Days: Thursday, October 12th Friday, October 13th Saturday, October 14th
Thursday, October 12th
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08:00-09:00Registration & Continental Breakfast
09:30-10:00 Session 2: Opening Keynote
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
09:30 | The Legacy of John Dewey and the Center for Dewey Studies |
10:30-12:00 Session 3A: Education, Democracy, and Inquiry (Remote Talks)
Stephen Houchins (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
10:30 | The Experimental Method: How the World Educates Us (abstract) |
11:00 | Education as Inquiry: How Deweyan Approach to Education Could Foster Students’ Autonomy (abstract) |
11:30 | Conventional Education, Dewey and Makiguchi’s Education Philosophy, and Quality of Education: Exploring the meaning and role of a Value Platform created by people. (abstract) |
10:30-12:00 Session 3B: Democracy and Education: Problems and Prospects
Mark Tschaepe (Prairie View A&M University, United States)
Location: Illinois (River Rooms)
10:30 | Dewey’s Educational Legacy in Contemporary European Democratic Theory (abstract) |
11:00 | Can Schools Support Social Change? (abstract) |
11:30 | Pragmatic Naturalism and the Care Crisis in Education (abstract) |
10:30-12:00 Session 3C: Art, Design, and Science
J. Dalton Winfree (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ohio (River Rooms)
10:30 | Artistic Imagination in Science Education (abstract) |
11:00 | The Art of Looking: The Albert Barnes and John Dewey Legacy (abstract) |
11:30 | Designing for Progress: Integrating Dewey’s Ethics and Design Thinking in the Creative Industries (abstract) |
10:30-12:00 Session 3D: Global Connections
Scott Stroud (The University of Texas at Austin, United States)
Location: Mississippi (River Rooms)
10:30 | Influence of John Dewey on “Village Institutes” Practice in the Early Period of the Turkish Educational System. (abstract) |
11:00 | Revisiting Dewey and Gandhi: Exploring Their Educational and Social Thought in 21st Century India (abstract) |
11:30 | Dewey Prophet or Philosopher of Democracy? (abstract) |
13:15-14:30 Session 4: Plenary Panel: Dewey in China
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
13:15 | Beyond the five steps: A remaking of Dewey's model of reflective thinking (abstract) |
13:45 | A Winding Course: John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education in China, 1906-2022 (abstract) |
14:45-15:45 Session 5A: Remote Flash Talks
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
14:45 | Eros and Demos: Reading John Dewey in the Arab World (Remote) (abstract) |
14:50 | Dismantling the Brahmanic Past: Ambedkar's Deweyian Perspective (Remote) (abstract) |
14:55 | The Practical, Experiment and Try-on:The Refraction of Dewey’s Pragmatism in Chinese Culture (Remote) (abstract) |
15:00 | Neuropragmatism: Getting a Grip on the past and Future Evolution of the Embodied Embedded Mind (Remote) (abstract) |
15:05 | A Deweyan Analysis on the National Education Policy 2020 of India (Remote) (abstract) |
15:10 | A New Word for an Old Spirit: Observations of American Pragmatism in Democracy in America (Remote) (abstract) |
15:15 | Dewey’s Influence on the Concept of Habit in Lipman’s P4C (abstract) |
14:45-15:45 Session 5B: Industrial and Vocational Education
Kristen Cameron (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Illinois (River Rooms)
14:45 | Lesson on Industrial Education: The Significance of Dewey's Relationship with the Chicago Manual Training School (abstract) |
15:15 | On the Social Origins of Mindful Manual Labor: An Invitation to Rethink Dewey's Notion of Occupations (abstract) |
14:45-15:45 Session 5C: Philosophy for Children
Tadd Ruetenik (St. Ambrose University, United States)
Location: Ohio (River Rooms)
14:45 | Philosophy for Children: A Deweyan Legacy in Transition (abstract) |
14:45-15:45 Session 5D: Panel Session
Kenneth Stikkers (Southern Illinois University Carbondale, United States)
Location: Mississippi (River Rooms)
14:45 | Panel: The Conservatism of the Liberal Arts: A Pragmatist Approach (Book-in-progress) (abstract) |
16:15-17:45 Session 6A: Dewey Studies Mentoring Session
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
16:15-17:45 Session 6B: Tour of the Center for Dewey Studies
Stephen Houchins (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Meet at Corker Lounge
19:00-20:30Conference Dinner
19:15-20:15 Session 7: Keynote Lecture
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
19:15 | Dewey, Eastern Humanism, and Education (abstract) |
Friday, October 13th
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08:00-09:00Continental Breakfast
09:00-10:00 Session 8: Keynote Lecture
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
09:00 | Young Citizens and Divisive Concepts: A Call for Deweyan Inquiry in our Classrooms (abstract) |
10:30-12:00 Session 9: Flash Talks
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
10:30 | (Re)Learning How to Play: Reflections on Design and Makerspaces (abstract) |
10:35 | Reading Baburao Bagul: A new Dewey-Ambedkar and Marxist Praxis of Education for Reconstruction of Society (abstract) |
10:40 | Pragmatic Ignorance as Resistance to Post-Truth (abstract) |
10:45 | Living Together: The Metaphysics of Radical Democracy (abstract) |
10:50 | Learning by Doing? Covid, Homeschooling and the Future of Education. (abstract) |
10:55 | A Deweyan Approach to Incorporating Sid Meier’s Civilization VI in the Classroom (abstract) |
11:00 | On the Gettier Problem: Virtue Epistemology and John Dewey’s Theory of Knowing (abstract) |
11:05 | Dewey's Democracy and Education: Ideals and Today's Legacy (abstract) |
11:10 | #WhatDeweyDo: The School and Society in an Age of Instagram and Insta-Shipping (abstract) |
11:15 | Asynchronous Discussion Boards as a Space to Support Experiential Learning (abstract) |
11:20 | Education and Its Ironic Nature (abstract) |
13:15-14:45 Session 10A: Praxis, Society, and Democratic Education (Remote Talks)
Joshua Grese (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
13:15 | Dewey’s Notion of Praxis and Its Implications in Democratic Education (abstract) |
13:45 | The Social Basis of Democratic Education. Dewey, Fromm, and Pragmatist-Inspired Sociological Ethics (abstract) |
14:15 | Dewey and Critical Pedagogy: Democratic Experimentalism and/as Emancipation (abstract) |
13:15-14:45 Session 10B: Dewey's Philosophy of Education
Michael Timm (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Illinois (River Rooms)
13:15 | Education and Morals In Dewey's Philosophy (abstract) |
13:45 | Dewey’s Philosophy of Education as Habit Engineering: A Critical Approach (abstract) |
14:15 | Dewey’s Educational Spiral and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: a Framework for Mutual Enrichment (abstract) |
13:15-14:45 Session 10C: Case Studies
Lisa Gilbert (Washington University in Saint Louis, United States)
Location: Ohio (River Rooms)
13:15 | Founding, Finding, Thinking, Thanking: Epistemological Reflections on the Dynamics of John Dewey’s Influence on the Park School of Buffalo (abstract) |
13:45 | Place-Based Pedagogy: Lessons from John Dewey’s Laboratory School and the Reggio Emilia Educational Project (abstract) |
14:15 | Looking at Prison Education Through a Deweyan Lens (abstract) |
13:15-14:45 Session 10D: Panel Session
Barbara Stengel (Vanderbilt University, United States)
Location: Mississippi (River Rooms)
13:15 | Object Lessons: A Deweyan Approach to Public Philosophy Education (abstract) |
15:00-17:00 Session 11A: Educational Connections (Remote Talks)
Grant Miller (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
15:00 | Promoting Democracy in the Mathematics Classroom (abstract) |
15:30 | John Dewey and the Pedagogy of Creativity: Towards a New Learning Process (abstract) |
16:00 | Dewey’s Ecological Psychology: Selectively Permeability, Multiculturalism and Affordances in Education (abstract) |
16:30 | Swarm Intelligence, Angry Mobs, and Herds of Sheep: Democratic Education and the Complexity of Populism (abstract) |
15:00-17:00 Session 11B: Ecological Themes
Nicholas Guardiano (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Illinois (River Rooms)
15:00 | From Deweyan Gardening to Ecological Consciousness: Environmental Studies in an Era of Global Environmental Crisis (abstract) |
15:30 | Dewey and Outdoor Education (abstract) |
16:00 | Neither “True Being” nor “Cosmic Pyrotechnics”: Dewey’s Naturalistic Metaphysics & Environmental Pedagogy (abstract) |
16:30 | Ecologies of Elegance: A Deweyan Legacy for Participatory Democratic Education (abstract) |
15:00-17:00 Session 11C: Critical and Activist Perspectives
Stephen Houchins (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ohio (River Rooms)
15:00 | Anti-Wokeness and the Quest for Certainty: A Deweyan Critique of DeSantis' School Agenda (abstract) |
15:30 | The Unfixed Nature of the Aims of Education: A Deweyan Critique of the Critical Thinking vs. Character Education Debate (abstract) |
16:00 | Queering Dewey: Playing and Growing Beyond Heteronormative Curricula (abstract) |
16:30 | Democracy, the Neoliberal Arts, and Human Capital (abstract) |
15:00-17:00 Session 11D: Panel Session
Kevin Decker (Eastern Washington University, United States)
Location: Mississippi (River Rooms)
15:00 | John Dewey and Democracy: The Reconstruction of Philosophy and Education in India (abstract) |
17:30-18:30 Session 12: Keynote Lecture
Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Guyon Auditorium (Library)
17:30 | Pragmatism Studies in China |
19:45-20:45Dinner on your own
Saturday, October 14th
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08:00-09:00Continental Breakfast
09:00-10:30 Session 13A: Global Perspectives (Remote Talks)
Johnathan Flowers (California State University Northridge, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
09:00 | The Interpretation of Deweyan Democratic Education in China ——from the View of Intercultural Dissemination (abstract) |
09:30 | Education as an Ever-Present Process: Erasure Poetry on Be/Coming a Deweyan Inspirited Teacher (abstract) |
10:00 | Ghost or Phantom? The Revival of (the Spirit) of Dewey’s Village Institutes in Türkiye (abstract) |
09:00-10:30 Session 13B: Intellectual Influences and Connections
Randall Auxier (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Illinois (River Rooms)
09:00 | John Dewey, American Hegelianism, and the Continuing Unfolding of American Democratic Education (abstract) |
09:30 | Dewey and Nietzsche: Truth Aware of Itself as a Problem (abstract) |
10:00 | ‘Soul’ as the Meaningful Unity of an Ideal in Reality & Growth (abstract) |
09:00-10:30 Session 13C: Epistemology, Science, and Education
Andrii Leonov (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Ohio (River Rooms)
09:00 | Dewey on Conceptual Change: Implications for Science and Education (abstract) |
09:30 | Dewey on Knowledge and Knowing (abstract) |
10:00 | Epistemology for Everyone? Philosophy without Philosophers for an Age of Epistemic Democracy (abstract) |
11:00-12:30 Session 14A: Philosophy, Politics, and Aesthetics (Remote Talks)
Bethany Henning (Xavier University, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
11:00 | Dewey’s Legacy in Matthew Lipman and Philosophy for Children (abstract) |
11:30 | Power of Mutual Learning: John Dewey’s Interaction with May Fourth Movement (abstract) |
12:00 | Traditions as Collective Artworks: A Tentative Approach for a Parallel Reading of Dewey and Brandom (abstract) |
11:00-12:30 Session 14B: Intellectual Legacies
Danica Jenck (Southern Illinois University, United States)
Location: Illinois (River Rooms)
11:00 | Rorty and Bernstein in Conversation: Where do things stand? (abstract) |
11:30 | The Legacy of "A Common Faith" in the Thought of Philip H. Phenix (abstract) |
12:00 | Banausic Pragmatism: Dewey and the World at Work (abstract) |
11:00-12:30 Session 14C: Panel Session
Becky Noël Smith (California State University, Fresno, United States)
Location: Ohio (River Rooms)
11:00 | Deweyan Democracy in a Digital Age (abstract) |
13:15-13:45 Session 15: Closing Keynote
Kenneth Stikkers (Southern Illinois University Carbondale, United States)
Location: Ballroom D
13:15 |