Days: Monday, December 14th Tuesday, December 15th Wednesday, December 16th Thursday, December 17th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:00 | Optimal Transportation theory and natural networks: applications to rivers and plant roots (abstract) |
09:00 | Models for Non-Newtonian Flowback in an Elastic Fracture (abstract) |
09:20 | Numerical Methods for the Upscaling of Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media (abstract) |
09:40 | Characterization of Discrete Fracture Networks by Invasive Tomographic Methods (abstract) |
10:00 | A New Theoretical Basis for Macroscale Modeling of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Porous Media Developed Using the Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory (TCAT) (abstract) |
10:20 | Non-Wetting Droplet Oscillation and Displacement by Viscoelastic Fluids (abstract) |
10:40 | Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in Geological Rough Fractures: Lubrication Approximation Versus Direct 3D Simulations (abstract) |
09:00 | Data-Driven Approaches for Reduced Order Modeling of Shallow Water Equations (abstract) |
09:20 | Monte Carlo Approach to Assessing the Influence of Aperture Variability on Non-Newtonian Fracture Flow (abstract) |
09:40 | Predicting Baseflow at the Basin Scale with an Integrated Surface and Subsurface Flow Model (abstract) |
10:00 | Application of Deep Learning to Large Scale Riverine Bathymetry and Surface Flow Velocity Estimation (abstract) |
10:20 | Iterative Updating of Conceptualisation in Probabilistic Groundwater Prospectivity Mapping (abstract) |
10:40 | Contaminant source characterization: sequential and joint geostatistical inversion and the benefit from a physical based prior (abstract) |
09:00 | Improving Capabilities of Pore-Network Modeling for Drainage and Imbibition Processes by Direct Numerical Simulation (abstract) |
09:20 | Numerical Simulation of CO2 Migration with Dynamic Constitutive Functions Due to Wettability Alteration (abstract) |
09:40 | Numerical Solution of a New Generation of Two-Fluid Flow Models (abstract) |
10:00 | CO2 Convection in Hydrocarbon Under Flowing Conditions (abstract) |
10:20 | An Efficient Procedure for Estimating Sub-Core Permeability Distribution Using Data from Multiple Coreflooding Experiments (abstract) |
10:40 | High-Resolution Modelling of Microbial Degradation in Unsaturated Porous Media (abstract) |
11:10 | Modeling of coupled dynamics in injection-induced reactivation of faults (abstract) |
Feel free to use this time to connect with other attendees and authors.
Please use the zoom link provided by Lyrissa on Monday, 12/14.
Email for Zoom link.
12:00 | Coupling Contamination and Climate Change Risk Assessment in Groundwater Basins to Guide Sustainable Management Strategies (abstract) |
12:00 | Irrigation Channels-Groundwater Interaction: a Meta-Modeling Framework to Support Water Saving in Agriculture (abstract) |
12:00 | Short-Term Water Quality Forecasting with Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks (abstract) |
12:00 | Real-Time ET Estimation Based on Soil Moisture Sensor Array (abstract) |
12:00 | Hydraulic Conductivity Upscaling for High Dimensional Groundwater Flow Models (abstract) |
12:00 | Simulation of Biogeochemical Cycling in Alluvial Aquifers (abstract) |
12:00 | Predicting Soil Thickness by Integrating Land Surface and Sub-Surface Heterogeneities (abstract) |
12:00 | Permeability Contrasts of Fault Zones - from Conceptual Model to Numerical Simulation (abstract) |
12:00 | Upscaling of Bacteria Dispersion in Porous Media Flow (abstract) |
12:00 | NP-Phreeqc-EK: a Multidimensional Multiphysics Simulator for Electrokinetic Transport and Biogeochemical Reactions in Porous Media (abstract) |
12:00 | Imaging the Spatial Distribution of Geochemical Heterogeneities in Porous Media: Flow-Through Experiments and Inverse Reactive Transport Modeling (abstract) |
12:00 | Soils in Silico - Solutes, Ions, Biofilms and Structure Formation (abstract) |
12:00 | Fully-Coupled Simulation of Multiphase Poromechanics in Porous Media with Embedded Fractures (abstract) |
12:00 | Improving Evapotranspiration Computation with Spatial Hydrogeophysical Monitoring (abstract) |
12:30 | The Effect of Soil Deformation on Transient Seepage and Slope Stability Analyses Using High Performance Computing (abstract) |
12:30 | A Novel Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Closure Problem in Homogenization (abstract) |
12:30 | A Deep Learning Approach for Reactive Transport in Multiscale Fracture Networks (abstract) |
12:30 | CrunchREWT: a Coupled Reactive Transport and Root Exudation Modeling Approach to Biogeochemical Interactions in the Critical Zone (abstract) |
12:30 | 3D Numerical Evaluation of Dissolved Oxygen Ingress into Deep Sedimentary Basins During Glaciation Events (abstract) |
12:30 | A Computationally Efficient Wet/Dry Front Tracking Technique for Large-Scale Multi-GPU Hydrodynamic Modeling (abstract) |
12:30 | Ecosystem-Based Modeling for Understanding of Integrated Hydrology and Geochemistry Processes in a Mountainous Watershed (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:00 | Challenges in the mathematical modelling and simulation with applications to porous media (abstract) |
09:00 | Sensitivity Analysis of Heat Transport in Self-Affine Rough Fractures (abstract) |
09:15 | Transport in Fractured Media: Discrete Fracture Network Vs. Equivalent Porous Media Approach (abstract) |
09:30 | Particle-Based Methods for Simulating the Propagation and (Bio)Degradation of Contaminants in Heterogeneous Fractured Porous Media (abstract) |
09:45 | 3D Modeling Investigations of Vertical Solute Transport Through Fractured Clayey Tills (abstract) |
10:00 | Multi-Well Interference in Hydraulically Fractured Gas Reservoirs (abstract) |
10:15 | A Graph Approach to Flow Calculation in 3D Discrete Fracture Networks (abstract) |
10:30 | Upscaling Non-Linear Reactive Transport in a Correlated Velocity Field (abstract) |
10:45 | Efficiency and Accuracy of Micro-Macro Models for Mineral Dissolution/Precipitation (abstract) |
09:00 | Uncertainty Quantification Using Bayesian Arbitrary Polynomial Chaos for Computationally Demanding Environmental Modelling: Conventional, Sparse and Adaptive Strategy (abstract) |
09:20 | Optimal Design of Field Campaigns to Find Groundwater Divides with Scarce Availability of Data (abstract) |
09:40 | Local Decision Making Through Understanding of Multi-Scale Uncertainty: Application to Well Catchment Protections in Denmark (abstract) |
10:00 | Analysis of Variance of Results in Geostatistical Models (abstract) |
10:20 | Sparse Approximate Bayesian Inference for Model Inversion (abstract) |
10:40 | Propagation of Uncertainty from Data to Inference for Large-Scale Inverse Problems with Application to Ice Sheet Flow (abstract) |
09:00 | A Multigrid Reduction Framework for Flow in Porous and Fractured Media (abstract) |
09:20 | The Potential of Time-Lapse GPR Full-Waveform Inversion as High Resolution Imaging Technique for Salt, Heat, and Ethanol Transport (abstract) |
09:40 | Stabilized Finite Element-Finite Volume Scheme for Multiphase Poromechanics (abstract) |
10:00 | The Soil-Atmosphere Interface: Experimental and Numerical Model Development (abstract) |
10:20 | Efficient Splitting Schemes for Poroelasticity (abstract) |
11:10 | Pore-scale simulation of two-phase flow for geologic sequestration of CO2: Great expectations, sober reality (abstract) |
Feel free to use this time to connect with other attendees and authors.
Please use the zoom link provided by Lyrissa on Monday, 12/14.
Email for Zoom link.
12:30 | Differentiable Programming: Bridging the Gap Between Numerical Models and Machine Learning Models (abstract) |
12:30 | Quantum-Computational Hydrological Inverse Analysis (abstract) |
12:30 | Big Data Simulation and Analysis of Numerical Solutions of the Elder Problem (abstract) |
12:30 | Predicting Oil and Gas Production from Unconventional Tight-Rock Reservoirs Using Machine Learning (abstract) |
12:30 | An Upscaling Bayesian Geostatistical Approach for Large-Dimensional Inverse Problems (abstract) |
12:30 | Block preconditioning for the efficient solution of MHFE multiphase flow in porous media (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:00 | Modeling two-phase flow in gravity-driven infiltration from pore to continuum scale (abstract) |
09:00 | Fully Implicit Scheme for Two-Phase Reactive Flows in Porous Media : Application to Carbon Storage (abstract) |
09:20 | The Nucleation and Rupture of Injection-Induced Earthquakes: the Impact of Fault Permeability (abstract) |
09:40 | Thermoporomechanical Effects of CO2 Injection on Caprock Sealing Integrity in Geologic Storage (abstract) |
10:00 | Coupled Flow and Mechanics in Fractured Porous Media (abstract) |
10:20 | Mixed Hybrid Finite-Volume and Virtual Element Formulation for Coupled Poromechanics (abstract) |
10:40 | Robust Block-Partitioned Solvers for Poroviscoelasticity (abstract) |
09:00 | Incorporating Truly Microscopic Information into Macroscopic Reactive Transport Models by the Micro-Macro Model Approach (abstract) |
09:15 | Modeling the Interaction of Reactive Transport, Biofilm Development and Solid Structure in Porous Media (abstract) |
09:30 | Concentration Hotspot and Its Dynamic Behaviour Under Time-Varying Boundary Conditions (abstract) |
09:45 | Reactive Transport Modeling of Microbial Interactions Under Various Flow Conditions (abstract) |
10:00 | Investigating Spatial Scaling Effects of Reactive Transport in Porous Media Using a Pore-Network Model (abstract) |
10:15 | Impact of Flow Heterogeneities on Mixing-Controlled Reactions Using Pore-Scale Modeling and Experimental Data (abstract) |
10:30 | Description of Chemical Transport in Laboratory Rock Cores Using the Continuous Time Random Walk Formalism (abstract) |
10:45 | Solute Transport in Disordered Porous Media: a Dynamic Pore-Network Modeling Approach (abstract) |
09:00 | Understanding Sierra Nevada-Central Valley Hydrologic Links by Combining Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, Remote Sensing, and Isotope Measurements (abstract) |
09:20 | Watershed Responses to Climate Change: Using Integrated Hydrology Simulations to Determine a “New Normal” (abstract) |
09:40 | From Root Networks to Macroscopic Representations of Root Water Uptake in Landsurface and Soil Hydraulic Models. (abstract) |
10:00 | A Multi-Space-Time-Scale Generalized FEM with Transient Local Problems(T-GFEMgl) for Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems (abstract) |
10:20 | Impact of Gravity Fingering on Deep Drainage in Arid Environments (abstract) |
11:10 | Subsurface Flow Inverse Modeling with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (abstract) |
Feel free to use this time to connect with other attendees and authors.
Please use the zoom link provided by Lyrissa on Monday, 12/14.
Email for Zoom link.
12:30 | The Influence of Microtopography and Time-Dependant Infiltration on Rainfall-Runoff Partitioning (abstract) |
12:30 | A Bayesian Hurdle Model to Improve Normalized Meteorological Drought Indices (abstract) |
12:30 | MANTIS: an Online Groundwater Nonpoint Source Pollution Decision Support System (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:00 | Improving Watershed Systems Predictability Through Co-Design of Bedrock-to-Canopy Characterization and Ecohydrological-Biogeochemical Models (abstract) |
09:00 | Electrokinetic Enhanced Bioremediation of Chlorinated Compounds in Low-Permeability Porous Media: a Process-Based Modeling Study (abstract) |
09:15 | Adaptive Modeling Across Scales for Flow and Reactive Transport Problems in Porous Media (abstract) |
09:30 | Efficient Numerical Approximation of Micro-Macro Models for Complex Reactive Transport Problems in Porous Media (abstract) |
09:45 | Modeling and Simulations of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (abstract) |
10:00 | Ultra-Fast Geochemical Calculations in Reactive Transport Modeling with on-Demand Learning Algorithms (abstract) |
10:15 | Predicting Algal Bloom: the Evolution of Benthic Algae in Riverine Systems (abstract) |
10:30 | Modeling the Impact of Riparian Hollows on River Corridor Nitrogen Exports (abstract) |
10:45 | Reactive Transport Simulations Reveal the Influence of Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneities on Biogeochemical Cycling in the Subsurface (abstract) |
09:00 | Shooting the Numerical Solution of Linearized Moisture Flow Equation with Root Water Uptake Models (abstract) |
09:20 | Core Scale Heterogeneity Effects on Meter Scale Capillary Trapping of Carbon Dioxide (abstract) |
09:40 | A New Generation of Lattice Boltzmann Code for Pore-Scale Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Complex Geometry with Consideration of Inertial Effects (abstract) |
10:00 | Pore-Scale Simulations of Permeability Decline in Porous Media Due to Fines Migration (abstract) |
10:20 | Modeling Water Vapor Adsorption and Condensation in Macroscopic Nanoporous Media Using a Square-Gradient Density Functional Approach (abstract) |
09:00 | Graph Informed Neural Networks for Flux Regression in Discrete Fracture Networks (abstract) |
09:20 | Machine Learning for Geothermal Resource Analysis and Exploration (abstract) |
09:40 | A Survey on Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Shallow Water Problems (abstract) |
10:00 | Deep Learning Based Spatial Interpolation Methods for Nearshore Bathymetry with Sparse Measurements (abstract) |
10:20 | Synchrotron-Based Machine Learning Approach for Raster (SMART) Mineral Mapping and Applications for Reactive Transport Modeling (abstract) |
10:40 | Robust Molecular Communication in Porous Media (abstract) |
11:10 | Conceptual and computational issues of mixing (abstract) |
Find out the next organizing committee for CMWR 2022 and your poster winner!
12:00 | Next CMWR Organizing Committee (abstract) |
Feel free to use this time to connect with other attendees and authors.
Please use the zoom link provided by Lyrissa on Monday, 12/14.
Email for Zoom link.
12:30 | Multi-Stage Preconditioners for Thermal-Compositional Flow in Porous Media (abstract) |
12:30 | Spatial GHG Emissions and Nutrients Availability in Wetlands Under Different Climate and Nutrient Scenarios (abstract) |
12:30 | Leakage from Deep Geologic Formations in Carbon Sequestration: Source Uncertainty Eects in Plume Simulation (abstract) |
12:30 | Advanced Modelling Concepts for Coupling Free Flow with Porous-Media Flow (abstract) |
12:30 | Uspcaling of Multiphase Enhanced Oil Recovery Models in Fractured Porous Media (abstract) |
12:30 | Thermodynamically Consistent Pore-Scale Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Digital Representations of Disordered Porous Media (abstract) |
12:30 | Pore-to-Core up-Scaling of Two-Phase Flow Processes in Mixed-Wet Porous Media Using Dynamic Pore Network Modeling (abstract) |
12:30 | Anacostia River Watershed Modeling (abstract) |
12:30 | Modeling Sorption-Diffusion of Moisture in a Multi-Material System: a Finite Volume Approach (abstract) |
12:30 | Snowmelt Controls on Microbial and Biogeochemical Processes Within the River Corridor Impacting Watershed Exports (abstract) |
12:30 | Modeling Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Heterogeneous Soil: Pore-Scale Processes and Continuum Theories (abstract) |
12:30 | Simulation-Based Co-Design Strategy for Hydrological Monitoring Network Optimization (abstract) |
12:30 | Using a Bayesian Network to Identify Modeled Controls on Non-Growing Season Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in the Arctic (abstract) |
12:30 | Uncertainty Propagation and Stochastic Interpretation of Shear Motion Generation due to Underground Chemical Explosions in Jointed Rock (abstract) |
12:30 | Asteroids Impacting Earth’s Oceans: Tsunami Generation, Consequences on Coastlines, and Potential Global Climate Effects (abstract) |
12:30 | Numerical Simulation of Flow, Heat and Chemical Transport Processes in Volcanic Chambers Partially Filled with Molten Rock (abstract) |
12:30 | Multiphase Flow Modelling in Multiscale Deformable Porous Media: an Open-Sourced Micro-Continuum Approach (abstract) |