Title:Highway Alignment Optimization Model for Autonomous and Driver Vehicles Using the Integration of Geographical Information System and Genetic Algorithms: a Comprehensive Review
Tags:Autonomous vehicle, Driver vehicle, Genetic algorithm, Geographical information system, Highway alignment optimization model and Keywords:
ABSTRACT Construction highway for both driver vehicles and autonomous vehicles will not be smooth because the autonomous cars were driven by using equipment without human interaction. This study reviews existing highway optimization models and compares them to spot similarities and differences. The current study also exhibited evaluation for each optimization model, in terms of advantages and disadvantages, concealed restrictions, and optimality. The optimization model as a future work by the integration of geographical information system and genetic algorithms suggested being appropriate for independent cars and driver vehicles. The primary objective of the future paradigm is to provide an ideal geometric design for both independent and drive cars with cost minimization. The modernity of the proposed model as a forthcoming work resides in the fact that although autonomous cars are at the essence of technological research nowadays and abundant endeavors concentrated on the movement mechanism of autonomous vehicles. To our knowledge, the proposed work has not been discussed before. Three critical issues must be made in the proposed model, the total cost, the effect on the climate, and other sensible territories should be reduced. The proposed model must have satisfied these three problems at the same time. Total autonomous vehicle operating cost formulated in equation (15). The optimization problem equation proposed by Jha 2004 has been modified as in equation (17). This work prepared to furnish as a critical reference for investigators who are forthright their researches for alignment optimization for autonomous and drive cars.
Highway Alignment Optimization Model for Autonomous and Driver Vehicles Using the Integration of Geographical Information System and Genetic Algorithms: a Comprehensive Review
Highway Alignment Optimization Model for Autonomous and Driver Vehicles Using the Integration of Geographical Information System and Genetic Algorithms: a Comprehensive Review