This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D CFD (computational fluid dynamics) | |
3D fracture transport modeling | |
A | |
Adaptivity | |
adsorption | |
Advection | |
Advection-Diffusion | |
Airborne Electro Magnetic surveys | |
Algae bloom dynamics | |
Anomalous transport | |
Aquifer Properties | |
ATS | |
B | |
Bacteria | |
Basin scale | |
Bayesian | |
Bayesian network | |
Benchmarks | |
Big Data | |
biodiversity | |
Biogeochemical cycles | |
Biogeochemistry | |
Biot equations | |
block preconditioning | |
C | |
Capillary trapping | |
Carbon and nitrogen cycling | |
carbon capture and sequestration | |
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) | |
carbon dioxide | |
carbon dioxide storage | |
carbon storage | |
Carbonates | |
Cell biology | |
cellular automaton | |
CFD | |
characteristic relative permeability | |
Charge interactions | |
chemical equilibrium and kinetics | |
chemical reactions | |
Cladophora | |
classical density functional theory | |
climate change | |
cmwr | |
CO2 sequestration | |
CO2 storage | |
CO2-brine flow | |
CO2-EOR | |
Committee | |
Computational Mechanics | |
condensation | |
Connectivity | |
contact problem | |
Contaminant identification | |
convective mixing | |
Copula | |
Core flooding | |
Coreflood modeling | |
coreflooding experiment | |
Correlated-velocity | |
coupled multi-field problems | |
coupled problem | |
coupled processes | |
coupled transient seepage/soil deformation analysis | |
Coupling of free (N.-S.) and porous media flow | |
Critical Zone | |
Critical Zone science | |
crosshole | |
D | |
d3f software | |
Data fusion | |
Data-driven modeling | |
decision-support tools | |
deep drainage | |
deep learning | |
denitrification | |
differentiable programming | |
Diffusion | |
Digital Rock | |
digital rock physics | |
digital rock technology | |
direct numerical simulation | |
discontinuous galerkin | |
Discrete Fracture Network | |
Discrete Fracture Networks | |
Discrete optimization | |
discretization techniques | |
Dispersion | |
distributed microstructure | |
DNRA | |
droplet release | |
drought | |
drought resiliency | |
Dual-mode sorption | |
DuMuX | |
dynamic capillary pressure | |
dynamic pore network modeling | |
dynamic relative permeability | |
E | |
Ecohydrology | |
elastic wall | |
Elder problem | |
electrical resistivity tomography | |
Electrokinetic remediation | |
Embedded discretization methods | |
emissions | |
Empirical Bayes | |
Equivalent Continuous Porous Media | |
Evaporation | |
evapotranspiration | |
Exchange Processes | |
Experiments | |
extended Biot equations | |
F | |
fault zone analysis | |
finite element method | |
finite volume | |
fixed-stress split | |
Fixed-stress splitting | |
flow | |
Flow and transport | |
Flow in Porous Media | |
Flow on a graph | |
flow upscaling | |
flow-through experiments | |
Fluid Mechanics | |
forecasting | |
forecasting steady states | |
fracture flow | |
fracture networks | |
Fractured media | |
Fractures | |
friction models | |
full-waveform inversion | |
fully implicit scheme | |
Fully-coupled multiphase poromechanics | |
G | |
gas production | |
Gaussian process regression (GPR) | |
Generalized FEM | |
generative adversarial networks | |
Geochemical cycling | |
geochemical heterogeneity | |
geochemical reaction calculations | |
Geostatistical approach | |
Geostatistics | |
Geothermal energy | |
geothermal potential | |
glaciation events | |
global climate circulation | |
GPR | |
Graphs | |
gravity fingering | |
Gross primary productivity | |
groundwater | |
groundwater contamination | |
groundwater divide | |
Groundwater Hydrology | |
Groundwater prospectivity | |
groundwater risk assessment | |
groundwater table | |
H | |
Heat transport | |
Henry's absorption | |
Heterogeneity | |
heterogeneous media | |
heterogeneous multiscale modeling | |
Heterogeneous systems | |
hierarchical off-diagonal low-rank approximation | |
high performance parallel computing | |
high resolution simulation | |
high-dimension groundwater flow model | |
high-performance computing | |
Homogenisation | |
homogenization | |
Hotspot | |
HPC | |
hybrid discrete-continuum | |
hybrid discrete-continuum model | |
hydraulic aperture | |
hydraulic fracture | |
hydrodynamic | |
hydrodynamics | |
hydrogeophysics | |
Hyperbolic | |
Hyporheic Zones | |
I | |
ice sheet flow | |
imbibition | |
in situ sensors | |
Induced seismicity | |
inf-sup stability | |
infiltration | |
integrated hydrologic model | |
Integrated hydrological modeling | |
integrated hydrology | |
integrative solutions | |
inundation of coastlines | |
invasive tomography | |
inverse | |
Inverse analysis | |
inverse modeling | |
Inverse problem | |
inversion | |
isotopes | |
iterative linearization | |
Iterative Methods | |
K | |
Kalahari transect | |
L | |
L-scheme | |
landscape evolution | |
Landscape formation | |
Langmuir adsorption | |
Large scale simulation | |
large undisturbed column experiments | |
Large-scale geostatistical inversion | |
large-scale inverse problems | |
lattice Boltzmann method | |
Leaking mitigation and remediation | |
levees | |
level-set method | |
local decisions | |
Low flow processes | |
LSTM | |
lubrication approximation | |
M | |
machine learning | |
macroelement stabilization | |
Managed Aquifer Recharge | |
Material aging | |
Mathematical modeling | |
matrix and tensor factorizations | |
meta-modeling | |
MHFE | |
Microbial interactions | |
Microbial redox dynamics | |
Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) | |
microtopography | |
Migration of fines | |
Mimetic Finite Differences | |
MIN3P | |
mineral dissolution | |
mineral dissolution/precipitation | |
Mineral Mapping | |
miscible displacement | |
mixed methods | |
mixing | |
Mobile-immobile systems | |
model adaptivity | |
model inversion | |
modeling | |
molecular communication | |
Molten rock | |
monitoring network optimization | |
Monte Carlo analysis | |
Monte Carlo simulations | |
mountainous watershed | |
Mulitiscale modeling | |
multi rate mass transfer | |
multi-GPU | |
Multi-phase flow | |
multi-scale model parameterization | |
multi-scale solvers | |
Multi-source data assimilation | |
Multi-stage Preconditioning | |
Multicomponent reactive transport | |
multigrid | |
multiphase | |
multiphase chemical systems | |
Multiphase flow | |
Multiphase poromechanics | |
multiphase porous media | |
multiphase flow | |
Multiphysics simulations | |
multiple horizontal wells | |
Multiple rate mass transfer | |
Multiple Space-Time Scales | |
multiscale model | |
multiscale modeling | |
multiscale modelling | |
multiscale physical modelin | |
N | |
nanoporous media | |
nearshore bathymetry | |
Nernst-Planck-Poisson equations | |
networking | |
neural network | |
Neural Networks | |
neural ODE (NODE) | |
Next | |
nitrate | |
non-intrusive | |
non-Newtonian | |
non-Newtonian fluid | |
non-stationarity | |
nonpoint source pollution | |
numerical methods | |
numerical modeling | |
Numerical modelling | |
numerical models | |
Numerical simulation | |
numerics | |
nutrients | |
O | |
on-demand machine learning | |
OpenFOAM | |
optimal design | |
Optimal Transportation | |
Optimization | |
Organizing | |
orthogonal signals | |
oxygen ingress | |
P | |
Palaeovalley systems | |
Parabolic | |
Parallel computing | |
parameter estimation | |
PDE | |
Percolation | |
permeability | |
Permeability decline | |
permeability estimation | |
pesticides | |
PHREEQC coupling | |
physics-informed deep learning | |
physics-informed machine learnin | |
Planar Fractures | |
plant roots | |
pollution assessment | |
Polymer EOR | |
polynomial chaos | |
pore | |
pore network modelling | |
Pore Scale | |
Pore scale reactive transport modeling | |
pore space geometry | |
pore-network modeling | |
Pore-scale modeling | |
Pore-scale simulation | |
Poroelasticity | |
Poromechanics | |
Porous media | |
poroviscoelasticity | |
Precipitation/dissolution | |
prediction-focused uncertainty quantification | |
predictive modelling | |
preferential flow | |
probabilistic collocation method | |
proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) | |
pyrite oxidation | |
Q | |
quantitative modeling | |
Quantum computing | |
Quorum sensing | |
R | |
radial basis function (RBF) | |
radionuclide transport | |
Random walk methods | |
Reactive flow | |
Reactive transport | |
reactive transport modeling | |
reactive transport modelling | |
Reactive transport simulation | |
Reactive transport simulations | |
recurrent neural networks | |
reduced order model (ROM) | |
Reductive dechlorination | |
remote sensing data | |
Richards' equation | |
river | |
Riverine bathymetry | |
root exudation | |
root system architecture | |
root water uptake | |
root water utpake | |
Rough fracture | |
rwpt model | |
S | |
salinity | |
scale | |
scaling effects | |
scenario simulation | |
Schur complement | |
semi-arid | |
sensitivity analyses | |
Sensitivity analysis | |
sensor data | |
shallow water equation | |
shock physics | |
shock wave propagation | |
shooting method | |
simulation | |
Snowmelt | |
snowmelt dynamics | |
soil moisture | |
soil moisture sensors | |
soil thickness | |
soil water stress | |
Soil-Atmosphere Interface | |
solid mechanics | |
Solute mixing | |
solute transport | |
Sparse approximate Bayesian inference | |
Spatial heterogeneity | |
spatial pattern | |
Spatial-Markov model | |
Spatial-temporal heterogeneity | |
spectral approach | |
stanford | |
stochastic model for rock masses | |
Stochastic Modeling | |
sub-core scale properties | |
subsurface | |
supercomputer | |
surface runoff | |
Surface Water | |
Surface-water groundwater connectivity | |
sustainable management | |
T | |
TBA | |
TBA2 | |
TBA3 | |
TCAT | |
Temporal ephemerality | |
Thermal-Compositional Reservoir Simulation | |
thermoporomechanics | |
Time-varying boundary condition | |
Topology | |
tracer test | |
transversal method of lines | |
Trapping mechanisms | |
Two-phase flow | |
U | |
uncertainty | |
Uncertainty analysis | |
uncertainty propagation | |
uncertainty quantification | |
undrained split | |
Unsaturated flow and transport | |
unsupervised machine learning | |
up-scaling | |
Upscaling | |
V | |
Vadose Zone | |
Variational inference | |
Virtual Element Method | |
viscoelastic oscillation | |
W | |
water quality | |
water saving | |
water wave propagation | |
water-agriculture nexus | |
watershed | |
wet/dry fronts | |
Wetland | |
wettability | |
wettability alteration |