Days: Wednesday, October 20th Thursday, October 21st Friday, October 22nd
Wednesday, October 20th
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09:00-10:35 Session 1
09:00 | Resolving the Cohenian paradox in judicial probability theory PRESENTER: Minghui Xiong |
10:00 | Towards a General Theory of Decomposability in Abstract Argumentation (abstract) PRESENTER: Massimiliano Giacomin |
10:20 | Base Argumentation as an Abstraction of Deductive Argumentation (Extended Abstract) (abstract) PRESENTER: Jinsheng Chen |
10:35-10:50Coffee Break
10:50-12:05 Session 2
10:50 | The Choice-Preferred Semantics for Relevance-Oriented Acceptance of Admissible Sets of Arguments (abstract) PRESENTER: Marcos Cramer |
11:10 | New Weakly Admissible Semantics for Abstract Argumentation (abstract) PRESENTER: Jérémie Dauphin |
11:30 | On Restricting the Impact of Self-Attacking Arguments in Gradual Semantics (abstract) PRESENTER: Vivien Beuselinck |
11:50 | Extractive-abstractive summarization of judgment documents using multiple attention networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Zhengtao Liu |
12:05-13:30Lunch/Coffee Break
13:30-15:25 Session 3
13:30 | Burdens of Persuasion and Standards of Proof in Structured Argumentation PRESENTER: Giovanni Sartor |
14:30 | Collective Argumentation with Topological Restrictions (abstract) |
14:50 | Flexible dispute derivations with forward and backward arguments for assumption-based argumentation (abstract) PRESENTER: Martin Diller |
15:10 | Choosing a Logic to Represent the Semantics of Natural Language (abstract) |
Thursday, October 21st
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09:00-10:35 Session 4
09:00 | Implementation of Choice of Jurisdiction and Law in Private International Law by PROLEG Meta-interpreter PRESENTER: Ken Satoh |
10:00 | Abstract Argumentation with Qualitative Uncertainty: an Analysis in Dynamic Logic (abstract) PRESENTER: Antonio Yuste-Ginel |
10:20 | A Framework for Intuitionistic Grammar Logics (abstract) |
10:35-10:50Coffee Break
10:50-12:05 Session 5
10:50 | The Burden of Persuasion in Abstract Argumentation (abstract) PRESENTER: Timotheus Kampik |
11:10 | Handling Support Cycles and Collective Interactions in the Logical Encoding of Higher-Order Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks (abstract) |
11:30 | Extension-based Semantics for Incomplete Argumentation Frameworks (abstract) |
11:50 | An Argumentative Dialogue System for COVID-19 Vaccine Information (abstract) PRESENTER: Paolo Torroni |
12:05-13:30Lunch/Coffee Break
13:30-15:30 Session 6
13:30 | Focusing the Argumentative Process: Neighborhood-based Semantics in Abstract Argumentation PRESENTER: Guillermo R. Simari |
14:30 | Principle-based Explanations of Non-Monotonic Inference in Abstract Argumentation (abstract) PRESENTER: Timotheus Kampik |
14:50 | Intrinsic Argument Strength in Structured Argumentation: a Principled Approach (abstract) |
15:10 | A Multi Attack Argumentation Framework (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexandros Vassiliades |
Friday, October 22nd
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09:00-10:35 Session 7
09:00 | On the Need of Knowledge for Computational Argument Analysis and Generation |
10:00 | Integrating Individual Preferences into Collective Argumentation (abstract) PRESENTER: Chonghui Li |
10:20 | A Henkin-style completeness proof for the modal logic S5 (abstract) |
10:35-10:50Coffee Break
10:50-12:05 Session 8
10:50 | Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for Logic of Knowing-How (abstract) |
11:10 | A Logic for Binary Classifiers and their Explanation (abstract) PRESENTER: Xinghan Liu |
11:30 | Relevant Epistemic Logic with Public Announcements and Common Knowledge (abstract) PRESENTER: Igor Sedlar |
11:50 | The placeholder view of assumptions and the Curry–Howard correspondence (abstract) |
12:05-13:30Lunch/Coffee Break
13:30-15:15 Session 9
13:30 | Towards a sound and complete dialogue system for handling enthymemes (abstract) PRESENTER: Andreas Xydis |
13:50 | How Can You Resolve a Trilemma? - A Topological Approach - (abstract) PRESENTER: Kazuko Takahashi |
14:10 | A variant with the variable-sharing property of Brady's 4-valued implicative expansion BN4 of Anderson and Belnap's logic FDE (abstract) |
14:30 | Paranegations and The Square of Opposition (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariusz Urbanski |
14:45 | Entailments with sentential predicates (abstract) |
15:00 | Validity under Assumptions (abstract) |