This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D imaging | |
3D Scanning | |
3D structures | |
A | |
active Brownian particles | |
Ad-hoc teamwork | |
adaptive sampling | |
aerial surveillance | |
agent based dynamics | |
Agent-based model | |
aggregations | |
aggression | |
AGVs | |
Alarm propagation | |
Animal behaviors | |
animal tracking | |
Ant trail | |
arboreal ants | |
Armadillidium nasatum | |
Armadillidium vulgare | |
Artificial Evolution | |
Artificial life | |
Artificial neural networks | |
Assembly | |
Attack-defense Game | |
Augmented Intelligence | |
Augmented Reality | |
automated driving | |
Automated monitoring | |
automated storage and retrieval systems | |
Automation | |
autonomous agent | |
autonomous control | |
B | |
Behavioral Simulator | |
Behaviour Trees | |
Best-M-of-N | |
Best-of-N | |
Bifurcation | |
bio-inspired | |
Bio-Inspired Robotics | |
biogenic flows | |
biomimetics | |
Biorobots | |
Bipartite Graph | |
biped robot | |
bipedal locomotion | |
Bistability | |
Blockchain | |
Body flexibility | |
boundary crisis | |
Bounding | |
Brain-Machine Interaction | |
branch | |
Bumblebee | |
C | |
C. elegans | |
Caging | |
Car-sharing systems | |
Cell fate specification | |
Central pattern generators | |
chaos | |
chase and escape | |
chemotaxis | |
climbing robot | |
clique-based distributed control | |
Collaborative transport | |
collapsed building | |
Collective alarm response | |
Collective behavior | |
collective behaviors | |
collective decision-making | |
collective learning | |
collective retrieval | |
Collective Transport | |
Collision avoidance | |
communication | |
Communication topologies | |
complex network | |
Complex System | |
Computer Vision | |
connectivity | |
Consensus | |
consensus algorithm | |
consensus algorithms | |
consensus control | |
constrained consensus | |
construction | |
contact | |
Control Barrier Function | |
Convolutional Neural Network | |
cooperation | |
cooperative actions | |
cooperative behavior | |
cooperative control | |
Cooperative localization | |
cooperative movement | |
cooperative transport | |
Cooperative Transportation | |
coordinated motion | |
coverage | |
Coverage control | |
COVID-19 | |
Creeping Robot | |
crowd dynamics | |
Crystal growth | |
cyborg insects | |
D | |
data-driven modelling | |
decentralized control | |
decentralized systems | |
Deception | |
Decision making | |
Deep Learning in Behavioral Ecology | |
deep reinforcement learning | |
Defense Strategy | |
Deformability | |
Deformable robot | |
delay | |
Distributed Classification | |
Distributed computation | |
distributed control | |
distributed decision-making | |
distributed multi-robot systems | |
distributed printing | |
distributed programming | |
distributed search | |
Distributed Situational Awareness | |
distributed system | |
diversity | |
Division of labor | |
domain of danger | |
dominance hierarchy | |
Dorylinae | |
dynamic environments | |
E | |
echo state networks | |
economic activity | |
education | |
educational escape room | |
efficiency | |
Embodiment | |
entrainment effect | |
entrainment effect, | |
environmental stimuli design | |
event-trigger | |
evidential theory | |
evolution | |
evolutionary robotics | |
evolutionary swarm robotics | |
Exercise Guidance | |
experimental demonstration | |
Explainable AI | |
exploration | |
extendable snake-like robot | |
Extended Kalman Filter | |
external disturbances | |
F | |
failure recovery | |
farthest agent targeting | |
Fault Tolerant | |
feedback control | |
Feedforward Proportional-Derivative Controller | |
Feral horse | |
Field instruments | |
field robotics | |
fireflies | |
flock | |
Flocking | |
Flow Networks | |
Flow Sensing | |
fluidic artificial muscles | |
fNRIS | |
fore-hind asymmetry | |
Formal methods | |
formation control | |
Formation movements | |
Frequency response | |
future state maximisation | |
G | |
gait generation | |
Gait transition | |
Galloping | |
game theory | |
Games of incomplete information | |
gamification | |
Gaussian Mixture | |
Gene regulatory network | |
GPS data | |
Graph Coloring | |
graph theory | |
graph-based speciation | |
group action | |
group living | |
group navigation | |
Growing Population | |
H | |
H-infinity performance | |
hamiltonian | |
Hardware | |
helicoidal rolling motion | |
heteroclinic tangency | |
heterogeneity | |
heterogeneous agents | |
heterogeneous boid | |
heterogeneous teams | |
Heuristic for cooperative planning | |
Homeostasis | |
Honey bees | |
hopping rover | |
Hub-Based Colonies | |
human crowd | |
Human-machine systems | |
human-swarm interaction | |
Hybrid dynamical systems | |
I | |
impact posture | |
impulse | |
indirect reciprocity | |
Individual tracking | |
Individuality | |
inertial delay | |
Information flow | |
information gain | |
information map | |
Information Sampling | |
Informative path planning | |
innate motivation | |
insect behaviour | |
Interaction | |
intrinsic motivation | |
K | |
Knowledge Co-creation | |
L | |
landmark identification | |
leader-follower | |
learning | |
Levy walk | |
Light Communication | |
limit cycle walking | |
Limited bandwidth | |
Linkage Logic theory | |
localization | |
locomotion | |
Logistics | |
Low-bandwidth communication | |
Lower-limb exoskeleton locomotion control | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Macroeconomic model | |
map learning | |
MAPD | |
marker | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Markov Decision Processes | |
mathematical model | |
Mathematical simulation | |
Mean-Field Model | |
Mechanical action potential | |
Methodology | |
Min-consensus control | |
minimal approach | |
MinPos | |
MIPS | |
Mobile robot exploration | |
mobile robotics | |
mobile robots | |
Modular robot | |
Molecular Chemistry | |
Monodomous ants | |
mosquito | |
motion analysis | |
motion generation | |
Motor Images | |
Multi-agent | |
multi-agent networks | |
Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning | |
multi-agent system | |
multi-agent systems | |
Multi-legged Robot | |
multi-robot | |
multi-robot coordination | |
multi-robot planning | |
Multi-Robot System | |
Multi-robot Systems | |
multi-robot tracking | |
Multiagent System | |
multimodal optimization | |
Multiple Agent Systems | |
mutual concession | |
mutual shaping | |
N | |
naming game | |
natural algorithms | |
navigation | |
navigation control | |
nest construction | |
Network of Robots | |
Network systems | |
Network Topology Control | |
networked control systems | |
neural ordinary differential equations | |
neuroevolution | |
nonlinear dynamics | |
numerical control | |
O | |
object detection | |
object manipulation | |
object transportation | |
online onboard evolution | |
oscillatory pattern | |
P | |
particle swarm optimization | |
Passive dynamic walking | |
Passive dynamic walking, | |
path entropy | |
Path Planning | |
path-following | |
pattern matching | |
Pedestrian flow | |
performance analysis | |
Perimeter Defense | |
PHD filter | |
Phenotypic Inheritance | |
Pheromone | |
Piecewise scan sampling | |
pipe | |
playful learning | |
pneumatic artificial muscles | |
Polydomous ants | |
polynomial approximation | |
port-controlled Hamiltonian | |
Pose estimation | |
power management | |
precision farming | |
predation risk | |
primates | |
probability hypothesis density filter | |
Problem solving | |
Programmable Matter | |
proximity graph | |
public engagement | |
Q | |
quadruped gait | |
R | |
Random walk | |
Range based localization | |
Real-time pricing | |
Reflex motion | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
relative measurement | |
rescue robot | |
resilience | |
responsible research and innovation | |
Rigidity graph theory | |
Roadmap optimization | |
robot localization | |
Robot Swarms | |
Robot videography | |
robotic construction | |
Robotic self-reconfiguration | |
Robotic self-repair | |
Robotic self-replication | |
Robotics | |
Robots | |
Robust adaptive control | |
Robustness | |
S | |
Safety Criteria | |
Sampled information | |
Search and Rescue | |
self-assembly | |
self-organization | |
self-propelled particle | |
self-reconfiguration | |
Semantic action recognition | |
Sensing topologies | |
sensor fusion | |
shaft rotation friction | |
Shape Formation | |
shape-based compliance control | |
sheepdog-type navigation | |
shepherding | |
signaling | |
simple model | |
sliding | |
Slippery ground | |
slippery road | |
small-world networks | |
smectic liquid crystal | |
snake locomotion | |
snake robot | |
Snake Robots | |
snake-like robot | |
Social insect | |
Social insects | |
social structure | |
soft actuators | |
Soft Robot | |
soft robotics | |
software engineering | |
Spatial relationship | |
speciation | |
spectral graph theory | |
Spring-mass model | |
Stability analysis | |
Statistical analyses | |
stigmergy | |
stochastic | |
Supervisory Control | |
Surface tension | |
swarm | |
Swarm Behavior | |
swarm control | |
Swarm intelligence | |
swarm robot | |
Swarm robotic system | |
swarm robotics | |
Swarm systems | |
swarming | |
Swarms | |
swimmer | |
switched systems | |
T | |
t-SNE | |
Target Tracking | |
Task allocation | |
task-independent fitness | |
Tegotae-based control | |
Tensegrity | |
termites | |
Tetrahymena | |
Thermal performance | |
Thermal regulation | |
Trade Theory | |
Traffic management | |
Trajectory tracking control | |
transport networks | |
tunneling | |
Twisting Motion | |
U | |
UAV | |
under actuation | |
underactuated system | |
Underwater multi-robot systems | |
Underwater snake robots | |
Undulatory Locomotion | |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | |
Unsupervised behavioral classification | |
V | |
Variatonal autoencoder | |
vision | |
voice reminder | |
W | |
Wobbling mass | |
X | |
X-ray CT scanner | |
Z | |
zero dynamics | |
Zero-sum Game |