This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
' | |
'Consumer' | |
'Cosmogony' | |
'Idiosyncrasy' | |
'Latinoamérica' | |
9 | |
99 ending | |
A | |
Abductive Reasoning | |
abstract | |
Academic Community | |
Academy Awards | |
acceptability | |
access-based consumption | |
Acculturation | |
acquisition mode | |
Active hate | |
active learning | |
Actor engagement | |
ad background | |
ad salience | |
Adoption | |
Advanced Driver Assistance System | |
Advertising | |
Advertising effectiveness | |
Advertising functions of catalogs | |
advertising liking | |
Advertising Performance | |
Aesthetics | |
Affective effect | |
affiliation | |
Agency theory | |
Agile Market Research | |
algorithmic decision-making | |
All-inclusive resorts | |
Alliance portfolio | |
Ambiance | |
ambidexterity | |
Ambient Scent | |
Analítica | |
Animal welfare | |
antecedents | |
Anthropomorphic brand characters | |
anthropomorphism | |
anticipated/future vulnerability | |
Anxiety | |
Apparel | |
Appeal | |
Appearance Comparison | |
Apple | |
Archetypal Images | |
Archetypes | |
ARDL | |
Arousal | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artificial Neural Network | |
Attitudes | |
Attitudes toward luxury | |
Attraction Process | |
attractiveness | |
audiobooks | |
Augmented Reality | |
authenticity | |
Automation | |
Automotive industry | |
Automotive Marketing | |
Autonomous cars | |
Autoregressive | |
Avoidance | |
Awareness | |
awe | |
B | |
B2B | |
B2B network | |
B2B relationships | |
B2C Service Context | |
baby food | |
Backfire effect | |
Band affinity | |
Bayesian bootstrapping | |
beauty | |
Beauty penalty | |
Beauty premium | |
Behavioral branding | |
Behavioral Economics | |
Behavioral Intention | |
Behavioral Intention Outcomes | |
Behavioral intentions | |
bias perception | |
Bibliographic Analysis | |
Bibliometric analysis | |
Bibliometrics Analysis | |
bienestar | |
big data | |
Big Five | |
Binge watching | |
Biophilic | |
Bioplastic | |
biosensors | |
Black Box Model | |
blockchain | |
boastfulness | |
Brand | |
brand advertising | |
Brand attachment | |
Brand Authenticity | |
brand avoidance | |
Brand co-creation | |
Brand coappearance | |
Brand communication | |
Brand Community | |
Brand Compatibility | |
Brand Dominance | |
Brand engagement | |
Brand Equity | |
Brand evaluation | |
Brand familiarity | |
brand hate | |
Brand hate trajectories | |
Brand heritage | |
Brand Image | |
Brand literacy | |
Brand Love | |
Brand loyalty | |
brand management | |
brand meaning | |
brand perceptions | |
brand personalisation | |
Brand personality | |
Brand personality appeal | |
Brand polarization | |
Brand pride | |
brand priming | |
Brand Recognition | |
Brand Relationship | |
Brand reputation | |
brand stories | |
Brand Switching | |
Brand transgression | |
brand transgressions | |
Brand tribalism | |
brand trust | |
brand user | |
Brand value | |
Brand vulgarity | |
Branding | |
Branding strategy | |
Brands | |
Brown Girl Movement | |
business involvement | |
business performance | |
Business Relationship | |
Buyer-seller Negotiation | |
C | |
Calidad | |
Capacidades Dinámicas | |
Career Management | |
case study | |
CAT | |
cause-related marketing | |
CBBE | |
Celebrity | |
celebrity endorsement | |
CEO | |
Channel Management | |
Channel marketing | |
charging infrastructure | |
charitable giving | |
Chief Marketing Officer | |
Chief Sales Officer | |
Child Consumption | |
Children | |
children’s purchases | |
Chile | |
China | |
Chinese acquisition | |
choice overload | |
Circular consumption | |
City branding | |
Classroom | |
Classroom Relations | |
Climate Change | |
cluster analysis | |
CMO | |
Co-branding | |
co-creación | |
Co-creación de Valor | |
co-creation | |
Co-creation Design | |
Co-creation Practices | |
Co-creation strategy | |
Co-Creative Value | |
Coastal Destination | |
Cognitive absorption | |
cognitive dissonance | |
Cognitive effect | |
Cognitive Language Style | |
cognitive processes | |
Collaboration | |
Colombia | |
color | |
Colors | |
commercialization | |
commodification | |
communication | |
Communities of Practice | |
Company rating | |
compensation | |
competitive advantage | |
Complaining | |
complaint handling | |
Complementarity linkages | |
Complementary and Alternative Medicine | |
composition | |
Conative effect | |
conceptual clarification | |
Conceptual Fluency | |
conceptual framework | |
configuration theory | |
congruence | |
congruity | |
conjoint analysis | |
Connectedness | |
Connection | |
conservatism | |
Conspicuous Consumption | |
Constelación de Valor | |
Construal level | |
Construal Level Theory | |
construal theory | |
Construal-level | |
Consumer | |
Consumer adoption | |
consumer anger | |
Consumer animosity | |
Consumer Behavior | |
Consumer Behaviore | |
Consumer behaviour | |
consumer brand relationship | |
consumer choice | |
Consumer empowerment | |
Consumer Ethnocentrism | |
Consumer evaluation | |
Consumer Expectation Disconfirmation Theory | |
consumer feeling | |
consumer happiness | |
Consumer Identity | |
Consumer knowledge | |
consumer misbehavior | |
Consumer Perception | |
Consumer power | |
Consumer psychology | |
Consumer responses | |
Consumer social responses | |
Consumer social responsibility | |
Consumer well-being | |
Consumer wisdom | |
Consumer-Based Brand Equity | |
Consumer-based strategy | |
Consumer-brand relationship | |
consumer-brand relationships | |
consumer-facing in-store technology | |
Consumers | |
consumer’s preferences | |
Consuming & Searching | |
Consumption motivations | |
Consumption values | |
contamination | |
Content analysis | |
Content marketing | |
Contingency theory | |
Continuance Intention to use | |
Contributing | |
coping | |
coping strategies | |
Corporate Abilities | |
corporate brands | |
corporate governance | |
Corporate image | |
Corporate reputation | |
Corporate Social Responsability | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
Corporate social responsibility CSR | |
Counterfeit consumption | |
Counterfeit experience | |
Counterfeit products | |
Counterfeits | |
country of origin | |
country-of-origin | |
Creativity | |
Credibility | |
Credit card payment | |
Credit Unions | |
Cross-Buying | |
cross-cultural communication | |
Cross-cultural consumer behavior | |
Cross-cultural marketing strategy | |
Cross-cultural research | |
cross-cultural study | |
cross-effects | |
Crowdfunding Success | |
CSP | |
CSR | |
CSR beliefs | |
Cue congruence | |
Cultura | |
Cultural Context | |
cultural differences | |
Cultural identity | |
Culture | |
Curiosity | |
customer behavior | |
Customer brand engagement | |
Customer brand identification | |
customer citizenship behavior | |
Customer engagement | |
customer experience | |
Customer experience management | |
Customer Involvement | |
Customer Journey | |
customer perceived ethicality | |
Customer Satisfaction | |
Customer Touch Point Management | |
customer unethical behavior | |
customer-driven innovations | |
Customer-Salesperson Interactions | |
D | |
Data Analytics | |
data quality | |
data sharing | |
Data-driven decision-making | |
Datos | |
Decision Making | |
Decision-Making | |
Deep Learning | |
degustation | |
Delinquency | |
Delphi Study | |
Delphi technique | |
Democrat | |
Design Management | |
Design Principle | |
Design uniqueness | |
Design-based research | |
Desire to stay | |
differential pricing | |
Digital influencer | |
Digital Influencers | |
Digital marketing | |
digital media | |
Digital Natives | |
Digital Self | |
Digital Services | |
Direct observation | |
direct selling | |
Direct Selling Channel | |
Disclosure | |
Discounting | |
Discreet consumption | |
Disengagement | |
disgust | |
Disney | |
Disruptive Events | |
Distinction | |
Distributed lag model | |
Diversity | |
Donation | |
double deviation | |
Dual Coding | |
Dual-Process Theory | |
Dubai | |
Dynamic panel data estimation | |
dynamic pricing | |
E | |
E-Commerce | |
e-mobility | |
e-Retailing | |
e-WOM | |
eating habits | |
Eco-innovation | |
ecolabel | |
ecological behavior | |
ecological image | |
Econometrics | |
EDC | |
Edible insects | |
Education | |
Eexperience | |
effacing | |
elaboration | |
Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) | |
embodied cognition theory | |
Emerging Economy | |
Emerging markets | |
emojis | |
emotion | |
Emotion Measurement Technology | |
Emotional appeal | |
Emotional attachment | |
emotional context | |
Emotional Language Style | |
emotions | |
Employee Brand Equity | |
Employee Branding | |
Employee co-creation experience | |
Employee engagement | |
employee incivility | |
empowerment | |
Empowerment to select | |
empty space | |
Endorsement | |
Engagement | |
Engagement initiative | |
Engagement process | |
Enjoyment | |
Enterprise resource planning | |
Entertainment | |
entomophagy | |
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems | |
Entrepreneurial orientation | |
Entrepreneurship | |
environmental | |
environmental issues | |
Environmental Psychology | |
envy | |
Ephemeral Content | |
ephemerality | |
ERBV | |
Eroticism | |
Escapism | |
Estrategia | |
Estudio de Caso | |
Ethics | |
Ethnic Identities | |
Ethnic Identity | |
ethnic restaurants | |
Ethnicity | |
Ethnography | |
Eudaimonia | |
Evaluation | |
Event marketing | |
Event Study | |
eWOM | |
Exchange | |
exit-voice theory | |
Expatpreneurs | |
expected outcomes | |
Experience | |
experiential and material purchases | |
Experiential Consumption | |
Experiential learning | |
experiential store | |
Experimental Study | |
expertise | |
explicit attitudes | |
Explicit Knowledge | |
exploitation | |
exploration | |
Export market orientation | |
Export performance | |
Export venture | |
extended resource based view | |
Extended self | |
eye tracking | |
F | |
Facial Expression | |
facial prominence | |
Facilities | |
Failure Severity | |
Failure Stability | |
fair-trade food | |
fairness | |
familiaridad país | |
familiaridad producto | |
Fan Behavior | |
Fans | |
fantasy sports | |
Fashion | |
Fashion brands | |
Fashion retail | |
Fear | |
feeling of being manipulated | |
Feelings and Emotions | |
Field Data | |
field experiments | |
Financial Analysts | |
Financial Performance | |
financial services | |
Finite mixture models (FMM) | |
firm curation | |
Firm innovation climate | |
firm innovativeness | |
Firm performance | |
Firm Value | |
Flow experience | |
Flow Theory | |
Fluency | |
Followers | |
Food | |
Food Additives | |
Food Language | |
food marketing | |
food perception | |
food waste | |
food waste behavior | |
Forgiveness | |
Fragrance | |
Framing Efect | |
France | |
Franchising | |
front-of-pack | |
Frontline employees | |
Funding Level | |
Future of marketing concepts | |
Future of marketing research | |
future studies | |
futurology | |
fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis | |
G | |
galvanic response | |
Gamification | |
Gender | |
gender effects | |
Generational differences | |
generic product | |
Gestalt psychology | |
Gift giving | |
Gift option | |
gig economy | |
Global brands | |
Global consumer culture | |
Global Enterprises | |
Global marketing metrics | |
Goal Pursuit | |
goal relevance | |
Good of Ethics | |
Graded Response | |
green behavior | |
green consumer | |
Green consumption values | |
green marketing | |
green marketing strategy | |
Greenfield | |
Grounded Theory | |
Group Service Failure | |
Guerrilla Marketing | |
Guilt | |
H | |
Habitual use | |
Happiness | |
haptic | |
Haptic information | |
Haptic perception | |
Health Care Services | |
Health marketing | |
health policy | |
Health Services | |
healthcare | |
Healthcare organizations | |
Healthcare Services | |
Healthful Eating | |
healthy consumption | |
Healthy eating behaviors | |
Healthy food decisions | |
healthy/unhealthy foods | |
hedonic appeal | |
Hedonic attitude | |
hedonic consumption | |
helpfulness | |
heuristic | |
Heuristics | |
higher education | |
Higher Education Institutions | |
Hispanic consumers | |
holistic model | |
Hospitality industry | |
Hotel Management | |
Human brands | |
Human values | |
humanization | |
Humor | |
hunger | |
I | |
iconic authenticity | |
Identity | |
Illegal markets | |
imagen país | |
imagen producto | |
imagery | |
impact | |
imperfection | |
implicit attitudes | |
Implicit Measurement | |
Implicit measures | |
Implicit Research Methods | |
Impression Formation | |
impression management | |
impulse | |
impulse buying | |
impulse purchasing | |
In-store merchandisers | |
In-store visibility | |
Incentives | |
Independence | |
Independent | |
indexical authenticity | |
India | |
indulgence | |
industry collaboration | |
industry impact | |
inferences of manipulative intent | |
Influence | |
Influencer | |
Influencer Marketing | |
Información | |
Informal Retail Outlets | |
Information disclosure | |
Information display | |
Information governance | |
information processing | |
Information processing strategy | |
Information seeking | |
Information System | |
Information Technology | |
Information transparency | |
ingredient design | |
Innovación | |
Innovation | |
Innovation Acceptance | |
Innovations | |
Innovative marketing | |
Institutional Arrangements | |
Institutional Work | |
Institutions | |
insurance | |
integrated marketing communication | |
Integrity | |
Intellectual Stimulation | |
Intelligent Virtual Assistant | |
intención de compra | |
Intention | |
interaction space | |
Interactivity | |
Interdependence | |
Interference | |
Interline Spacing | |
Internal branding | |
Internal Marketing | |
Internal Medicine Dept | |
Internalization of Appearance Ideals | |
International Doctoral Students | |
International Expansion | |
International Junior Faculty | |
international marketing | |
International Marketing Strategy | |
international trade policy | |
Internet Memes | |
Internet-Enabled Market | |
intra-country animosity | |
Intuition | |
Intuitiveness | |
involvement | |
IRT | |
item analysis | |
J | |
Job conditions | |
Junior Faculty | |
Justice | |
K | |
knowledge | |
knowledge of food conservation | |
L | |
Language | |
Latin America | |
Latin-American consumers | |
Leadership | |
liberalism | |
Life Satisfaction | |
LIWC | |
Local brands | |
local consumerism | |
logo themes | |
Loneliness | |
Long term orientations | |
longer is better effect | |
longevity | |
Loyalty | |
loyalty program | |
Loyalty programs | |
Luxury | |
luxury association | |
luxury brand experiences | |
luxury branding | |
luxury brands | |
luxury consumers | |
Luxury firm | |
Luxury goods | |
lúcuma | |
M | |
maca | |
Machine Learning | |
Made in Italy | |
made with effort | |
made with love | |
Magazines | |
Magic Fitting Room | |
Magic Mirror | |
Management Contracts | |
managerial processes | |
Manipulativeness | |
market environment | |
Market intelligence | |
market orientation | |
market participants | |
Market share | |
Market trends | |
market uncertainty | |
market-complexity | |
Market-oriented approach | |
Marketing | |
Marketing adaptation | |
marketing agility | |
Marketing Analytics | |
Marketing Analytics Curriculum | |
Marketing Analytics Research | |
Marketing Communication | |
Marketing communications | |
marketing dashboard | |
Marketing Education | |
marketing function influence | |
marketing instruments | |
Marketing IT integration | |
Marketing knowledge | |
Marketing Message Effectiveness | |
Marketing Pedagogy | |
marketing performance | |
marketing program | |
Marketing relevance | |
Marketing Research | |
marketing strategies | |
Marketing Strategy | |
marketing strategy formulation | |
marketing strategy implementation | |
marketing theory | |
marketing transparency | |
matchup hypothesis | |
Materialism | |
Mature consumers | |
Means-end theory | |
measurement | |
Mechanical Turk | |
mediation | |
Medicaid program | |
Mental Accounting | |
Mental Budgeting | |
menu description | |
menu labeling | |
Message appeal | |
Message complexity | |
Method- Comparison | |
Methodology | |
methodology procedures | |
Metrology | |
Mexico | |
micro organizations | |
Millennials | |
Mindful consumption | |
Mindfulness | |
Mixed methods | |
Mixed-Method | |
Mobile | |
Mobile applications | |
mobility | |
mobility markets | |
models | |
Modest Fashion | |
Moral Attentiveness | |
moral attitudes | |
Motion Picture Marketing | |
Motivation | |
Motivations | |
MTurk | |
Mulisensory cues | |
Multichannel contact | |
multilevel modeling | |
Multiple Case Studies | |
multiple-choice questions | |
Multiproduct | |
Multisided platform | |
Multitasking | |
Music | |
Music sampling | |
Musical Tension | |
N | |
Narcissism | |
Narrative Length | |
narrative transportation | |
narrativity | |
need for touch | |
need for uniqueness | |
Need-for-Touch | |
Negative associations | |
Negative consequences | |
Negative disconfirmation | |
Negative engagement | |
Negative Wom | |
Netnography | |
Networking | |
Neural Network | |
neuromarketing | |
New Product | |
new product adoption | |
new product development | |
new product performance | |
new product sales | |
New Technologies | |
New York | |
Non Profit | |
Non-Financial Performance | |
non-linear | |
Nonprofit | |
Nontarget Market | |
nonverbal communication | |
Norm Approach | |
normal attractiveness | |
Novelty | |
NPD | |
nuclear | |
nudge | |
O | |
obesity | |
Olfaction | |
online brand communities | |
Online community support | |
online consumer curation | |
Online Customer Experience | |
online flash sales | |
online group purchase | |
Online panels | |
Online retailing | |
Online reviews | |
Online sharing | |
Online shopping | |
Online Shopping Experience (OSE) | |
Online Shopping Motivations | |
Online Store Atmospherics | |
online surveys | |
Open Kitchen Restaurant | |
Operational efficiency | |
Optimism | |
Oral narrative | |
Order effect | |
organic food | |
organizational culture | |
Organizational Frontline | |
Organizational Innovativeness | |
Oscars | |
other customer | |
Other-oriented appeal | |
Overconsumption | |
Overused cause | |
owner goals | |
P | |
P2P SCC | |
Panel | |
Panel data | |
Parasocial Interaction | |
parasocial relationships | |
Parody | |
part - whole perception | |
partial least squares | |
Participation | |
Passive hate | |
Patient Participation | |
Patient Satisfaction | |
Patronage intentions | |
Peace-of-Mind | |
Peer Influence | |
Peer-learning | |
Peer-to-Peer Interaction | |
peer-to-peer sharing | |
Perceived Aesthetics | |
perceived brand ethics | |
Perceived Control | |
Perceived Ease of Use | |
Perceived environmental friendliness | |
perceived fairness of the price difference | |
Perceived Motivations | |
perceived quality | |
Perceived value | |
Perception | |
Perceptual Pleasure | |
performance | |
Person-brands | |
personal information | |
Personal interviews | |
personality traits | |
Personalization | |
personalized ads | |
personalized advertising | |
Persuasion knowledge | |
Pharmaceutical channel pricing | |
Pharmaceutical distribution channels | |
Pharmacy Benefit Manager | |
Physical Apperance | |
Place branding | |
Place meanings | |
Planning | |
PLS | |
PLS-SEM Modeling | |
Point of Sale | |
point redemption | |
Polarizing brands | |
Political Elections | |
Political Ethnocentrism | |
Political Marketing | |
Political orientation | |
pop-up store | |
Pop-up stores | |
Positive service interruption | |
practicas | |
Practice theory | |
Preference | |
preference and willingness to pay | |
Presentation Format | |
Price Attractiveness | |
price complexity | |
Price Dispersion | |
Price Flexibility | |
Price framing | |
price increase | |
price perception | |
Price Premium | |
Pricing | |
Priming Effect | |
Privacy | |
privacy calculus | |
Privacy Concerns | |
Private labels | |
pro-environmental behavior | |
Product Benefit | |
product boycotts | |
product color | |
product consumption experience | |
Product Depth | |
Product design | |
product development | |
Product Evaluation | |
Product Fit | |
Product Information | |
Product Intelligence | |
product perception | |
product personalization | |
Product recalls | |
product reflections | |
Product Returns | |
product review | |
Product reviews | |
Product Sounds | |
product survival time | |
Product type | |
Professional trajectory | |
professionalization | |
Prospecting | |
Proximity | |
psychological barriers | |
Psychological Consideration | |
Psychological Distance | |
psychological ownership | |
Psychological Sense of Brand Community | |
Psychological Wellbeing | |
Psychometrics | |
Publishing | |
Purchase | |
Purchase channel | |
Purchase Decision | |
Purchase intention | |
purchase intentions | |
Purchase Motivation | |
Purchasing | |
Q | |
Qualitative Content Analysis | |
qualitative critical incident | |
qualitative research | |
qualitative study | |
Qualitrics | |
Quality perception | |
Quality perception gap | |
Questions | |
R | |
random parameter duration model | |
Rapport | |
Rationality | |
Re-purchase | |
reacquisition | |
Reaction Time Measurement | |
Reagan | |
Recall | |
recession | |
Recreation | |
redemption behavior pattern | |
Reference group | |
Referral program | |
regulatory focus | |
Regulatory Focus Theory | |
Relational Branding | |
Relationship Experience | |
Relationship marketing | |
Relationship norm | |
Relationship norms | |
Relationship Recovery | |
Relationship Violations | |
relevance | |
Religion | |
Religiousness | |
Replication | |
representational | |
Republican | |
Repurchase intention | |
Research | |
research agenda | |
Research Methods Evaluation | |
Research Opportunities | |
Residents | |
Resource Constraint | |
Resource integration | |
respondent engagement | |
respondent motivation | |
responsibility | |
Restaurant motivators and attachment | |
Retail | |
Retail Agglomerations | |
retail ambient color | |
retail format | |
retail innovation | |
Retail store | |
Retailers | |
Retailer’s spillover-effect | |
Retailing | |
Return Behavior | |
Return Orientation | |
Revenge | |
Review-Efficacy | |
ride hailing | |
Rigor | |
Risk taking | |
Risqué marketing | |
Robotics | |
Robotization | |
Role Conflict | |
Role-play | |
S | |
S-O-R framework | |
Sacred | |
Sales | |
sales management | |
Sales Performance | |
Sales-Firm Integration | |
salesforce control systems | |
Salesperson Attributes | |
Salesperson diligence | |
salesperson productivity | |
Sample | |
Sampling | |
satisfaction | |
Scale Development | |
scarcity | |
scent | |
Scent Temperature | |
Scented advertising | |
schema theory | |
science | |
Screening | |
Script theory | |
Second-hand | |
segmentation | |
Self | |
Self-Branding | |
Self-Congruity | |
Self-construal | |
self-determination theory | |
self-fulfilling prophecy | |
self-image | |
Self-oriented appeal | |
Self-referencing | |
self-regulated learning | |
Selling | |
Sensitivity Analysis | |
sensory emojis | |
Sensory Marketing | |
sensory marketing and cross-modal effects | |
Sensory Properties | |
sensory similarity | |
Sentiment analysis | |
Sentiment towards marketing | |
Service | |
service constraints | |
Service Dominant Logic | |
service employees | |
Service encounter | |
Service Failure | |
Service innovations | |
service marketing | |
Service Provider Perspectives | |
Service Quality | |
service recovery | |
service theories | |
Service-dominant logic | |
services | |
Services marketing | |
Servicescape | |
Servicescape satisfaction | |
servicios | |
Sesgo | |
shared mobility | |
shared self | |
Shareholder value | |
Sharing | |
Sharing Economy | |
Shopper satisfaction | |
Shopping | |
Shopping Cart Abandonment | |
Shopping Cart Use | |
Shopping Convenience | |
Shopping enjoyment | |
shopping habits | |
Shopping Malls | |
Signaling theory | |
similarity | |
Skepticism | |
sky | |
Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises | |
Small businesses | |
smart devices | |
smart product | |
Smart Products | |
SMEs | |
SNAP program | |
Soccer Fans | |
Social | |
Social attractiveness | |
social cognition | |
Social Consumption motivation | |
social contagion | |
social context | |
Social Distance | |
social exclusion | |
Social identity | |
Social Media | |
Social media analysis | |
Social media brand identification | |
social media influencer | |
Social Media Influencers | |
social media marketing | |
Social media strategy | |
Social Networks | |
Social Presence | |
Social support | |
socioeconomic status | |
Sound and Visual Logos | |
Sound Branding | |
South Asian Women | |
Spain | |
spatial cues | |
Spatial models | |
Special Session | |
spillover effect | |
Spirituality | |
Spokespersons | |
Sponsorship | |
Sponsorship disclosure | |
sports betting | |
Sports Marketing | |
stakeholders | |
Statements | |
Status | |
stereotypes | |
Stockboys | |
Store brand | |
Store brands | |
Store Evaluation | |
Store image | |
Story | |
Storytelling | |
strategic drivers | |
strategic marketing | |
streaming platforms | |
stress | |
stress levels | |
Structural Equation Modelling | |
student choice making | |
student engagement | |
Student Evaluation | |
Students | |
Subjective knowledge | |
Subtle luxuries | |
sunlight | |
Supermarkets | |
Supplier | |
supply chain marketing | |
Survey Data | |
Survey response | |
suspicion | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainability performance | |
sustainable buying behavior | |
sustainable consumer behavior | |
sustainable consumption | |
sustainable hospitality | |
Sustainable supply chain management | |
Symbolic Consumption | |
systematic literature review | |
systematic text analysis | |
T | |
Tacit Knowledge | |
Tactile | |
Tainted | |
TAM | |
taste | |
technology | |
technology acceptance | |
Technology Acceptance Model | |
Technology Adoption | |
teleology | |
Text mining | |
Texting and driving | |
theoretical framework | |
Theoretical Model | |
time | |
Time preference | |
Time series | |
Tipped services | |
Tips and tipping | |
TMT | |
Topic modeling | |
touch device | |
Touchpoints | |
Tourism | |
Tourism Destinations | |
tourism logos | |
Tourism Marketing | |
Touristic destinations | |
Toys Market | |
Transaction Cost Theory | |
Transformative Service Research | |
Translation | |
TripAdvisor | |
Trump | |
Trust | |
Typicality | |
Typography | |
U | |
UGC | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncertainty Reduction | |
unit bias effect | |
Universities | |
upcycled foods | |
Use | |
user experience | |
User-generated content | |
Uses and Gratifications Theory | |
Utilitarian attitude | |
V | |
Value co-creation | |
Value in Use | |
Value perception | |
value-belief-norm (VBN) theory | |
variety-seeking | |
Vice | |
Video Game | |
Virtual education | |
Virtual Reality | |
Visit Intentions | |
Visitors' Attitude | |
visual arrangements | |
Visual design | |
Visual Framing | |
visual images | |
Voice assistants | |
Volunteering | |
VOSViewer | |
W | |
Waiting Time | |
wearable technology | |
weather | |
Web usability | |
Weight | |
Well-being | |
Wellbeing | |
WIC program | |
Willingness to buy | |
Willingness to Spend | |
Wine | |
WOM | |
women | |
Women in Film | |
Word of mouth | |
Word-of-Mouth | |
workplace spirituality | |
Y | |
year of establishment | |
Yelp | |
youtube |