This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
4 | |
4-valued relevant logics | |
A | |
Abstract argumentation | |
Abstract Argumentation Framework | |
Abstract argumentation frameworks | |
Aggregation Method | |
Argumentation | |
Argumentation Framework | |
argumentation semantics | |
assumption withdrawing | |
Assumption-based argumentation | |
Attack Types | |
attention network | |
attitudinal self-awareness principle | |
automatic summarization | |
B | |
Bi-relational model | |
Bipolar interactions | |
Boolean Function | |
Brady's 4-valued logic BN4 | |
C | |
Ceteris Paribus Logic | |
Chatbots | |
Classifier | |
Collective argumentation | |
Completeness | |
computational argumentation | |
Concordance | |
conditional excluded middle | |
conditional logic | |
Context-free | |
Control argumentation framewroks | |
Converse | |
corpus linguistics | |
COVID-19 | |
Curry–Howard correspondence | |
D | |
Decomposability | |
Deductive argumentation | |
Dialogue | |
Dialogue systems | |
Dispute derivations | |
Dynamic epistemic logic | |
Dynamic logic | |
Dynamic logic of propositional assignments | |
E | |
encoder-decoder | |
Enthymemes | |
Epistemic logic | |
epistemic modality | |
excluded middle presupposition | |
Expert systems | |
Explainability | |
Explainable AI | |
Explainable Artificial Intelligence | |
F | |
Formal argumentation | |
Formal methods | |
Framework | |
Framework merging | |
G | |
Gradual semantics | |
Grammar logic | |
graph topology | |
H | |
Higher-order interactions | |
I | |
Import-Export | |
Incomplete argumentation frameworks | |
Incomplete preference aggregation | |
Inquisitive logic | |
Intrinsic Argument Strength | |
Intuitionistic logic | |
intuitionistic propositional logic | |
J | |
judgment documents | |
K | |
knowing-how logic | |
L | |
Lean | |
Legal Reasoning | |
logic | |
Logic-based argumentation | |
Logical translation | |
M | |
midpoint operators | |
Modal Logic | |
modus ponens | |
Multi Attack Argumentation Framework | |
N | |
natural deduction | |
neg-transportability | |
Non-monotonic Reasoning | |
O | |
ontology | |
P | |
paralogics | |
Path axiom | |
placeholder view of assumptions | |
Principle-based analysis | |
principle-based approach | |
Principles | |
Public announcement logic | |
Q | |
Qualitative uncertainty | |
R | |
Relevant logic | |
Relevant logics | |
revision of argumentation | |
S | |
SCC-recursion | |
Self-attack | |
Semantics | |
Sentence embeddings | |
social choice theory | |
square of oppositions | |
Structured Argumentation | |
SUMO | |
synthetic tableau method | |
T | |
tableau | |
topological constraint | |
Two-valued Belnap-Dunn semantics | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
V | |
validity | |
Variable-sharing property | |
W | |
Weak admissibility | |
Weight Aggregation |