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08:00-09:00 Session 5: Key Note Lecture 2

الطاقة المتجددة واثرها على المناخ في افريقي

اب.محمد احمد محمدين

09:30-11:00 Session 6A: (Structures, Materials and Construction Management)
استخدام الطين المحسن بالفايبر كمادة بديلة للبناء

ABSTRACT. الانسان منذ القدم احتاج بصورة مستمرة للمسكن وبطبيعة الحال دفعه ذلك للبحث عن مادة تتناسب مع هذا المسكن حسب طبيعة المكان وحسب متطلباته الذاتية وإمكانياته. عليه فإن هذا البحث يصب في التركيز على توطين استخدام المواد المحلية والقليلة التكلفة وذلك بإجراء البحوث والدراسات عليها في سبيل تحسين خواصها لإيفاء متطلبات الديمومة وتماشياً مع معطيات التنمية المستدامة. تم في هذا البحث استخدام فايبر من القش كمضاف لتحسين خوا ص الطين المستخدم في البناء وتم استخدامه بشكلين مختلفين مرة مهروس ومرة مقطع بأطوال بطول يتراوح من 3 سم إلى 5 سم. تمت إضافة الفايبر بثلاثة نسب مختلفة وهي 20%، 30% و40% وذلك لمعرفة النسبة التي تعطي أفضلية مثلى وذلك للنوعين المختلفين من شكل الفايبر. تم استخدام قالب بمقاس 8x12x25 سم لإنتاج بلكات طين وتم عمل ست عينات للنسب المختلفة وللشكلين المختلفين من الفايبر بالإضافة إلى عمل عينة مرجعية خالية من الفايبر. كل عينة تتكون من ثلاثة بلكات. تم عمل وزن للعينات المختلفة وعمل اختبار لمقاومة الضغط لمعرفة اقصى تحميل تتحمله كل عينة. أثبتت النتائج المتحصل أن استخدام الفايبر حسن كثيرا من خواص الطين بزيادة تماسكه وبالتالي قلت التشققات الناتجة عن الانكماش ولقد وجد أن استخدام الفايبر المهروس بنسبة 20% يعطي نتائج أفضل وعند مقارنته بنتائج العينة المرجعية الخالية من الفايبر وجد أن المقاومة تحسنت بنسبة 23.5% مع الحصول على وزن أقل بنسبة 5.7%. وعند المقارنة بمقاومة الطوب الأحمر وجد أن مقاومة الطين المحسن بالفايبر تقل منه بنسبة 32% فقط وهو فرق يعتبر معقول يشجع من مع استخدام الطين المحسن كمادة بديلة في البناء محلية وقليلة التكلفة

Utilizing of Plastic Waste into Manufacturing of Paving Tiles

ABSTRACT. Using of plastic containers or bags in wide ranges has increased the plastic waste percentage which is randomly thrown into the environment. Decomposition of plastic waste is very slow in fact, so it has been in landfills for a very long time. Therefore, many researches have been conducted in the recycling plastic waste into different products, such as paving tiles, which are used in the streets islands, pedestrian sidewalks, houses, corridors, gardens and some squares that reflect an aesthetic appearance in these places. In this investigation an experimental test will be conducted to find out mechanical properties and water absorption of six pieces of interlocking paver tiles, which will cast by using simple method. Where a plastic waste will be utilized as a main component in the manufacturing of pavement tile samples with adding specific quantities of sand (1:2), by thermal treatments under specific temperature. This study aims to investigating a low cost material to provide infrastructures projects, in addition to reducing the effect of plastic waste to save the environment. On the other hand, the expected results of this study will be compared with the cement paver products. Preparation of considered samples will be done in Al-Shajara Industrial Complex, which is excellence pioneer and will be sponsored to this research project.

استخدام البوزولانا الطبيعية بجبل مرة كمادة اسمنتية لانتاج اسمنت مخلوط قليل التكلفة في اقليم دارفور

ABSTRACT. هدفت هذه الدراسة الى إستكشاف مواد بناء قليلة التكلفة كالبوزولانا فى المناطق الريفية فى السودان وخاصة فى اقليم دارفور , وذلك بسبب إرتفاع أسعار الأسمنت البورتلاندى. كما ركزت الدراسة على إستخدام الرماد البركانى المستخرج من جبل مرة غرب السودان كبديل للأسمنت فى صناعة الطوب البلك الخرساني. حيث أكدت النتائج الأولية للتحاليل الكيميائية والفيزيائية مطابقة المواد للمواصفات.

لمعرفة درجة فاعلية البوزولانا تم إعداد ثلاثة خلطات خرسانية مختلفة, باستخدام 27 طوبة من البلك الخرساني مقاس mm (200*200*400) بنسب مختلفة 0%, 20% و 30% من وزن الأسمنت. وقد تم الحصول على أعلى مقاومة فى 28 يوم عند إستبدال 20% من الأسمنت.

وأظهرت النتائج أن البوزولانا (الرماد البركانى) المستخرج من جبل مرة يمكن إستخدامه ليحل محل جزء من الأسمنت بنسبة تصل الى 30% دون تأثير سلبى فى المقاومة. وهذا يقلل كثيرا من تكلفة مواد البناء.

إستخدام غبار المحاجر والكسارات لإنتاج الطوب المثبت المضغوط لبناء إقتصادي صديق للبيئة

ABSTRACT. أصبح هنالك احتياج لمبانى ذكية لتحقيق التنمية الشاملة فى ربوع البلاد فالمطلوب الآن مبنى ذكى يلبى الشروط الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والصحية للسكان، ينشأ من مواد البناء المحلية ويُنفذ باستخدام تقنيات حديثة تراعى البيئة وتعمل على فتح فرص العمل. ونحن كمهندسين مدنيين وباحثين نريد ان نقدم نموذجاً لسكن بقيمة معقولة للشريحة العظمى من المجتمع، كما ان تقنية مبانى الطوب المضغوط المثبت هى الأكثر ملائمة لمناخ السودان الحار لمقدرتها العالية للعزل الحرارى ، هذا النظام مناسب لبناء المجمعات السكنية لكل الفئات الاقتصادية وكل أنواع مبانى الخدمات الاجتماعية. كما إن استخدام غبار حجر البازلت يسهم في بيئة أكثر خضرة ولان انتاج الطوب بهذه الطريقة يقلل من التلوث البيئي بالمقارنة مع طريقة إنتاج الطوب العادية.

تبحث هذه الدراسة عن مدي استخدام الغبار الناتج من المحاجر والكسارات . تم استخدام غبار حجر البازلت لانتاج الطوب المثبت المضغوط لحل مشكلة السكن باعتبارها مدخلاً للتنمية الاجتماعية وحقاً اساسياً للمواطن وضرورة لبناء مجتمع حديث معافى ، وتم بواسطة هذه التكنولوجيا المستحدثة خلط التربة المحلية بالماء مع مادة مثبتة كالأسمنت بنسبة 5%، وحجر البازلت بنسبة 30% (20% غبار و 10% كسر الحجر من غربال 16/3) وتم استخدام البوزولانا بنسبة 20% في العينة الاولي والكاولين بنسبة 20% في العينة الثانية ثم تم تشكيلها «فى قوالب تحت ضغط ميكانيكى (نظام هايدرافورم ) لطوبة مقاومة للماء وذات قوة تحمل عالية تتميز هذه الطوبة بمقاومة الماء والعزل الحرارى العالى. وصلت قوة تحمل الطوبة الى N/mm 25 . 2 عند استخدام الكاولين و 2.3N/mm2 عند استخدام البوزولانا، وبالتالي عند استخدام الكاولين مع غبار حجر البازلت اعطى مقاومة اعلى بنسبة 8% من استخدام البوزولانا.

Effect of Water Temperature on Concrete Properties

ABSTRACT. In this, the behaviors of concrete under different temperature (hot water or hot material) were studied to reduce and understand the effect of heat on the concrete properties. Fly ash is added to the concrete mix with different ratios (5 or 10%) of cement content. Accordingly, more than five hundreds beams and cubes with different cured water temperature were casted and tested under mention condition. Moreover, slump, compressive strength and flexural strength are considered as main parameters. The results show that the temperature and fly ash have greater effect on concrete properties especially on the slump, strength and failure mode.

Comparison in Transient Heat conduction of Fired Bricks, Concrete Hollow Blocks, and stabilized soil blocks

ABSTRACT. Fired clay bricks (FCB), Concrete Hollow block (CHB), and stabilized Soil Blocks (SSB) are the main wall building systems Although they are different in cost and environmental aspect .Energy efficiency of building materials is essential factor from sustainability point of view .Hence this study aims to compare the heat conduction of these building systems by determining the indoor temperature distribution. The assessment of heat conduction of building efficiency was performed by using ANSYS transient computer simulation program based on the finite element solution for modeling the temperature distribution fields. The numerical analysis results showed that cavities present the main barrier for the heat transfer in CHB by creating separation in temperature distribution inside the block. Thus, this improves the heat comfort inside the hallway and reduces heat losses through the wall surface. SSB has the higher values of heat losses than CHB, and the highest was the FCB.

09:30-11:00 Session 6B: (Highway and Geotecnical Engineering)
Study the Response of Abutment Due to Erosion of Soil

ABSTRACT. ABSTRACT: Abutments of a bridge sometimes susceptible to soil erosion by river water in flood season and hydrological changes. The erosion causes settlement in approach slab and change the moisture content of soil foundation. This study investigated the response of the east abutment of Manshia bridge-Khartoum- Sudan due to loading and erosion of the soil around the abutment. Five different cases of erosions subjected to varying loads were considered. These cases included abutment before erosion (case1), abutment after partial erosion (case2) and cases 3 to 5 represent abutment after erosion of 25, 50 and 100 cm, respectively. A finite element analysis method using Abaqus software was used to investigate the problem. Three dimensional (3-D) continuum elements are used for abutment, pile and soil elements. The interaction between the pile and the soil is modeled by using contact surfaces. The response of abutment and the piles are presented in terms of the maximum vertical displacement of the abutment and the settlement of the piles in addition to the distribution of the vertical stresses with depth in the abutment at ultimate load. The results indicated that the maximum vertical displacement of the abutment and the settlement of the piles were increasing with increasing loads and increasing of the soil erosion. The vertical stresses were linearly varying up to a depth of 5.38 for cases 1 and 2 and up to a depth of 4.38m for cases 3 to 5.

A simple approach to determine soil compaction parameters
PRESENTER: Hamadin Omer

ABSTRACT. The construction of considerable quantities of embankment in irrigation projects requires several soil and compaction testing, this paper show a simple approach based on laboratory tests (Proctor test, liquid limit and clay content) that can be used to predict the potential field compaction parameters for most canal embankments. The study was presented the determination of compaction parameters (maximum dry density and optimum moisture content) using results of Atterberberg's limits and clay content by simple statistical approach, the method is suitable to select fill materials from borrow areas with a minimum soil test.


ABSTRACT. ABSTRACT This paper presents the experience gained through the application of the Osterberg cell device or O cell method normally utilized for load testing large diameter bored piles foundation systems supporting very heavy structures. Many 1.5 to 2.0m diameter base grouted bored piles were installed during the construction of the deep foundation for Sinnar highway and railway bridges project across the Blue Nile in Sennar State, Sudan. Two typical bored piles were tested by the O cell method to determine the skin friction and base resistance and verify the theoretically computed pile axial load carrying capacities. The application of the O cell load testing technique enabled convenient, economical and safe testing and facilitated application of testing loads at very low pile displacements that cannot be achieved in the conventional load tests involving jacks and reaction frame systems. The successful application of the O cell technique provided valuable insight into its merits over the currently practiced pile testing methods. This will eventually lead improved testing methodology and reduced over-conservative design of large diameter bored pile foundations in future major projects.

The load sharing of piled raft foundation using finite element in sandy soil

ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to compare load sharing in piled raft foundations (PRFs) numerically by finite element PLAXIS 3D program in sandy soil and manually depend on available data using interaction factor. From the results of this paper;c) increase the load resistance by 40% than that of individual pile group or mat foundation. Pile spacing more than 7D is ineffective except in higher length and Pile length less than 10D doesn’t have significant effects except for lower values of spacing. The percentage of the load carried by piles increases as the pile diameter increases. Either; stresses detected in the (PRF) increase extrusive as the increase of pile length, and pile diameter increase (subsequently the spacing decrease). it is Observed that the numerical analysis (model scale) is in a close agreement with the results from the experimental tests, which mean that the numeri¬cal analysis provides acceptable remarks and can be utilized to predict the (PRF)'s behavior.

Experimental Study on the Effect of Relative Density of Sand on the Bearing Capacity of Footings on Stiff Clay Overlying Sand
PRESENTER: Khalid Mohamed

ABSTRACT. The case of shallow foundations placed on stiff to very stiff clay overlying sand is common in Khartoum city. However, the effects of the sand layer on the bearing capacity are not well understood. This paper investigates, experimentally, the bearing capacity and settlement characteristics of footings subjected to vertical load and resting on stiff clay overlying sand. The investigation covers three cases: stiff clay overlying very loose, loose and medium dense sand. The experimental set-up consisted of a circular tank (600 mm diameter), loading frame and five circular steel plates. Five tests were conducted for each relative density set-up giving different H/D ratios, one experiment was performed for the case plate on pure stiff clay. For each test, load versus settlement curve was plotted and the ultimate bearing capacity was determined using known methods and also theoretically. Considering the bearing capacity of the plate on pure stiff clay as reference, the very loose sand caused the greatest reduction in bearing capacity, i.e. 60% for H/D equals 2 and 84% for H/D equals 0.6; whereas for the medium dense sand the reduction was only 8% for H/D equals 2 and 42% for H/D equals 0.6. Relative density has pronounced effect on the bearing capacity of layered system. Very loose sand tends to adversely affect the bearing capacity of stiff clay overlying sand especially for small H/D ratios. Accordingly, great care should be exercised when estimating the bearing capacity of clay overlying very loose to medium dense sands.

The differences in pouring Micropiles with concrete and cement grout

ABSTRACT. This paper discusses and compares the capacities of Micropiles in case of casting with concrete and with grout. A Geotechnical investigation was made at the studied area and the corresponding soil parameters were deduced. Then an experimental works were done for number of Micropiles which were constructed and tested with different mixes like normal concrete and then with cement grout. Capacities of Micropiles were found in cases of casting with normal concrete and with cement grout. Through the results which are discussed and compared with each other, it was deduced that the capacity of Micropile that was casting with cement grout is greater than that of casting with concrete.

12:00-13:00 Session 7A: (Structures, Materials and Construction Management)
Structural Properties of three types of Sudanese woods

ABSTRACT. Sudan has a great diversity of tree species and wood resources which are mainly used in furniture and tradition houses. However, the structural properties of these woods are not structurally classified which hinder use them by structural designers. The aim of this paper is to structurally classify some Sudanese timber species. Namely Sahab (Anogeissus leiocarpus), Heglieg (Balanites aegyptiaca), and Humeid (Seclerocarya birrea). Mechanical property for bending strength is tested using 135 test specimens from the three species. The structural characterization was carried in accordance with EN 384 (2004) from 135 tests from all the three species. Based on the test results, Sahab is structurally characterized as D27 hardwood, Heglieg is characterized as D45 hardwood, and Humeid is characterized as C14 softwood as per BS EN 338:2004 strength classes.

حول استخدام الاضافات في تحسين خلطة المنتجات الاسمنتية

ABSTRACT. درجت كثير من مصانع المنتجات الأسمنتية لاستخدام إضافات تحسن من التشغيلية في كثير من الأحيان وتحسين المقاومة في قليل من الأحيان، ولتحقيق ذلك تلجأ لاستخدام إضافات تجارية بعضها معروف ولديه ديباجة بالمكونات والمواصفات وبعضها غير معرّف. معظم هذه المصانع تستخدم فنيين مهرة تقوم بضبط نسبة المضاف للخلطة الأسمنتية من الخبرة فقط بدون أي سند علمي مدروس. يسهم هذا البحث في عمل دراسة لأحد الإضافات المستخدمة غير المعرفة بأي ديباجة ويتم جلبه بطرق خافية على المواصفات. تهدف الدراسة لتصنيف المضاف بمعرفة مكوناته، خصائصه ومميزاته وعيوبه على الخلطة الأسمنتية المستخدمة في مصانع المنتجات الأسمنتية. المضاف الذي إجريت عليه الدراسة يسمى تجارياً بالمضاف المصري وهو عبارة عن بدرة داكنة اللون وتميل للاحمرار وتمت إضافته بالنسب 3%، 2%، 1.5%، 1% و 0.5% من وزن الأسمنت وذلك لمعرفة تأثيرها على المقاومة و التشغيلية بالإضافة لخلطة مرجعية بدون إضافة. تم عمل العينات بالمكعب القياسي (15 سم مكعب) وتم عمل تصميم الخلطة بناءً على الطريقة البريطانية بمقاومة تصميمية 25 MPa لــ 28 يوم. تم فحص المضاف بجهاز (Axios XRF) وتم تصنيفه على أنه طين جيري (MARL) غني بنسبة الحديد. خلصت الراسة إلى أن أنسب نسبة تحسن من التشغيلية بمقدار 11% هي إضافة المضاف بنسبة 1% مع الحفاظ على المقاومة بدون زيادة أو نقصان. ولأي من النسب المستخدمة لا توجد زيادة معتبرة في قيمة المقاومة مع الحصول على قيم سيئة للمقاومة عند زيادة النسبة عن 1.5%.

Sustainable concrete using Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA)

ABSTRACT. Due to the development and urban growth in recent years there are many old concrete structures were demolished or need to be demolished in order to be replaced by new ones. The demolishing process results in huge amount of concrete rubble, spread of rubble in the environment can pose major problems, such as impeding traffic and providing a polluted shelter with an inappropriate view. This study concentrates on the feasibility of using these concrete wastes in production of sustainable concrete. Experimental work will be used in this study. The concrete mix is designed on a target strength of 25 MPa. The mixtures were classified into two sets of tests; the standard mix using the concrete conventional components of cement, sand, coarse aggregates and potable water. The other sets will be for the partial replacement of the course aggregate with recycled concrete aggregate in proportions of replacement 25%, 50%, and 75% respectively. Concrete tests will conduct in its plastic and elastic stages, the results of the tests will consider the workability of concrete for the green concrete and the compressive and tensile strength for hard concrete. A comparison will be carried for the above tests. The interest is looking for the usage of recycled concrete and its applicability.

Mechanical Properties of Straw Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composites

ABSTRACT. Based on the large amounts of mineral waste generation and harmful emitted gases, construction industries considered as one of the responsible disputes in nonrenewable resources depletion and environmental issues. In this paper, the mechanical characteristics of the concrete reinforced by raw wheat straw basalt fiber composite (RWSBFc), and treated rice straw basalt fiber composite (TRSBFc) were studied experimentally. Concrete compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength were considered as main parameters. Accordingly, 24 cylindrical samples (300-mm depth and 150-mm diameter), and 12 beam samples (10×10×40 mm) with different proportions of RWSBFc, were fabricated and tested. The results showed that the RWSBFC has a positive effect on concrete flexural strength by increasing of 12.58%, compared with control samples. Furthermore, it showed good enhancement in concrete flexibility and ductility. In contrast, both RWSBFc and TRSBFc showed slight effect on concrete compressive strength and splitting tensile strength.

12:00-13:00 Session 7B: (Highway and Geotecnical Engineering)
Comparative study on the high-temperature performance of modified asphalt binders and mixtures

ABSTRACT. Asphalt is very sensitive to temperature and changes in climate, substantially reduce the quality of asphalt pavement by causing various distress, such as rutting at high temperature. Therefore, a various modifiers and additives were used in this study to investigate the performance of high-temperature modified asphalt. In order to compare the effects of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer, nanoclay (NC), and polymer-modified nanoclays (PMN) on the high-temperature performance of asphalt mixtures, three types of modified binder samples were prepared with NC, EVA and PMN at concentrations of 1%, 3%, 5% and 7%. The physical and rheological properties of unmodified and modified binders were evaluated by conventional tests (penetration and softening point), viscosity measurements, and dynamic shear rheometry (DSR). Additionally, Marshall stability and flow, moistures damages, and rutting tests were conducted to evaluate the mixture performance. The results showed that, the using PMNs improved the high-temperature performance asphalt binder and mixture, while reducing the cost of the polymer by replacing 40% of the EVA content with NC and consuming less time and temperature during the production. According to that, this study provides a great technical support for improving the high-temperature performance of asphalt pavement using effective materials with low cost and environmental concerns.

Validation of using PLAXIS 3D in piled raft foundation

ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to check the validation of using PLAXIS 3D program by comparing numerical results with experimental values, and to check the validation of manually calculates to load shearing comparing manual values with the numerical results. The interaction factor charts must be used for the same soil properties only or modelled any soil individually to a good understanding of system behavior for the project under investigation. The result obtained by numerical program is in a good agreement with the experimental results

A strut-free retaining wall system for deep excavation in soft clay: numerical study

ABSTRACT. An excavation is used to construct a basement for construction and building. Under different soil conditions, an earth retaining wall must be installed along the excavation to prevent the collapse of the soil due to the excavation and soil condition. The paper presents a strut-free earth retaining wall system for excavation in soft clay, referred to as the rigid and fixed diaphragm (RFD) wall retaining system. diaphragm walls, rib-walls, cross walls, and buttress walls are main components of rigid and fixed diaphragm. Furthermore, the performance and mechanisms of the RFD system were investigated carefully through finite element analyses using PLAXIS 3D. The safety factor of the RFD system using an elastoplastic and elastic plate element is conducted and compared to each other. Also, the effect of excavation geometry has a significant effect on dimension of RFD system components.

Highway alignment optimization model for autonomous and driver vehicles using the integration of geographical information system and genetic algorithms: a comprehensive review

ABSTRACT. ABSTRACT Construction highway for both driver vehicles and autonomous vehicles will not be smooth because the autonomous cars were driven by using equipment without human interaction. This study reviews existing highway optimization models and compares them to spot similarities and differences. The current study also exhibited evaluation for each optimization model, in terms of advantages and disadvantages, concealed restrictions, and optimality. The optimization model as a future work by the integration of geographical information system and genetic algorithms suggested being appropriate for independent cars and driver vehicles. The primary objective of the future paradigm is to provide an ideal geometric design for both independent and drive cars with cost minimization. The modernity of the proposed model as a forthcoming work resides in the fact that although autonomous cars are at the essence of technological research nowadays and abundant endeavors concentrated on the movement mechanism of autonomous vehicles. To our knowledge, the proposed work has not been discussed before. Three critical issues must be made in the proposed model, the total cost, the effect on the climate, and other sensible territories should be reduced. The proposed model must have satisfied these three problems at the same time. Total autonomous vehicle operating cost formulated in equation (15). The optimization problem equation proposed by Jha 2004 has been modified as in equation (17). This work prepared to furnish as a critical reference for investigators who are forthright their researches for alignment optimization for autonomous and drive cars.

13:00-13:30Pray & Coffee Break
13:30-14:45 Session 8A: (Water and Environmetal Engineering)
تنمية الموارد المائية كوسيلة لتحقيق الأمن والسلام للمجتمعات المحلية (Water resources development as a tool to achieve water security and peace for local communities)

ABSTRACT. The available water resources in Sudan, generally, are constrained by wide seasonal and annual variations, poor management, limited capacities of water storages facilities and infrastructures. Water related conflicts in Sudan are expected to increase in frequency and intensity unless practical and sustainable corrective measures are implemented taken into consideration future water demand. As a result of local conflict, the Internal Displacement crisis appears, which in turn increases the difficulty of achieving water security, as the influx of displaced people can lead to social tensions and increased vulnerability to conflict, as a result of demographic pressures (ethnic and tribal differences). Investments in water resources development can help break this vicious cycle of water insecurity and instability, and contribute to stability and resilience of local communities. There cannot be lasting peace in the absence of sustainable solutions to the water resources problems. Furthermore, encouraging local expertise in conflict resolution and problem solving, will contribute significantly to achieve peace and sustainable development.

Annual Rainfall Frequency Analysis: Case Study of Darfur Region

ABSTRACT. In regions where the density of rain gauging stations is very low and where it is not easy to establish and maintain reliable rainfall gauging stations, the transfer of information from stations with sufficient records may constitute an essential and important part of any water resources planning and development projects. The aim of the study is to investigates and examines the hydrological characteristics for the data series of the sites on concern, carry out at-site and regional rainfall analysis, investigates and derives hydrological homogenous region(s), identifies the region(s) distribution and drives and establishes a regional dimensionless growth curve(s). This study examines and analyses the annual observed rainfall data at 22 site stations on major Darfur region (North, South, West, East, and Middle States). The data used for the analysis are ranged for the periods from 1920-2019. Results indicate the formulation of four hydrological regions; the first and the second regions each of seven rain gauge sites, the third region with five rain gauge sites, and the fourth with three rain gauge sites. The performance of the study summarized and assessed in terms of the variability of the at-site values about the regional curve and their RMSE and BIAS values.

Review of the Nile Basin Water

ABSTRACT. Demand for water is growing rapidly in response to: increasing population, rising in living standards, and seasonal climate changes. Water administration and water resources engineers are in duty to examine the supply, demand, and allocate wisely the available resources sustainably in a well planed program; short, media, and long demand terms. This paper highlights and summarizes the situation in the Nile basin and basin riparian states regarding its; historical treaties and agreements, water potential, riparian share on this potential, population, and demand. The aim and the core concern of the study is to quantify the possible sources of supply to be conserved, evaluate the demands, puts scenarios for the possible wise utilizations of the water resources, and conclude with recommendations for possible collaborative use of the basin water resources in a win-win and sustain agreements.

Towards Enhanced Water Supply in Coastal Cities of the Red Sea State
PRESENTER: Ishraga Osman

ABSTRACT. Coastal cities of the Red Sea State face difficulties in bridging the gap of water supply and demand for drinking and domestic water. Neither perennial rivers nor groundwater resources are readily available, causing acute problem. Thus, this work aimed at assessing the hydrological characteristics and the potential annual runoff of 11 Wadis discharging towards the Red Sea. Rainfall analysis was done for annual rainfall (1991 to 2020) for the gauging stations of Port Sudan, Gebeit and Sinkat. The rainfall-runoff Natural Resources Conservation Services method in HEC-HMS model was used to compute the potential annual runoff for 2, 5, 10, and 20 years’ return periods. Consequently, Log-Pearson Type III statistical distribution is found being the best fitting distribution. The two years return period of annual rainfall was found to be 47.9 mm, 46.5 mm and 56 mm resulting in potential runoff of 18.5 Mm3, 57 Mm3 and 26.5 Mm3 for the Wadis of Port Sudan, Gebeit and Sinkat Stations, respectively. With a total catchment area of 4824 km2 the total annual runoff is 102 Mm3. However, the net annual runoff volume is 47 Mm3 after subtracting the 55 Mm3 stored water in existing and proposed dams. Conferring to previous studies, the deficit of the water supply in Port Sudan City is 26.3 Mm3. This deficit can be bridged by considering even 50% of the net available runoff. Accordingly, surface and/or subsurface dams are recommended to secure the runoff brought about by the Wadis depending on the physical characteristics of each Wadi.

Assessment and Evaluation of the Water Quality of Water Harvesting Facilities in Rural Sudan Areas
PRESENTER: Muna Musnad

ABSTRACT. Universal access to safe drinking water by 2030 is the sixth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With 67.1% rural population and 55% depends on non-Nilotic water resource, provision of safe drinking water is a challenge. A recent assessment of Hafir system in five States in Sudan showed that 82% of the Hafirs water quality is not tested at all with evidence of contamination presented in water color, turbidity, unpleasant odor, saline and excessive algae. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing and evaluating the water quality of Hafirs and small earth dams in seven States according to the major practiced activities such as mining, agriculture and grazing. Samples were taken during the dry and wet seasons from selected sites for bacteriological, physiochemical, heavy metals, carbon-oxygen demand and algae tests. The preliminary results of some of the States show that some sites are bacteriologically unfit for human consumption where others showed over concentration of some heavy metals. It is expected that the full analysis to be finalized within a month for more accurate and precise results. However, it is recommended to exert more efforts at all governmental levels to meet the sixth goal through excessive monitoring of the water quality.

Development of a Community-based Management System for Sustainable Water Harvesting Facilities in the Rural Areas of Sudan

ABSTRACT. Water resources in Sudan particularly those outside the Nilotic system, are confined to rainwater and/or groundwater, which are accessible through wells, Hafirs, and dam reservoirs. A large number of Hafirs and dams were constructed all over the country between 2010 – 2015 followed by an evaluation in 2016. 64% and 69% of the Hafirs and dams, respectively, were not functioning properly due to problems pertinent to the O & M management. Therefore, this study aimed at establishing a sustainable framework for the operation and maintenance of rural water supply systems through scientific analyses, bench mark and review of existing rural water supply services in Sudan from policy, institutional and pricing setups perspectives. The resultant gaps and cross-cutting issues related to community participation, the documented CBM good practice and SWOT analysis of the rural water supply modalities practiced locally were used for the development of best O & M scenarios. Consequently, the developed CBM effective framework is made of two major blocks: enabling environment and backstopping. Enabling environment has to do with first, the legal recognition of community organizations where the role and responsibilities are well identified; second, tariff setting is based on cost recovery philosophy for effective O&M of the facilities; and third, regulation of the service delivered and service provider performance through appropriate mechanism. An organizational structure is recommended where communities are represented in a revitalized National Water Resources Council and to be established State Water Resources Councils. CBM is the rural water governance for sustainable water provision.

13:30-15:30 Session 8B: ورشة صناعة التشيدفي ولايات دارفور

صناعة التشييد السودانية بين التعليم الاكاديمي والتطبيق الفجوة ومقترحات الحلول

مقدم الورقة :د.مدثر سليمان محمد عليالمعقبون :

المعقب الاول :د. اسامة داؤود

المعقب الثاني : د.ابراهيم احمد ادم

14:45-15:30 Session 9: Round Table Discussion

مشاريع حصاد المياه (التنمية والاستدامة)

مدير الجلسة

م.م حاتم علي البدري

15:30-16:30Pray & Lunch Break