WC3: Logistics Optimisation 3
Location: Ermis
16:20 | Heuristic methods for minimal controller location set problem in transportation networks (abstract) |
16:40 | A multi objective approach for DRT service using tabu search (abstract) |
17:00 | A generic mathematical formulation for two-echelon distribution systems based on mobile depots (abstract) |
17:20 | A MIP Based Approach to Minimize Timetable Deviations in Passenger Train Services (abstract) |
17:40 | Solving the Railway Crew Scheduling Problem for the Rail Cargo Austria (abstract) |
Thursday, September 17th
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09:30-10:30 Session T1: Plenary Talk by Petros Ioannou, University of Southern California
Location: Adonis
09:30 | Safe Merging and Lane Changes of Autonomous Connected Vehicles in Traffic Congested Environments (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session TA1: Safety and Security 1
Location: Adonis
11:00 | A Review of the use of traffic simulation for the evaluation of traffic safety levels: can we use simulation to predict crashes? (abstract) |
11:20 | Investigating the Role of the Human Element in Maritime Accidents using Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Methods (abstract) |
11:40 | Fatal road crashes in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi: contributing factors and data-driven safety recommendations (abstract) |
12:00 | Signalized intersections and roundabouts: an in-service safety performance evaluation in Abu Dhabi (abstract) |
12:20 | A comparative simulator study of reaction times to yellow traffic light under manual and automated driving (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session TA2: Survey Transport Applications
Location: Poseidon
11:00 | The Impact of Trucks on the Bluetooth Equipment Rate on Freeways (abstract) |
11:20 | The Role of Port Authority in New Blockchain Scenarios for Maritime Port Management: The Case of Denmark (abstract) |
11:40 | Challenges for obtaining a system-optimal traffic distribution by giving route advice due to the biased memory of congestion (abstract) |
12:00 | Speed Characteristics of Heterogeneous Traffic in Inter-Urban Roads in Indonesia (abstract) |
12:20 | Hands-on experience of a MaaS demonstration in Budapest (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session TA3: Traffic Control Strategies 1
Location: Ermis
11:00 | A reinforcement learning-based dynamic congestion pricing method for the morning commute problems (abstract) |
11:20 | Traffic control algorithms for mixed vehicle traffic - A simulation-based investigation (abstract) |
11:40 | Route Reservation Architecture in Tandem Transportation Networks with the Asymmetric Cell Transmission Model (abstract) |
12:00 | Price dependent flexible route-reservation architecture (abstract) |
12:20 | Impact of Intersection Management on Energy-Efficiency when Mixing Electric and Combustion Vehicles (abstract) ![]() |
14:10-15:50 Session TB1: Safety and Security 2
Location: Adonis
14:10 | European Countries’ Road Safety Evaluation by taking into account Multiple Classes of Fatalities (abstract) |
14:30 | Predictive group maintenance for networks of bridges, based on condition and criticality analysis (abstract) |
14:50 | Real-time conflict prediction: a comparative study of machine learning classifiers (abstract) |
15:10 | EPAS Fail-Safe Control using Differential Braking (abstract) |
15:30 | Measuring impacts of rat-running driver behaviour in urban environment using GPS-based traffic data (abstract) |
14:10-15:50 Session TB2: Air Transport Networks (Invited Session)
Location: Poseidon
14:10 | Transfer rates and flows in international air transport - Global and regional distribution and development (abstract) |
14:30 | Estimating the market potential for long-haul narrowbody aircraft using origin-destination demand and flight schedules data (abstract) |
14:50 | Market Exit of Air Berlin: An Analysis of Competitive Pricing on Domestic O&Ds in the German Market (abstract) |
15:10 | How would ambitious CO2 prices affect air transport? (abstract) |
15:30 | Investigating and Identifying Critical Airports for Controlling Infectious Diseases Outbreaks (abstract) |
14:10-15:50 Session TB3: Traffic Control Strategies 2
Location: Ermis
14:10 | Synchronous Intersection Management to reduce Time Loss (abstract) ![]() |
14:30 | When automation is not enough: combining technology and policy to reduce traffic congestion in Florianopolis (abstract) ![]() |
14:50 | Path-Planning for Automated Vehicles in a Cooperative Framework (abstract) |
15:10 | Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning Signalling Strategies on the large-scale network of Nicosia (abstract) |
15:30 | Exploring the influence of automated driving styles on network efficiency (abstract) |
16:20-18:00 Session TC1: Cybersecurity of Connected and Automated Vehicles (Invited Session)
Location: Adonis
16:20 | Addressing Cybersecurity in the Next Generation Mobility Ecosystem with CARAMEL (abstract) |
16:40 | A Full-fledge Simulation Framework for the Assessment of Connected Cars (abstract) |
17:00 | A benchmarking framework for cyber-attacks on autonomous vehicles (abstract) |
17:20 | Impact of False Data Injection attacks on Decentralized Electric Vehicle Charging Protocols (abstract) |
17:40 | Enabling Digital Forensics Readiness for Internet of Vehicles (abstract) |
16:20-18:00 Session TC2: Air Transport Operations (Invited Session)
Location: Poseidon
16:20 | The Tail Assignment Problem. A Case Study at Vueling Airlines (abstract) |
16:40 | Tuning the fuzzy logic system by two meta-heuristics: case study of airline market share on long-haul routes (abstract) |
17:00 | Examining legal requirements for a ground infrastructure at airfields as part of an automated, emission-free airfreight transport chain (abstract) |
17:20 | Connectivity and network robustness of European integrators (abstract) |
16:20-18:00 Session TC3: Human Factors and Travel Behaviour
Location: Ermis
16:20 | Understanding the determinants of spatial-temporal mobility patterns based on multi-source heterogeneous data (abstract) |
16:40 | Cluster analysis of parking behaviour: A case study in Munich, Germany (abstract) |
17:00 | Evaluation of Factors Affecting Performance of Tollbooth Operators using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)- An Indian Experience (abstract) |
17:20 | Understanding mobility patterns and user activities from geo-tagged social networks data (abstract) |
17:40 | Determinants for walking and cycling to a university campus: insights from a participatory Active Travel workshop in Malta (abstract) |
Friday, September 18th
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09:30-10:30 Session F1: Plenary Talk by Stephane Hess, University of Leeds
Location: Adonis
09:30 | Travel behaviour modelling with novel data sources (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session FA1: Vehicle Routing Problems
Location: Adonis
11:00 | The multi-vehicle profitable pick up and delivery routing problem with uncertain travel times (abstract) |
11:20 | Using a Route-based and Vehicle Type specific Range Constraint for Improving Vehicle Routing Problems with Electric Vehicles (abstract) |
11:40 | An improved Ant-Colony Optimization model for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickups and Deliveries: the case of a mediterranean freight transport logistics company (abstract) |
12:00 | Ant colony optimization for the electric vehicle routing problem with time windows (abstract) |
12:20 | Sweep Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session FA2: Transport Analysis 1
Location: Poseidon
11:00 | A Study of the Impact of the Transport Queue Structure on the Traffic Capacity of a Signalized Intersection Using Neural Networks (abstract) |
11:20 | Estimation of Link Reliability under Natural Disaster Environment (abstract) |
11:40 | Developing Policy Framework of Dynamic Toll Pricing in India (abstract) |
12:00 | An efficient approach to create agent-based transport simulation scenarios based on ubiquitous Big Data and a new, aspatial activity-scheduling model (abstract) |
11:00-12:40 Session FA3: Demand and Choice Modeling
Location: Ermis
11:00 | A bilevel model for public transport demand estimation (abstract) |
11:20 | Designing on demand mobility services: A simulation based case study (abstract) |
11:40 | Trip chaining impact on within-day mode choice dynamics: Evidences from a multi-day travel survey (abstract) |
12:00 | Towards a Game Theoretic Approach to Model Pedestrian Road Crossings (abstract) |
12:20 | Using Floating Car Data in Route Choice Modelling - Field Study (abstract) |
14:10-15:50 Session FB1: Shared Mobility 1
Location: Adonis
14:10 | Improving Sharing Rates of a Dial-a-Ride Problem implemented for an Austrian Mobility Provider (abstract) |
14:30 | Typology of pioneering car-sharing users in an emerging market. Case study of the Czech Republic (abstract) |
14:50 | A study of users’ preference after a brief exposure in a Shared Autonomous Vehicle (SAV) (abstract) |
15:10 | Assessing Two-way and One-way Carsharing: an agent-based simulation approach (abstract) |
15:30 | Assessment of a Shared-Taxi Routing Service for Disabled People: Barcelona Case Study (abstract) |
14:10-15:50 Session FB2: Transport Analysis 2
Location: Poseidon
14:10 | A simulation assessment of shockwave detection and damping algorithms based on magnetometers and probe vehicle data (abstract) |
14:30 | Comparative evaluation of macro and micro approaches to emission modeling using GPS data: a case study (abstract) |
14:50 | Clustering of fundamental traffic relations for capacity estimation (abstract) |
15:10 | Linking the microscopic traffic flow mechanics with the macroscopic phenomena by exploiting class-type traffic information retrieved from online traffic maps (abstract) |
15:30 | Automated vehicles (AV) dedicated networks and their effects on the traveling of conventional vehicle drivers (abstract) ![]() |
14:10-15:50 Session FB3: Traffic Demand Estimation
Location: Ermis
14:10 | Uncovering mobility typologies of territorial zones based on Floating Car Data mining (abstract) |
14:30 | Joint Calibration for DTA Model Using Islands-GA and PC-SPSA (abstract) |
14:50 | Mining passenger’s regional intermodal mobility from smartcard data (abstract) |
15:10 | Estimating Aggregated Origin-Destination Matrices from Automatic Fare Collection (abstract) |
15:30 | Fault-Adaptive Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation using the Cell Transmission Model (abstract) |
16:20-17:40 Session FC1: Shared Mobility 2
Location: Adonis
16:20 | Determining the optimal locations for bike-sharing stations: methodological approach and application in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece (abstract) |
16:40 | Understanding behaviour among bicycle sharing system users in Southern European island cities (abstract) |
17:00 | Exploring the factors affecting bike-sharing demand: evidence from evidence from student perceptions, usage patterns and adoption barriers (abstract) |
17:20 | A beautiful fleet: optimal repositioning in e-scooter sharing systems for urban decorum (abstract) |
16:20-17:40 Session FC2: Transport Analysis 3
Location: Poseidon
16:20 | Potential of Shared Taxi Services in Rural Areas – A Case Study (abstract) |
16:40 | Planning EV Charging Infrastructures : A Literature Review (abstract) |
16:20-17:40 Session FC3: Public Transport Planning and Operation
Location: Ermis
16:20 | Combining Simulation and Optimization for Traffic Disturbance Recovery in a Busy Metro System (abstract) |
16:40 | Real-time information systems for public transport: user perspective (abstract) |
17:00 | Public transport reliability: the spatio-temporal accessibility case (abstract) |
17:20 | Accessibility as an indicator to estimate social exclusion in public transport (abstract) |