This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
accelerator | |
Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) | |
Adaptive Control | |
Adaptive Heuristic | |
ADMM | |
advanced driver assistance systems | |
Aerospace | |
Agent-Based Models | |
Air-Ground Cooperation | |
Airborne Wind Energy | |
algorithm design | |
Ar-Length Parameterization | |
Artificial emotions | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Assistive Robotics | |
Asymptotic tracking | |
Augmented Reality | |
Automated Driving | |
Automotive | |
Autonomous Coaching | |
Autonomous Driving | |
Autonomous Navigation | |
Autonomous robots | |
Autonomous Vehicles | |
B | |
Barrier functions | |
Bayesian Networks | |
BCI | |
Bike identification | |
Biological processes | |
Bishop Parametrization | |
black-box model | |
Blockchain | |
BLOS | |
Branch and Bound method | |
C | |
Cable-suspended payload | |
Cellular Automata | |
Central axis | |
Chaotic oscillators | |
characterization | |
Chattering effect | |
Climate awareness | |
Clothoid | |
Clustering | |
co-design | |
collaborative robot | |
colorectal cancer | |
Combinatorial Optimization | |
comfort-control | |
Communication-aware control | |
Computed Tomography | |
Computer Vision | |
Concept-Drift | |
Constrained optimization | |
Constraints handling | |
Contraction Theory | |
Control | |
Control education | |
Control Engineering OERs | |
Control theory | |
Convex Optimization | |
Convolutional Neural Networks | |
cooperative formulation | |
counterfactuals | |
Covariance Estimation | |
Cruise control | |
Cryptography | |
Cyber-Physical Anomaly Detection | |
Cyber-Physical Systems | |
cyber-social-physical systems | |
D | |
Data-driven control | |
Data-Driven Controller Tuning | |
Data-driven moment matching | |
data-driven predictive model | |
Decentralized Decision-Making | |
decision-making | |
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient | |
Deep Learning | |
Deep neural networks | |
Deep Reinforcement Learning | |
deformable materials | |
dielectric elastomer actuators | |
Digital Twins | |
Digotal Twin | |
Direct Methods | |
Discrete-time systems | |
Distributed algorithms | |
Distributed Control | |
Distributed Memory Systems | |
Distributed State Estimation | |
District heating systems | |
Disturbance compensation | |
dosimetry | |
Driving at the Limits of Handling | |
DRL | |
Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem | |
Dubins vehicle | |
Dynamic Movement Primitives | |
Dynamic programming | |
dynamical nonlinear systems | |
dynamics on networks | |
E | |
Economic Dispatch Problems | |
Edge | |
Educational activity | |
electric racing cars | |
Electric vehicles | |
electrochemical corrosion | |
electromagnetic actuators | |
Energy harvesting | |
energy management | |
energy management systems | |
Energy systems | |
Energy-awareness | |
energy-based control | |
Equilibrium analysis | |
equilibrium seeking | |
Error-Related Negativity | |
Estimation | |
Extended Kalman Filter | |
F | |
Face-to-face interaction dynamics | |
Fault detection | |
Fault diagnosis | |
Feedback Linearisation | |
Fibonacci sequence | |
Fixed point | |
Fixed-base Manipulator | |
Formation Control | |
Fractional control applications | |
Frequency analysis | |
fuel cell | |
G | |
Game theory | |
Generalized linear models | |
Generative Artificial Intelligence | |
Geo-referenced networks | |
Geometric Program | |
global optimization | |
Golden ratio | |
Gossip algorithms | |
Governing equations | |
Graph planning | |
Grasp control | |
green chemistry | |
grey-box model | |
Guidance Navigation and Control - GNC | |
H | |
Halo orbits | |
Hand pose extraction | |
Haptics | |
Hardware In the Loop (HIL) | |
Harmonic Analysis | |
Harsh Environments | |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma | |
Hidden convexity | |
High-order cumulants | |
Highly non-linear dynamics | |
Highway traffic | |
Human Augmentation | |
Human Factors and Human-in-the-Loop | |
Human in the loop | |
Human Robot Collaboration (HRC) | |
Human-Centered Robotics | |
Human-Robot Collaboration | |
Human-Robot Interaction | |
humans-in-the-loop | |
Human–robot collaborative transportation | |
HVAC management system | |
hybrid battery packs | |
hybrid system | |
Hydraulic actuators | |
Hypercomplex | |
Hyperneurons | |
I | |
Identification | |
Indirect Methods | |
Industrial Automation | |
Industrial Control Systems | |
Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems | |
Instrumental variables | |
Intelligence | |
Internal Model | |
IoT | |
K | |
Kalman filter | |
Kernel-based modeling | |
L | |
Large-scale systems | |
Lasso | |
Latent Space Planning | |
Learning Methods | |
Linear | |
LMI | |
Logistics- Warehousing Drone-as-a-service | |
Long short-term memory | |
LQR | |
LQT | |
Lyapunov | |
Lyapunov Stability | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Machine Learning Robustness | |
Manufacturing | |
Markovian models | |
Mathematical modeling in oncology | |
Mesoscopic controller | |
Micro macro traffic control systems | |
Microgrid control | |
Microgrids | |
MIMO systems | |
mixed-integer problem | |
mobile robotics | |
Model based control | |
model interpretability | |
Model Predictive Control | |
Model reduction | |
Model Reference Adaptive Control | |
Model-Based Cascade Control | |
Modeling | |
Modular-Multilevel Converters | |
Monotone systems | |
Monte Carlo Optimization | |
Motion Planning | |
motion primitives | |
Motor evoked potentials | |
Motor Imagery | |
MPC | |
Multi Agent Systems | |
Multi-agent | |
Multi-Agent Planning | |
Multi-agent system | |
Multi-agent Systems | |
Multi-objective optimization | |
Multi-robot Systems | |
Multi-Steiner TSP | |
multiphysics | |
Multiple Sclerosis | |
N | |
Nash equilibria | |
Network tomography | |
networked systems | |
Neural Network | |
neural networks | |
Neurons | |
Neuroscience | |
non-convex games | |
non-cooperative game theory | |
non-linear identification | |
Non-linear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) | |
Non-smooth Optimization | |
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems | |
Nonlinear dynamics | |
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control | |
Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller | |
Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimator | |
Nonlinear state estimation | |
Nonlinear systems | |
Numerical Gradient Descent | |
Numerical Optimization | |
Numerical simulation | |
O | |
Observers | |
occupation measures | |
Offshore Airborne Wind Energy | |
Offshore platform | |
Online Strategy | |
Op-amp based Chua circuit | |
opinion dynamics | |
Optimal Control | |
optimization | |
Optimization Algorithms | |
Orbital rendezvous | |
organic electronics | |
Output Regulation | |
P | |
Path Following | |
Path planning | |
Patient digital twin | |
Physics-informed neural network | |
Physics-informed recurrent neural networks | |
PI control | |
PK-PD model | |
Platooning Control | |
polyp detection | |
polyp segmentation | |
Potential fields | |
Power Converters | |
Power Electronics | |
Power-Oriented Graphs (POG) | |
Powertrain control | |
Precision Agriculture | |
Predictive Maintenance | |
pricing mechanism | |
primal dual gradient dynamics | |
Probabilistic wind power forecasts | |
Process Optimization | |
Programming by Demonstration | |
Pseudo-transient continuation | |
PTW QUICKCHECK device Flatness | |
Pulse Width Modulation | |
Q | |
Quadratic programming | |
Quadrotor UAV | |
Qualitative behaviour analysis | |
Quality assurance | |
Quantization | |
Quaternions | |
Quorum Quenching | |
Quorum Sensing | |
R | |
Radiomics | |
Recurrent neural networks | |
Reference Governor | |
Reinforcement learning | |
Relative Localization | |
Resource allocation | |
ride comfort | |
Riemannian Optimization | |
Risk Analysis | |
risk perception | |
Road traffic estimation | |
Robot navigation | |
Robotic grasping | |
Robotic hands | |
Robotics | |
robotics in agriculture | |
Robust Control | |
Robust filter | |
Robust MPC | |
Robust Optimization | |
Rotating Induction Motor (RIM) | |
Route Optimization | |
Route planning | |
S | |
Safety | |
Safety certificates | |
Safety of Reinforcement learning | |
Sampled data control | |
Sampled-data control | |
Saturation | |
Scheduling | |
Second Order Cone Programming | |
secure state estimation | |
Security | |
sensors | |
Set Membership | |
shared control | |
Sigma-point smoother | |
Simulation | |
SINDy | |
Skills Programming | |
Sliding mode control | |
smart building | |
Smart Charging | |
Smart Environments | |
smart grids | |
Social network | |
soft robotics | |
Soft sensors | |
SoSE | |
Spacecraft rendezvous | |
Sparse identification | |
sparse optimization | |
sparse sensor attacks | |
Speed planning | |
Spiking Neurons | |
Stability | |
Stability analysis of fractional order PIλDμ controller | |
Stability and Feasibility Issues | |
state observer | |
Statistical models | |
Steering Differential | |
String stability | |
Sustainability | |
SVM | |
Swarm Robotics | |
Switching valves | |
Symbolic AI | |
Symmetry | |
Synchronization | |
Synthetic biology | |
System identification | |
System measurement | |
System of Systems | |
Systems biology | |
T | |
Task Planning | |
Task scheduling | |
Technology | |
Teleoperation | |
Telerobotics | |
Telerobotics and Teleoperation | |
Thermal comfort | |
thermal control | |
Time-delay systems | |
time-series prediction | |
Time-Varying Dynamic Bayesian Networks | |
Time-varying networks | |
Traffic control | |
traffic management | |
train control | |
Trajectory Encoding | |
Trajectory Filtering | |
trajectory planning | |
trajectory-tracking control | |
Trans-Arterial Chemoembolization | |
Trigonometry | |
Tumour growth and treatment | |
Type 1 Diabetes | |
U | |
UAVs | |
Ultra Wide Band Sensors | |
Uncertainty | |
Unknown input observer | |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) | |
Unscented Kalman filter | |
unsupervised | |
V | |
V-SLAM | |
Variable-horizon MPC | |
Vehicle routing problem | |
Vehicle suspension | |
Vehicle-to-Grid | |
vision-based control | |
Visual Planning | |
Visual servoing | |
Voronoi Tessellation | |
W | |
Web-based collaborative platform | |
White-box model | |
Wiener problem | |
Wind power curves | |
Wind turbines | |
Wood Sawing Optimization |