Accepted Papers
The list of accepted papers is also available with abstracts.
- Lei Cao, Wei Shang and Shiyao Xie. 基于AGNN舆情指数网络的物价预测研究 (details)
- Yidong Chai, Ruicheng Liang, Sagar Samtani, Hongyi Zhu, Meng Wang, Yezheng Liu and Yuanchun Jiang. Additive Feature Attribution Explainable Methods to Craft Adversarial Attacks for Text Classification and Text Regression (details)
- Jianyu Chen and Changyu Wang. An algorithm paradox: Are gig workers full to enjoy job flexibility advertised by and then identify with the platform? (details)
- Jing Chen, Rong Dai and Yifan Wu. Research on freshness-keeping investment decision of two-echelon cold chain considering freshness and survival rate (details)
- Yanhong Chen, Zhenyuan Zhang and Luning Liu. Are You Really Texting the Right Promotional Messages? Evidence from the Probability Distance and Construal Level Theory (details)
- Yanhong Chen, Zhenyuan Zhang and Luning Liu. Who will be Your Target Customer: A Novel Approach to Predicting Consumer Repurchase Based on Evidence Theory in Airlines (details)
- Yanhong Chen, Zhenyuan Zhang and Luning Liu. How to Promote the Repurchasing Behavior of Members? Based on the Matching Consistency Effect and Construal level Theory (details)
- Yanan Cheng, Baojun Gao and Jiao Chen. Employee-organization fit, employee online rating and company value: A textual analysis based on Glassdoor platform and financial reports (details)
- Mingjia Cui and Yan Song. 结构功能主义视角下城市社区突发公共卫生事件应急处置能力模型构建研究 (details)
- Xinran Dai and Jing Wang. 在线视频信息娱乐化对注意力经济的影响研究 (details)
- Haowen Deng, Yifan Dou, Zenan Wu and Cheng Zhang. Versioning Player-versus-Player Online Games: A Tournament Design Perspective (details)
- Qinyi Dong, Lele Kang and Qiqi Jiang. ttention Allocation to Customer Feedback: Absorbing Knowledge from Management Responses for Digital Innovation (details)
- Gu Dongxiao, Li Min and Liu Hu. 在线心理健康社区支持寻求者认知改变的识别:基于回帖视角的文本数据分析 (details)
- Yifan Dou, Ming Sun and Baojun Ma. 基于组有向无环图骨架学习算法的移动应用间使用关联识别研究 (details)
- Jing Fan and Huihui Geng. 在线医疗平台中医生自我价值体现信息对用户决策的影响 (details)
- Jing Fan, Hao Jiang and Jicheng Yang. 2016-2020年在线健康领域研究热点与前沿的可视化分析 (details)
- Junlin Gao, Wuyue Shangguan and Shun Cai. Predicting Firm Risk with Investors’ Social Media Discussions Based on Textual Analysis (details)
- Sijia Gao, Tingting Song and Pengzhu Zhang. The Janus Face of Cross-Platform Spillover (details)
- Shuang Geng, Gemin Liang, Yuqin He, Tongtong Xing, Sili Wen and Hong Wang. Investigating the determinants of depression among Chinese elderly : a machine learning approach based on SHAP (details)
- Rui Gu, Huiying Zhao and Chang Zhou. Interventions to Reduce Misinformation Dissemination on Social Media: A Systematic Literature Review (details)
- Jiayan Guo, Jian Tang and Yanlin Ma. Investigating the Factors for Public Service Capacity of Digital Government in China: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (details)
- Xinxin Guo, Qianru Li and Haiyan Wang. 感知价值不确定下数据产品交易抽样策略分析 (details)
- Yan Guo, Yan Song and Mingyue Zhang. 从赋能到使能——大数据环境下的突发事件应急管理 (details)
- Wei He and Youwei Wang. Rational Addiction in Chronic Disease Self-Management (details)
- Jian Hou. 数字化转型推动了制造业低碳技术创新吗? 知识重构中介与知识共享调节 (details)
- He Huang and Yiming Zhao. Identifying the Combinations of Question-related Characteristics for Acquiring Better Answer Outcomes in Academic Social Q&A: An FsQCA Approach (details)
- Lin Huo. 投资者关注度的度量及其作为股票市场风险因子的实证研究 (details)
- Lin Jia, Ying Zhang, Zhijun Yan and Yuyao Zhou. Factors Affecting Users' Behavior Intentions of Emotional Chatbot (details)
- Mingxia Jia, Yuxiang Zhao and Xiaokang Song. 数智化时代人文学者的数字囤积行为探索及对数字学术的启示 (details)
- Jin Jiali and Zhang Hongyu. 基于混合3D卷积融合评级与在线评论的景点推荐方法研究 (details)
- Hongyan Jiang, Xueling Sun, Mengting Zhang and Tian Liu. The influence mechanism of shared language of doctors' popular science works on patients' online consultation intention:An empirical study based on text mining (details)
- Ting Jiang, Qiang Yan and Lingli Wang. Stereotype effects: How do robots’ voice types affect customer tolerance of robot service failures? (details)
- Yue Jiang, Mingyue Zhang and Baojun Ma. 在线医美平台服务承诺对消费者购买意愿的影响研究 (details)
- Junwei Kuang and Zhijun Yan. 考虑多任务的问答社区专家推荐方法 (details)
- Jiaying Li and Lu Zhang. How proactive behaviors of doctors affect their individual e-consultation service quantity in online healthcare communities? A cross-level moderation model (details)
- Liting Li, Haichao Zheng and Dahui Li. 人机融合信息市场中机器收益分享设计对参与人活跃度的影响研究 (details)
- Minghui Li and Yan Wan. Norms or Fun? The Influence of Ethical Concerns and Perceived Enjoyment on the Acceptance of Deep Synthesis Applications (details)
- Ninghao Li and Youwei Wang. An Empirical Investigation of Green Commuting in Mega Cities (details)
- Ping Li, Young Hoon Chang and Siew Fan Wong. Continue Staying in Online Health Platforms or Not: The Moderator Role of Threat Appraisal (details)
- Shiyong Li and Wenzhe Li. A Market-based Framework for Enterprise Applications Migration to the Cloud in the Digital Economy Era: A Cross-layer Resource Allocation View (details)
- Tianrou Li and Meiqin Pan. Research on the influence of executive change on enterprise credit risk based on KMV model (details)
- Ting Li and Feng-Hua Wang. 人工智能服务代理拟人化及对消费者的影响 (details)
- Xiaobo Li, Shun Cai, Xin Fu and Bin Fang. Platform affordance as job resources: job crafting and online retention of physicians in online health communities (details)
- Xinyue Li, Shijie Song and Xiaokang Song. How do Internet use and involvement impact on residents’ attitude to healthcare in China: Evidence from propensity score matching analysis (details)
- Zhenghua Li and Shilun Ge. Research on the Exploitative and Explorative Innovation Value of Cloud Computing from the Perspective of Environmental Characteristics (details)
- Zhi Li, Lin Wang and Shen Duan. User’s Virtual Social Needs and Playlist Selection Behavior: Design Implications for Online Music Platform (details)
- Li Lin, Hong Zhu, Yan Wu and Qianzhou Du. 彩礼必要性讨论对婚姻信任的影响——基于微博数据的研究 (details)
- Jing Liu and Xin Wang. Risk Evaluation Method of Listed Enterprise Financing based on D-AHP and TOPSIS (details)
- Kan Liu, Hongrui Zhou and Yueting Hou. 共享医疗平台如何实现价值共创?——一个探索性单案例研究 (details)
- Ling Liu, Ying Fu and Xiaohan Yuan. A Context-Based One-Shot Information Extraction Model for Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases (details)
- Qihua Liu and Jiawen Wu. 在线评论失效了吗?直播电商中在线评论对消费者退货意愿的影响研究 (details)
- Shucheng Liu. 基于网络搜索数据和深度神经网络的社会消费品零售总额预测研究 (details)
- Siduo Liu and Yue Jin. 从院线到流媒体:消费者的观影偏好与长尾效应分析 (details)
- Xiangqian Liu, Hua Yuan and Yu Qian. 突发奇想还是深思熟虑,评论新颖性的来源 (details)
- Xinhui Liu, Kaiwen Bao and Lele Kang. Update Strategy of Mobile Apps: A Hidden Markov Model (details)
- Yichen Liu, Jingyi Yuan, Qiuzhen Wang and Xixian Peng. 社交聊天机器人虚拟形象呈现方式对用户自我披露的影响 (details)
- Yuan Liu, Jialing Zhang and Siyi Dong. 面向IOIS的临近度与跨组织协作关系研究:基于复杂网络方法 (details)
- Yuru Liu, Yan Wan and Jun Kang. Impact of Community-based Governance Mechanisms on Transaction Intention in Second-hand Trading Platform (details)
- Yutong Liu, Zifei Wang, Beiyi Li and Cheng Luo. The Effects of Co-viewers’ Danmaku on Consumers’ Purchase Intention in E-commerce Live Streaming (details)
- Benjiang Lu, Kexin Huang and Xiaolin Li. Could you please write down my name? An investigation of a new strategy of merchant review manipulation (details)
- Wenxing Lu and Ren Huanyu. 基于小波分解和ARMA-GARCH-GRU组合模型的制造业PMI预测 (details)
- Baojun Ma, Yixing Song, Yi Chen and Jian Zhang. 一美胜千言?社会责任报告美观度对企业债务融资成本的影响研究 (details)
- Xiaoqian Ma, Wei Shang and Ying Liu. 技术创新风险评价指标体系构建方法研究 (details)
- Zhenni Ni, Zhijian Zhang and Wenxuan Gui. Online Health Misinformation Detection: Fusing Medical Knowledge Graph and Neural Network (details)
- Ruhuan Pang, Peijian Song and Ji Xia. 用户投诉对数字平台供给端的影响研究——来自租房平台的证据 (details)
- Zhen Peng, Yunxiao Zhang, Yunchong Wang and Tianle Tang. Outlier detection and association discovery of air pollution emissions from industrial enterprises driven by big data (details)
- Ziqing Peng and Yan Wan. 智能性与融洽性 ——教育机器人的学生接受动因混合研究 (details)
- Guijie Qi, Yujie Wang, Jingci Xie and Chunlin Song. 创意语言风格对创意扩散度影响研究 (details)
- Min Qin, Shanshan Qiu, Wei Zhu and Shuqin Li. public crisis events management by the extended TODIM method (details)
- Xukun Qin, Yihan Deng, Weiyu Guo, Zhiya Zuo and Xi Wang. Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Policy Support System for COVID-19 (details)
- Shouxiang Qiu, Mohammad Zainuddin, Israr Qureshi and Ling Zhao. Navigating Ethical Complexities in Blockchain-Enabled Food Supply Chains in Developing Countries (details)
- Shuyi Qiu and Ling Ma. 从浏览到回答:注意力分配视角下问答社区流量转化的组态研究 (details)
- Jianchen Ran and Ling Ma. 在线问答社区用户知识贡献行为的发展轨迹:基于潜类别增长模型的研究 (details)
- Yansong Shi, Cong Wang, Xunhua Guo and Guoqing Chen. Personalized Recommendation through Disentangled Representation Learning of Consumers’ Multiple Digital Footprints (details)
- Wen-Lung Shiau, Chang Liu and Cong Cao. 探讨数字经济背景下数字支付领域中用户意愿与行为关系:系统性综述研究 (details)
- Jingqi Su and Jian Zhang. 公众关注与分析师访问:来自中国资本市场的证据 (details)
- Peixiang Sun, Jing Cao and Wei Shu. Information technology investment and enterprise quality development (details)
- Shouqiang Sun, Ziming Zeng and Qingqing Li. Multimodal Negative Sentiment Recognition of Online Public Opinion on Public Health Emergencies Based on Fusion Strategy (details)
- Tianzhi Sun, Jinxing Hao and Jun Wang. 基于可解释性机器学习模型的选品经验挖掘 (details)
- Shi Tang and Yifan Dou. “病毒” 型软件产品的推荐奖励策略: 内生网络外部性的视角 (details)
- Fei Wan, Zongrui Xu, Fupeng Zhou and Mohan Wang. Social Capital and Participant Retention in Online Mental Health Community: Quantifying the Relative Effect of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital (details)
- Fei Wan, Fupeng Zhou, Zongrui Xu and Mohan Wang. The Effect of Image Features on Product Sales: Evidence from an Online Food Delivery Platform (details)
- Fei Wang, Zhiqin Cui, Linmao Ma, Shiwei Yu, Yi Hu and Hua Tong. 中国新能源政策的时空演化和发文主体协同研究:文本挖掘和共现网络的分析视角 (details)
- Feifei Wang, Xiao Lei and Weimin Xia. 国际联合资助与国际合作发文的网络演化关联研究 (details)
- Fuyu Wang, Xiao Xu and Kang Zhang. Construction and Validation of Comprehensive Satisfaction Model for Multi-cycle Emergency Supplies Scheduling (details)
- Gaoshan Wang and Yilin Dong. 基于社交媒体大数据的意见分歧、投资者情绪与股票流动性关系研究 (details)
- Gaoshan Wang and Yue Wang. 媒体关注度对碳中和概念股股票异常收益的影响:投资者情绪的调节作用 (details)
- Guoxin Wang, Kanliang Wang and Beifang Guan. Rationality or Sensibility? The Effects of Relational Chatbots’ Conversational Styles and Anthropomorphic Avatars on Users’ Engagement (details)
- Jinzhao Wang, Yifan Dou and Lihua Huang. 数据要素驱动的企业竞争和产品个性化决策 (details)
- Mohan Wang, Jiaying Zhang and Fei Wan. Competition or Promotion among Listings of the Multi-Listing Host - The Spillover Effects of Online Reviews (details)
- Siran Wang, Lingli Wang and Qiang Yan. Exploring Appropriate Communication Styles for Chatbots in Service Recovery (details)
- Tianzi Wang, Xusen Cheng, Jingyuan Cai and Yangjun Li. 老年人未来时间观对短视频持续使用的影响研究—基于社会情绪选择视角 (details)
- Wenzhuo Wang and Qiuli Qin. 基于多源数据融合的缺血性脑卒中用药风险预警研究 (details)
- Xin Wang, Wei Tang, Wangwei Wu and Fang Wang. 视频-广告内容相关度对消费者品牌态度的影响研究 ——基于fMRI的证据 (details)
- Xiwei Wang and Ran Luo. 在线智能问诊聊天机器人用户采纳前因的组配模型与作用方式研究 (details)
- Yisu Wang and Kanliang Wang. 多任务社交推介系统中信息框架设计对用户参与意愿的影响 (details)
- Yujia Wang and Yifan Dou. 考虑用户留存能力的内容平台的作品贡献衡量方法 (details)
- Yujie Wang, Guijie Qi, Kaiping Wang and Chunlin Song. 基于网络志方法的开放式创新平台领先用户识别研究 (details)
- Shihong Weng. 耦合悬浮:数字政府平台的区-街统合异构 ——对上海市“一网统管”的实证分析 (details)
- Chuanhui Wu, Rui Wang, Yusheng Zhou, Ying Liu and Qinjian Yuan. 消费者如何参与移动医疗平台服务价值共创?基于IS有效使用视角 (details)
- Lanteng Wu and Yanwu Yang. 基于广义Lanchester模型的闭环双寡头广告策略 (details)
- Shuang Wu, Yang Liu and Xiuwu Liao. How Do Product Review Videos Affect Viewer Attitudes: A Mixed-Method Investigation (details)
- Yike Wu, Shan Liu and Guangsen Si. 在线健康平台医生团队多样性对其绩效的影响研究 (details)
- Mengqi Xiang, Yunshuang Yu and Aihui Chen. What Capabilities Can Make AI Voice Assistance Appear More Intelligent? ——The Evidence from Xiao Ai Classmate (details)
- Shi Xiaowei and Qiang Wei. 基于互惠和竞争的职位推荐—一种可解释的双边异构图机器学习模型 (details)
- Jie Xiong and Meiyun Zuo. Research on Topic Extraction of User Reviews of the Mobile Platform of Medical and Senior Care (details)
- Liwei Xu, Yanxia Lu and Jiangnan Qiu. The Relationship between Contents and Information Behaviors in the Social Media Context of Nature Disaster Event (details)
- Wuhuan Xu, Zhong Yao, Yuanhong Ma and Kailin Zhou. 新冠疫情期间的旅游情感变化——从PAD情感的视角 (details)
- Jiaxin Xue, Zhaohua Deng and Tailai Wu. Donations to Medical Crowdfunding Projects: A Dual-System Theory perspective (details)
- Rui Xue and Claude Baron. A Framework for standardizing enterprises’ systems engineering processes (details)
- Jin Yan, Yimeng Zhang and Changyu Wang. Who, how, and when: Understanding the middle-aged and elderly’s subjective well-being on short-video platforms (details)
- Bo Yang, Yongqiang Sun and Xiao-Liang Shen. Empathic AI agents and Human-AI Relationship: Impact Mechanisms, Comparative Effects, and Journey Stage Differences (details)
- Siyi Yang and Yifan Dou. Best Deals for Livestreaming Fans: A Negotiation Model under the Influencer's Reputation Concern (details)
- Wenyu Yang and Peijian Song. Heterogenous Cross-Side Network Effects in Two-Sided Platform: Implications of Individual Suppliers and Professional Suppliers (details)
- Xiting Yang and Yan Li. 基于改进LDA的疫情前后在线医疗评论患者情感倾向分析 (details)
- Pei Yin and Jun Zhang. 面向在线健康社区融合效用与兴趣的用户健康干预推荐策略研究 (details)
- Qiuju Yin, Haoyue Fan, Junwei Kuang and Zhijun Yan. Suicide Risk Prediction Based on Deep Learning (details)
- Ruoxuan Yu and Junjie Zhou. 在线医疗平台中用户信任的影响因素研究 (details)
- Yaqin Yuan, Yafen Yuan and Linlin Liu. Research on credit risk identification and prediction of supply chain finance (details)
- Shi Yuxuan and Wang Tianmei. Credit card default risk prediction based on improved CatBoost algorithm (details)
- Shouzhen Zeng, Na Zhang and Chonghui Zhang. 基于WEPLPA-CPT-EDAS方法的社区团购平台评价选择模型 (details)
- Chen Zhang and Jia Li. Research on the influencing factors of the intelligent safe driving assistance system effectiveness in enterprises (details)
- Ling Zhang, Haiyang Feng and Nan Feng. 零工经济下按需服务平台定价及用工模式选择研究 (details)
- Manyang Zhang, Junwei Kuang and Zhijun Yan. The effect of informational disclosure and emotional disclosure on reply volume in online depression community (details)
- Pengcheng Zhang and Jiayin Qi. 经济政策不确定性与加密货币收益稳定性 (details)
- Wen Zhang, Rui Xie and Qiang Wang. 网络视角下用户行为对比特币价格波动影响研究 (details)
- Xiaomeng Zhang, Jason Aimone, Abdelaziz Alsharawy, Sheryl Ball and Alec Smith. Pupil-linked arousal, attention and static risk lottery choice (details)
- Xiaoyang Zhang, Yifan Dou and Chenghong Zhang. 企业数据联邦学习的收益分享机制研究 (details)
- Xin Zhang, Peng Yu and Liang Ma. How enterprise social media use affect job performance: A new perspective of working and non-working time (details)
- Xu Zhang and Yifan Dou. On-Platform Advertising by Content Creators (details)
- Yanlin Zhang, Xuwei Zhang, Hongting Tang and Xueyan Wu. CIO如何突破数字化创新中的资源困境:拼创和议题营销视角的QCA组态分析 (details)
- Yi Zhang, Ning Zhang and Zhiwei Zhang. 数字经济驱动下我国低碳发展路径研究 ——基于30个省域的模糊集定性比较分析 (details)
- Yini Zhang and Aihui Chen. Increasing Crystallized Intelligence through Multimodal Interactions in AI-powered Learning (details)
- Yiwen Zhang and Nianxin Wang. 企业IT双元能力的培育-基于CIO与TMT知识交互视角 (details)
- Zhenyuan Zhang, Yanhong Chen and Luning Liu. 在线旅行社渠道的引入对于民航旅客收益的影响研究:基于一项准实验 (details)
- Yuning Zhao and Tianmei Wang. AR试妆技术如何影响体验型产品的消费者购买决策? (details)
- Puxiong Zhou, Meiyu Pan and Haoyun Chen. 激励还是抑制?网络效应对共享住宿平台房东响应行为的影响 (details)
- Yanju Zhou and Haoyi Wang. 考虑有偿线上服务的双渠道医药零售商定价和服务策略研究 (details)
- Runge Zhu and Cheng Yi. Avatar Design in Virtual Reality: The Effect of Avatar Similarity in Procedural and Creative Tasks (details)
- Xiaoqian Zhu, Hao Sun, Yanpeng Chang and Jianping Li. Financial distress prediction based on textual risk disclosures in financial reports (details)
- Lingling Zou, Hui Yuan, Yi Chen and Baojun Ma. 用户生成内容平台中推荐榜单对商户的影响——以大众点评必吃榜为例 (details)
- 兴 万 and 小龙 马. 平台发展不同阶段影响本地服务企业绩效的组态研究 (details)
- 琳 付 and 媛 张. 基于微博数据的上海新冠疫情线上求助时空分析 (details)
- 雨潇 兰, 良成 李 and 红波 刘. 政务界面公共服务感知绩效的影响因素研究 (details)
- 国华 刘 and 雅涵 兰. 民间借贷风险传导下的公共危机管理研究/Public Crisis Management under Private Lending Risk Transmission (details)
- 念 刘 and 文立 李. 同伴效应对中国农村家庭借贷渠道选择的影响 (details)
- 璐成 吕 and 亚娟 赵. 基于专利数据的机构技术创新能力测度方法及其应用 (details)
- 嘉辉 吴, 雅静 刁 and 世伦 葛. 电商直播情境下主播表达风格对购买行为的影响机理研究 (details)
- 书静 展, 栋 孔 and 光强 南. 政府助农直播对消费者购买意愿的影响研究 —基于社会影响理论的视角 (details)
- 恒 崔, 淞乔 杨, 晗祯 房, 九溥 刘 and 子源 刘. Evaluation of livability of Wuhan under ecological construction and analysis of its spatial pattern (details)
- 芮 幸 and 红宇 张. 基于景点视觉信息的个性化旅游路线推荐研究 (details)
- 明华 张 and 威 严. 智能电视中的内容产品相似度与消费者留存 (details)
- 孝娟 徐, 泽瑞 赵, 曼丽 吴 and 士杰 宋. 面向短视频平台的非遗信息搜寻行为影响因素研究 —基于层次回归和模糊集定性比较方法 (details)
- 陈 思航, 冯 海洋 and 李 敏强. 内容平台电商业务的渠道模式研究 (details)
- 刘 敏, 任 钟媛 and 吕 英超. 基于混频数据的互联网金融风险测度及预测研究 (details)
- 顺 李, 莉 李 and 白雪 陈. 会话分析视角下在线客服对消费者购买转化的影响研究 (details)
- 德相 杨 and 剑锋 李. 融合多特征的改进Stacking金融欺诈检测研究 (details)
- 亿平 江, 婷 张, 争鸣 夏 and 德俊 郑. 基于在线评论情感分析模型的鲜果动态定价研究 (details)
- 潘 煜, 李 思毅 and 王 墨涵. 图片评论数字化加工程度对消费者购买意愿影响研究——认知信任的中介效应* (details)
- 念新 王 and 佰慧 时. 基于多层线性模型的众筹绩效影响因素研究 (details)
- 晨 王 and 天梅 王. 新冠疫情防控常态化背景下公众倦怠情绪成因研究 (details)
- 晓旭 田, Xinhua Bi, Caining Li and Yihao Yang. How to use government short videos to promote policy compliance: evidence from China in times of COVID-19 (details)
- 祥真 祝 and 德华 何. 消费者区块链食品追溯系统使用意愿的影响因素研究 (details)
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