This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
' | |
'Smart' agenda | |
( | |
(re)design | |
A | |
academic aeromobility | |
activity | |
activity timespace | |
adaptation | |
Adaptive thermal comfort | |
affordability | |
agent-based modelling | |
air travel | |
anthropology | |
Asia | |
assemblages | |
austerity | |
automation | |
Automobility paradigm | |
B | |
Basic/fundamental needs | |
Behaviour change | |
behavioural norms | |
Bicycles | |
Biofuels | |
biography | |
Biovallée France Drôme | |
Body | |
building management | |
building use | |
buildings | |
buildings' occupants | |
Built environment characteristics | |
bundles of practices | |
Business practices | |
Business travel | |
C | |
Calculation standards | |
car driving | |
car fleet managers | |
car parking | |
car sharing | |
car-sharing | |
Carbon reduction | |
Care | |
career | |
case studies | |
Causation | |
central heating system | |
Change | |
Change as a long term process | |
Change as embedded within everyday life | |
Change as hard work | |
Change as time-consuming | |
change over time | |
Charging | |
children | |
China | |
circulation of elements | |
Cleanliness | |
Clusters | |
co-housing | |
co-presence | |
Code for Sustainable Homes | |
Collaboration | |
collaborative consumption | |
collective learning process | |
comfort | |
commercial property | |
community energy | |
Commuting | |
complex subjectivity | |
Complex Systems | |
Complexity theory | |
Congolese migrants in France | |
connectivity demand | |
constraints | |
consumer acceptance | |
consumer figures | |
Consumers | |
Consumption | |
Consumptive practices | |
control | |
convenience | |
Conventions | |
convergence | |
cooking | |
Copenhagen | |
costs | |
craftmen groups | |
Creativity | |
crisis | |
Cross cultural situations | |
Cross-cultural | |
Cross-national | |
Cultural context and social norm | |
Cultural representations | |
D | |
Daily activity patterns | |
Decision-making | |
Demand | |
Demand for travel | |
Demand management | |
Demand Response | |
Demand-side management | |
demand-side response | |
Demand-Supply Interface | |
Demanding professional work | |
Democratic republic of Congo | |
design | |
Design of energy renovation projects | |
Design practices | |
Design process | |
detached houses | |
discursive practice | |
District heating | |
Divergence | |
domestic | |
domestic energy | |
domestic energy consumption | |
Domestic heating | |
domestication | |
E | |
eating | |
eating patterns | |
economic stress | |
economies of scale | |
economies of sharing | |
electric consumption | |
Electric two-wheelers | |
electric vehicles | |
electrical signature | |
Electricity | |
electricity load profiles | |
Electricity network | |
emails | |
end-users | |
Energy | |
Energy & Transport Policy | |
Energy access | |
Energy consumption | |
Energy Culture | |
energy demand | |
Energy demand futures | |
Energy Distribution | |
Energy ecologies | |
energy efficiency | |
energy futures | |
energy geographies | |
Energy in Water | |
Energy Inequality | |
Energy intensity of activities | |
energy management | |
energy need | |
Energy performance gap | |
Energy performance of buildings | |
energy policies | |
energy policy | |
Energy poverty | |
energy practices | |
Energy price elasticity | |
Energy prices | |
Energy Profiles | |
Energy Projections | |
energy scenarios | |
energy scripts | |
energy services | |
Energy transition | |
energy transitions | |
energy vulnerability | |
energy-saving | |
Entitlement | |
Environmental sustainability | |
ethnography | |
Europe | |
European Union | |
Evaluation | |
Events | |
Every day sharing | |
everyday life | |
Evolution and continuity | |
excessive energy use | |
F | |
Facility management | |
feedback | |
field trial | |
flexibility | |
flexible demand | |
Food provisioning and consumption | |
Foresight | |
France | |
fuel poverty | |
Funding programmes | |
future | |
future grid | |
Future imaginaries | |
Futures | |
G | |
geography | |
global retroffit offer | |
Global South | |
Governance | |
Governance and citizenship | |
Government policy | |
graph theory | |
Greece | |
Greenfield Music Festivals | |
H | |
Hanoi | |
heating engineer | |
Heating patterns | |
Historic change | |
History of Instrumentality | |
home | |
home energy demand | |
home* | |
Hong Kong | |
Household | |
Household Emissions | |
Household Responsibilities | |
households | |
Households practices and rationales | |
Housing | |
Housing tenure | |
Human development | |
Human need | |
human needs | |
Human Well-Being | |
human-technology interaction | |
HVAC | |
I | |
ICT | |
Implicit | |
in vitro and in vivo experiments | |
Indoor air temperature | |
Indoor-outdoor | |
Information technologies | |
Infrastructure | |
infrastructures | |
Innovation in practice | |
installation | |
Institution | |
Institutions | |
instrument constituencies | |
Interdisciplinary | |
Intermediation | |
International comparison | |
International Emissions | |
international trends | |
Internet | |
Interpretive flexibility | |
Invisible | |
Island Communities | |
K | |
knowing governance | |
L | |
landlords | |
large houses | |
Laundry | |
leisure | |
Leisure and exercise | |
Lifestyles | |
lighting | |
literature review | |
Living Lab* | |
living laboratory | |
load shifting | |
Local authorities | |
local energy transition | |
Local governance | |
Local interventions | |
Lock-in | |
low-carbon | |
Low-carbon urban mobility | |
Low-energy housing | |
M | |
machinic regime | |
Management | |
Manufacturing Environment | |
master-planned housing estates | |
material elements | |
Materialities | |
materials | |
Mauritius | |
meanings | |
meanings of home | |
Meat-centric meal | |
Media | |
Media discourses analysis | |
methodology | |
Middle classes | |
mobilities | |
Mobility | |
mobility systems | |
Money | |
Moto-mobilities | |
Motorbikes | |
Multi-level perspective | |
Multiple sites of energy demand | |
multiplicity | |
N | |
Narrative | |
need satisfaction | |
Neighbourhoods | |
neon lighting | |
network analysis | |
Network theory | |
Networked infrastructures | |
Networks | |
new potential of energy efficiency | |
non-domestic | |
Non-residential buildings | |
Not presenting | |
Novel collaborations in the housing sector | |
O | |
obduracy and persistence | |
Office Environment | |
offices | |
older people | |
Organisations | |
P | |
Panel data | |
participatory planning process | |
Path dependency | |
paths | |
Pattern mining | |
Peak energy demand | |
peak shaving | |
Peer-to-peer | |
performation struggle | |
Performativity | |
pets | |
place | |
places | |
planning | |
planning processes and intervention | |
Platforms | |
Policy | |
policy as practice | |
political economy | |
politics | |
politics of governance experiments | |
Pop-ups | |
Population movements | |
Posters | |
potential pathways | |
poverty | |
power | |
Power relations | |
practice | |
Practice network analysis | |
Practice theory | |
practices | |
Prediction | |
Private Ownership | |
product-service systems | |
professional pathways | |
Professional practice | |
professionals | |
professions | |
projects | |
Prosumer | |
Prosumers | |
provision | |
psychosocial studies | |
ptimization | |
Public Participation | |
Q | |
qualitative | |
R | |
railway operation | |
Random effects model | |
Rates of change | |
real estate agents | |
realizing governance instruments | |
reflexive engagement with governance technologies | |
Reflexive governance (of practice) | |
regimes of governance technology | |
remote presence | |
renewable energy | |
Renewable Energy Sharing | |
renovation process | |
rented multi-family dwellings | |
repeat interviews | |
Residential building | |
Residential electricity demand | |
residential energy | |
residential energy consumption | |
Residential energy uses | |
rhythm | |
rhythms | |
rural ageing | |
rural energy | |
Rural India | |
S | |
Satisfier | |
satisfiers | |
scheduling | |
Science fiction | |
scripts | |
self-building | |
shared installations | |
Sharing | |
sharing cities | |
Sharing Economy | |
short-term and long-term trajectories of practices | |
simplicity | |
Situated Energy Knowledges | |
skills | |
Smart grid | |
Smart grids | |
smart home | |
smart homes | |
smart technology | |
smartgrid | |
social and material change | |
social change | |
Social housing | |
Social norms | |
social practice | |
social practice theory | |
social practices | |
social space* | |
Sociality | |
socio-technical artefacts | |
socio-technical-economic transitions | |
Sociological field study | |
sociology of markets | |
sociology of translation | |
Sociotechnical systems | |
solo living | |
South America | |
southeast asia | |
space | |
space heating practices | |
space of market coordination | |
spatial analysis | |
spatial scenario | |
Spatially mobile practices | |
stability | |
standards | |
steer | |
steering | |
steering demand | |
Steering low carbon transitions | |
stigmatization | |
subjective well-being | |
subjectivity | |
Sufficiency | |
survey | |
sustainability | |
Sustainability goals | |
Sustainable consumption | |
Sustainable diets | |
Sustainable Energy Transitions | |
sustainable mobility | |
Switzerland | |
synchronicity | |
systemic innovation | |
Systems of practice | |
T | |
technical space* | |
Technical systems | |
Technology adoption | |
Teleo-affectivities | |
temporalities | |
Temporality | |
Temporariness | |
tenants | |
Territories | |
the making of energy demand | |
the meaning of home | |
thermal comfort | |
Thermal expectation | |
thermal experience | |
Third place | |
Time | |
Time dependence | |
time geography | |
Time use | |
time use surveys | |
time-diaries | |
time-geography | |
time-space paths | |
Time-use | |
timetabling | |
traction energy | |
Transformational change | |
transitions | |
transitions in governance regimes | |
Transport | |
transport poverty | |
Travel | |
Travel behaviour change | |
Travel Demand | |
travel to work | |
Trends | |
U | |
ubiquitous computing | |
UK | |
underconsumption | |
unsteering | |
Urban automation | |
Urban development projects | |
urban retrofitting | |
urban retrofitting governance | |
Urban Transformations | |
V | |
Velomobilities | |
visaualisation | |
Visitors | |
vulnerability | |
W | |
Water | |
Welfare | |
Willingness to pay | |
Winter | |
work of architects and engineers | |
working from home | |
Working Practices | |
workplace | |
Z | |
Zero emissions* |